- Choosing a pet, he or she
- The primary sexual characteristics
- Differences in other external characteristics
- Features in habits
The question of how to distinguish a cat from a cat, from animal lovers, dealing with domesticated members of the family of baleen-striped than one year, may cause an indulgent smile. Experienced breeders at a glance determine who is who, because for them the difference between the kittens as obvious as the difference between a little boy from a girl. But the question of sex determination sometimes requires a precise answer, for example, if the animal is taken to the house as a family member regular people.
Of course, everything is solved without problems if it is acquired in the nursery, where experts easily determine the sex in the small age. Another thing, when a little kitten brought to your house by accident and to start all wanted to know he or she is. Indeed, in each of these two options need to be ready to certain complexities: Be sure to ask the cat walk and can begin to "mark" the territory, and the cat, if released, he will almost certainly come back pregnant.
Therefore, if you plan to take the kitten to the house, which was originally to be defined with what gender you prefer. It is no secret that there are significant differences in the content of Cat. They even behave differently with respect to the people, have their own habits and characteristics at puberty, some of which is prepared in advance morally owners.
Choosing a pet, he or she?
Observed a big difference in the behavior of these animals, with different sex, and it does not matter to which breed they belong: the Sphinx, British fold or the Turkish Angora. No wonder they say that cats love to walk by themselves. They are very independent, and will come to the hands of the owners, when they themselves want affection and warmth. Only the capricious mood fluffy girls be allowed to stroke, and as soon as they get bored, immediately go to their feline cases. They are initially set to complete surrender only to their own kids, so are especially affectionate when there are kittens.
These created them wise Mother Nature, and we can only take unconditionally the existing costs in the nature of pupils depending on which sex they have. But fluffy girls often behave like real guards, they instantly determine if your door there are suspicious noises associated with the approach of the guests, and long before the warning bell about this guttural growl. It argued that cat more attached to the place in which live, rather than to a man. Does not this feature can be explained, and an incredible sense exhibited by baleen travelers having female, to find ways to return to the lost one housing?
Cats are also more attached to his master, who is very fond of, but in its own way, like a cat. They are able to actively express their feelings, so happy to sit in your arms, purring loudly and substituting for pleasant scratching his neck. All tenderness cat saves for posterity, taking care of the cats will give them human. They will meet you at the threshold of the evening and see off in the morning to wake up to the gentle touch of her cheek whiskers, gladly die down on their knees and will not interfere with watching TV or reading a book. But this idyll is possible if you just be able to correctly place all understandable to kitten-boy accent and show who's in the house still has undisputed authority - you're not an animal.
When a cat or a cat are older, will manifest the instinct of procreation, and the owners willingly or unwillingly have to deal with these issues. Have intercede with any animal, no matter how it has the floor. Those who wish to take home a little fluffy kitten, boy or girl, it must be remembered that each of them need love, attention and care. Therefore, to decide who is better, it is necessary only on the basis of personal preference.
The primary sexual characteristics
Decide what kind of floor should be your future pet, you can proceed to the next question: how to distinguish a cat from a cat. Photos with features differences can always be found in the literature on the content of the family pets, but spend a lot of time it is not necessary. Paul baleen-striped determined easily, however, in much the same way as other animals - on the primary sexual organs. Therefore, in order to distinguish a cat from a cat, photo may not be needed - enough to take a close look at the tail vending instance. There also is the answer to the question of who is in front of you, he or she is.
Experienced breeders and owners determine the sex kitten immediately at birth, for the rest of the difficulty of the moment, that the so-called testes in boys begin clearly visible at once: they fall into place about 2-3 months of age. Therefore, it often happens that the cat, named Masha, after a while, suddenly turns into a bear.
Veterinarians recommend: determine the sex of the newborn felines, remember ... of punctuation. Yes, do not be surprised, these seemingly absurd words hides quite common sense and long-standing practice. Therefore, carefully take the cat by the tail and gently lift to easily see available there signs, causing one or the other sex. Do not be afraid that you may hurt your baby. Just be careful not to make any sudden movements.
As can be seen under the tail of a little kitty-girl? Quite simply - two openings: the anal and urogenital approximately one centimeter apart. And urogenital looks like an elongated vertical slit, so together with anal Both resemble an inverted upside down exclamation point.
Kitten-boy under the tail has a somewhat different picture. You will see the following: the anal opening, the space where there appear or testicles, and urinary opening. That is, the distance between two holes is much larger, and together they look like the colon. Here's a interesting punctuation obtained. It should be a time to understand how things work, to become a true expert in the future have correctly determine the sex of almost any kitten.
Differences in other external characteristics
Distinguished by the muzzle, on the structure of the body and the habits of a cat from a cat can be in a more mature age. It happens so that the adult animal has suddenly gets to your house from the street, and you can not find the strength to refuse him shelter and food, not noticing that already attached to unexpected visitors. Or maybe it's the guest? How do you know whom you are sheltered, a boy or a girl? Often, even a very close look at the area under the tail a little about what to say. This is due not only to the fact that cats are neutered. Important role played by the presence of an animal long hair, prevents recognize floor. Therefore, at the earliest opportunity take the cat in her arms and try to palpate the scrotum. It is not? Then you become the mistress of the girls. There? Congratulations boys!
There is also a number of indirect signs, allowing at least approximately determine the sex of the mustachioed stranger. Keep in mind that in nature are practically no tricolor cats. Tortoiseshell for a boy - also great rarity. The blame for the specific gene responsible for red or black. It is found only in the X chromosome sex of the animal depends on a combination of chromosomes, so the cats have two X and cats - XY. Tortoiseshell and tri-color color is obtained only when connected gene red and black colors of the gene. To do this, the two X chromosomes, which is characteristic only cats.
But it happens that nature throws incredible caper, and then are born kittens boys in violation of the genetic code. True, this is a great rarity. Therefore, if the animal in front of you colorful three-color suit with a quirky mix of red, white and black spots, we can safely assume that this is - a girl.
There are other signs by which one can guess what your floor is a foundling. Adult cats gives graceful and slightly elongated snout and cats - krupnovat compared with the body of the head. But rely on appearance is not worth it, because some breeds have their unique features, confusing. Thus, all members of the British and Scottish blue have a large snout, and the infamous Sphinx, on the contrary, characterized by small and angular head. That is why they are difficult to distinguish, especially for adolescent cats.
Features in habits
Understand the nature and habits of the animal, who came into your house, did not immediately succeed. But if you look closely, the behavior of the mustachioed meow class, with different floor, is quite different, and the basis of most differences lie instincts. But, firstly, this is possible only with mature specimens of seven to nine months, and secondly, is simply your stranger will take some time, so get used to and adapt, so at first he or she may manifest itself improper floor manners.
If fate brought to you quite yet little kitten, you should not only one of his desire to snuggle up to exclaim: "It's a girl! "And playful fidget immediately called Vaska or Murzik. Habits kids are very similar: they are all, regardless of sex love to play, eat and sleep, happy to respond to gentle scratching contented purr and cleverly hidden, naughty. So do not rush to conclusions.
Yet note the behavior of the animal when properly utilized. We know that all cats - incredible chistyuli. They never tire of "inducing shine" hours wash and lick their fur. But most of the cats produces laziness and self-indulgence. They - pensive contemplate the family of baleen-striped. However, some breeds are inherent in excessive playfulness and agility even in adulthood, and sometimes among the feline tribe found very aggressive specimens.
As mentioned in the beginning of the article, cats with male sex, more likely to accept manifestations of love from the owners. Animals in blissful bliss, happy to go into his arms and at the same time fairly hums. But your cat rather suffer strokes, and very long. However, a moment comes when each owner novice can easily understand what the floor is his pet. With the advent of the pores love cats feel an irresistible urge to mark territory, so your apartment after a while begins to downright "fragrance."
If the you do not let the cat get together with whiskered ladies for the implementation of sexual desires, then it can become a victim of it has not changed for the better nature. Therefore it is not squeezed pet with the same zeal, or risk being scratched or even bitten excessively zealous animal. Sometimes, eager for love cats even a certain way of taking revenge on the owners of the content of the prison, in every way spoiling shoes.
But do not be happy and you happy housewife kitties! After all, you will also have hard times, as the cute fluffy chistyuli experiencing flour unrealized motherhood can plague home for weeks and even heart-rending cries of neighbors without making allowances for the time of day. However, in this period, they are so gentle that resemble a kitten.
Especially favored by cats to men. They show their full submission, rubbing against his legs, laid back, allowing the hitherto unheard-of thing - pat tummy. Or even lose the remnants of shame and chastity, arching his back and clearly turning backwards, lifting the tail invitingly. Oh, kitties - this is truly shameless seductress to which Many representatives of the human race still to grow and grow.
But let's leave the jokes, because the natural sexual desire or pet pitomitsy become a real headache hosts. Outputs are only two: either to let the cat and the cat walk and enjoy free love, or to visit the veterinary clinic and prevent them to continue the race. What a way to more humane - it's up to you.
Certainly, nature requires that the cats are a natural way to meet their needs, as cats tend to give endlessly born kittens. But are you ready for that animal is leading a free life then quietly settle down in your bed? After all, it can bring to the streets of this unpleasant disease, such as herpes. Well, in this case, you have to personally look for household pets neat partners, and then attach many kittens. You do not want? In that case it remains a cat listening to concerts and wash badly smelling corners, or once and for all rid the pet or pitomitsy (and yourself at the same time) from the torment.
But back to the main topic of the article. But is it really so important, what will be your sex kitten? And if the door you suddenly found a stray with sad eyes, do not expel you it only for the reason that in actual fact it turned out to be a cat, right? In any case, anyone of these graceful representatives of fauna home you choose, or which of them by chance or has chosen you, both of you will have to learn to live together and become each other's best friends.
After all, responsible for those we have tamed, it is not only troublesome, but also very nice. So do not particularly puzzled choice in terms of gender - listen to your heart and take the kitten to the house, who was able to please more than others.