azalea leaves are falling


  • The basic rules of care
  • How to prevent drying of azaleas?
  • Fighting pests

Azalea - it is a great houseplant. More specifically, this deciduous shrub up to fifty centimeters. Leaves azaleas are small, bright green color and leathery texture. The flowers can be varied: terry or corrugated petals, ranging from bright colors until deep red. Azaleas bloom in the winter, in February or early March. Flowering can last for a few weeks - this time very happy owners of a beautiful delicate flower. Not for nothing azalea occupies a special place among all the ornamental plants for the room.

The basic rules of care

The plant prefers cool in the heat. The most appropriate place for azaleas will be east or north window - the main thing that she did not lack light. However, exposure to direct rays of contra - always pritenit plant. Do not place a flower pot from the battery during the heating. Watch out and that the temperature does not fall lower than twelve degrees in the winter - the azalea can simply freeze. But in the summer, the plant should not be exhausted from the heat - the optimum temperature is eighteen twenty degrees. In the flowering period - fifteen or sixteen degrees.

In the indoor environment, it is important to comply with two basic criteria. The first - is to maintain the desired humidity, the second - to observe the temperature. If the air in the room too dry and azalea and then suffers from direct sunlight, you will soon begin to fall off the leaves and fading flowers. To resolve such problems, be sure to put the plant on a special tray with peat, and do not forget to spray twice a day. By the way, can be used instead of peat and wet concrete block.

Heating period azaleas carry extremely difficult, because it is important to remember about the spraying. But in the period of flowering about a better way to temporarily forget moisture, otherwise the flowers fall off. As irrigation and spraying is carried out beforehand to settle for a few days water. The soil in the pot should always be kept moist. Otherwise azalea leaves quickly fold.

In the process of cultivation of this delicate flower, you can run into potential problems such as stunting or poor, weak budding. As a rule, this contributes to poor quality soil mix and the lack of trace elements in it relevant. However, the main problem is the defoliation. Let us see why this plant fall leaves and buds, and that is the reason for the drying plants?

 why azaleas fall leaves

How to prevent drying of azaleas?

You recently acquired azalea and already begin to notice how it dries up and leaves slowly fall? The first reason as the drying of leaves and twigs - this, of course, improper care, which contributed to the rapid death of the plant. To save the situation, crop drying branches until the new living tissue and try to create the optimum conditions for azaleas home detention.

The second reason why the situation may arise when the leaves fell off - a malfunction of the root system or a lot of stress, which could test the azalea - for example, when a sharp change locations during their bloom, or in the process of transplantation. In the same manner may be affected by the lack of light or an excess of it.

Watering - is also an important moment. As a rule, the lack of moisture - the first thing that contributes to the drying plants and defoliation. Exactly the same as the absence of the desired humidity. In order to saturate the moisture depletion and over-dried soil layer, lower the pot with the plant for a few minutes in a bowl, napolnennuyuprohladnoy water. Be sure to decrease and water hardness - do not forget it to boil or to defend.

Incidentally, except that the leaves fall down, and they can still turn yellow, indicating that zaschelochennosti by calcium. To prevent yellowing acidified water and make sure that its temperature does not rise more chemdo fifteen degrees. Azalea in this regard is very demanding plant.

Not bad, if you grow the plant in acid soil, which can be prepared at home, just mixed with sand and peat soil with softwood. All components take in equal proportions. However, the purchase of such a substrate can in the shop. And remember that for good growth and flowering azaleas need the right pot, in any case, not narrow, because the root system of a flower - surface. Often, the wrong choice of soil and the pot becomes the main reasons because of which the leaves are falling. Simply plant does not feel comfortable, that's trying to get rid of excess "goods."

 Azaleas at fall leaves

Fighting pests

Of course, like any other plant, azalea is attacked by pests that affect not only the leaves and budding, but also on the growth and life of the plant as a whole. What pests attacking azalea? In what appears to impact and how can this be prevented? We'll talk about this later.

The first pest - Jose scale. Its influence is evident in the fact that the leaves turn yellow and then sharply fall. On the surface of the leaves can be traced small brown patches. The fact that Jose scale sucking sap that dehydrates and flower. Foliage gradually loses its color and becomes shiny and sticky. It seems as if they are covered with syrup. As a result of damage caused by scale insects, azalea and all can be lost. Prevent it in the usual way - wipe the leaves with soapy water every day, as soon as the notice deterioration of the foliage.

Spider mite does no less damage. It manifests itself in the case of a tick spray prolonged absence or when the indoor air is too dry. Thin cobweb can be found in the interstices of the stems of the plant. If azalea struck mite, the leaves will shrivel and buds. In addition, the leaves may begin to curl and fall off. Fight mites need as well as with scale insects.

Third azalea pest - mealy bug, the negative impact of which is shown, once again, in a weak and distortion of budding plants. You may notice that some leaves fell off altogether. In this case, the plant will only insecticide treatments. You can also find aphids - a pest that attacks the young leaves. In order to destroy the pest treat azaleas soapy warm water. Repeat this process every three days.

What a pest can still contribute to the drying of the leaves and fall off? This moth, which quickly affects the plant. You'll notice how azalea leaves curl and dry up, and soon they begin and fall off. Be sure to collect all the moles that will find on the plant, and then treat the flower insecticide.

Sometimes owners of azaleas observe its leaves discolored spots. Their leaves behind a rhododendron bug that lays eggs bottom leaves brown. Such bugs overwinter in plant tissues, and their new generation will appear closer to the summer. From this pest can be eliminated only by means of diazinon. But the dark red spots - is Septoria infection, severe fungal disease that is extremely difficult to tolerate the azaleas. Usually infection occurs in the spring, fueled by excessive humidity and heat. Try to avoid this.

If you have found on the leaves brown spots, is located on the edges, it speaks of the defeat of the so-called fillostiktozom. The fight against this disease is carried out with the use of fungicides. Of course, do not forget about spraying the flower before the leaves fell off. This will not only prevent the falling of the leaves, but also provide a good budding.

Summing up, it is worth noting that nothing is too difficult to care for azalea not. Despite the fact that it is quite finicky plant, a lot of attention to him, it does not require - it is only necessary to competently consider the location of the pot, a watering system, feeding and maintenance of the desired temperature. Do not forget from time to time to inspect the plant, removing its damaged part and dried. Then azalea long will please the mistress of its vivid colors and will adorn your home.

 If your favorite mope - Azalea: fall leaves and buds, what to do?

 dieffenbachia dries


  • Dieffenbachia: diseases and pests
  • Caring for Dieffenbach

Many people who have grown dieffenbachia, faced with the fact that the dried leaves of the plant or twist - is the most common problem in the growth of dieffenbachia. Today we try to understand why the dieffenbachia and dry as possible to prevent it and what to do if the plant has suffered?

But first of all say a few words about the dieffenbachia. This plant - evergreen, belongs to the family Araceae. It has a strong, sturdy trunk and soft expressive leaves. Dieffenbachia has about forty species that may be different shape, different and leaves and root system. It is important to know that this plant is extremely sensitive to all external stimuli, because very often it is from the same stimuli and suffers.

Of course, it causes all diseases of plants, as a rule, are diseases that can be both fungal and viral. In addition, often affect dieffenbachia pests, which also affects the growth of plants. Consider the disease, which most often faced dieffenbachia.

 dieffenbachia dry leaves

Dieffenbachia: diseases and pests

Basically dieffenbachia affected by fungal diseases, of which the first - leaf spot. It appears at the edges of the foliage, especially on the lower leaves. These are small brown spots outlined orange border. Gradually, they capture the whole lamina. Such disease may be transmitted with or plant residues.

When anthracnose leaf edges are covered with large spots, which gradually spread throughout the sheet that provokes instant drying, and then the death of the sheet. It can be transmitted through contaminated part of the plant. Anthracnose, wherein the edges of the tabular sheets appear sufficiently large spots gradually contaminates the entire surface and causes death and drying the sheet. Also, it is transmitted through infected plant parts. Both the first and second disease provoked by high temperature and humidity. The reason may even become water-logged soil.

Fight antraknozrm and spotting possible by optimizing the temperature and the normalization of irrigation. Also, do not forget to handle the leaves of affected plants conventional fungicide. This can be vitaros or fundazol - both drugs are effective.

Another disease that are particularly vulnerable dieffenbachia - Fusarium. First hit the root collar, and then - the root of the plant. Suffer and leaves. The disease manifests itself in the formation of dark, depressed spots a little elongated. Dieffenbachia gradually fade and turn yellow. In some areas, it can be seen mushroom pink. For a long time the pathogen is Fusarium in the soil, and the active dissemination of his starts at the roots of the plant contact. Provoke the disease can be over-dried plant, or a lack of potassium.

The best prevention of disease - it was originally a quality soil for plants. It is necessary to prepare a good planting material pretreated with a fungicide substance. In this case, you can safely apply giokladin. Once you have noted the first signs of Fusarium, it is necessary to spray all the same dieffenbachia fungicide.

On the neck of the plant and its roots can occur rot, which manifests itself in the form of small dark areas, a little depressed. Over time, these spots capture the whole leaf tissue and provoke suppuration, in which dieffenbachia can be lost. The leaves are covered with mycelium pale gray. What causes this disease? It can be transmitted through the soil, which can contribute to an overabundance of moisture or dressing. The reason may be required and the lack of ventilation or excessively high temperatures. In this situation it is necessary to reduce watering, as well as to replace the substrate, and then to process the fungicide.

Among bacterial diseases can occur Bacteriosis, manifested in the form of small watery areas whose boundaries are clearly delineated. Leaves with time become brownish, brown. The disease can be transmitted by mechanical damage, as well as cuttings. Typically, infection is usually subjected difenbahii that contain at elevated temperature or humidity. All infected plants must be destroyed.

Asked why dry or yellowing dieffenbachia, is said about the wrong room climate. If the plant is grown at low temperature, and in the winter time it is now and then subjected to drafts, then sooner or later the leaves to twist and, in the worst case, the plant may die altogether. Move the pot in a more comfortable and provide a suitable place plants need care.

What other causes of dry leaves can be called? Naturally, this effect pests. As a rule, dieffenbachia amazing spider mites and thrips and scale insects. First affected leaves, and then the root system and the plant as a whole. Pests removed from Dieffenbach using tampons soaked in beer or soapy water. Suitable infusion and garlic. If the infection is strong, then the pest suitable drugs such as aktellik, and malathion, used to be in the ratio of 15 drops per liter of water. And do not forget to constantly humidify the air in the home to create the desired climate.

Curl leaves dieffenbachia may have due to frequent watering with cold water. Be sure to use to defend the water room, the normal temperature. Avoid direct rays on the plant in the summer time, a little pritenit it. The sun's rays can provoke even more serious problems, such as burns.

 Why dry leaves of dieffenbachia

Caring for Dieffenbach

To dieffenbachia not adversely affected by pests and actively growing, it is important to know some basic rules, compliance with which is very important in the process of care for this plant. This is the temperature, watering, humidity, and dieffenbachia necessary for feeding. Please consider these points highlight.

  • Temperature

The optimal temperature for dieffenbachia index during the spring and summer is considered to be 20 degrees. In general, most the maximum rate that can carry dieffenbachia - is 28 degrees, but it is not necessary to prevent this, if the humidity is low. In winter, it is important to keep the plant at 16-18 degrees. It is important that the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees, otherwise the lower leaves begin to dry up and fall off quickly. Unacceptable sharp differences mode and constant transfers from one room to another.

  • Watering

When dieffenbachia is in an active stage of growth, it is important to ensure an abundant good watering. Be sure to once a month is necessary to lower the ground plane for fifteen minutes in a pre defend the water. Then let the water drain out. In winter, watering should be more moderate, otherwise the excess moisture leaves begin to grow brown.

  • Humidity

Dieffenbachia needs daily spraying, spending is necessary to defend the water. Avoid Watering lime water - it can cause many problems. On the leaves begin to appear large white spots. If the plant is growing at more than twenty degrees, then put it on the moist sand or a special damp peat. Do not forget to periodically arrange dieffenbachia shower - this will clear the dust from the leaves.

  • Fertilizing

As with any plant, dieffenbachia needs feeding. Dieffenbachia pretty quickly consumes all the nutrients, because every ten days, during active growth, fertilize mineral fertilizer plant. It is desirable that it be liquid. During the winter, stop fertilizing.

By following simple rules listed above, you can grow a great luxury tree that will fit perfectly into your home and create a flower garden in your apartment even more comfort and convenience. It is important not to throw care Dieffenbach, then please you with its appearance for a long time she could!

 Dieffenbachia dries: struggling with the problem
