Among the variety of species of the genus Ficus, Ficus pumila rightfully occupies a special place. This is a very beautiful plant, possessing the characteristic small leaves, length - half to three centimeters, not more. The foliage is dark green oval, slightly pointed shape. The plant itself is considered to be evergreen. From stem ficus grow thin shoots, which due to its aerial roots can cling to the wall or a special support.
Features dwarf ficus
If you compare this with other types of ficus, such as Ficus benjamina, Bengali, lyre or rubber, the dwarf is much harder to grow - a plant more finicky and demanding. Because experts do not recommend to buy it to people who do not have a good experience in the cultivation of plants. In this case it is better to buy other types of ficus care, which is less complicated.
However, dwarf Ficus has its undeniable and specific advantages - you can use it as you wish. This may be a basket plant, which littered the land or in the greenhouse walls, and the plant grown around the support. In both cases, the ficus will look great.
If the climate is mild and temperate, it is recommended to plant plants in pots or open ground - depending on where you plan to grow. In the second case, will form a straight ficus shoots which have formed potted species can not in principle. If these plants do not provide support, then they will get a nice ampelnye dropdown form.
Today, the most popular Sunny dwarf ficus with vesicular, almost rounded leaves and white sun - ficus characterized cream border on the foliage. Generally, dwarf ficus plants considered to be the most stable of all the ornamental varieties.
Dwarf rubber plants grow rapidly. The leaves do not have a large area, and the plant itself - shade tolerant, which, in principle, may be ideally suited for indoor conditions. However, due to the fact that a lot of ficus leaves, it is very difficult to keep the original upright position. That is why, to ensure good care of the plant and the rapid growth of its professionals recommend to tie or set next to a small auxiliary support.
Areas of dwarf ficus - China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan; This plant east. By the way, take note - Taiwan dwarf ficus seeds used for making jelly cooks. Other varieties of figs are known to be used both in industry and in other industrial sectors.
Terms of dwarf ficus care
Now it's time to consider some features of care. As mentioned above, the dwarf ficus is very demanding, because everyone who grows this exotic plant, should clearly know how to look after him, to give him a rapid qualitative growth.
Minimum outside temperature for dwarf ficus is ten degrees. Only this plant is able to withstand the temperature decrease of up to six or even zero degrees. But it is in extreme cases where it is simply impossible to optimize the temperature. The standard rate is eighteen to twenty degrees.
Proper care includes competent lighting. Dwarf Ficus, unlike other varieties, do not like the light. It is better to put a pot with a plant in partial shade, preferably in a few meters away from the window. If the window on the ficus gets too little light, it can move and close.
At home ficus feel good about themselves in diffused light - too lit space, he can not stand. If you grow plants in the outdoors, it is best to place it on the south side, which is protected from drafts and wind.
Watering and fertilizing
Dwarf rubber plants need frequent watering, especially in summer. With the approach of winter is recommended to reduce watering. In spring and summer should be fed ficus about once every two weeks, using complex additives with trace elements in the composition. Breeding a dressing should be in proportion thirty grams per bucket of water.
Please note that the Ficus pumila not tolerate dry soil. However, pour the soil as it is not necessary. In winter, the soil should be slightly damp, but because of the low temperature evaporation of water will be weaker. Accordingly, watering should be reduced.
Spray the plants need frequent as ficus prefers high humidity. Not bad, if you put a pot with a plant on a special tray with water and pebbles. During the spring and summer feed the plants using nitrogen fertilizers. They should be dissolved in the irrigation water, three times per month. Do not take too much fertilizer - otherwise you will burn the roots.
Competent care is impossible without periodic transplant. Typically, these rubber plants are transplanted to new pots in early spring, once in two years. Each once again necessary to use a larger pot than previously size. Then, when the plant reaches certain parameters need to replace some of the old soil quality new soils, PH which shall not be less than five and a half and six above. Here you can add some sand to ensure drainage. Periodically inspect the plant and remove old or damaged twigs and leaves.
All varieties of dwarf ficus multiply by cuttings in length from five to ten centimeters. In late spring they are planted to take root in the cups of the same size, which must be placed in a warm place with good humidity. The temperature should be 20-22 degrees. Spring dwarf fig trees can be propagated using cuttings. To this was added dropwise shoots to soil porous structure stably maintaining it in a humidified state. After the horses appear, shoots should be separated from the mother plant.
Like any ficus, dwarf variety suffers from yellowing and defoliation. This could trigger mealybug. Remove pests by hand and then treated with a special plant protivokoktsidnym drug. However, yellowed leaves may also indicate rotting or peresushke plants.
Tick - another strong pests that can bring comprehensive care for plants to zero, because time is so important to get rid of him. Generally, mites themselves unobtrusive - they can be determined for possible damage. Remember that spider mites feel comfortable in dry air, so do not forget to frequently ventilate the room and humidify the air periodically.
How to get rid of the tick? First of all, assemble it by hand, if it is noticeable. Do not forget to wash after this plant. You can rinse it with cold water - it ticks are afraid and can not stand the cold. Among the natural resources give preference to the infusion of garlic, yarrow or alder. For example, you can pound two hundred grams of garlic or a whole onion and pour the pulp with water. After a few days, use this infusion, as a means of spraying. In the shops you can buy aktellik, sulfur or malathion, and some biological agents. Against some of the root mites can be applied insecticide-askaritsidy.
However, remember that working with ficus should be exercised carefully and sensibly. For example, some species photocontact provoke dermatitis. They increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, which can then result in serious burns. Dwarf Ficus do not buy a home for people who suffer from breathing problems and suffer from low blood pressure or suffer constant fatigue. The milky sap contained in some figs, provoking sharp pains in the stomach, as well as a strong sense of fatigue and vomiting.
These are the basic rules to remember those who are engaged in the cultivation of Ficus dwarf varieties. Generally, Ficus pumila - a plant, though a small but lush and beautiful, which certainly fit into any flower bed, even in a small apartment, and even more so at their summer cottage. It is worth just a little to try to plant grown healthy and beautiful.
Common problems when growing anthurium
Features care anthurium
Pests Anthurium
Anthurium belongs to a family of plants aronnikovyh, or, in other words, the Araceae. Perhaps this is the most numerous genus of the family, because some types of roses today there are nine different subspecies. They differ in shape and color of the flowers, the leaves of each species also have their peculiar shapes and colors.
If the translation of the Latin name of the genus, Anthurium means "tail" or "flower". Sometimes a plant called flower flamingos. Anthurium is a fairly dense cover glossy leathery texture. Colors tend to have a heart shape, and the color varies from gentle rose up to deep red. When you first look at the flowers anthurium you might think that if they are made of plastic - this feature and distinguish it from other plants.
Anthurium himself a native of Central and South American subtropics. Many species of plants - a ground erect herb, and those that live in the tropics, have become over time in creepers - original vines with aerial roots and so-called epiphytes.
Today, it is known and popular dekorativnolistvennye Araceae plants. As a rule, it is their beautiful flowering species, obtained mainly commercial distribution. Every day cultivated more various forms and grades of different color prepared from hybrid plants. Anthurium is used as an indoor and garden plants, as well as the plants for cutting. Let's look at how to take care of this flower, and figure out why sometimes dry anthurium and how this can be combated.
Common problems when growing anthurium
The first, and perhaps the main difficulty in the process of cultivation of anthurium - it is a problem with leaves and flowers. Very often, they dry and curl. The reasons for this may be plenty. Above all, this dry air and drafts. This is the first, because of what the leaves, roots and flowers may suffer.
Also, you may notice that the leaves begin to turn yellow in the summer. Why is this happening? So it manifests itself sunburn. Avoid this pritenit plant, thereby protecting it from permanent exposure to direct sunlight. If winter foliage yellowing, it is, on the contrary, a sign of lack of coverage. In this case it is sufficient to simply place a pot plant with a little closer to the light.
Often, the leaves of the flower spots appear dark color, usually black. This may contribute to too low temperature. It is important in the cultivation anthuriums provide maximum heat it, but within acceptable limits. If you see large patches of yellow, it indicates a problem with the plant nutrition. Fertilize Anthurium special means - feeding should be balanced.
Sometimes anthurium leaves turn black. This is the first signal of an excess of calcium in the soil mass. Again, this may be due to improper feeding flower. Your task - to prepare the plant to a suitable soil quality substrate that will prevent this problem.
If the leaves of anthurium slow its growth and begins to dry out, then the problem may lurk in the root system. The first thing to do - is to wash the old layer of soil with warm water and inspect the roots. Remove all rotten roots, then air dry them for a certain time (enough hours). Now you can transplant the plant.
Take the new pot and pre Loosen the soil. After all the work you have done the plant comes to life. And even then, when the leaves begin to actively grow new flowers will emerge. If you want to stimulate the growth and flowering anthurium, use special drugs, for example, ovary and bud. You can buy them in any specialty store.
Most destrkutivnymi diseases for anthurium is considered to rot. They can be both stem and root. The reason for its appearance - it is usually over-wetting of the substrate and sudden changes in temperature. Also rot anthracnose can provoke when lamina gradually shrink from the edges, as if defeat a strong, or even die. It is important to treat with fungicide anthurium as soon as you notice that the plant rots struck.
Features care anthurium
Initially, it is important to know that anthurium does not tolerate direct sunlight. For this plant is the optimal temperature in summer is 20-23 degrees. In winter the temperature should not be below 18 degrees. Anturium needs moisture. Please note that during the spring-summer period anthurium need plenty of water while ensuring that the high humidity. Do not forget to twice a day to spray the leaves of the plant, using water at room temperature.
Watering and hydration
In no case do not let stagnant water, otherwise the plant may die. As such waterlogging promotes root rot, because in a pot with anthurium add the drainage layer. No need to pick up the pot too deep, but it must be broad. Anthurium - a plant with shallow root system. Due to the aerial roots anthurium can replenish the moisture out of the air. That is why you need to wrap its roots special sphagnum moss, which is required to periodically spray.
Temperature range
We have already said that you need to include anthurium in a fairly warm room with an average temperature of 18-20 degrees. The maximum insulate the plant from the heating system. Remember that a valid indicator of the minimum winter should not fall below 15 degrees. Otherwise, the leaves of plants and wring dry.
Lighting anthurium
In general, anthurium rather quickly adapts to the conditions of the room. The only thing that should be noted is the need to plant in the abundance of light. If this requirement is satisfied, anthurium flowers will be even brighter and more saturated. However, exposure to direct rays should be avoided.
Fertilize Anthurium
It is not that anthurium very demanding and constantly feeding need additional nutrients. It is important to fertilize the plant only periodically during the period from March to August. Fertilizing is best done about once every two weeks. This plant is sensitive to the mineral salts, in particular their oversupply.
Do not forget to dilute the fertilizer to feed them before you plant. For example, in the form of a complex nutrient can use NPK. Its concentration should be about 1 gram per liter. Do not forget to also add here humate, about 300 mg per liter. However, most effectively manifest themselves weekly foliar mineral dressing, which are especially in need anthurium leaves.
Equally effective and organic fertilization, but it is not always available. It must contribute directly to the surface of the substrate, for example, leaf humus or manure in the form of mulch. In addition, once a month, water the plant extract based on chicken manure - it will prevent the decay of leaves and flowers.
Proper humidity
As with any plant, for anthurium it is very important to maintain the necessary humidity. Anthurium require very moist air. For this purpose, again, the need to constantly spray the plant. For anthurium optimum humidity - 90%. Try to ensure that such conditions for the plants. You can put anthurium on a pallet, which laid the gravel or expanded clay and pour into the pan water. This will help maintain the proper humidity for the plants.
Transplanting and reproduction
Anthuriums usually transplanted in a substrate designed for bromeliads plants and orchids. It is a mixture consisting of one part softwood sheet and peat land, with the addition of 0, 5 parts of conventional sand. It is better to use a flat, wide enough pots. Drainage should be good. It is advisable to add the soil a bit of charcoal, but after transplantation of the plant should be sprayed more frequently and carefully watered. During this period, anthurium particularly sensitive to lack of moisture.
As for breeding, then propagated by cuttings anthurium. Used apical long-Stem cuttings with aerial roots. Anthurium stems with short propagated by seed and division. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the flower.
To grow the plant in a pot, it is necessary to use a fairly loose soil with coarse fibers. Well suited airtight substrates with a pH of 5 to 6. The substrate must have components with large particles. His goal - a tight hold plants and the preservation of all mineral substances and, of course, water.
The substrate should be easily dry out. It is important that it does not decompose and does not cake. But at the bottom of the pot is better to put drainage through cuttings and sand. And do not forget the main thing. Anthurium, for all its beauty, the plant is poisonous. In particular, its young leaves are poisonous. Therefore, working with it is necessary to exercise the utmost accuracy. Make sure that the plant was not available for small children and animals.
Pests Anthurium
Of course, a disease that affects flowers, roots and leaves of the plant, often caused by pests. Despite the fact that anthurium suffer not so often, and generally poorly susceptible to various pests, it is important to know how to deal with them if they still hurt the plant.
Most often, anthurium exposed to scale insects and aphids and mealybugs. Scale insects leave behind on the plant plaques brown, usually on the stems. May be affected and leaves, which become sticky and gradually lose their rich color. If the infection is strong, the leaves dry up and fall off. Fight with the scale insects is quite simple. With simple sponge soaked in soapy water, wipe the leaves of the plant. Do not be redundant and spraying aktellik solution (15%). Observe the ratio of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
Aphids known as the most common plant pests. The anthurium it damages the top of the shoots, as well as the bottom of the leaves, flowers and buds. How to determine whether the plant is infected? The infection manifests itself in the bleaching of leaves and sudden twisting. Then the leaves turn yellow and fall off rapidly. In addition, the secretions of aphids formed sooty fungus. To deal with aphids can be achieved by spraying Inta-Vir and decis, aktellik as well.
Mealybugs usually affect shoots, flowers and leaves. For example, spots on the leaves are formed, after which the leaves dry out and fall off. As a result of anthurium can die. Colors are dull and weak. Fight scale insects can be, rubbing the surface of the plant with soapy sponge and washing it under a warm shower. If the defeat is very strong, anthurium spray solution aktellik or karbafosom.
Please note that to combat the pests listed above are well suited and some folk remedies. For example, extracts of onion and a solution of tobacco. It will also based mixture of grated soap with the addition of garlic and water in such proportions: five large spoons of garlic and soap on a glass of water.
That's about all there is to know about the proper care of anthurium. This easy to follow rules, and the plant is not very demanding and choosy. Spending a little bit of your time and take care of anthurium, you can grow exotic, bright plant, impressive for its beauty.