multiplies like ficus


  • Seed propagation
  • Vegetative propagation

According to one of the philosophies of feng shui ficus accumulates positive energy in the house and maintains the warmth and well-being of the family hearth. Courting the flower, you will feel that the Ficus has a positive effect on the emotional atmosphere in your home. And it may be that familiar to see such a handsome man, you will be asked to share processes. But how multiplies Ficus at home, we will tell you in this article.

There are several ways of reproduction of Ficus - vegetative (cuttings and slips), seed and by cloning. Micropropagation is produced by cloning in industrial production and is identical reproduction in a flask or tube ficus plant cell. There are a number of advantages such reproduction, but for amateur gardeners, this method is not available.

And since we are interested in breeding figs primarily in the home, the more fully we will focus on methods of vegetative and seed reproduction.

 Ficus reproduction

Seed propagation

Keep in mind, the seeds of ficus receive at home is not possible. For the process of the formation of seeds need insect pollinators and, unfortunately or fortunately, in the apartments there. Therefore ready seeds you have purchased at garden stores. Ficus recommended sowing from February to July, but the most favorable period falls on a time from mid-February to April. By the autumn of your seeds have time to go up, grow and get stronger, then they should be transplanted into individual pots.

Before the seeds are planted in the ground, they should be soaked in a growth stimulator. Planting should be done no deeper than the surface at an interval of half a centimeter and a half to two centimeters. If you are dealing with dust-like seeds for the convenience of pre-planting mix them with ordinary sand, and then add this mixture to the ground.

Substrate for planting seeds require moist, light and breathable. To make these qualities he necessarily should consist of sand, peat, leaf soil. After planting the seeds, moisten the soil and cover it with foil or glass, and the best option would be placing the pot with seeds planted in a mini-greenhouse. Just do not forget on a daily basis for some time to shoot the film - that occurred ventilation air under it and to prevent the accumulation of excessive moisture.

For a successful seed germination vampridetsya to maintain the air temperature within 25-30 ° C, and for high-grade and high-quality development of germs is necessary to provide the intensity of scattered light. This contraindicated direct sunlight. Keep in mind, there are varieties of fig trees, whose seeds germinate only in darkness. If you happen to be the owner of just such a class, then the container planted seeds should be covered with thick paper, which will prevent light from entering the soil. Seed germination will depend on the type of ficus. This process can last anywhere from ten to fifty days.

And then you need to be patient. Seedlings grow slowly, and the first leaf, its shape reminiscent of the ficus will appear in forty to forty-five days after germination. Further transplant into individual pots should produce no sooner than three months, with the appearance of three or four leaves per stem. Ficus transplanting, place the sprouts so that the root collar was sunk into the ground at the same level.

 multiply like ficus

Vegetative propagation

Vegetative reproduction of Ficus can be done by using cuttings or air layering and horizontal. Most species of ficus multiply it by cuttings. Let us consider this process in more detail.

Propagation by cuttings

For successful rooting of cuttings need temperature does not drop below + 25 ° C and plenty of sunshine. Therefore, a good time for propagation by cuttings is spring and summer.

To do this, not yet lignified tops with existing ficus leaves at a height of ten to fifteen centimeters are cut at an oblique angle blade or a sharp knife. Do not use scissors or secateurs, because these tools compress and how to cleave the stem, and it is vital to tissue at the cut is not deformed. It is much slow down the growth of new roots.

Large leaves on cuttings obtained must be cut by half or twist into a tube. Thus we slow down evaporation. To prevent putrefaction cutting when placed in water, the lower leaves should be cut entirely.

Before placing the cutting in water, thoroughly clean cut from escaping "milk." The fact that this protective juice quickly solidifies in the air and does not give rise to new roots. Wash the cut running water or leave the stalk in the bank for one or two hours later, carefully dry them after soaking.

For further rooting stalk is placed in warm water for a light place, avoiding direct sunlight. At the same time remember that the leaves should not touch the water, and to prevent rotting of the cuttings in the vessel necessary to add activated carbon. For successful rooting humidity should be maintained at least 80% and after two to four weeks after the appearance of root cuttings should be transplanted into a light substrate.

Another method, when the ficus propagated by cuttings, is its planting directly into the soft substrate. It also requires Wash on latex, dry and sprinkle with powdered charcoal cut. Sharing is placed in the ground and put a bag or jar in a bright place. The emergence of new leaves will indicate the successful rooting.

Furthermore, as the cuttings can be used not only the tip of ficus, but cut pieces on both sides with a sheet of stalks in the middle part of the shoot. In this case, the upper section made directly under the kidney and the lower section is made obliquely, taking most of the interstices, which sinks into the ground after treatment. The sheet thus must be twisted together into a tube, and put in a pot, ventilate the mini-greenhouse (under glass or polyethylene). On the formation of roots and new leaves will take three to four weeks.

For a good rooting is recommended depending on the thickness of the cutting to make a cross-shaped incision, splitting or scratches. The greater the area of ​​the "injured", the more "corn", which over time developed roots. Also, to increase the chance of root penetration must first before planting during the day soak the cuttings in rooting stimulator. Either before planting into the soil to sprinkle the cut powder stimulant.

It must be said that the process of rooting in water, easier to control, because when planting cuttings in the ground can not be in time to see decay.

Reproduction air layering ficus tree

This method of reproduction ficus is not particularly difficult, and allows you to get ready ficus medium size. To do this, the selected is not too great escape laid bare trunk - about ten centimeters to fifteen - and made two transverse and one longitudinal incisions.

This place is wetted and sprinkled rooting stimulant and wrapped sphagnum moss, a ready substrate, and the top is covered with a transparent plastic bag. Some fans manage to fix the figs in this place a small cut in the pot. It is necessary to monitor the level of moisture in the soil and check the formation of new roots. One and a half or two months rooted strains cut in the lower segment, and transplanted into a separate pot.

In some cases, instead of the ring baring make oblique cut, which is inserted into a chip. And proceed in a similar manner: sections were treated with a solution of the root and wrapped the necessary substrate.

Reproduction of horizontal layers groundcover figs

Typically, groundcover figs along the entire length of the barrel formed adventitious roots, which facilitates the process of reproduction. So, on a selected portion of the leaves and branches are removed tilted arc to detached the pot so that the desired part of the trunk is easily touched the ground. Place docking sprinkled the ground and secured before the well-developed roots. Then the strains are cut from the main plant.

All of these methods of reproduction ficus pretty simple and does not require special training. However, it does not always work immediately get the desired result. Do not despair, do not try to handle one or cuttings, planted a few copies at a time. The more you prepare cuttings for propagation, the greater the likelihood that you will get a healthy ficus with well-developed roots. And for the love and care for him a flower respond emotional well-being and creating a pleasant atmosphere in your home.

 All you need to know about how multiplies ficus
