- The first (implicit) signs of pregnancy
- Clear signs of pregnancy
- On a note
If your house is living a healthy mature cat, then sooner or later it will gather to bestow you with their numerous offspring. What is there to do? Call of the Wild. Keep the cat from the selfless partner and no less selfless act of love can only extraordinary circumstances, such as: being in a locked iron cage, iron chains, with which she is chained to a radiator, or a sudden decision of the owners to sterilize their favorite.
However, one hundred percent result gives only sterilization. Even if your cat is not able to communicate with individuals of the opposite sex, then sooner or later it still uderёt from home (it is possible that permanently), or in your home surreptitiously and insidiously penetrated this very individual, attracted enlistment meow your hermit. So, no matter how karaulte, but still prokaraulite and will wrestle with: pregnant suffering, or still the god of mercy.
In the opposite situation, some koshkovladeltsy also scratching their heads over this issue, looking forward to the birth of the offspring of aristocratic cat blood. That is, the groom picked up like a thoroughbred, and they turned out all right, but was plagued by doubt. And so I want to have to come up with how to spend the money from the sold thoroughbred aristocrats. Well, if you is vital to resolve the doubts about the pregnancy of your cat, then let's see, how do you know she was pregnant or not.
The first (implicit) signs of pregnancy
Outset that in the first three weeks to get a definite answer to the question of pregnancy, the cat you do not get. Even in your veterinary clinic does not help: ultrasound will show nothing, the doctor did not feel out. However, if your pussy walks by itself, then I am sure that during the next estrus ended safely (for her), or rather fruitful. There really is no wonder: there are some signs or not, and after nine weeks your house will announce peep newborn kittens.
And often it happens so that the owners simply do not believe that the act of love in general took place. This is especially for those moments when the kitty for this purpose specially transported to the seals. However, experienced breeders (people engaged in professional breeding of pedigreed cats) noticed the following features.
- If immediately after the visit to her husband returned home the cat renews their love songs (please back to the cat), it is likely to place the wedding night, and we can hope for kittens.
- If the recruiting cries cat resumed one week after returning from the groom, there is nothing they have not succeeded, and the cat, realizing that did not become pregnant, require a return visit.
- If a cat in heat quickly stopped after talking with a partner, then with high probability we can expect offspring.
- If the cat is a love rendezvous in general ceased to submit any signs of its desire to become a mom, it is likely that the goal is reached.
But all this, of course, only the total experience koshkovladeltsev and conclusions from observations. In fact, such behavior cat can about anything and not to talk but to its bad character. And, nevertheless, sometimes (and often!), These marks are correct.
And another phenomenal observation. If you (the landlady) with every fiber of your soul resist the replenishment of the family cat, then rest assured - after the first mating your kitty gets pregnant. If you, on the contrary, sleep and see your cat pregnant, the dream for a long time and will remain dreams. Especially if they are doing everything that we defiance?
Clear signs of pregnancy
Define clear pregnant cats can only be three weeks after conception. The first, most obvious and the most paradigmatic attribute - change the color and size of the nipple. The nipples of a cat slightly swell and turn pink. This happens at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, when the embryo has reached the size of one to two centimeters.
In the same period, an experienced vet will be able to probe and determine not only the presence of kittens, but even their number. Belly of a cat by the third week of pregnancy also increases slightly, but it is almost impossible to notice. Already noticeable (for cats), hormonal changes, so kitty can suffer morning sickness.
Abrupt change of behavior also demonstrates an interesting position of your pet. But to know for sure about the pregnancy ultrasound will help the cat spent on this term.
Only in the second half of pregnancy signs of an interesting situation your cat becomes visible to the naked eye. On the fourth week, the kittens begin to actively develop and grow so much and is growing rapidly, and the stomach of a pregnant cat. Already you can find hand stirring kittens, and if a lot of them, then see it. True, cats, hatching only one or two young, strong stomach is not increased.
Pregnancy affects the behavior of the animal. Many cats become calmer, more indifferent to events. They are many and long (longer than normal) sleep constantly and persistently demand attention and affection. In general, pregnant cat becomes tender is not only to humans but also to other animals living with them in the same house. By the end of pregnancy, the nipples of a cat begin to droop, the belly becomes much more cat and she is trying to find a place for the upcoming birth.
In fairness it should be noted that some cats during pregnancy do not change the constitution. And some long-haired breeds is difficult to see not only change the color and size of the nipple, the nipple but they find problematic. So sometimes distinguish pregnant from CIMS is not pregnant can be difficult. Here, only ultrasound helps to dot the «i».
On a note
- Human pregnancy tests on animals does not work! So do not try to determine your cat's pregnancy with the help of such a test.
- Reliably and completely learn about the pregnancy or its absence is possible only with the help of ultrasound.
- False pregnancy in cats is very rare, and in veterinary medicine is classified as a neuro-psychiatric illness.
You love your pet, even if they do not justify your hopes. Remember that we are responsible for those who tamed.