For centuries, the rose is considered the queen of flowers. Its regal appearance symbolizes love and wealth, the fragrance gives vivacity and rich palette of colors delights the eye. Admiring the beautiful rose is always a pleasure, and it does not matter, it grows on a bed or standing in the vase. Elegant bouquet of roses - a worthy gift for any woman, regardless of age and status.
Buy roses is not difficult - they are sold all year round in specialized flower shops. During warmer months, they can grow on their own in the garden. Difficulties arise with the storage already cut flowers delivered in a vase.
How to cut the roses: Tricks of the Trade
To roses stay fresh longer, they should be cut early in the morning;
That's when the petals and stems of roses the most saturated with moisture, and the elastic buds still kept cool in the night;
If you are going to do a bunch after a shower, gently shake off each rose by raindrops, so as not to damage the delicate velvety petals;
Cut roses that are not yet fully blossomed, and they stand for a long time in a vase.
Thus, cut roses. Now you need to take care that they have retained their original form as long as possible. Below we will explain how to care for flowers, posed in a vase.
How to keep cut roses?
As befits a lady of royal blood, the rose is very capricious and not a long-liver among the flowers. Depending on the grade, color and density of petals with good care rose in a vase may be up to two weeks. If the cut-off damsels do not pay enough attention, their life will be very short-lived, because simply put the flowers in water - it does not mean to keep them. Caring for roses should be cut with the advice that prolong their freshness:
The water plant is better to take to defend, room temperature;
Observe the proportions between the length of the stems of roses, tall vases and the volume of water: the longer the stem, the higher the vase and more water;
Do not place a vase of roses in other colors;
Roses in a vase are not located in areas subject to direct sunlight, in a draft, in too dry or smoky room, and next to the fruit;
Withering Flower neighborhood with a central heating, heaters and other appliances of this kind;
The apartments with low humidity can be several times a day to spray the flowers with an atomizer, avoiding splashing in the bud;
The optimum temperature of the room, where there is a bouquet should be cool - no more than 18 degrees Celsius.
How to put roses in a vase?
First of all, a bunch of free tapes, ribbons and gift wrapping - Flowers need air and space. Before you arrange them in a vase, cut the edge of the stem at an angle and slightly split it. This will maximize the area, absorb moisture. Ideally, this procedure is better to make under water to avoid air clots in veins stems. Remove all the leaves and thorns that will be below the level in a vase of water to prevent their degradation.
The water in the vase with a bouquet of fresh cut roses should be changed daily. In this necessarily ends of the stems, rinse under running water, and update sections. Samu vase, wash and rinse with boiling water. At night, you can move a rose from a vase in the bath with fresh cool water. In this case, make sure that heads to the petals of the water does not leak, or they turn black.
The solutions that extend the life of cut flowers
To extend the elegance and freshness of cut roses can be added to warm water dissolved half a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid, mixed with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. You can instead of fresh water to take nutritional composition prepared with floral preservative. Using preservatives, strictly observe the instructions for its use, and in any case do not increase the dose.
It is also possible to use solutions of silver nitrate (0.4 grams) and calcium chloride (5 g), diluted in one liter of water. There is a popular belief that a tablespoon of vodka, added to the water, where there are roses, also makes their life longer.
Caring for cut roses - troublesome, but it's worth it. Head held high beauties roses will long to give you a great mood, saturating the air with heady aromas of home.
Habitat for room roses
Growing Roses - soil, additional forage and transplanting
Growing roses as a way to earn
Rose varieties for cultivation in the indoor environment
Sometimes even experienced growers doubt the success of his plan to grow a rose in the home. But the desire to enjoy the beauty of the recognized queen of flowers is strongly questioned. Soon they realize from their own experience that it is not as difficult as it was assumed to grow enchanting beauty in the room and give it proper care.
Of course, there are subtleties, knowledge and observance of which requires that the owner of the content of roses, but we should not think that the efforts are too labor-intensive and energy-consuming. Check out the information collected in the article - and you will see for yourself that the cultivation and care of the rose quite on the shoulder, even beginner gardeners. If you have a sincere desire to grow a delicate flower in your home, do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly proceed to translate dreams into reality.
Habitat for room roses
The sun, air and water - these three components form the basis of proper care in the home rose usloviyah.Esli in your home came with a rose pot, then do not hesitate to put it in a well-lit and sunny place. Most often it is chosen sills with access to the east or south-east. In the winter time, when too small natural daylight, Rose will begin to experience a lack of lighting. To help make up the shortfall of his sources such as lamps of artificial light that can be turned on for the roses at dusk. Keep them running into the night. To rosebush maintained harmony, you need to periodically rotate the pot with a plant on its axis.
The air in the room where you will grow a barbed pitomitsy should be fresh and not hot. On the cultivation of roses beneficial effect is air baths. Therefore, while outside temperature is below 12 ° C, easily take out the pots of plants on the balcony, and there quietly leave. The plant itself will only get better feel. Roses are not well tolerate heat and stuffiness. The most favorable for the existence of decorative roses temperature regimes - in the summer from 16 to 25 ° C, in the winter of 15-17 ° C.
To home growing roses was successful, follow the correct watering. For irrigation use only to defend the water, cool or at room temperature. The water is directed at the root of the flower. In the summer, it is necessary to water the rose twice a day. Always make sure that the top layer of soil is dry, but not overdried. It is recommended to water the flowers, but also increase the humidity by using the pan with water and gravel, which is placed in a pot with a rose bush. In winter, water the rose should be much less. Do it better in the second or third day after the earth in a pot on top of a well dried up.
Growing Roses - soil, additional forage and transplanting
Grow healthy and strong plant can only be subject to regular additional forage. At the same time take into account the quality of the land, out of which rose will receive nutrients and correctly choose the size of the pot in which it grows. Transplant rose immediately after the purchase should not be. Give her time to recover and adapt to the change of place, and a new home. A couple of weeks can be safely transplanted rose. Young plants are transplanted each year, and more mature roses update land only once in three or four years.
The soil for planting must take a neutral. Usually roses for planting a mixture of humus, and humus, taken in equal parts. You can add river sand. Be sure to use the drainage. Its layer should not be less than one or two centimeters. When you transplant the rose as much as possible contact with its roots more carefully, so as not to cause them injury. Once you have replaced the rose should begin additional forage plants. To do this, use organic and mineral fertilizers, which can be alternated. From early spring to late summer, the rose is necessary to provide additional forage for at least three, and preferably four times a month. In winter, a rose does not need so abundant feeding. You can reduce the intensity of fertilization of the flower, do not fear to hurt him.
Growing roses as a way to earn
Many growers so stuffed his hand in the maintenance and breeding of ornamental roses, we were able to turn this activity into a source of small but steady income. Miniature roses great breed, and it is possible practically all year round. In the spring growing roses from cuttings produced steblevidnymi. They simply root and place in a pot with moist sand and covered with a glass-top container. After rooting shoots are transplanted into pots, the size of no more than fifteen centimeters. Autumn can be used for breeding cut before winter twigs. They should be three or four kidneys. The length of the cutting should be about fifteen centimeters. Pre sprigs put in the water and waiting for the roots. It takes approximately two weeks. After this, we can confidently stalk transplanted into the ground.
Young grown roses can be presented as a gift to your friends, colleagues, neighbors and friends. Once in your environment no one will be deprived, you can try to put the fruits of their labor to sell. Those wishing to purchase a charming rose bush certainly there. Get the hand in the breeding of a single class, for example, Bengal red rose, which is famous for its long flowering, you can learn more. Species of ornamental roses, which can be bred at home, a great many.
Rose varieties for cultivation in the indoor environment
Miniatures, Triumph, Gloria and Klotilda- the names of varieties of ornamental roses, in the group polyanthas. Rose spread a pleasant aroma, reach a height of up to half a meter. Do not capricious, growing them is not difficult. Color petals are usually red or pink, but there are white. Bourbon rose captivates with its beautiful large flowers of various shades: cream, pale pink, rose saturated krasnogo.Chaynye really petite. They reach a height of thirty centimeters. Rose spread the subtle aroma that will fill an entire room and will please you for a long time.
The tiniest of the room is the king of all flowers Chinese. She barely fifteen centimeters in height, and its roses - two centimeters in diameter. It affects not only the size of the flower. The variety of colors delights and inspires admiration: to your attention maroon, yellow, orange and red tones. We derive even silvery shades of rose.
The unusual shape of the flowers at the Irish Rose, reminding tulip mutually with a rare color (pale apricot) attracts attention with its subtle beauty. As you can see, the choice you provided more than impressive. If you grow any one variety, you can safely explore the next, choosing your favorite color or the shape of the bud. We hope that you now have left no doubt that growing roses is not causing much difficulty florist.