Tropical native kalanchoe - what we know about him?
Using the amazing properties of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Kalanchoe Calandiva
Kalanchoe Degremon
Kalanchoe Rosalina
Kalanchoe crenate & lt;
Kalanchoe terry & lt;
Transplant kalanchoe
Medical conditions kalanchoe
We invite you to plunge into the magical and wonderful world of Kalanchoe - plant care is fraught with many surprises, and the flower carries the extraordinary healing properties. In addition, Kalanchoe in the home is growing quite well, and easy care. Let us understand how to care for kalanchoe well together.
Tropical native kalanchoe - what we know about him?
Among the few medicinal plants is worth special mention kalanchoe - care at home for him, fortunately, it is possible and is successful. In addition to the medicinal purpose of Kalanchoe quite successfully performs a decorative function better than other domestic flowers.
Homeland of this wonderful flower island of Madagascar is located in the warm tropics of South Africa. This plant can be found in Asian countries. So far, among botanists and fog shrouded in controversy Kalanchoe appearance in Russia.
At the beginning of the 18th century it was recorded the first record of kalanchoe in the lists of medicinal plants
. These references poluistlevshiye prompted scientists to think that the flower was imported into the territory of our country merchants
. One of the merchants in his ship's log recorded an interesting story of the miraculous healing of Russian sailor sick dengue fever
. This sailor was removed from the ship on an island off the coast of South Africa and left to cure by local residents
. After 30 days on board the ship loaded with goods rose sailor, who by that time had fully healed from a terrible illness
. In his pocket was a thick-skinned leaves warehouse "Kalanchoe" (translated as "health"), a sailor who occasionally chewed in the mouth
. It is quite possible that this story gave rise to the fact that the miracle of Kalanchoe continued its active breeding in Russia
. If you love indoor plants, and certainly you have Kalanchoe
Rhode tropical succulent (succulent), to which the Kalanchoe is in the family Crassulaceae. In Russia there are "relatives" of this plant of the family Crassulaceae - stonecrop, radiogram, young - but they are, respectively, more tolerant to our climatic conditions, and none of these plants can not be compared with Kalanchoe for its curative properties.
Decorative Kalanchoe can receive care in greenhouses, and in the conditions of the apartment. There are more than 100 species of plants, and only a single briofillum considered decorative and along with this drug. The remaining types only superficially resemble Kalanchoe drug. This fact and feeds the debate about whether you can be considered a medicinal plant Kalanchoe. For those who are seriously decided to grow up on his windowsill Kalanchoe drug need to know that the only plant that can help at the first sign of colds and other diseases - is Kalanchoe pinnate, whose leaves actually resemble feathers. To be successful in growing immigrant from the tropics, kalanchoe, carefully read the care and breeding.
Kalanchoe pinnate has a thick fleshy stem and leaves of the same structure, pointed at the ends. The edge of the sheet is covered with drop-shaped trail of small succulent shoots. Color of healthy plants are always intense light green. If Kalanchoe to break the stem or leaves, then immediately place the cliff a large amount of juice. At home, Kalanchoe pinnate require regular care, however, on a windowsill plant does not grow higher than 35-50 cm. If the plant receives the special conditions in the greenhouse, it can grow much larger in size.
The structure of the water-bearing tissue Kalanchoe responsible for the distribution of moisture, helps the plant to accumulate juice. Leaves and stems are covered with thick waterproof film through which moisture evaporates and is held inside. Thanks to this feature Kalanchoe can survive during a tropical drought. Local tribes used Kalanchoe succulent shoots to quench your thirst. By the way, some types of plants have a very pleasant, slightly sour taste, and it can support the forces of weary travelers. In addition, in moments of scorching heat people rub the skin juice Kalanchoe so that it does not dry up.
Those who decided to grow a drug kalanchoe care homes should explore yourself. Tropical plant likes a lot of light and heat, so the flower pot must be placed on the south side of the room, or in a well lit area.
Kalanchoe flowering - reproduction. In order to grow a new Kalanchoe is enough for one small kids, grow from the parent stem. Kids have a tiny size and leaves oval or round shape. Typically, a thin stalk is holding the 1-2 young leaves, which are no drop-shaped appendages. Kids can appear not only in adults but also the young plants. If your seedlings reached 10-15 cm thick and has got dense leaves on the stem, then you may well expect offspring.
Kalanchoe flowering - care after breeding. Young shoots readily take root, because the tiny stem already conceals thin root strings. Young sprout can be safely transplanted into a separate pot, when it reaches 1-1, 5 cm. Young plant adaptation period passes very quickly, and within a week or two you can see its growth.
The first 2-3 weeks of the deposited germ to be watered about three times a week, in small portions. For the adult plant is sufficient watering 1-2 times a week. Too much water is not going to benefit the Kalanchoe because flower collects a lot of moisture in the leaves and stems. And whether or not then wonder why the leaves turn yellow? But the solution is simple - rather less water the plant.
In South Africa, kalanchoe begins to bloom in late summer and early autumn fades, spreading very fragrant flowers. If you give a full kalanchoe care, bloom can be seen at home. However, rarely achieves this, so the lack of color should not upset you, because this fact in no way affects the healing properties of plants.
Using the amazing properties of Kalanchoe
Modern cosmetology widely used wetting properties of the plant in the manufacture of tonics moisturizing lotions and creams for the face and body. Modern medicine has also attracted Kalanchoe to his service as an excellent antimicrobial agent. The juice of the plant is used to treat various skin diseases.
Aborigines and still use improvised bath with the juice of Kalanchoe, which in a few hours put sick people to their body became clean. The treatment of abrasions and cuts sap gives excellent results, particularly pronounced on weakened sluggish skin - which is why it is desirable to have on hand Kalanchoe.
In addition, kalanchoe contains minerals and vitamins (mainly ascorbic acid) that have a beneficial effect on the skin and on the human body.
The bactericidal properties of Kalanchoe known since ancient times: pulp plants wiped their hands before eating, juice smeared with nonhealing sores and blisters, when the first symptoms of ailments chewed leaves. Modern pharmacology Kalanchoe uses in the manufacture of a variety of antimicrobial agents.
The plant serves as part of rites of the priests of the ancient tribes. Aborigines believed kalanchoe leaf natural symbol of life-giving force. When it is dry, the leaves were ground, they were made from a powder and used in the ritual of smoking. According to popular belief, smoking Kalanchoe caused rain to drought gaunt ground. The priests used the drinks from the Kalanchoe to treat patients. Leaves were also in food. Therefore, kalanchoe is incredibly popular in their homeland.
In addition to its basic properties, kalanchoe absorbs in the apartment all the harmful radiation coming from the electrical appliances. It is useful to put a pot of Kalanchoe near the TV or computer monitor. The absorbed the harmful rays of the flower back does not release.
Astrologers believe Kalanchoe plant bulls and cancers. The flower is a sign of the zodiac for these kind of talisman.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - kalanchoe blossfeldiana - bears descended from Madagascar. The plant has a bare slabovetvyaschiysya stalk height of 30 cm. The leaves are egg-shaped, on the edge of the green with a red border, crenate. Orange, red, yellow or pink flowers with a diameter of 1 cm collected in apical umbellate inflorescence. Great for children and medical facilities, offices, where bright blossoms will be able to give a good mood and raise the tone. The homey atmosphere will make a small flowering bushes cozy atmosphere summer tone.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana care. The plant is designed to light rooms, easily carries moisture deficit. Flowering kalanchoe blossfeldiana for several weeks, after which faded inflorescences must be removed, and the flower rearranged in a cool place and leave for a month without watering. The plants are then transplanted and transferred to a place with good lighting.
West or east window - the best place in the period from spring to autumn, with abundant watering as dry, but on the south window kalanchoe blossfeldiana better expose the winter, providing at this time is moderate watering. Strong sunlight can cause reddening of the leaves. The ground must be drainage. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana transplants performed every spring. Kalanchoe blossfeldiana summer feeding needs, especially when they begin to grow new shoots for top dressing can take fertilizer for cacti.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - reproduction. The plant is propagated by means of cuttings, as the leaf and stem. Before planting the cuttings are dried one or two days and then carefully monitor the watering.
Kalanchoe Care after flowering. As a rule, after flowering kalanchoe or discarded, or left to the next season. To plant bloomed again, him for 30 days is necessary to artificially reduce the daylight hours to 8-12 hours. The more light a plant receives during growth, the more it will be bright flowers. To obtain a compact bush and thick, in the spring it is necessary to root apical cuttings, and in July use pinching to enhance branching and tillering.
Kalanchoe Calandiva
Decorative-flowering varieties of Kalanchoe Calandiva has been specifically withdrawn from kalanchoe blossfeldiana. The plant differs from its predecessor, a small size, short peduncles, and a lot of variety of colors. If Kalanchoe Calandiva care gets full, its blooms can last for about six months.
Kalanchoe Calandiva care mix. Like all Crassulaceae, the plant prefers to be in bright rooms with enough sunlight. In the period of active growth kalanchoe require moderate watering. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 15-12 ° C. In the summer of Kalanchoe Calandiva fed twice a month fertilizer for cacti. After flowering, the plant is removed for a month in a shaded place, reducing the watering. After a dormant period the plant once again bring to light and continue watering - after a while resumes bloom.
Kalanchoe Calandiva - reproduction. Like other types of Kalanchoe, this species breeds stem and leaf cuttings.
Kalanchoe Calandiva - transplant. Traditionally, plants are transplanted annually in the spring.
Kalanchoe Degremon
Kalanchoe Degremon - Madagascar species introduced to European culture since 1925. The plant can reach a height of 50 cm, while the leaves have a length of 20 cm. The leaves of different plants or uzkoyaytsevidnoy narrow triangular shape, fleshy, gray-painted in green, below are purple spots that are emerging along the main vein. Reproduction kalanchoe cuttings in the case of bryophyllum daigremontianum is overdue. The edges of the leaves with serrated brood buds from which the child can develop a plant with its roots. Deciduous shoots immediately take root, and the cycle of new child processes is repeated.
Kalanchoe Degremon - care. The plant is not demanding enough to care. The main recommendations of all major types of Kalanchoe can add that bryophyllum daigremontianum loves normal room temperature and ambient light. The plant is best planted in clay soil intended for potted plants. Repot every spring flower in a pot larger. Typically, when a 38 cm tall flower kalanchoe care is not required, since losing its appeal and, as a rule, it is updated.
Kalanchoe Rosalina
The plant is not much different from his fellow - and kalanchoe blossfeldiana Calandiva. Flower reach of small stature and has a lot of inflorescences, which are more delicate pastel shades of colors.
Kalanchoe Rosalina - care. The plant loves light, prefers watering once every two weeks - often watered by no means impossible. With good care blooms for 8-10 weeks.
Kalanchoe crenate
Perennial plant in the form of dwarf shrubs, the lower part of the stem which odrevesnevaet. Leaves fleshy, dense, elliptical odds with the towns on the edge. The apical inflorescence bloom orange or yellow flowers. If Kalanchoe crenate care is the appropriate care of a number of succulent plants, it can reach a height of 180 cm!
The juice from the stems and leaves of this plant are used in the treatment of open wounds and burns. The extract derived from the leaves, is successfully used as a bio-stimulator for the treatment of cutaneous fistulas, wounds and ulcers. First, the raw material is poured boiling water (1: 5), and make him an infusion in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strained infusion was evaporated and half was used to prepare ointments, having anti-inflammatory action. Ointments based extract Kalanchoe crenate heal wounds and clean out the dead tissue. The bactericidal properties of the plant are used in cosmetology.
Kalanchoe terry
Kalanchoe Terry is unique to his dark green oval leaves terry texture and inflorescence bright pink.
Kalanchoe terry - care. The plant loves bright ambient light. The temperature in the summer is to fluctuate between 20-22 ° C and in winter not exceed 17 ° C. Summer flower needs moderate watering, and in winter - in the cool content without watering. Kalanchoe Terry does not require spraying, but the room with the flower must be regularly aired. Transplantation of the Kalanchoe made as necessary. Propagation is by cuttings flower or subsidiary plants.
Transplant kalanchoe
Outset that transplanting flowering kalanchoe is not desirable, it is best to make all the procedures at the end of flowering.
How to transplant Kalanchoe? Kalanchoe are transplanted each spring. To start preparing the "correct" the soil: 1 part sod land mixed with 1 part leaf soil, 1 part peat lands, 1 part of a brick crumbs and 1 part sand. It will not be superfluous to add to the soil to transplant pieces of birch coals. Then the old plant is pulled up by the roots out of the ground, making sure that the root system remains intact, and transplanted into a new pot larger volume.
Medical conditions kalanchoe
Often it happens that caring for a potted plant Kalanchoe is carried out properly. In this case, the plant begins to suffer. On what grounds can determine what care Kalanchoe wrong?
Falling leaves. This means that your flower does not have enough power.
Kalanchoe leaves a little yellow, the lower leaves fall off. The reason for this behavior of the plant - the lack of lighting.
No bloom, despite the fact that the leaves are juicy and healthy. Excess fertilizer leads to the fact that the plant starts to behave similarly.
On the leaves were black spots. This means that Kalanchoe suffers from a low temperature and excess moisture.
It should also be remembered, by taking responsibility for Kalanchoe, about the possible presence of diseases and pests. In extremely cold and humid plant affected by mold. On the contrary, an excess of moisture and heat in the Kalanchoe may appear powdery mildew.
In this article we have tried to reveal to you the secrets of how to care for kalanchoe mix.