bolognese dog


  • History of breed
  • Breed Standard
  • Character
  • Care and maintenance

Lap dog - one of the few dog breeds known to almost everyone. More recently, when in our country and a special variety of species was not observed, any small white dog with fluffy hair called lapdog. Today, we suddenly found that lapdogs are different, and one of the most popular - the French lapdog. But what is remarkable, so called lapdog bolognese, which is actually not at all French, and Italian. And this breed is known as the Bologna and just bichon bolognese.

An adorable and playful puppies Bologna not only dogs, but also adults. They are very affectionate, cheerful and obedient. In addition, the Bolognese calm, not irritable, that in general, a rarity for small breeds. A sociable these dogs and a sincere desire not to upset the host makes them a perfect companion. Let's learn more about this breed of dog fashion.

 bolognese dog

History of breed

The origins of this breed of dog is taking in Northern Italy, where the Bolognese dogs were kept as a rat-catchers in ports and on ships. However, the beauty of these dogs played with them a good joke. We evaluated the appearance of small white rat-catchers and great ladies, after which the Bolognese safely moved from dirty port in the boudoir rich Italians.

Apparently lapdogs were not the only inhabitants of the noble houses, because soon the ladies' looks pets changed their wool zakudryavilas. And the reason for this transformation is said dog handlers began poodles. Whatever it was, but its modern appearance Bolognese obliged the Italian poodles and lapdogs. A close relatives Italian lapdogs are another bichon Havana and French.

Bolognese dogs the way they were called in the German as a reminder of the fact that this breed was brought from Bologna. Incidentally, in Russia Bolognese it appeared in the eighteenth century and the first owner of these dogs have become ladies of the court of Catherine the Great. Yes, and in the private apartments of the Empress lived these clever and incredibly cute doggie. And before that Russian autocrat (in the sixteenth century) praised the Bolognese King of Spain Philip II. Received them as a gift, the gift of Philip called lapdogs worthy emperor. In general, long Bolognese "registered" in the royal palaces, and were even depicted on the canvases of the court painters. And it looked like the Italian lapdogs before, can be seen in the paintings of Pieter Brueghel, Titian and Goya.

Breed Standard

Dogs of this breed is sometimes confused with the Maltese, which is not surprising, since these species common ancestors. Still, it is a completely different dog, distinguishing exterior and breed standard.

At bolognese round head with a flat skull and a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, the front of which is almost square. At the nose straight back and a big black lobe. The eyes of these dogs too big and round, a very interesting dark ocher, with a black stroke. Set high and long ears hanging on the cartilage.

The case had bolognese square with a broad chest and a dry (without suspension) neck. The back is straight, and cereals (lower back) is very wide and shallow. Relatively short legs set parallel pastern oval pads and nails black. The tail is bent and ringlet curled over the back.

Bolognese dog covered with long (on the muzzle slightly shorter) with a slight curl of hair. At the touch of wool is soft and fluffy, but without undercoat. Coat color is only white, without any mark or stain.

In general, a small, stocky and compact dog, withers height at which no more than thirty centimeters at twenty-eight boys and girls. A bolognese weight should not exceed four kilograms.

 bolognese breed


This is a very peaceful dog: bolognese perfectly coexists with any other pets. He is very agile and playful, but fortunately the owners, only shows activity on the street where loves to run and frolic. But at home, these dogs are surprisingly quiet and behave quietly. This feature makes them desirable pets in families with young children, to which Bolognese are friendly. By the way, all these dogs are friendly and sociable, acquaint them with the truth and teach people to the street and loud sounds need from puppyhood. Having grown up in isolation puppies growing up, become timid and fearful dogs.

Also need to educate them from an early age. In no case can not be pampered and humanize these dogs (although this looks a bolognese). Pampered Puppies do not want and can not remain in isolation from yapping and whining piteously. Besides indulging the whims lead to the fact that you have to grow a little naughty and a tyrant.

However, things are not so scary. Puppies bolognese (as well as adults, and dogs) are easily trainable, they are intelligent and proper education of the owners do not deliver absolutely no problem. Like any small bolognese dog can be trained to relieve themselves in the tray that does not absolve the owners need a daily walk. Walking promote good physical condition of the dog, her good health and, importantly, intellectual development.

Care and maintenance

This breed of dog is definitely a home: it does not need a large "living space" and feels great in an urban setting. Despite the "rich" wool, which is covered with bolognese, care for her neobremenitelen. Bolognese coat does not shed, but for a neat kind of needs combing, or straying into mats. Also, this dog needs periodic bathing (no more frequently than once a month), and grooming.

The Italian food is not a lap dog finicky and do not need a special diet. Special health problems have also not occur, except for possible eye diseases and allergies. Living Bolognese average twelve to fourteen years, and with good content and heredity and eighteen.

In short, bolognese dog - a great option for those wishing to have a tiny dog ​​with a spectacular appearance and good character. And if you're determined to buy this baby, you certainly will not regret the purchase. Small fluffy doggie fill your home with joy and meaning to life.

 Dog bolognese - lap dog of Italian origin

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 how to treat ringworm in cats


  • What is ringworm?
  • How do animals become infected with ringworm
  • Diagnosis of ringworm
  • How and what to treat ringworm in cats

In fact, cats rarely get sick. But they have their "Achilles heel." The best-known disease of cats - ringworm. In this case, saying "heal as cat" is not working. Do not pass this sore in itself, and the animal without your help by no means to recover. Therefore, it is necessary to treat shingles. Otherwise, everything will turn out disastrously as shingles is contagious and is transmitted not only cats but also other domestic animals and even humans. Let us know what kind of disease and how to treat it.

What is ringworm?

Lichen - an infectious disease of the skin and hair. Calls it a different kind of microscopic fungi dermatomitsedov. Called ringworm are two types of fungal diseases: trichophytosis and microsporia. And under the name of their combined because of similarity of external features. But this group also applies another fungal disease - favus. Owners of cats favus known as "scab" (here, by the way, the expression "zaparshivet"). Fortunately, domestic cats the disease is rare.

Ringworm is not immediately after infection: incubation period lasts sometimes up to three months. The first visible signs of the disease - circular spots without hair (receding hairline). At first, these spots are small, but gradually (without prompt treatment), they "grow", is becoming more and taking more and more of the body surface of the cat.

Initially spots appear on the face of the animal, on the ears, tail and legs. When ringworm affected skin is covered with gray scales greasy to the touch. The disease can occur in various forms. The easiest form of the disease - the surface, the more serious and dangerous - profound form of ringworm. It is this form often susceptible kittens, elderly cats and animals with weakened immune systems.

The third form of ringworm - atypical. In this form of the disease in the cat's body appear separate hairless patches. By the way, often in the affected areas continue to grow sparse hairs. Sometimes ringworm is flowing in this form, it is easy to confuse with abrasions or bruises. This makes it difficult to recognize the disease. The surface shape of depriving also difficult to diagnose, because in the external examination (especially in long-haired cats) spots are not always visible.

 Ringworm in cats as a treat

How do animals become infected with ringworm

It is no coincidence ringworm - the most famous cats disease: sore pick up this very easily. Needless infection occurs through direct contact with sick animals or through the items that relate to the infected cat. Activators of this disease are quite stable in the environment and can survive for even a few years.

Poor conditions, chronic diseases of the animal and a weakened immune system or "tender age" kittens increase the risk of infection, as well as minor injuries. In addition, this disease can tolerate and rodents. Therefore, most ringworm ill homeless animals. And they have become the main source of infection.

But even if your pussy never leaves the house, she, too, can get sick ringworm. In this case, the infection often bring people into the house on his own shoes. And if the cat walk freely down the street, then sooner or later it will catch this infection. It is therefore necessary to take preventive measures and regularly vaccinate a cat against fungal infections. Of course, the category of preventive measures include compliance with the rules and keeping of animals, and a visit to the veterinarian.

Diagnosis of ringworm

If visual inspection you will notice on the body of a cat bald areas or places with broken coat, immediately consult a doctor. But milder forms of the disease recognize ringworm can be very difficult. Therefore, regular veterinary checkups help to identify ringworm, even if the outward signs of the disease are observed.

The veterinary clinic ringworm diagnosed with a special ultraviolet lamp (Wood's lamp). When illuminated by this lamp will be noticeably affected areas of emerald-green glow. However, even such a diagnosis does not give a perfect result. Therefore, at the first suspicion of the disease it is necessary to carry out laboratory tests. With this method of diagnosis of an animal to take scrapings of wool and leather, and appoint treatment.

 than to treat ringworm in cats

How and what to treat ringworm in cats

Today, ringworm is not considered to be an incurable disease. It used microsporia animals euthanized patients (under the law!). Today, to the great joy of pet owners, there were performance-enhancing drugs. For the treatment of ringworm prescribe antibiotics and apply special vaccine, the affected areas are treated with antifungal drugs and antiseptic. Of course, the full course of treatment will appoint a veterinarian, but in the home to treat this disease is possible and necessary.

All wool next to deprive it is necessary to cut out. Emerging and drying is necessary to soften the crust warm soapy water and stains to grease themselves with iodine or brilliant green. A good remedy for depriving considered as sulfuric ointment and "human" anti-fungal ointment. Anything that comes off from the skin during treatment, it is necessary to burn, and the room disinfected regularly.

Try to isolate the sick cat. Anyway, do not let her on the sofa and (especially!) In bed. By treating the animal, wear gloves and wipe the hand disinfectant. Better yet, try to avoid such troubles as ringworm. Be sure to vaccinate your home favorite. Fortunately, today there is a vaccine to protect animals from infection ringworm. This inoculation is done twice, with an interval of two weeks, and the immune system of the animal forms in a month. And remember that these vaccinations have to do every year, as the protection "works" only twelve months.

By the way, if you suddenly become ill deprive previously vaccinated animals, the disease is easier to handle. But the main thing - remember to show the cat to the vet. Only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and effective treatment. And your task - to provide first aid, follow the doctor's recommendations and comply with preventive measures. Do not be arrogant stubborn. Of course, the tips can also be helpful, but as long as you look for the answer to the question of how to treat ringworm in cats, animal suffering, and the disease progresses.

 How to treat ringworm in cats?

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