With the advent in our gardens ornamental ponds many gardeners perplexed choice of plants for their decorations. Therefore, along with traditional and familiar green and flowering plantings appear in our gardens lilies, lilies and hyacinths floating in the artificial pond. But unfortunately, not everyone knows that innocent at first glance, hyacinths - are the real aggressors, capable of absolutely no time to fill the entire surface of the pond.
Water hyacinth (eyhorniya) is certainly beautiful and unpretentious, and so is very popular with local gardeners. But that's only in its essence it is an ordinary water weed. Therefore, it should be grown in a special way, skillfully holding irrepressible growth of the aggressor. We invite you to find out what this plant and how to grow in their ponds.
reference Information
Under natural conditions, water hyacinth grows in freshwater subtropical and tropical climate zone. The most densely populated area of hyacinth - the Amazon basin, where the average annual temperature ranges between 20-27 degrees Celsius. Basically this plant floats on the surface and only occasionally taking root in the muddy bottom. The whole green mass of hyacinth on the surface, and its roots hides water. Remarkably, the water hyacinth can live in waters almost any depth.
Water hyacinth - floating plant with large oval leaves that have swelling at the base of petioles. These air-filled blisters and keep the leaves on the surface, acting as floats. Smooth dark green hyacinth leaves collected in a basket and flowers like orchids bloom for only one day. This elegant purple flowers with six petals, one of which is decorated with a bright spot, middle, and flower - dark blue high stamens.
After pollination of the flower appears on the site of the fruit of the seeds that fall into the water while lowering its level. Once in water, the seeds grow very quickly, though for germination must be good lighting and temperature below 26 degrees Celsius. In the domestic climate, water hyacinth reproduces vegetatively, producing new shoots from the horizontal leaf baskets.
Note that behaves aggressively eyhorniya only in a warm and mild climate, for which he was named the green plague. But in the cooler regions eyhorniya just called water hyacinth, hyacinths although as such it has nothing to do.
Conditions of detention and cultivation
Special problems with growing water hyacinth in the summer there. It is unpretentious and does not require any maintenance. The only thing you need - to restrain rapid growth of this flower. To do this, remove the excess side shoots growing from the leaf rosettes. Only it should be done carefully, because the juice of the plant contains substances that irritate human skin.
In early autumn, water hyacinth is necessary to prepare for winter. It is important not to miss a moment lowering the water temperature to 10 degrees. At lower temperatures the water hyacinth can freeze and die. Therefore, when the temperature drops to 10 degrees, flower fish out of water in a container and moved to winter. Capacities required water from the pond, which grew eyhorniya summer. You can take the mud instead of water from the reservoir, but it is best to leave the water hyacinth winter afloat.
Containers with hyacinth should be put away from radiators and constantly humidify the air around the flower. And care must be taken to eyhorniya was constantly in the water. In addition, water hyacinth not tolerate drafts, so the container with flowers should be placed away from the balcony doors and vents. Nevertheless, winter water hyacinth should be provided fresh air to the flower. Therefore, you can not put it in a terrarium or covered with transparent caps.
The rest period is necessary to keep the flower at the bottom of the light of at least twelve hours. So at dusk water hyacinth illuminated fluorescent lamp. In poor lighting conditions the leaves begin to lose eyhorniya, although moving in the summer the pond she recovers quickly.
What in any case can not do is put the water hyacinth in the winter in basements and dark room. In this case, the plant is likely to wither. To leaves wintering Eichhorn does not rot, it can be placed on a float ring that leaves do not touch the surface of the water, and the roots at the same time were completely submerged.
Some growers recommend storing water hyacinth in the wet sand. But, as practice shows, eyhorniya perfectly normal winter in the aquarium at 24-26 degrees and more fluorescent lighting. Eichhorn planted in open water in June. If during wintering plants weakened, you can add in a little pond superphosphate.
Keep in mind that some varieties of water hyacinth, which are sold in stores, do not bloom in the cool summer. In general, this flower with a reasonable containment of growth becoming a wonderful decoration of garden pond. In addition, eyhorniya able to purify water from organic pollutants. So, with proper care you will get not only a beautiful and undemanding plant in a pond, but a kind water sanitation. Good luck!
Growing cyclamen
Diseases cyclamen
How to care for cyclamen
Reproduction cyclamen
Cyclamen - a compact, dark green leaves flower room with heart-shaped and small flowers on low stalks, resembling a flock of white-light-winged pink or purplish-red butterflies carefree. This houseplant has long gained an army of admirers among gardeners.
Rhode cyclamen has more than 60 species and belongs to the family Primulaceae. This is a perennial flower with tuberous roots, growing mainly in the countries of Asia Minor, in central and southern Europe, the Caucasus and Crimea. Sometimes called cyclamen dryakvoy or alpine violet.
Growing cyclamen
Growing cyclamen as a decorative houseplant takes a long time. And now you can enjoy the variety of its varieties: large, medium and dwarf sizes. Cyclamen flowers have a pleasant smell, the smell is sometimes absent.
At home, mainly grown cyclamen Persian cyclamen and Europe. The first blooms in winter, and the second - in the summer. Having at home both species, cyclamen can be enjoyed all year round. To flowering period was long - up to two months, observe the basic requirements for the care of this wonderful plant.
Avoid excessive heat in the room for the whole period of flowering cyclamen, 17 is enough;
During flowering bright provide indirect lighting of the room;
When Cyclamen bud, Blow pot in a dark place, put it on the side and stop watering, while avoiding the final drying of the soil.
Diseases cyclamen
If caring for potted cyclamen in the home is not secured properly, the flower starts to hurt. Lack of moisture or excess heat of dry air, especially in winter, leading to a reduction in the period of flowering cyclamen, yellowing and twisting of leaves.
To deal with these shortcomings must be properly: Place the flower on constantly wet moss or peat regularly moisten the air around the plant with a spray gun. Do not overdo it with moisture, such as the care of the cyclamen is not less harmful than the lack of it.
If you notice that cyclamen flowers fade, the leaves curl, the treated plants with a solution of soap and tobacco - it's possible that it struck the shield of aphids, scale insects. Get rid of another pest - mite can only be mechanically remove the affected leaves and flowers.
The most difficult moves in the underground Care Cyclamen tubers elephant beetle larvae. At the time when his adult bite flowers and leaves, the larvae feed on the roots. Attack on all fronts can only be stopped by means of comprehensive measures. It should change the soil and treat the tubers and flower insecticides.
How to care for cyclamen
Buying houseplants yourself, ask the seller how to care for cyclamen, or read a special literature.
Pour plenty of cyclamen, but carefully - water can not enter to the core roots, no leaves on the base, only in the ground. Even better, if you just immerse the pot in water or put on wet moss. Sprinkles the air around the flower, do not forget from time to time add fertilizer, watering defended soft water - and your cyclamen will be a long time to please the eye magnificent color.
At the beginning of the fall season cyclamens need a transplant. Make the mixture into a home of equal parts of turf, leaf soil and peat, add half the proportion of sand. Thoroughly clean the roots from the old soil, remove damaged, rotten or dried up shoots rhizomes.
Planting depth should be no more than the middle of the tuber. Cover of moss on top of the tip will give new growth of young leaves. If transplanted cyclamen is not possible for any reason, try to at least update the topsoil.
Transplanted flower leave for the north window sill, pre-full to feed his fertilizer. If everything was done correctly, by the end of autumn cyclamen bloom.
Reproduction cyclamen
Cyclamen breeds like tubers and seeds. For seeds should make artificial pollination and wait for maturation of boxes of seeds. But do not miss the moment when their own small seeds fall to the soil and collect them in advance. So often it breeds Persian cyclamen.
The seeds begin around July or August - immediately after collection. They are placed in peat pots with good soil moisture and creates the greenhouse effect - is covered with foil. Humidity should be moderate, and the air temperature around 17 degrees Celsius. When seedlings appear first leaves, the plants are transplanted completely asleep tubers underground.
After a couple of months, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for transplanting, leaving the upper part of the ground tubers, carefully covered with moss. Blossom Cyclamen so young will start no earlier than a year or two. Growing cyclamen from seed requires a lot of patience and a serious attitude.
Cyclamen tubers are propagated - work less troublesome. Mainly for this purpose the European cyclamen tubers subsidiaries. The procedure involves the separation of the old tubers into several parts, and seating in different pots with soil mixture.
Humidity of land in the pot should be moderate, do not allow the drying earthen coma or waterlogged. Reproduction of cyclamen in this way allows you to see the flowers much earlier than in the first embodiment.
Growing cyclamen - a fascinating process that allows to surround yourself with the beauty of spring throughout the year.