how to choose a parrot


  • Health parrot
  • What should be prepared for a parrot?
  • How to choose a young parrot?
  • How to choose a talking parrot?
  • How to choose a male?
  • How to select a pair of parrot?

If you decide to buy a feathered pet, before it is required to check the directions on how to choose a healthy parrot and how to care for them. If you have no experience in poultry, it is best not to have large parrots. We advise you to pay attention to the smaller - budgies. They are small, do not require special care of a very unpretentious and easy to get accustomed to the new location. In a word - perfect for beginners. So, what to choose a parrot?

Budgies have a sunny disposition, bright color, they are quite sociable and can copy human speech and voices of various animals and birds. You can choose a parrot, who already knows how to talk to or be able to teach him this yourself quite easily. Experience shows that best lend themselves to teaching parrots with green coloring pens.

They may remember a few hundred words, small poems, and even complex phrases. A native parrots of Australia and can live in captivity up to 15 years. So before you choose a feathered pet, is once again to think over and weigh whether you are ready for such changes in their lives.

If your intentions are serious and you are ready to give their love your pet, take good care of it, the choice wavy parrot will be the best solution. We recommend that before buying to purchase books for the care of these birds, and explore information on the Internet, to communicate with the hosts, who have experience in the care of a budgie.

Giving advice on how to choose healthy parrot, we first of all draw your attention to the fact that the purchase of birds should be in large pet stores or professional breeders, with good conditions for the content: fresh food, clean large cells and trained staff. By purchasing a bird with it, you may not notice the presence of a hidden disease with her.

Health parrot

By choosing wavy parrot should be approached responsibly and take a closer look before buying his behavior. Healthy parrot looks fun, fresh and lively jumps on the cage. If he sits, hunched and motionless, it is possible that the parrot is ill and should not buy. Be sure to check his eyes and nostrils. Bleary eyes or mucus on the nostrils clotted indicates that the bird is sick. To decide what s take a parrot, also listen to the breath of a bird. Wheezing during inhalation and exhalation show that there are problems with breathing.

Attention should be paid on the amount of poultry as busty plump parrots are less susceptible to diseases. If the breastbone in poultry bulges acute angle, it is exhausted, which may be a consequence of some disease.

The question of how to choose a healthy parrot includes knowledge of various avian diseases. For example, budgies common disease "French molt". In this case, the birds fall from the tail feathers and wings, so you should check for the two long tail and wing feathers, because if they fall, you practically do not regenerate. In a healthy budgie should be fully dense plumage.

The tabs at the parrot must be free of birth defects and fingers are present claws. One of the sensitive issues is to check the anus of a bird, but it also needs to be done. If it is red or smeared with feces, it may indicate inflammation of the intestine.

 how to choose a wavy parrot

What should be prepared for a parrot?

If you have learned advice on how to choose the wavy parrot, now we look at the fact that the same should be prepared for your feathered friend to him life was comfortable in a new place. Get a spacious cage with matching accessories. It should be at least 60 cm long and 40 cm wide. Best cell is a rectangular shape, because if the bird is frightened of something, then it is hammered into a corner and there calms down.

Necessarily the presence of drinkers, bathing baths and feeders. If you intend in the future to buy a parrot couple, the cell is better to buy larger sizes. After you choose a parrot and take care of toys for him. This may be a ring, a mirror or a trapezoid. It is best to hang them on a string to the top of the cage. When transporting the bird home from the store, use the special cages so as not to harm the parrot.

How to choose a young parrot?

It's best to buy a parrot at the age of no more than 5-6 weeks, so young birds quickly become accustomed to a new home and owners. If you have any doubts about how to choose a young parrot, you can use our tips, please note the following features:

  • young males present a clear wavy stripes on the forehead and the front of the back, which fade after the first molt (after approximately 3-4 months);
  • young parrot eyes completely black, and in adult birds located around the pupil white ring;
  • Young birds have a shorter tail, which is growing quite rapidly and reaches the standard sizes in 2 months after the parrot hatched from an egg;
  • age parrots beak increasingly lighter and feathers become more saturated color.

Here are some simple guidelines on how to choose a young parrot to it many years to come to their communication. If you want to buy an adult bird, make sure that the parrot is no habit to pluck yourself as to wean him from it will not be possible.

How to choose a talking parrot?

If you want to have a talking parrot, what his education should begin at an early age. How to choose a talking parrot? It is believed that the best master of human speech may males, and the most talkative of them are birds with a green color. The worst-capable birds with white color. It is best to also lend themselves to training the weakest chicks in the brood, and if you manage to get out of the parrot, it will certainly be for him leader. It recognizes your authority and will try to please in everything, including in imitation of your speech.

Knowing what the parrot to choose for a fruitful training should still take into account the age of the bird. The most productive is the age of 8-10 months, though, and then the birds susceptible learning. Budgies talk pretty quiet raspy voice. Initially, lessons should pronounce the words with a sizzling letters, since they are easier to pronounce birds. Necessary repetition of the same words as long as the parrot begins to recite them clearly. Very important is the personal contact with the bird.

Now that you know how to choose a talking parrot and you can further explore their learning as tame birds more able to reproduce human speech. All words are gentle voice, without changing the tone. It is best to copy and parrots perceive women's and children's voices, well they are received and exclamatory phrases. Hold classes every day is best for one person. After learning of individual words can move on to a small phrases. At this stage of training already possible to write some phrases on the tape and give them to listen to the birds. If you do it right, then to four months parrot will talk.

 budgies how to choose

How to choose a male?

If you want to buy a boy, we'll show you how to choose a mate. At an early age the person does not understand the intricacies of these hard to make a choice. But if you want to pick up the parrot couple, then definitely you need to know who you - male or female. Gender birds can be identified by the color of the beak cere. The boy in these places the skin has all shades from pale blue to deep blue. In females cere color from light cream to brownish tint. But to know exactly how to select budgies should take into account the fact that during the molting females can change color from brown cere color to blue. Usually 2-3 months everything returns to its original state.

How to select a pair of parrot?

If you want to buy another one bird how to choose a pair of parrot? Does the color of the female and her character or not? In that case, if you do not intend to breed the birds, the color of the female is not important, but it is best to buy a girl younger. About how to choose the wavy parrot we have already talked with you. To begin to put her in another cell and place nearby. Let them get acquainted at a distance and get used to each other.

After a month of dating a female can be transplanted to the male. If your parrot quiet nature, then it is desirable to pick up a girl with the same, or nimble female his torment. Parrots are used to living in the pack and in a big company it is much more fun. Active birds mate quickly, and the choice of the female parrot begins to care for her. He fingers her feathers and beak from feeding girlfriend. But it also happens that a couple of parrots does not fit the characters and they are constantly fighting. In this case, parrots must sit.

In order to not be standing in front of you a question, how to choose a parrot couple is sometimes advisable to purchase immediately and the female and male. This option is best if the owners are often lacking at home. The two parrots are fun. If you have others live parrots - parrot wavy choice may depend on the species. It is best to get along with each other budgies and cockatiels.

If you have a home with small children, they need to prepare for the emergence of a new tenant. If parrots are bought at the request of the child, the adult should also be remembered that the main burden of caring for pets will fall on them. Although parrots are relatively inexpensive, but requires additional expenses for maintenance, feeding and caring for them. It is advisable to inform all domestic content rules parrots.

We told you about how to choose the right parrots where to buy them and how to choose the male parrot. But this is only for the acquisition of basic knowledge of birds. And after you solve the problem how to choose wavy parrot will have to learn a lot, because you have to know what you can feed the birds, when they can be released from the cell, which requires feeding parrots.

You will have a lot to learn, including how to protect parrots from other pets, learn what items may be in a cage, and what better to keep away, how to care for the couple and the like, because you take the responsibility for the life of a living being . Therefore, we sincerely wish you success!

 How to choose a parrot? Tips on purchasing

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