lemon Tree


  • Care Basics homemade lemon
  • Necessary lemon fertilizer

Who does not want to present themselves on the shores of the warm sea, in the shadow of the beautiful citrus trees? Sweet cocktail in your hand, even the sound of waves, the warm rays of the sun caress his face. Alas, most of the amenities of this list can be found except that during a trip to the sea, but the mood can try to create with the help of beautiful lemon and tangerine trees on the windowsill.

Care Basics homemade lemon

Now it is very easy to grow a lemon tree, it requires regular, but not too complicated care, so that the problem in the teeth not only experienced botanists. Seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, soil, tools and other necessary things you can buy in the appropriate store. The decision of how to grow the plant - from scratch or germ - depends on the degree of patience amateur gardeners, but in any case it is best to do this in the spring, from late March to late April.

For home cultivation are best special grades, "Pavlovsky", "Meier", "Novogruzinsky", "Maikop", "Genoa". They feature a compact crown, good flowering and fruit setting, ripening, early fruit set. However, care unsuited for indoor conditions no different varieties.

To grow a lemon tree from a stone - a task for the persistent and very, very patient growers .  If you must be careful, if you follow all the rules, sooner or later will sprout .  But get him the fruit will not be easy, in addition, this approach does not guarantee that they will be tasty .  However, if you important is the process, not the result, you can resort to this method is .  To do this, take you like a lemon, clean it from the skin, remove seeds and place them in a saucer of water .  Please note that you must thoroughly clean the seeds from the pulp, otherwise they zagniyut instead grow .  After that, the seed should be planted at a depth of two centimeters into the prepared clay pot, sprinkle with water and put in a warm (but not too) place .  For about a month the first shoots appear, unless you're a bone to pick out every day, as did Carlson, and will not forget to water the plants .

However, this method is suitable to grow lemons seasoned gardeners who are willing to wait for the fruits of not less than ten years. If you do not have too much experience or patience, try to grow a lemon tree from a specially prepared seedlings. It can be purchased in the store at the botanical garden or farm and gardening stores. You need a cutting length from eight to twenty centimeters with three or four sheets. The roots must be wet, covered with earth.

It so happens that the citrus trees require very careful selection of pots, they should be regularly transplanted grows, each time increasing the diameter of the pot for two to five centimeters. As a first approach liter pot or a little more than the volume capacity, diameter of not more than ten to fifteen centimeters at the top. It is necessary to fill a breathable, lightweight blend of expanded clay, peat, sand and earth. In principle, the purchase of seedlings can be bought him a specially prepared soil for citrus plants, as it is difficult enough on their own to create. Up to three years of tree transplanted to new soil every year, then it can be replaced every two to three years. This can be done in any season, but spring, of course, preferable. It is impossible to transplant the plant during flowering.

Lemon need to be watered, focusing on the drying of the topsoil. The need for irrigation is determined as follows: - if when squeezed between two fingers of a small amount of the surface layer of the soil sticks together, then watering is not necessary, if the land is scattered - it's time to water. It is necessary to monitor the state of the soil each day, so that is not the pot ran dry earthen room entirely. Of course, the water used for irrigation is necessary to uphold at least twenty-four hours at room temperature to remove chlorine. In winter, water can be heated up to thirty or thirty-five degrees Celsius. Such care provides health and vitality of your pet vegetation.

Watering lemon must be well-defined manner, so as not to ruin the roots. Firstly, the watering can or any other container must have a nozzle or atomizer. Secondly, you need to irrigate as much as possible close to the ground to avoid the exposed roots. Thirdly, it is necessary to shed the entire contour of the pot until the water does not appear in the tray. After two to three hours is necessary to merge the remaining water. Please note that in addition to proper watering, you need to spray the plant with water. If lemon fruits, it must be sprayed less often, it is best at this time to wash the dust from the leaves, so as not to impede access of air.

Lemons like ambient light, but the drafts for them ruinous. Therefore, these plants need to choose rooms, which often looks the sun, preferably facing east or west. In the north of the plant sad without the sun and did not give the expected crop and the south may simply dry up. Lemons will be attracted to the light, but it is not necessary to rearrange his or turning sharply, the maximum that can be allowed - every ten days turn no more than ten degrees. By the way, the lemon does not like dry air, so in winter next to the plant, place a saucer with water.

Of course, it would be desirable not only to grow a lemon tree at home, but also to enjoy its benefits, but it does take some time to care for him. The most difficult thing in the first months ruthlessly break buds; Alas, barren flowers weakens the plant. Please note that the new leaves grow only after the previous "wave" finally sprouts.

Upon reaching the level of a lemon in the twenty centimeters need to cut its top, without touching a few buds. It is because they grow shoots of the first order. When they germinate, the plant will need to be cut again. Fruits appear only on the shoots of the fourth or fifth order. It will take from five to twelve months after flowering to ripening of its fruit. For flowering best suited temperature lower than sixteen or more than eighteen degrees centigrade. Other colors can fall in. When the first of the ovary, you will have to start counting the leaves, as one fruit must come at least ten healthy leaves. If they will lower the ovary does not develop. If the colors a lot, they have to be thinned out, leaving only those which are more developed ovaries. It is better to leave the fruit on short branches - they ripen faster.

Of course, it is necessary to feed the plant and fertilize, no later than three to four months after transplantation into a new pot, because the soil can provide a power plant only at this time. By doing this in the first half of the summer, it is possible to reduce the bitter taste, which is difficult to get rid of growing lemons at home. The more years you plant, the more it must be fertilized, especially if you have not transplanted it. Fertilizers should be used after watering the plants. Do not forget to fertilize in the winter under artificial light. At this time, lemon require special care.

 lemon tree care

Necessary lemon fertilizer

  1. Phosphorus-potassium salt. Three to four grams per liter of water for better flowering and ovaries. Potassium is necessary for the accumulation of plant carbohydrates and increasing outflow of sugars to other parts of the plant leaves. It affects the pressure of the cell sap, and increases drought tolerance. If potassium is not enough, the plant badly assimilate nitrogen and grows poorly. This can be determined by the yellowing between the leaf veins and dying off from the top to the brim. If the fertilizer with potassium and chlorine enters - alas, it does not fit lemon. A good potassium and phosphorus fertilizer is wood ash. Dosage - a teaspoon per gallon of water.
  2. Phosphorus. It is necessary for carbohydrate metabolism, especially the young plants need if it is not enough, and delayed the growth of lemon shoots not ripen.
  3. Superphosphate. It is best to use a liquid manure.
  4. Full organic fertilizers. Horse manure, mullein, bird droppings insist three days, taking in equal proportions, you can add a little black. Before using horse manure diluted with water five or six times, sixteen times mullein, chicken manure in fifteen or twenty times. Note that mineral and organic fertilizer is better to alternate. So easy to grow healthy plants.

Summer feeding should be implemented once every ten days, and in winter about once a month.

Home Grown lemon to taste no different than purchased, and often surpasses it. It is also a very beautiful plant, at flowering time he fills the house a unique delicate flavor, which is not only very enjoyable, but also deters moles. If you provide the right care of lemon trees and care, it will be able to live in your apartment sixty or seventy years, regularly supplying your family with delicious fresh fruit from the seeds that you can grow a lot of trees. A stalk of lemon trees can be a good gift to family members and friends.

 How to grow a lemon tree at home
