cystitis in dogs


  • What is cystitis?
  • Causes of cystitis
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Treatment of cystitis

When an animal is sick, then the owner not sweet! First of all, sorry for the poor guy crazy, and secondly, the time (which is already in short supply) is additionally required, and also special knowledge would not be superfluous. Therefore, we seek to protect their pets from possible diseases, making it the vaccinations, following diet and time visiting a veterinarian. However, not all possible ailments can be prevented by timely vaccination. Cystitis in dogs - one of the diseases for which there is no vaccination, and therefore there are no guarantees. What is this disease, where it is taken as the proceeds and how it is treated? Let's understand all this.

What is cystitis?

Cystitis - inflammation of the lining of the bladder. I found it absolutely all warm-blooded animals, including humans. In dogs the disease occurs in an acute or in a chronic form, and their manifestations can be infectious, toxic or allergenic. However, early treatment of any form of cystitis usually is effective.

Dogs suffer from cystitis less frequently than cats, but transferred it harder. Dogs, girls suffer from this disease more often than boys (boys - generally very rare). And the age of the animal almost does not matter. Ill cystitis may puppy, and it is an adult animal, and an elderly dog. The factors that make a dog vulnerable to this disease may be: pregnancy and childbirth, constipation, radiation therapy, diseases of the genital organs. Naturally, dogs with weakened immune systems are also more susceptible to the disease.

 cystitis in dogs treatment

Causes of cystitis

The cause of cystitis may be hypothermia animal (swimming in cold course, drafts, walking in windy or cold). But most of the canine cystitis is infectious nature. Cause this disease streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, which fall into the bladder with blood and lymph or recorded to a dirty catheter. Cystitis can also be associated with genital infections (yes, animals also suffer from love!), With stones or parasites in the bladder (the result of poor nutrition or helminthic invasion).

Dog-girl suffering from an inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis), uterus (metritis) or cysts can also get sick and cystitis (in passing), as well as boys to inflammation or other diseases of the prostate. Poor maintenance of the dog (non-observance of basic hygiene, blown and get wet cages) can also trigger the appearance of cystitis, especially in puppies and dogs squat and korotkolapyh. As for puppies, the reason cystitis they may be anomalies of the urethra, which is necessary to treat surgically.

Symptoms of the disease

Firstly, it is worth noting that in dogs can occur cystitis and asymptomatic. That is the obvious signs of the disease are not observed, but there are implicit signs. The animal may become too sluggish or, on the contrary, unusually aggressive. In this case, cystitis is diagnosed only in laboratory conditions.

However, most of the symptoms of cystitis pronounced. The first and most obvious sign of the disease - frequent urination, pain and lack of control over the process. Therefore, if your well-mannered dog pee suddenly at home, this may be one of the symptoms of the disease. At the same time the owner should pay attention to how often a dog begging (or walk) to the toilet in a little, how much (volume) while she was writing. Sick animals will urinate small amounts, but often.

Other obvious symptoms of cystitis - clouding of urine, the appearance in it of mucus or blood, pus on the genitals. Finger pressure on the abdomen of the dog going for it is painful: an animal thus may begin to worry poskulivat or even snap. Symptoms that may be a sign not only of cystitis, and other diseases: loss of appetite, increased thirst, vomiting, fever.

Once you have noticed these symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. That doctor will be able to put the dog to the correct diagnosis, to determine the severity of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

 cystitis in dogs symptoms

Treatment of cystitis

The main course of treatment the dog will appoint a veterinarian only after the results of laboratory tests. Most likely, you will write a prescription for antibiotics, may appoint washing procedure of the bladder, as well as the administration of drugs, relieves spasms and pain. Your participation in the treatment of dogs is necessary, but please do not be too overconfident and do not buy antibiotics alone. Only a veterinarian can determine which drug would be most effective, and how to treat your dog has cystitis.

And what needs to be done to you so that the treatment was effective, but recovery is the favorite (or favorite) fast? To begin, create a dog all conditions for comfortable "Bulletin". Try as little as possible to disturb the animal, be affectionate with him (but unobtrusively). If you must be away from home for a long time, the bed in the hallway cloth on which the animal could have emptied your absence. Collect all the carpets from the floor, as the dog may not use the suggested she "toilet". And do not scold her for these misdemeanors: cystitis sick dog is unable to control her bladder.

You also need to make sure that the dog was always clean and fresh water to drink. By the way, you can offer her, and a decoction of the leaves of bearberry (helps with cystitis). Put your dog on a special diet: vegetables, dairy products. And be sure to follow all instructions of a veterinarian.

Timely and proper treatment ensures a favorable prognosis: cystitis in dogs can be cured. The main thing - not to delay the visit to the doctor at the first suspicion of the disease. By the way, in order to prevent the dog can be given cranberry juice, which prevents the formation of stones in the bladder and has antibacterial properties. Be healthy!

 Cystitis in dogs, or how to go through this trouble

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 cystitis in cats


  • What is cystitis?
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • We determine the severity of the disease
  • Treatment of cystitis

When your pussy well, then you have a good mood: the soul does not hurt, and the heart of pity for martyr is not broken. But, alas, our domestic cats and kitties, too sick. Moreover, diseases that may overtake our pets, perhaps, no less than human diseases. There are among them, and only feline ailments and diseases similar to human diseases. One of these diseases - cystitis. And, of all pets is cats often suffer from cystitis and cats, oddly enough, the risk more than a female.

However, although the disease is unpleasant, but not fatal. If the animal treated in time and properly, then it will soon become great, and your conscience is clear and calm the soul. About the same, what is this disease, where it is taken as shown cystitis in dogs and cats, and how to treat it, and let us know.

What is cystitis?

Cystitis veterinary classified as infectious or inflammatory disease of the urinary tract. Directly cystitis - an inflammation of the bladder mucosa, but if it is accompanied by urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), already is comprehensive and is called urocystitis.

Cystitis can occur in chronic or acute and chronic (with constant relapses) cystitis usually in older animals. For each form of cystitis are characterized by both general and specific symptoms. Acute cystitis is manifested primarily in the breach, and painful urination, and chronic - bleeding in the bladder.

For cats cystitis dangerous complications in the form of obstruction (blockage) of the urethra mucous plugs that completely block the flow of urine. In this situation, increased pressure in the bladder and renal pelvis, which leads to a blockade of the kidneys. This complication is very dangerous and can result in the death of a cat in a short period of time (from two days before).

 cystitis in cats treatment


Cystitis rarely occurs in cats "in itself." Most often, it becomes a cause of common cold from drafts or permanent cat lying on the cold tile. Sometimes cystitis can be a complication of another disease. It may also cause pyelonephritis and bladder stones, and parasites that live in the urinary organs.

For neutered cats risk is much higher, as they have different than the full male urogenital system functions. And increases the risk of wrong feeding animal when the diet contains mostly dry feed and a small amount of water. Studies have proven that the finished feed me the acid-alkaline urine, which promotes the formation of special salts, disrupts the function of the bladder and provokes cystitis.

And one of the causes of cystitis in cats - a urinary tract infection that can even become a consequence of mating. In any case, the disease does not pass itself and it must necessarily be treated.


Symptoms of the disease can not be overlooked. The first symptom of cystitis - frequent urination. Sick animals often goes into the tray, and then trying to pee in a completely inappropriate places (furniture, carpets, etc.). This behavior is not a whim, but an attempt to get rid of the pain that accompanies the animal when trying to go to the usual tray. If you are familiar disease (rarely what the woman was not ill cystitis), you must understand how painful this condition.

When the disease cystitis every campaign cat toilet - just torture. The process itself is very painful, urine is released a little while, but then she did not. The urine becomes dark and cloudy impurities from blood, mucus and pus. And one of the clearest signs of the disease - a specific, strong and pungent smell of urine that occurs even in neutered cats and neutered cats.

In addition feline cystitis depresses the overall condition of the animal: cat becomes lethargic and apathetic, refuses food, thirsty. Cystitis often accompanied by high fever, vomiting, and pain. Sometimes the animal becomes too hectic, rushing around the room in search of a secluded place, ignores the tray touches the hind legs, and often change their position - it is also the symptoms of cystitis.

We determine the severity of the disease

If you have the slightest suspicion that the animal is ill cystitis if there were at least some symptoms, be sure to try to determine the severity of the disease. This is especially true zaneduzhivshih cats, which are generally characterized by diseases of the genitourinary system. First of all pay attention to the violation of urination because the diagnosis will depend on the further it is from this symptom.

If no violations, and everything happens as usual, look at the volume of urine: if a cat or a cat pissing more than usual, it could be a sign of diabetes, renal dysfunction or other diseases.

Next you need to answer a number of questions, carefully observe the animals and identifying symptoms:

  • How often the cat goes to the toilet "in a little"?
  • Does it themselves while as before or the duration and intensity of straining?
  • It does not appear the peculiar smell of urine, which was previously absent?
  • I do not changed the color of urine, whether there were in her blood or mucus?
  • Is not there an animal vomit?
  • No signs of dehydration? To determine the degree of dehydration, grab the finger skin on the back of the cat, lift and release. If fold slowly straightened, then the animal is dehydrated.
  • Do not become length your pet lethargic and apathetic?
  • Have there been previous similar symptoms, or it is the first time?

So, in the case of positive answers to all these questions you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Do not delay a visit because the disease is treated by running longer and harder, because your animal is suffering, and because all this could end very sad (especially cats).

If such symptoms are not observed or observed only one of them, try to translate the cat on correctional diet. Because some symptoms can be symptoms of cystitis, such as the effects of:

  • a recent vaccination;
  • your cat fight with other bullies;
  • malnutrition.

In the case where a couple of days of the diet does not improve the state of the cat, and your suspicions are not subside, Bring the animal to the vet, who put the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

 cystitis cat

Treatment of cystitis

Of course, the treatment of your pet should take place only under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe certain medications and chart their application. Most often this disease veterinarian appoint diuretics (diuretics). If the disease is severe, there may be washing procedure and bladder antimicrobials (furatsilin, potassium permanganate, and so on.).

In the case where the cystitis was another complication of the disease, treat the cat and going away. For example, in urolithiasis not excluded and surgery. If the cause of the disease has become an infection, or any infectious complications, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medication treatment (urosulfan, furadonin).

When helminthic invasion (cystitis and her later) will have to give the animal anthelmintic drugs. But if the disease is accompanied by pain, it is likely your cat will register and painkillers.

However, treatment of cats, sick cystitis is not limited to medical procedures: an animal in need of some care. And on this score there are universal recommendations. The first animal to ensure peace and warmth: Bed soft cloth and place it next to a heater. Make sure that the cat always have access to fresh water, and the water itself is always present in a bowl.

And be sure to follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian. Your attention, care and responsibility to help the animal to recover as much medication. Remember that cystitis in cats and cats treated, even if the proceeds in the form of severe, and you are always responsible for those who tamed!

 Cystitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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