how to care for a potted lemon


  • The location and temperature
  • Watering and humidity
  • Dressing
  • Choose dishes for lemon tree
  • Formation of crown and pruning
  • Pest

Tell me, do you love to please yourself fragrant tea with the addition of lemon slices? We think that the answer will be positive. Now buy healthy fruit available in any grocery store. But what if you try to grow it yourself? This idea so many advantages that it becomes clear why many have already put it into reality.

We all know that lemons - the first fighter with a cold. But to grow up in his house lemon tree is not only a practical point of view. This tree will decorate a whole room and fill the air around joyful aroma. So let's learn how to take care of potted lemon correctly, not only to enjoy its beauty and scent, but also beneficial to harvest the fruit.

The location and temperature

With the arrival of spring comes the most crucial time in the care of indoor lemons. During this period, lemon trees comes a phase of activity, they are starting to get under way in growth, the plants budding occurs. In order to obtain more useful ovaries, and then provide the best development of buds, keep the plant at a room temperature of about + 14..18 ° C. Increasing degrees operates on a lemon tree depressing, it can begin to throw off the buds and ovaries.

Once the outdoor temperature returns above + 12 ° C, you can make your fragrant pet into the open air. Let enjoying her freedom on the terrace, in the garden or on the balcony. Since the lemon does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature regimes, then be ready to cover him when a cold snap with a piece of burlap, gauze or even a light blanket. In order to gradually accustom the tree to the sun, for the first time, keep it in the shade.

In the fall, do not tighten with a reverse process of the return of lemon in the home. Otherwise, hitting the wall with a warm cozy lower outdoor temperatures, it can bloom again. So as soon as the air outside is cold to 10-12 ° C heat, begin to gradually accustom lemon tree to return to the house. Introducing it into a room for the night, and the daytime once again put on the street. This procedure can be done within a week, and then finally leave your pet indoors.

Most optimum temperature around the indoor lemon during the winter will be from 14 to 16 ° C, with moderate humidity in the room. This will keep all your bush leaves and fruits on it - ripen. The room where the winters of your charming lemon, do not forget to ventilate every day. Just remember that the plant at the same time should not be at the intersection of air currents: the cold and warm from the window of the room. Therefore, do not open the window to the window, where your Signore-lemon. He will not be happy with the neglect of the person.

We should also remember that good lighting plays an important role in the cultivation and care of the lemon trees. They love the bright room, filled with sunlight. However, you should not go too far - away from direct sunlight the plant should be protected to the leaves do not get burned. Experts and gurus for growing lemons recommend keeping your lemon trees on the western or the eastern windows.

For a comfortable existence lemon takes about twelve hours in a lit area. When autumn comes and winter, and natural light is not enough. Therefore, take care to buy fluorescent lamps that can help you compensate for the lack of daylight crumbs, lemon. Yet take care of that as soon as possible to determine the location of his handsome. Lemons responsive to change lighting, stop growing for a while to adapt to the new conditions of supply of light. Therefore, do not put a sapling from one place too often.

 how to care for a potted lemon

Watering and humidity

Lemon loves water. In spring and summer it provide regular and abundant watering, but do not over-fill. Skopje in the pan water must be drained. In winter, watering should be more moderate, but we must ensure that the soil in the pot in any case not completely dry. The topsheet may dry out somewhat, it does not harm the tree, in contrast to the complete drying of the soil. The leaves of the plants in this situation begin to turn yellow and crumble. But there is a danger in the wetlands, especially if the room temperature is cool. Stagnation of water can cause the process of decay in the roots, resulting in the death of your lemon tree.

The most ideal for watering your plants water - rain or melted snow. Since there is always a possibility to have the moisture at hand, the water for the irrigation of the lemon can be used ordinary, well-settled. Its temperature should be at the same time by two or three degrees higher than the air temperature. Time to water is also important. In the spring of lemons moisturize better early in the morning and in the summer-autumn period - in the evening.

Lemons are very poorly tolerate excessive dryness of the air, especially accompanied by high temperature. Therefore, in areas with central heating care must be taken to maintain a comfortable humidity plant. This can be accomplished in several ways. You can put a pot with a plant on a metal pan, which is concrete block or gravel, and pour water into it. And during the day to spray the plant with lukewarm water. Such action is enough to create the necessary conditions for a happy existence of your lemon trees.


Of great importance in the care of potted lemon is timely dressing and fertilizer. This is important for normal growth and subsequent development of the plants. The frequency of feeding and the amount of fertilizer itself directly depend on many factors: the state of the plant, the season, even the volume capacity, which increases lemon. To properly care for the plant, it is important to ensure the timely feeding and nutrition. This is especially true in the period of active growth, which occurs in plants from March and lasts until October.

To feed your lemon every ten to fourteen days of liquid fertilizers. You can use, and mineral and organic fertilizing species, alternating them. In the winter time will be enough to fertilize a lemon tree no more than once a month, and also by reducing the dosage of fertilizing. Watch the appearance of lemon. Your lemon tree itself can tell you how to care for them and how it is deficient feeding. As the growth of shoots, leaf color, the color and size of the fruit is easy for you to understand what exactly the nutrients the plant feels the need.

Lack of nitrogen manifests itself in the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow. New leaves can not properly formed and fully grow. Productivity of the plant falls and the fruits become smaller. Phosphorus deficiency destroys metabolism lemon. Leaves turn pale, begin to fall. The shape of the fetus undergoes deformation, getting ugly. If there is insufficient room at the Lemon iron plant may get sick chlorosis. This is manifested in the fact that the leaves change color. They become pale, then yellow. The color of the fruit is also becoming lighter and then a tree begins to get rid of all the developing fruit lemon dropping them. The tops of the branches begin to wither.

 how to care for a potted lemon

Choose dishes for lemon tree

Potted citrus plants such as lemon, love to live in baked clay vessels. Young trees should be transplanted every year. Do this in the spring. Older trees are transplanted every three or four years, changing every year, only the top layer of the earth. Do not put a lemon in the room too much in terms of the dishes. Since you already know that waterlogging harm lemon, do not forget to fill in the bottom of the dish a generous layer of drainage.

Formation of crown and pruning

The first three or four years, the lemon tree needed in the formation of the crown. Let chaotic shoots stretching from tree branches and uncontrolled growth. Whenever possible, try to give the crown of tillering and proportionality. Pot, wherein increasing your pet occasionally be rotated, but not more than thirty degrees per month. When inside the crown of individual branches that grow vertically, get rid of them.

As long as your tree is still young, it has not happened lignification, and you have the opportunity to align the growth of branches that spoil the appearance of plants. To do this, you can stick a stick and string to fix errant branch in the desired direction. Long shoots should be cut. The more lemon will Cousteau, the faster the process will start flowering. The appearance of the tree, too, will be more aesthetically pleasing and attractive. Remember that all the buds in the year of planting be sure to snap off. Flowering requires young plant too much energy consumption, it takes a lot of nutrients. Another fledgling sufficiently plant can not sustain such a load, which increases the possibility of his death.

Caring for an adult lemon tree crown is its topping as required, eliminating bolnyhili broken twigs, as well as the new shoots that grow into the crown. When the lemon will begin to bear fruit, you will need to carry out the normalization of the crop. This is to remove part of the flowers have appeared. When the harvest is removed normalization weak buds or flowers, and in some cases even the flowering branches. Delete unnecessary buds, you give sapling to focus on the maturation of the ovary helpful. But even when all the buds look healthy, excessive blooms can deplete the plant. In addition, it reduces the number of useful ovaries. This leads to the fact that even if abundant at first glance do not harvest all the fruit produced equally good quality. And the tree, having spent all their efforts, can not begin to bear fruit in the next year.


Keep in mind that when caring for your lemon tree must be protected from pests such as scale insects, red spider mites and thrips. With the defeat of mites on plants threatened with destruction if you do not timely discover that he has been infected. Reveal is simple enough in the wake of the web, which is usually located on the underside of leaves.

As a matter of urgency should raise humidity and handle lemon tree solution of the drug aktellik. Scale insects feed on the juice of a lemon tree. As a result of their exposure to appear yellow spots, and later the leaves begin to wither and fall off. In severe cases to get rid of pests and parasites should be by treatment plants karbofosom. Dilute drug should be in a proportion of 15 drops per 1 liter of water.

If you do not comply with these most complex rules on care and maintenance lemon tree indoors, you'll soon be able to enjoy the whole "lemon grove" on the window sill. Enjoy not only the wonderful aroma that comes from the plant, but also to arrange tea with lemon grown by their own efforts. We wish you success in this pleasant and exciting ways!

 How to care for a potted lemon: all the details of the content
