
World of animals does not cease to surprise us again and again. And this applies not only to new species or rare representatives of fauna. Even quite familiar to us pets can be an unexpected discovery. Here, it would seem that this may be puzzling in dogs? However, even among those of our four-legged pets have a unique dog. For example, representatives of the Basenji breed. What is the uniqueness and singularity of these dogs? What is so special about this breed?

Where did Basenji?

For Russia, this breed is still very rare. For the first time in our country, it emerged in the late nineties. And the history of African basenji began more than five thousand years ago. The tribes of natives that lived in the jungles of Central Africa, held a small and graceful dogs as indispensable companions in the hunt. We also know that the Basenji was an essential attribute of the local sorcerers, shamans and medicine men.

In Europe, these dogs were introduced in 1895. But, unfortunately, the first pair of new African dogs could not adapt to the conditions of civilization, and the experience of breeding a new breed was unsuccessful. A second attempt was made ten years later, when the representatives of this species lived in the Berlin zoo, where he came into being the first European offspring basenji.

In 1937, the breed was represented at the exhibition Craft in the United States as the "Dog of the jungle" or "Congo Terrier". Since the beginning of the breed is rapidly gaining popularity in the world of dog lovers, not only because of its exotic origin, but also very interesting features.

 than to feed the Basenji

The unique features of the breed

Let's start with the fact that these dogs do not bark! Yes, they are totally devoid of the characteristic feature of all domestic dogs. You can hear all sorts of Basenji sounds: growling, snorting, mumbling, whining, giggling, but not barking. Unusual voice of these dogs is very melodic and sometimes resembles a kind of Tyrolean singing. This is probably their main but not the only "highlight".

Unlike all the other dogs, females who are willing to fertility twice a year, basenji, ladies able to fertilize only once a year. This usually occurs in late autumn and winter there is not numerous progeny that have the innate immune system resistant to many diseases.

Another feature Basenji - the lack of a typical dog smell. Silky short hair these dogs even in the wet did not smell "of dog." In addition, their hair is absolutely safe for people with allergies. These dogs everything else extremely accurate and cleanly. They will never wipe the soiled food muzzle of furniture, carpet or clothing of the host (that enjoy doing many pets). These dogs give himself up, washing up and licking like a cat. Like cats, they also love to, curled up near the head or lie down on my knees host.

But not content Basenji different content of other dogs. For example, the question of how to feed the Basenji, the owner of this dog should not occur. The basis of the diet - meat and vegetables, cereals and dairy products.

Generally Basenji - a perfect companion dogs, unpretentious care. They are accommodating and perseverance, but it's also very fond of frolic. They are wonderful and attentive "interlocutors". They have a natural charm and an innate sense of self-esteem. They know how to emphasize the superiority of the master without undue servility. They are considerate and rather cunning.

 Basenji Breed origin

Mythology origin

Basenji: the origin of the breed is associated with myths and mystical stories. The natives firmly believed that these dogs are able to protect against evil forces, restore vitality, and put out negative energy. Belief in the magical power of their support and disposal of the Egyptian pharaohs, where rest and embalmed mummy Basenji.

One of the ancient African legend says that these dogs used to be able to speak the human language. But one of them recognized the important secret of his master, and fearing blurt silent forever. So there were these mysterious African Nela dog.

 Basenji - a mystery dog ​​Nela

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 breed toy dogs

The word "fine" as something not very suitable for dogs, although it is already firmly established in our everyday vocabulary and special terminology. On the other hand, the decoration - a decoration. Is not decorate our lives these brave and devoted creatures? Of course, decorate and saturate and make it extra meaning. Breeds of toy dogs are so diverse, that simply amazed. Among them there are also very tiny and not that small items. There they were shaggy and hairless, with flat and elongated muzzles, with straight and curly tail, long and short hair. And the temperament of representatives of various breeds, too, is different.

Miscellaneous and their origin. And yet, in spite of different appearance, these dogs have a lot in common. What unites them and why miniature breed is very, very popular around the world? Let's face it.

A little bit about the group

Officially group toy dogs - is the ninth group of FCI. This group is the most numerous breeds of dogs - it has about fifty species. Especially dogs of this group is that from them will never require any work. And the main purpose of human life was a dressing. As a rule, they have a small size and spectacular appearance. Selection, selection and breeding of hybrids of ornamental rocks were focused on the qualities that helped it survive these dogs in the house and it is in the hands of man. Therefore lapdog very sociable and friendly. Contrary to popular belief, they are not stupid, but gentle and responsive to affection. They can not do nothing but give love to their owners.

In the usual sense of decorative rock group rather conventional. Many breeds that are now usually attributed to the decorative, are also official or hunting dogs. This group includes dogs that are kept as pets and did not require them to perform security, search, hunting and any other functions. This, above all, companion dogs, among which are and Spaniel and Afghan hounds and bulldogs fighters or Sharp, rat-catchers and terriers and that breeds such as, for example, the Peruvian Inca Orchid and Papillon.

 miniature breeds

A bit of history

Since the taming and domestication of the dog its continued presence in the life of a man had two ways. First of all, people have used dogs as helpers in hunting and warfare, agriculture (shepherds), as the guards and defenders. But at the same time almost every home (especially in wealthy families) were small dogs - for the soul.

If you look at the paintings of old masters, then, as a rule, all formal portraits ladies (and sometimes children) are shown with a small dog in her arms. While on the male portraits present large hunting dogs. And so it was always and in all countries - next to a man always live large, medium and miniature dogs.

But there are exceptions. For example, in ancient China, large almost no dogs. Were Fighting and security (Akito and toco), and in most homes and in the imperial palace, and even lived in the monasteries of small dogs. It was the dog of worship and ritual. This breed is popular today as the Shih Tzu, for example, generally has been banned for sale. These dogs were kept in mountainous Tibetan monasteries and gave only the noble and distinguished guests. A Pekingese dog was generally palace that under penalty of death was forbidden to stand outside the territory of the Imperial Palace.

 small miniature breeds

A little bit about the origin of

It is difficult to say now how it came home miniature dogs. Most likely people were taken to live in his house the finest representatives of the dog kind of purposeful breeding and tried to fix them this feature. But we know that all existing miniature breeds of dogs are not the same origin.

For example, the eastern group (Pekingese, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, and others.) - A cult dogs. Latin American hairless dogs are likely to owe their existence to the priests of ancient Indian tribes. Poodles and griffins were originally hunting dogs. Pugs are descended from powerful mastiffs.

The ancestors of the dwarf pinscher, poodles, dachshunds and toytererov dogs were of normal size. But in the process of evolution and selection of bidders were awarded a characteristic appearance only due to the whims of a man who in the course of breeding secured them a gene "dwarfism".

But such has a very fine dogs like Maltese (Maltese) and the Bolognese, having a luxurious white wool, come from ancient Italy. It turns out that these dogs carried in the military campaigns of the Roman legionaries. And you know, in what capacity? As living warmers! And in those days it was believed that these dogs promotes rapid healing of wounds.

At the same time, the Yorkshire Terrier (another winner of aristocratic appearance and elegant silky hair) has the "nizkososlovnoe" origin. In old England, these little dogs performed the function of rat-catchers. But their luxurious fur, they are obliged to coincidence. In Liverpool it was developed manufactories and also had a lot of terriers, rat-catchers. The owners of these dogs were always hand in lanolin. When these hands stroking dogs, lanolin got on and did her hair thick and silky.

 rock small toy dogs

A little about the maintenance and education

In addition to small size dog breeds nothing from their "full-size" counterparts do not differ. Therefore, it is necessary to educate them as well as other dogs. If you let a tiny dog ​​to behave as she pleases, she of charming baby very soon become a real tyrant.

First of all, any dog ​​who lives with a man must be obedient. Decorative dogs are no exception. They should know and follow basic commands: "place! ", "to me! "" Yuck! "," Sit! "," Stop! ". You also need to teach even a small dog to a leash (sometimes to muzzle), to learn how to behave on the street (for her own safety).

Too many dog ​​breeds sports and outdoor. Do not forget that these kids need to move no less than large dogs. Therefore, they strolled bowl, play with them and do not make the journey a walk in the dog in his arms or in his bosom the host. However, due to the small size of these dogs are often cold, so the walks are in need of more clothes and even shoes.

Most small dogs prone to overeating and obesity. Therefore, they should not overfeed. Expect daily diet of the dog based on its size and not indulge sweets and other goodies are harmful to dogs.

Decorative dogs easily trained and enjoy studying. And some are just born circus - they can learn to dance, sing (yes, do not be surprised!) And to perform other kinds of tricks. Many representatives of decorative breeds of dogs also easily get used to relieve themselves in the tray, like cats.

Basic care for small dogs is washing, cleaning ears, trimming claws and grooming. Caring for the hair depends on its features. Long-haired and hairless dogs combed and trimmed, wirehaired trimming.

And, of course, should monitor the health of your pets. Unfortunately, the life of miniature dogs is shorter than that of large and even medium-sized dog. But with proper care and attention from the owners, they are able to live to a ripe old age dog. Small decorative dog breeds specifically designed for living together with a man in his house. Their main purpose - to give pleasure, and they are all their lives fulfill this purpose. Selfless love - a priceless gift, and the dog (even the smallest-) can only love a man for what he is!

 Breeds of toy dogs - love and devotion in a nutshell

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