Ficus kinks


  • Botanical description
  • Conditions of detention
  • Nursing
  • Pruning

Ficus have always been quite popular houseplants. Popularity figs explained not only by their impressive, and sometimes exotic, and even elegant appearance, but also the relative ruggedness, resistance to disease and a variety of species and varieties. However, different kinds of figs, and different requirements for the care and maintenance.

Therefore it is necessary to know more about what kind of ficus grows in your home and how to care for it. But the subject of our discussion today is the ficus Kinki, also known as a fig tree. Let's try to find out what features distinguish this plant from their brethren what he needs care and what problems may arise during the growth of the domestic flower.

Botanical description

Ficus Kinky is nothing but a variety (cultivar) of the known and very popular Ficus Benjamin. This dwarf variety, differing not only in size, but also the color of the leaves. The leaves of ficus Kinki colorful, light green, cream or salad framed border; small and narrow (length of approximately 4 cm). Stem ficus Kinki lignified, upright branches - drooping.

Homeland ficus Benjamin Kinki - the tropical regions of West Africa, Australia and Asia. It belongs to the mulberry family. Perfectly amenable to pruning and crown formation. Prized for small and special decoration. Relatively demanding care.

 Ficus Benjamin kinks

Conditions of detention

Primarily for this miniature ficus need to create comfortable living conditions. And these conditions should be as close as possible to the natural - rain.

Ficus Benjamin Kinki refers to the light-loving plants, so you need to keep it in a well-lit room. It is desirable that while the light was scattered. Although rubber plants easily tolerate direct sunlight during the hot summer months they should be pritenyat from the scorching rays. Also, rubber plants react painfully to flows of hot air, although they are thermophilic plants. Therefore, with a flower pot should be placed away from radiators and heaters. At the same time, the minimum temperature at which the ficus feels good, should not be below 15 degrees Celsius.

Keep in mind that it is desirable plants immediately select a permanent place as a permutation on ficus also reacts painfully. If the pot with a flower to move from place to place, the leaves of the ficus can start to fall. Falling leaves, and from the cold air flow. Therefore, from this miniature ficus draft must also be protected.

By the humidity of this plant no special requirements. It is easy to tolerate the dry air and the housing feels great in the room with high humidity. However, be careful not to create for your green pet extreme conditions and maintain a moderate level of humidity indoors. To protect the plant from the flow of hot air heaters, and from time to time to spray the plant and rub the leaves - that's what he needed for a comfortable existence.

 Ficus kinks care


One major advantage of this motley miniature trees - the relative simplicity of maintenance. Ficus Kinky does not require your attention and very careful care. Regular, timely watering, transplanting, as appropriate, periodic feeding - this is just what lies care undemanding plant. However, for aesthetic purposes a tree should be cut to form the crown. But we will tell about it later. So, care of plants at home.

  • Watering

The only requirement for irrigation - caution. When watering is necessary to make sure that the soil in the pot is not pereuvlazhnyat. Small containers that grow domestic rubber plants contribute to slow the evaporation of moisture from the soil, wetlands and potted may cause root rot, as well as the occurrence of fungal diseases.

However, drying of the soil mix is ​​also inadmissible. If the plant is a long time without water, its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Thus, this plant watering should be moderate, not waterlogged soil, and without it drying out between waterings.

  • Fertilizing

Like all domestic plants, ficus Kinki should be periodically to feed. The fact that the soil in the pot with the time runs out and the plant begins to experience a shortage of minerals. However, an excessive amount of minerals in the soil is also undesirable. In this case the plant is also sometimes drops leaves. Therefore, you need to fertilize the ficus in a specific pattern.

The most active time for fertilizing - the output of the plant standstill. This occurs with the onset of spring, when the ficus after the winter vacation start to grow. From that time until the beginning of autumn you need to feed your home ficus complex or special fertilizer once or twice a month. With the onset of autumn feeding gradually reduce, reducing them to nothing and continuing care without the dressings.

  • Transplant

Transplantation is also an essential part of the care of a ficus Kinki. How often does it need to do? The first transplant should be performed immediately after the acquisition of the plant. Substrates in which potted plants are sold, they are not suitable for permanent cultivation. Therefore, immediately after the purchase is necessary to replant the flower pot into a permanent, fully replacing the ground. If the plant substrate remaining in the magazine, it starts to hurt, leaves wither and resets.

For the first and subsequent transplants need to choose ceramic or plastic pots and fill them pochvosmesi intended for growing figs. The pot should not be too big and not too spacious. Ficus transplant as required when they grow too much. Therefore, the frequency of transplants depends on the growth rate of ficus and intensity increasing its root system.

Transplant can be done by handling by moving the plant to a new pot, keeping the old earthen room. In this case, the new pochvosmesi fill the space between a clod of earth and a flower pot. Fresh ground and sprinkled on the drainage layer and the surface of the old earthen coma.


Pruning ficus Kinki carried out in order to form the crown. Note that this procedure is painless for the plants. Typically, this ficus varieties are planted several plants in one pot. This allows you to form a tree with lush foliage. In this case, not only Krone ficus become spectacular, but the barrel looks very unusual - some twisted woody stems, which eventually able to grow together at the base.

If your ficus growing alone, it enables to form a miniature plant timber. Crohn he certainly would not be as lush, but a single dwarf ficus looks very gracefully. In any case, the crown of the tree may be safely forming, cutting unnecessary branches and leaves, and giving it the desired shape.

As you can see, Ficus Kinky is actually not so picky as it may seem. By and large it can be called almost perfect potted plant, so how to care for them is very simple. The main thing - do not forget that plants are alive and in need of care and attention. By the way, say, that this home ficus has an amazing positive energy. So if you want a sleek, glamorous and unpretentious flower room, the ability to improve your mood, then give preference dwarf Ficus benjamina Kinki. You can not go wrong!

 Ficus Kinki: care without the hassle

 cyclamen leaves turn yellow


  • Characteristics of Cyclamen
  • Problems in the cultivation of cyclamen
  • Caring for cyclamen correctly
  • The fight against ticks

Cyclamen is considered one of the most beloved and popular houseplants, which is not surprising, because it fascinates its original beautiful flowers that adorn every room so! Just a room culture prevalent two subspecies of cyclamen: European and Persian. The difference between them is that the Persian blooms in winter time when other plants, including European cyclamen mainly wither.

Characteristics of Cyclamen

Cyclamen - a perennial plant, forming corms. Typically, tubers differ ploskookrugloy form fifteen centimeters diameter. Cyclamen tuber has one point of growth, and in case of damage to the plant can first get sick, and eventually die at all. In the period of active growth of the tubers are formed sockets with pretty lush leaves and flower stalks with a single color, up to twenty centimeters long. The shrub plants may be up to thirty centimeters in height.

However, among the cyclamens are stunted and grade, the height of which is not more than fifteen centimeters. Cyclamen leaves can be round and heart-shaped form, they are placed in the shade of red petioles. Their length - from ten to fifteen centimeters, and the color - dark green, with a unique silver pattern. Today, breeders continue to develop new varieties of cyclamen, reproducing more and more colorful and vivid varieties with different coloring.

Today we look at how to grow and care for cyclamen such exotic plants as well as to identify the main problems that you may encounter in the process of growing cyclamen - namely, why he sometimes turns yellow and dries. But first let's deal with how to choose the right plant.

Buying cyclamen, pay attention primarily on the leaves and tubers. Foliage should not be damaged, sluggish or dry edges. But on the tuber should not be pronounced signs of decay, it should be smooth, not wrinkled. It's best to buy cyclamen beginning of autumn, when plants are actively bloom. It is advisable to flower already had when buying a lot of buds.

 Why yellow leaves of Cyclamen

Problems in the cultivation of cyclamen

Anyone who has ever faced with growing cyclamen, wondered why the plant periodically turn yellow leaves - this problem continues to be the most intractable and incomprehensible to many. It is said that the cause of any problem - in the wrong care of plants. Because it is important to know how to ensure the comfort of the plant indoors.

If you notice that suddenly turned yellow cyclamen and flowers at the same time stay healthy and strong, the reason most likely is too dry warm air. This plant does not tolerate temperatures above seventeen degrees. Cutting yellowing can contribute and the lack of a liquid or in direct sunlight.

Rotting leaves and stems, which in general can lead to death cyclamen - one more problem. Here reason wetting the soil, especially if the water falls on the upper portion of the tuber. In no case do not water the sprout part of it - work out the most carefully watering.

Sometimes cyclamens have a short flowering period, which can provoke over-dried air, too high a temperature or poor irrigation. There may be many reasons, and it is difficult to identify one. Most importantly - do not forget to feed the plant throughout the growing period and during flowering.

Finally, the distortion of leaves. Typically, this is due to the destruction of aphids or mites. As soon as you notice that there were pests, begin to wash cyclamen, or rather, its leaves, a special insecticidal soap. As an alternative to use soap designed for animals. In addition, spray the plant with special preparations, such fitoverm or Agravertin - they have no smell and does not impact negatively on cyclamen. To learn how to prevent the occurrence of ticks, we'll talk later, and now we give some tips on caring for cyclamen.

Caring for cyclamen correctly

Like all plants, cyclamen has its own characteristics and nuances in the process of care. The temperature, for example, should be cool. Will enough of thirteen to fifteen degrees. Please note that the temperature should not fall below ten and rise above twenty degrees; if you do not follow the recommended temperature. you will soon get the sad result: one day you will find that the leaves have turned yellow cyclamen and buds withered.

There are some rules that relate to lighting. A place where you have placed the cyclamen should be well publicized. Not bad, if the light is diffused and bright enough. However, direct sunlight should be avoided - a little pritenit plant at lunch time, but in the evening or early morning direct light the plant will benefit.

Considering why leaves turn yellow, is said about the watering. We had already said that a surplus or lack of moisture immediately affect the plant. During the growing season watering should be stable and regular - use the immersion method. And during irrigation pour water closer to the edge of the pot.

Try to avoid the stagnation of liquid in the pot with the plant. Water for irrigation should stand for a while so as not to provoke the development of rot or yellowing. Those leaves and flowers that are very yellow and dry, must be carefully cut with scissors, being careful not to damage the area of ​​the germ.

Now, about the humidity. Cyclamen - a plant that prefers high air humidity. Place the pot on a tray with pebbles or wet peat - for it is an ideal cyclamen. Spray the plant is not worth it, better humidify the air around him from a spray with fine spray.

A special approach requires care cyclamen after flowering. In particular, this applies to the Persian variety. After Cyclamen fades, the flowers should be cut down to the tuber, and reduce watering and stop fertilizing and fertilizer. The dried and yellowed leaves need not cut and twist immediately with petioles.

Closer to spring when the leaves are left completely dry out, cyclamen will enter into a state of rest. That's when it's time to stop watering. We need to put a pot with a plant on its side and place it in a cool place. Here, it should be up to the middle of July. Then rearrange the plant in a shaded place, preferably outdoors. It is necessary to periodically moisten the soil - it should always be moderately moist. As soon as you notice the first leaves, it will be a signal to the transplant.

Transplant cyclamen also has its own rules - during this process are completely changing the soil. For houseplants fit a primer: part leaf and humus soil in conjunction with a share of sod of earth and sand. During transplanting check the root system and remove all the rotten, damaged and diseased roots. No need to purchase too large or too small pot cyclamen. The optimal diameter - thirteen to fourteen centimeters.

 Cyclamen have yellow leaves

The fight against ticks

Answering the question of why leaves turn yellow and dry buds, and you need to remember about the pests. Cyclamen usually exposed to tick. The fact that the tick struck the plant, evidenced by yellowing and dry leaves. If flowers bloom at the same time, the pest can infect and - in the near future they will begin to shrink and wither. It is important to prevent such infection and time to recognize it.

Get in the store insecticidal spray and dilute it with water. Put pot cyclamen into water and thoroughly irrigate the plant, including the lower leaves. The remains of aerosol spray on the plant and allow the matter to settle. Now remove the cyclamen from the bucket and put on his usual place. Repeat the procedure a couple of weeks in order to prevent infection. It is better to treat the plant in the evening, since the onset of darkness, because it is the time tick is particularly active.

Good prevention - periodical inspection of tubers of cyclamen, which should also be cleaned and processed in cases where the mite hurt the plant. For processing use the same aerosol substances which help cyclamen easily survive the dormancy period and subsequent transplant.

Cyclamen - a great house plant that will never cease to please their masters exquisite beauty. The above rules enough to provide competent care and cyclamen grow impressively beautiful plant that will make your home comfort and tranquility.

 Treat Cyclamen: yellow leaves, how to solve the problem?
