What makes a jewel in the piece of jewelry? Cut and worthy setting. The same magical facets that will turn your garden into a real diamond, become hedges. And your goals and desires will determine what will be the hedges: Shrubs or trees, high or low, natural or cropped. Let's see how to create a hedge in the garden area. What shrubs to choose? How to plant? How to take care of it?
A little history
Hedges have been known since ancient times. According to the chronicles, hedges were decorated gardens of ancient Babylon. Flowering hedges of lilacs, roses and jasmine surrounded by gardens of the East. In the gardens of ancient Egypt hedges planted fig, palm and ebony. Pleasure Gardens of Ancient Rome decorated hedges of laurel, rosemary and boxwood.
In Europe, the hedges are known from the time of the Roman conquest. At first they were used for the protection of the aristocratic and monastic estates, and from the 16th century began to build a maze of hedges. Later hedges have become a convenient tool for planning gardens and dividing them into separate zones.
In Russia, the hedges were in the 18th century. The first Russian garden with conifer hedges was St. Petersburg Summer Garden, which has become a model of regular geometric layout of the garden (regular style). Gradually this changed landscape style (free style layout). And yet it remains the most popular in Russia. It is in this style is maintained landscapes most urban parks, gardens and suburban gardens.
But in his own garden, as is well known, the owner-master. Every gardener can become his own designer and create an amazing sample of landscape art. However, to create a beautiful garden, you must have either an innate taste or certain knowledge. To arrange a hedge in your garden, you must decide on her appearance. Hedges have a different purpose. It is what determines the type, size and planting material.
What am hedges?
Depending on the location on the site hedge can be external and internal. External hedges and bordered shield garden, used for internal decoration.
On the composition of the hedge plants can be divided into spiny and soft on deciduous and coniferous, mixed and single-species on. Thorny hedge - a great alternative (or addition) lasting fence. Conifer hedges, unlike hardwood, retain their decorative all year round. But deciduous grow quickly and are easily formed.
The shape of the hedge can be natural or formed. Fences must have a natural form of natural decorative properties. For them, usually choose Flowering shrubs. Sheared hedge takes up little space, looks more strictly and accurately, but also require more maintenance.
Hedgerows and divided by height. Live walls - three meters above directly fence - from one to three meters, curbstones - up to one meter.
However, not all plants are suitable for the construction of the hedge. Consider the most common and well-proven.
Shrubs and trees for hedges
Green walls do, usually of conifers: spruce, pine, juniper, arborvitae. Of deciduous trees for a living wall using larch, hornbeam, maple, bird cherry, blackthorn. All of them, of course, beautiful and useful, but slow (sometimes very slowly) grow. Yes, living walls and are designed to frame the parks or large suburban areas. Therefore, gardeners prefer not very high hedges of shrubs.
For high (up to two meters) fence suitable slow-growing shade-tolerant shrubs and trees with small and dense foliage. For example, laurel and evergreen arborvitae. Laurel, covered year-round shiny green leaves, grows well and quickly. Fence from it is better to arrange in the penumbra. Tui, on the other hand, loves sunny places. It is suitable for svobodnorastuschih and for clipped hedges. For such hedges are also suitable laurel, buckthorn, hawthorn, privet.
Low-growing hedges (natural borders) planted along the garden paths and trails around the edges of lawns, around the stairs and terraces. These borders can be cut, and you can save the natural form. For them suitable low shrubs with thick branches: spindle tree, boxwood, spirea, heather, Erica. For example, cinquefoil (Kuril tea). This is a small (60 cm to 1 m) bushes, which bloom all summer with white, pink or yellow flowers. Bloodroot tolerates partial shade and pruning.
Flowering hedges. For them suitable Flowering shrubs: rose, jasmine, viburnum, rhododendron, lilac, hydrangea. Flowering hedges are not subjected to the formation and requires careful maintenance. Over time, such a fence would be a paradise for birds and suitable housing for hedgehogs.
Fruit shrubs can also be planted as a hedge. This, incidentally, can be an excellent design solution for a small orchard. Therefore, such a hedge in the country will be particularly relevant.
How to plant a hedge?
After you define and view the fence, landing places and the choice of plants, you can start planting. If you intend to plant already grown plants, remember that they are much worse tolerate a transplant and are much more expensive than seedlings. Therefore it is better to plant Hedge young plants.
Suitable age deciduous saplings - two or three years, conifers - three or four. They are best planted in the spring, in late April or early May. Time from mid-August to late September and is suitable for autumn planting.
Hedge planted a long time, so it is a device to begin site preparation. It is necessary to dig a trench. Depth - bayonet spade, width - from half a meter to a meter. At the bottom of the trench have to pour humus, peat or manure and loosen.
Seedlings (after removal of broken and dead roots) planted in a trench at a distance of 30-50 cm. Planted them in moist soil, add fertilizer. Planted plants cut by about one third.
How to care for hedges?
Care of the hedge is not much different from the care of other garden shrubs. On hot days, it should be watered. Fertilize according to the rules, during the period of growth and flowering.
The first crop formed for hedges carried to the next year after planting. Later hedge sheared twice a year - in late spring and early autumn. Young plants are cut by no more than a third of annual growth - it promotes intensive growth of branches. When the hedge reaches the desired height, shears or clippers conduct regular haircut.
If you follow all these rules, your hedge in the country or in the large garden of a country house is sure to become a matter of special pride. A possible example to follow.
That, indeed, is all. Good luck in the field of garden design and your garden - enduring beauty!