Rabbits - very nice establishment, so their content at home will bring you a lot of fun. These fine animals are very friendly and playful. In addition, care dwarf pet rabbit is not so complicated. It is not necessary to walk, he easily learns to walk in the litter box.
And rabbits - excellent pets for children. These funny kids can take with them to the country or to leave my friends and acquaintances on holiday, as they do not cause any trouble. But, nevertheless, determined to make the house a dwarf rabbit, you should remember that you do not get a fluffy toy, but a living creature with its own character and habits, needs attention, care and affection.
In this article you will find out how many dwarf rabbits live, what they eat, how they need care. In addition, we will talk about what diseases these animals are and what you should know before choosing a pet.
So the first thing that interests the future owners of the animal - how to determine the sex of their pet. Sex rabbit can easily determine the age of 3-4 months. The males of this age are clearly visible testicles, and the females have them, of course not. If you turn the pet's paws up, pulling the tail, then the female can be seen the gap originating from the anus, and the male - a small round hole located 3-4 mm from the anal.
From ordinary dwarf rabbits breed is different in size and weight. Instead of 5-8 kg of "live weight" of its major counterparts, our kids do not exceed the mark of 1, 6 kg. But please you with his presence in the house rabbits will be from 6 to 12 years. And this is another reason to consider the choice of the pet with the utmost seriousness, because soon it will become a part of your life.
Types of dwarf rabbits
Before you go shopping for your pet, you should find out what breed of dwarf rabbits you like the most. They differ not only in appearance but also in character, so think carefully about what style
pet you like. So, consider the types of dwarf rabbits.
Dwarf Rabbit Sheep
Baran - lovely lop-eared dwarf rabbit. Animals of this breed are a little larger than their cousins, the dwarves of color. Adult ram can weigh between 1 and 8 kg to 2 kg. Due to its wonderful lugs these rabbits look very nice, calm and gentle creatures. And so it is. Before the age of two weeks Baran distinguish from other species is problematic, because in this period they have ears erect. They begin to fall from three weeks of age. And four weeks in most cases they are already hanging on the sides of the animal's head. And on top of the ears are connected to a roller-crown.
In other cases, gradual drooping ears can last until the age of three months, and can often see such a funny picture: hanging from one ear and the other is still defiantly sticking out. In this case, Baran looks pretty funny and comical. Lop-eared baby quickly becomes attached to his master and like a dog follows him wherever he goes. Rabbit breeds Ram 4-8 rabbits can bring that to a lot of dwarf rabbits. In general, if you want a rabbit with sweet character, the Rabbit Ram - exactly what you need.
Dwarf rabbits color
These are small animals with erect ears. Weight adult rabbit reaches 0, 8-1, 5 kg. These kids have several variations of color:
Marder (blue or brownish with darker muzzle);
Red satin;
Hototy (white with black contours around the eyes);
Red, etc.
The most interesting color of different red satin. In bright light their red skins of literally glow red. This rabbit breed bring 2 to 4 rabbits. The nature of this kind of rabbit is very unpredictable. They can be friendly, accommodating, and aggressive expression. Peak aggressiveness colored rabbits between the ages 5-9 months - a period of puberty. Usually aggressive passes to eighteen months or slightly later. To reduce the aggressiveness of the rabbits should be neutered males. In addition, if you want to grow a pet friendly, the small age giving him more affection. Especially like rabbits when they are scratching cheeks and forehead between the ears. If you want a fun, active rabbit, the color dwarf breed - the best option.
Fox dwarf rabbits
Fox rabbits are long-haired breeds. Weight adult ranges from 0 8 to 1 kg, 5 kg. Rabbit bring 2 to 6 pups. Throughout the body from the Fox rabbit fur is long, but on his head - short and smooth. The length of hair on the body of Ushastik can reach 7 cm, and sometimes even more. The rabbits of this breed can have the following colors:
Character Fox rabbits as color, unpredictable. For cloth pet requires constant care. If you like animals with long hair and you agree to comb their fur at least once a week, Fox Rabbit - your option.
Angora dwarf rabbits
These animals have long thick fur all over the body, including the ears and on the face. But unlike Fox rabbits, wool which is a spine, Angora rabbits - down. The hair coat is very thin and soft, reach a length of 20 cm. 2-6 bunny rabbit bring. The weight of an adult pygmy rabbit angora ranges from 1 to 1, 6 kg. Appearance it is very exotic. Many people compare the appearance of the handsome with small dogs. Character rabbits are different - and aggressive, and extremely friendly. If you want all the friends and the people around were delighted by the appearance of your pet, then buy angora dwarf rabbit, can not go wrong.
Dwarf rabbits Rex
You'll be amazed sophistication dwarf rabbits Rex. Wool these lovely short and velvety, so they belong to the type of short-haired animals. Rex come in the following colors:
Castor Rex (brown);
Bright red;
Light spotted.
Dwarf rabbits Rex is very graceful, their appearance is somewhat unusual. These pets are lightweight, relatively narrow head with very long ears. Weight adults rarely more than 1 to 6 kg. At an early age, these kids are very ugly. When a rabbit-Rex would never occur to you that this ugly creature with incomprehensible species grow hair once elegant handsome. The nature of these rabbits is very balanced, calm. All movements are graceful adult Rex, in connection with which it can be compared with the fabulous fawn.
Dwarf rabbits Hermelin
Rabbits breed Hermelin have only white color. The eyes of these amazing creatures either red or blue. In relation to the body, it has a very large head Hermelin. Rabbit fur is short and thick. The weight of adults ranges from 1 to 1, 5 kg. Females and males are different in nature. Males - quiet, lazy and often deadpan animals. But females are often aggressive. Therefore, if you buy a pet for your child, it is best to buy males.
Japanese dwarf rabbit
Very beautiful and unusual coloring Japanese dwarf rabbit. Throughout the body of the animal are placed dark and yellow stripes, one side black kid, and the other - a yellowish tint. The border color extends through the middle of the back, along the spinal column. Particularly attractive are individuals who have changed the colors in a checkerboard pattern.
Dutch dwarf rabbit
One of the most popular breeds are dwarfed Dutch rabbits. This breed was bred in 1950-60-ies in the Netherlands known breeder Adrian de Kock. The body of the rabbit short and strong, almost no neck, chest broad. The legs of the animal is very strong and short and broad head, well-developed. Dutch rabbits as well as rock and Baran fold. Pets are following colors:
Light gray;
Dull gray;
Colors marten.
By nature, these rabbits are very nice and friendly. Weight of adult pet varies from 1, 2 to 1 to 6 kg. The area around the eyes, ears and back of the body of the rabbit has a color color, but everything else body - white. In addition, the hind legs the baby, too white, so it seems that a rabbit wearing socks.
Caring for dwarf rabbits
Caring for dwarf rabbits completely neobremenitelen. The only exceptions are long-haired breed. By themselves, these animals are very clean, most of the time they devote to the care of fur. In rabbits, living in a warm apartment, moulting lasts a little longer than those who live outdoors. During molting animals must often comb a special brush. The rest of the short-haired kids can comb at will, but for the long-haired rabbit fur coat requires daily care, or may be matted fur. Then it without scissors and vystriganiya pellets, can not do.
In addition, rabbits should cut nails, which is quite amiss and ordinary nail scissors. If light pet claws, then they are clearly visible blood vessels in the base. Cut is necessary so that you do not accidentally damage them. But with claws dark rabbits should be treated more carefully so as not to damage this part.
As you can see, the special problems of dwarf rabbit breeds do not deliver, and care for them is extremely simple. Therefore, to puzzle over how to keep these lovely pets, it is not necessary. They are sometimes enough to wash, comb and cut their nails. Well, of course, to feed!
And what eating dwarf rabbits? Feed for these animals to be varied. In summer and autumn, when the terms of a lot of lush green, the grass should be given more frequently and add a little bit of concentrates. An excellent food for dwarf rabbits in the summer are dandelion, wormwood, plantain, field sow thistle, yarrow, burdock, willow-herb, tansy, mouse peas, clover and a number of wild herbs. These herbs are very juicy, animals eat them with pleasure.
But we should remember that these herbs should be given to mixtures or alternate them. Plants such as vetch, alfalfa and peas should be introduced gradually into the diet of your pet, it is best combined with the cereal. Do not feed the rabbits of the same grass. Before giving the animal a watermelon, silage, carrots or beets, reduce the amount of drinking, because these products are very rich in water, and if an excessive amount of fluid in rabbits may be indigestion.
What more dwarf rabbits eat? They really like the wood feed, and in particular - fresh thin branches of aspen, linden, willow, acacia, apple. And in winter the rabbits happy to eat the needles of pine, spruce and juniper. But we should remember that a low-fiber foods, and high amounts of sugar can trigger congestion of the digestive system, which often leads to death of the animal.
In no event should not be given:
red cabbage,
lily of the valley,
Crow's Eye,
milestones poisonous,
meadow buttercup,
grass growing near roads.
Gather herbs need a good wash and then dry using a paper towel. When feeding dwarf rabbits should be remembered that in the diet of an animal must be present in sufficient quantity of hay which the rabbit can eat at any time of the day. But at the same time, it should not be given to rabbits alfalfa hay over 6 months. Oat hay - the most versatile of all age groups and types of dwarf rabbits.
Diseases of rabbits
Rabbits, like all living creatures, prone to various diseases. Moreover, the pet might get sick contagious disease. Do not worry, for these human infections are not dangerous, but for other animals in the house - yes.
For non-contagious include:
Gastrointestinal diseases;
Solar and heat stroke;
Traumatic injuries;
Respiratory diseases;
Infectious disease:
Infectious rhinitis;
Dermatophytosis or microsporia;
Viral haemorrhagic disease;
Infectious stomatitis;
Describe these diseases, we will not, because the diagnosis is made a veterinarian. Here's what you need to know to monitor the health of your pet:
Rabbit body temperature should be 38, 5-39, 7 Celsius.
The pulse should be 120-140 beats per minute.
Respiration rate - 30-50 strokes per minute.
The daily urine should be less than 0, 2 liters.
Blood pressure is normal - 90-10 mm Hg. It is measured in the femoral artery. If one of the indicators is different - immediately contact your veterinarian!
So, summing up the above, we wish to reiterate that rabbits - it's not fluffy toys, but living creatures.
If you decide to buy a dwarf rabbit, be responsible for it.
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