la perm

La Perm - is the name of this new and unusual breed of cat with a muscular body a long, eared head and a long tail. However, the main distinguishing feature of the breed cats la Perm - curly fur. Curly, twisted into a spiral and the rings are coated with these cats from the tail to the ears. Where did these unusual cat with a permanent? Let's learn more history and features of the breed la Perm.

Curly history

The official date of birth of the breed - in 1982. That year in the common farm cat owners who live near Dallas, was born naked kitten rather unattractive appearance. In addition to the lack of hair it is also different from his brothers and sisters unusually long tail and ears. Mistress of the farm out of pity or interest kitten decided to leave. Imagine her surprise when, a month later the naked baby began to grow fur and soon turned into a charming curly cat. Thanks to its unusual coat this new-found coquette was named Curly and by fate became an ancestress of the new breed la Perm.

Progeny Curly inherited a sign winding wool and continues to transmit it to their descendants. Within five years, he has become a dominant gene Curly, and in 1987 the breed la perm was first presented to the experts. However, the official breed standard la perm was registered in FIFe in 1997 alone.

 La perm cat

Curly exterior

According to the official standard of the breed la perm cat must have:

  • any color hair and any combination of colors;
  • size for cats - 4-6 kg for cats -3-4 kg;
  • average wedge-shaped head with broad prominent muzzle, high cheekbones, broad ears, medium and large size;
  • wide-set almond eyes set obliquely towards the ears;
  • long tapering tail, hairy curly hair.

But here's the amazing fur these cats quite intricate. From its color and length of hair depends texture. In short-la perm it more robust and resilient than the long-haired. Furthermore, the texture of the hair of these cats varies depending on the season.

In fact, look at these cats-la perm curls - photos reveal your look amazing picture. The elastic and silky fur decorates them from ears to tail. It can be tightly curled in ringlets, and can flow long luxurious curls. A tail of the cat looks like a fun brush for washing dishes, or a plume of feathers.

By the way, most of the cats of this breed at birth is already covered with short curled hair, but sometimes the young are born naked. Full curly hair kittens formed only four months of age and accompanied by periodic molting (sometimes up to complete baldness).

Curly character

La Perm - cats are extremely affectionate and sociable. They love to kiss, touch hands and butt of his host, demanding tenderness. La Perm love to sit on their hands or shoulders and are often asked to hand, like little children. Unlike other cats, they are equally gentle with all family members, regardless of who is feeding them.

These cats have a gentle purring voice that accompanies and manifestation of tenderness and calls to communicate with the hosts. La Perm - TV aficionados. They love to watch any movies and programs, and even able to respond to what is happening on the screen.

La Perm - real cat and companions who are willing to accompany the home, not only within the home territory, but also love to travel and travel even over very long distances. Genetically these cats are adapted for existence in the rural open spaces, but also in urban apartments feel quite comfortable. The main condition of a happy life - the presence of a number of rights. It impresses everyone, first introduced to rock la perm, and even those who are not experiencing the cats especially tender feelings.

 La perm cat curly

Curly care

Unlike other exotic species, cats la perm not burdensome to maintain. Their exotic wool sheds little, in addition to this it also maloallergenna. The first quality is due to a curled shape of the hair, which protects the skin and hair from the seasonal changes in temperature. The second quality of his cat la perm owe no fine undercoat, which most often is allergic to wool.

Even preparation for exhibitions requires minimal effort on the part of the owner. Cat simply good wash and dry with a towel. Since the cat la curly perm, before judging, it is desirable to moisten lightly coat with water in order to show all its luxury.

The decision to get a cat of this breed is required to meet your expectations. You will gain not only an unusually affectionate and loyal pet, but also extravagant representative of such an amazing and diverse felines - La Perm cat with curls.

 La Perm, or cats with curls

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 canary care

They say that the singing of birds is very beneficial effect on human health, both mental and physical. Perhaps that is why since ancient times people keep in their homes these birds singers, as canaries. Over the long history of domestication of these birds they have become pets unpretentious, undemanding to the content and thrive even in cramped conditions. At the same time sing nearly all year round and breed well.

However, this does not mean that you can keep canaries "hit or miss". For a comfortable existence of these birds in captivity still need to comply with certain requirements. So, a canary - care "by the rules".

Rule one. Addictive

Like any living creature, the bird-nevelichka must get used to a new habitat (for whom it will be your home). Adaptation period will last about two weeks, and depending on the temperament of your birds, it will either be bored all the time, or obsessing. So try this time not to disturb her, and place the cage in a quiet place with dim lighting and give her the opportunity to quietly get used to the new conditions.

If you purchased a pair (or more) of birds, the male settled in a separate cage and birds "ladies" can be placed together. Bird cages set so that it could not reach children and pets. Their curiosity is quite understandable and excusable, but for the canary is premature familiarity can be a real shock. By the way, choosing a place for the cell, be aware that these birds can not tolerate drafts.

Second Rule. Accommodation

Actually, this rule rather be called first. Since first of all it is important to build a house for the Canaries: it must have a certain size and be equipped with the necessary equipment.

  1. The size and shape. The optimal cell size for such a small bird - 45 cm (height), 50 cm (width) and 25-20 cm (depth). Form cages for canaries must be rectangular, without unnecessary frills and architectural delights. For canaries perfect cell box where bars or mesh is closed only one side, and the other three are made of wood, organic glass, plastic or metal. Round cage for canaries habitat is not suitable.
  2. Inventory and "furniture". In the house at your canaries must be feeders and waterers. You need three feeders: for the grain, for soft food and mineral. Drinkers better to get a glass or plastic, which is attached to the outside of the cell. Perches in the cage should be at least two (both wood, with a thickness of eight millimeters to half a centimeter). Canary also needed "kupalka" in the form of a small bath, set on the floor or suspended from the cell bars.

In general, all this will be enough to ensure that your songstress felt well in his new house. One need only add that the equipment is best to buy with the cell to fit the size of each other. And the floor of the cage (slide-out tray) to fill a thin layer of sand or lay a sheet of paper hygroscopic, two or three times a week, the cage should be cleaned.

 canary care

Rule three. Food

It should be noted that when overfed birds are prone to obesity (oddly enough). Of course, it looks a little different than in mammals, but the fact remains. So feed your bird-nevelichka need each day, giving her one or two teaspoons of dry food. Feed less frequently in a day, but feed while giving twice. Obesity bird may arise from the quantity of food eaten, and of its quality. Therefore, experts advise to include in the diet of canaries following products.

  1. Grain feed. You can buy ready (especially for the canaries), and you can prepare yourself cereal mixture: one part millet, lettuce and sunflower seeds, two pieces of canary seed, and four parts of rape or colza. Also in this mixture can be added flax seeds, burdock, plantain, poppy and wild herbs.
  2. Protein foods is particularly relevant during molting or breeding. As a protein necessary canaries quite suitable low-fat cottage cheese or a boiled egg. They need to give the birds about twice a week (but no more).
  3. Vegetables and fruits. This source of extra vitamins enough to give two or three times a week. Canary happy to eat apples, carrots, greens. They are cut into pieces and put in between the bars of the cell next to the perch.
  4. Mineral feeding improves digestion and is a source of calcium. It crushed eggshells, chalk, charcoal. You can also give the canaries pills glycerophosphate or calcium gluconate. For normal digestion birds requires a carefully washed river sand, which is poured into a separate feeder. In addition to the mineral feeding canaries and allowed to stand mineral water.

In order for your bird ate whatever she is given (and not only choose tidbits) and not grown fat, you must strictly observe the daily norm of food, slightly increasing it during molting. Also be aware of the high metabolism of small birds (and the canary is precisely the small bird), so be careful to feeders were always with food. Change grain feed and water in the cell need the morning. And if you give the bird and bland food (cereal, boiled eggs, cottage cheese), it should be changed twice a day, to the mixture turned sour.

Rule Four. Hygiene & Health

By and large though it is soft, but quite unpretentious canary birds - neobremenitelen care for them. Still, for the physiological state of your canary is necessary to watch. To test its fatness, the presence and intensity of the change of plumage conduct periodic inspections of birds. To do this, carefully pick it up, registering an average head and forefinger and turn belly up. Gently blow on the area not covered with feathers (Apter). When molting at this site will be visible on the stumps or fallen brush again growing feathers. Here on the abdomen to check the status of subcutaneous fat. During molting birds he had lost, and the rest of the Aptera closes half. If Apter completely closed fatty streaks, your bird began to "gain weight". In this case, reduce the number of soft-protein feed, preferring grains and greens.

For good health it is important to comply with the canary and light conditions that affect the volume of the singing, the readiness to breed, molt duration. In winter, the length of daylight hours should be increased artificially, spilling it down to fourteen hours, and in March - up to sixteen. Since mid-summer light day should begin to decrease.

Moulting canaries lasts up to three months. At this time, there is a reorganization of the body of birds and it needs to feed rich in vitamins and minerals. Young birds change their plumage in the bright and shiny adult outfit. Thus there is a partial molt. Adult birds moult completely. With the right light regime canary molt once a year. With more frequent molting feathers or loss is required to translate the bird on a short light day (nine hours).

As you can see, taking care of canaries much trouble does not deliver. So if you decide to have this songbird, do not be afraid of possible difficulties, but only observe some simple rules of care. True remember that only male canaries sing (but as a poet!). And another piece of advice reminder. Singing canaries early dawn. If you need a good alarm clock, the canary in his excellent substitute. And if not - just cover the evening cage veil.

 Canary - care "by the rules"

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