than to feed the cat


  • Genetic taste preferences of cats
  • Necessary and safe natural products
  • Prohibited Products
  • Prepared feeds - for and against
  • Useful tips

Many people (unfortunately, very many) of cat owners this question will cause confusion. What do you mean, what to feed the cat? What do we eat, the more you can feed her - we're not bad. By the way, that "we are not harmful" too is debatable. But the fact that the cat food from our table categorically does not fit, no doubt. Want to know why? Yes, because the cat - not a man. And it is genetically adapted exactly to the other food. So, more about what you can feed the cat, and what can not, and why.

Genetic taste preferences of cats

As is known, all cats - are natural hunters. They are predators, which are the main component of the diet - meat. The big cats (lions, tigers, leopards) in the wild hunt large mammals. Smaller domestic cat ancestors hunters, too, but their extraction - large and small rodents, birds and insects. His trophy wild (and homemade too) cat eats a whole, together with wool, feathers, domestic and small bones. This cat gets into the body, not only meat, but also the connective tissue, and often the stomach contents of birds and rodents, consisting mainly of plant foods - grains, berries, herbs, fruits. This protein (meat) cat eats natural, raw form. And carbohydrates (cereals) gets the cat in the form of half-digested, the stomach production.

Therefore, all domestic cats are genetically adapted specifically to such food: meat, cereals, fruit (mainly roots). And how, in accordance with this diet calculate your home a predator? How often, and exactly what you need to feed the cat, so she was not only well-fed, and healthy? Two variants are possible: natural food and special (dry or wet) feed.

 how to feed the cat

Necessary and safe natural products

Feeding natural foods can be considered the best option, especially for cats. However, this does not mean that natural food - a food from your table. Cats are very harmful and very many human "goodies", so to feed their four-legged pets that you eat yourself, you can not.

Benefits of natural food supply - a high life expectancy of pets. The drawback - the difficulty in complying with the proportions of a balanced diet. Nevertheless, it is natural foods provide your cat a long life and good health. We just need to know what to feed your cat can and what can not. What products should be included in the diet of domestic cat?

The basis of the menu for the house cat to be the meat - beef and poultry. These protein sources can and should give a cat a daily basis. Followed by carbohydrates in the form of cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, yachka. The third component of the diet - vegetables. Meat is best to give your cat raw, but you can cook on the basis of his porridge. By the way, porridge beef broth, you can add raw chicken, or vice versa - in the chicken broth, you can add pieces of raw beef. Raw meat can be alternated with offal, which gives the cat, too raw, but pre-scald them with boiling water.

Vegetables need a cat for the good functioning of the intestines, and as a source of vitamins. If your favorite love raw carrots, beets, cucumbers and cabbage, you do not need to stand in the way - let him eat. If your cat raw vegetables do not like, then you need to put them into porridge. In addition, you can add in the cat food germinated grains and greens - these products are very useful for her. It is best to plant in a flower pot special cat grass, seeds which can be purchased at a flower shop in the departments of pet products. However, you can add fresh herbs and cereals.

Dairy products and eggs as a source of protein and can be given to a domestic cat. Prefer unsweetened beverages such as yogurt, cottage cheese, add to the menu. It is believed that fresh milk should not be given adult cats. Of course, fresh milk is excellent for feeding kittens, but adult animals it can cause indigestion. However, if your cat is drinking milk fresh water without undesirable consequences, it does not deprive her of that pleasure.

Prohibited Products

That cat should not be given in any case, because it is human food, seasoned with salt and spices, fried, canned, pickled. And also not be included in the diet of all the beans and corn, pork and other fatty meat, raw fish, meats and sweets. Why these products are harmful to cats?

The fish, which are very fond of cats, you can give them, but with caution, as it is more likely to harm your darling, what will be in her favor. While many hosts and argue that no bad consequences for the health of the cat does not have a feeding fish, but ... However, raw fish - the first and main source of infestation, and simply - worms. So if you do decide to include in the diet of cat fish, exclusively marine, boiled, steamed or even better.

In addition, taking a decision about feeding a cat fish, remember that many veterinarians feline lower urinary tract disease is directly linked to the presence in their diet is fish and seafood. And the prevalence of fish on the menu of your cat can cause a vitamin K deficiency, and as a result - poor blood clotting and violation of redox processes in her body.

Sugar, bread, beans, peas and corn are harmful to the cat's health because they cause flatulence (intestinal gas accumulation), intestinal colic, obesity and heart. So that these products can not be given to cats, too.

Beef and chicken liver - provisionally banned products that may be included in the diet of domestic cats. Damage to health cat can cause a consumption of the liver in large quantities. Since it contains vitamin A and D, the excess of which may cause hypervitaminosis animal. And it is better not to feed the animal raw liver.

Food from the master's table, of course, very much like all pets. And we often can not resist the temptation to treat their favorite tidbit. But this is precisely not to do. Excess salt, spices, seasonings, preservatives may not only lead to indigestion, but also to serious diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys and other organs. Not great if the price of momentary pleasure?

 than to feed the cats

Prepared feeds - for and against

We finished cat food has its drawbacks and its advantages in comparison with natural food. We will not try to lure you into the camp of fans or opponents of the finished pet food, we only note that low-quality and cheap food can also trigger various diseases.

If you decide to feed your cat ready to dry or wet food, it does not skimp on her health. What feed to give preference? It is best to give preference to feed premium. Yes, they are more expensive, but their quality is much better. By the way, there is food super premium. Such feed is feed only those animals which are preparing for exhibitions, as it is this class of food significantly improve the appearance of the cat. However, the food super premium all fairly loaded system koshechego carve the body, which also can cause their disease.

At availability and cheapness widely advertised ready cat food, there is one significant drawback. Their low price, they are obliged not to the best raw materials. Judge for yourself on the packaging dry or wet food indicates that they contain a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. And that's exactly what this protein, write often. Very often, as the source of protein for animal feed producers use cheap bonemeal and even feathers. But does not the meat.

In addition, the finished feed contains flavorings as attractive to cats, which can cause a real dependence of the animal. As a result of the cat, which fed dry food like a drug addict will refuse any other food and was ready to demand food. Moreover, the dependence can be so strong that the animal will starve, but not touch to any other products. A side effect of poor quality protein - urolithiasis, gastritis, dermatosis and bunch of other diseases.

Still, prepared animal fodder is very popular around the world. To deny their positive qualities in the form of a balance of all the necessary materials for the cat, no one will. Yes it is. On top of that, ready to feed the animals wet or dry food it is also very convenient. And yet, think twice before setting your cat food ready to feed. You yourself would eat some canned food? Unlikely.

Useful tips

Of course, every owner should not only know what to feed your cat, but also how to do it right. Here are some tips on this subject:

  • healthy adult cat should be fed twice a day;
  • kittens, pregnant and nursing cats need a four- or six-time nutrition;
  • menu cats volume of fluid should a half to three times the amount of solids;
  • regurgitation of undigested food - a signal of overeating, in which case it is necessary to limit the amount of food for cats;
  • be sure to clean water and should always be available to the cat;
  • bowls, of which the cat is eating and drinking should be so broad that a mustache (vibrisy) do not touch the edges of dishes - many cats do not like it;
  • place the meal should be as far away from cat litter - the cat will not be squeamish, and is where craps.

They say that cats have nine lives. Even if this is so, then one of them she lives near you. And you are responsible for it. Therefore, knowing how to properly feed the cat, try to make it her life's longest. And your love and care is required to make the life of a cat in your home the happiest of all of its nine lives.

 What to feed a cat or a menu for the little predator

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