That's it! Nine months of waiting behind a small miracle. All was not so scary. Experienced and the pain, and the hospital, and the invasion of numerous friends after discharge, and endless questions about the well-being. Finally, you were left alone with the baby. You can see most of the child without haste (usually immediately after birth young mothers are taken in a panic considered the fingers and check that all parts of the body of a newborn on site), to understand to whom the baby looks like, and just quietly enjoy motherhood.
Enjoy the moment. Since then free minutes you will not. Bathing, feeding, dressing, celebrations, vaccination will lay you on the head like a snowball and get yourself you can ... no, not at the graduation party of her child, but at least at the time when the baby will give to the garden. But until that time, much remains to be done. Namely - to raise the child and ensure that the level of its development corresponds to age. Of course, many mothers (almost all) are so blinded by love for the child they consider it the most-most. We do not argue. Sure, your baby - a real miracle. However, even the most wonderful children must be monitored. That is why we have prepared a small calendar child development by months, which will once again make sure that your child is no different from their peers (and maybe even ahead of them on the development).
Calendar of the development for months
Before you paint your child's future achievements by month, we want to warn you that every person is different. So do not panic if your child is a little behind schedule and says fewer words than necessary.
0 -1 month: some sleep after the birth
It may seem that the life of the baby is breast-only to get a good night's sleep. This is partly true, as the dream of the newborn to one month lasts 22-23 hours a day. That is, after the birth of your baby wakes up only to eat and to notify the happy parents that it is time to change a diaper. By the end of the first month of the child begins to be more interested in the world around them, and the period of wakefulness increases to 6 hours a day.
As for the other achievements, they are still quite modest. The baby begins to reach for the chest, mother learns the smell and voice, turning his head toward loud sounds. But what especially pleases parents, so it's the first smile suckling. Of course it is still quite unconscious, but try explaining that to a happy mom and dad, who are caught every change in the behavior of their child.
1-2 months: here it is, my mother
In the second month of his life the baby begins to learn and adults smile at them already quite deliberately. He responds to the appearance of a person in the room marked revival, distinguishes between voice. At the same time, the child learns: worth it to cry, the parents will take him up or give a tasty pacifier. Make no mistake, all this knowledge child uses for its intended purpose. If at first hint of the parents was not understood, the child will repeat the requirement louder, and then he will hear even the neighbors. What do you want? Saying something the kid is not able.
But he had already obtained, rolling over onto his stomach, hold the head at an angle of 45 degrees
. Be sure to check the ability of the baby
. If the two-month baby is still lying face down on his stomach, it is to show it to the children's therapist, and possibly undergo special massages to correct the situation
. Next achievement shows a baby sitting on her mother hands
. He not only tries to get a hold of her finger or beg extraordinary breastfeeding, but also trying to keep your head straight while
. By the way, be sure to hold the baby's neck, despite the fact that he, as you seem to have quite confidently holds his head
. The fact that the neonatal bone still quite fragile, and the spine is not able to withstand the weight of even a small
. But the baby, of course, were cut to others, so it is brand agukanem
. This manner of communication occurs in children aged 1 to 2 months
. In addition, the infant actively squeezes her hands into fists and trying hard to gnawing own finger
2-3 months: the laughter, and only
In the period up to 3 months, the child can turn his back on his side and lying on his stomach, lifted himself on his elbows, keeping your weight about 10 seconds. The kid is so interested in everything that he does not only raises his head, but also actively wagging it from side to side, trying to see the world around him. At the same time in less than 3 months the child becomes aware of their power over their parents, crying and anxious turning into quite consciously whimsical whine.
At this time, it is already possible to hang over the crib bunch of rattles. The kid already being drawn to them handles. Be careful though, as, catching a toy, the child will want to taste it. Of course, to take away the baby rattle is not necessary, but to be taken seriously to the choice of toys is quite appropriate (especially given the "consciousness" of modern producers and the quality of the dye that is added to a low-cost plastic). But what else discovers grudnichok, it's own arms and legs. Hours toddler may consider finding and habit to try it on taste. In addition, a small miracle laughs loudly, coo and is actively asking for the hand.
3-4 months: choose favorites
Here it is, the high point of my mother. A child in the three months to realize that the frail woman with a gentle voice, not only takes him in her arms all the more frequently, but also feeds on demand, so the age of 4 months, the baby starts to explicitly allocate mother of all others. Tot pronounces first syllables, smiles a smile of others more consciously and begins to play with the toys offered. He identifies himself to favorite rattles, takes them in hand, shifts from side to side.
In addition, the child raises his head 90 degrees while lying on his stomach. Available flips from side to side, moves in bed and knows how to express their mood. Kid laughing if someone tickles loud squeals of delight, fades to the sound of music (of course, if it is not hard rock) and an active interest in the mirror.
4-5 months: and where it is you take my toys?
The kid grows up. He firmly holds her head when sitting, easily holding a bottle of water, playing with toys and proposed protest if someone is trying to take away his rattle. Child well distinguishes strangers and unfamiliar environment. Incidentally, all foreign scares him, so do not invite strangers into the house a lot of people or permanently take the baby for a visit. The baby of 4-5 months willingly plays with his parents in the timeless fun "cuckoo", trying to repeat after her mother nursery rhymes and playing while eating. Lying, baby tries to stand up, reaching in his arms, and, dropping the subject, be sure to check where the sunsets.
5-6 months: crawling baby crawl
Starting an active life, not only children but also parents. The six-month child already hard at trying to sit up, crawling on all fours, if you did not reach the toy, located next to it and the fun rolls from back to side. The kid gets a foodie, highlighting for yourself favorite foods. Over lunch, trying to hold the handle of the cup, playing with his food and speaks in their own name. In addition, the child objects of pleasure shifts from one box to another, can compare the two clocks and toys in their own way to sing melodies heard. If the baby is called familiar objects, he is sure to find them in the eyes of the room and even express their attitude to them one clear it sounds.
6-7 months: improving the skills of crawling
If a month ago, your baby is crawling a bit shaky, but now it's real ace to overcome the distance on all fours. Child swinging from side to side, crawling backwards, and even develops a speed unheard of for themselves, to have time before the adults grab some toy or catch fleeing cat. If the child has to sit, it's a proud pose with a straight back (sometimes not to fall, kids support the weight of the body with hands). But still advise pediatricians do not often put six-month baby, giving him a little time to get stronger.
That is what, of course, like a child of this age, it's a mirror. To be more precise - a reflection in it. Kid pats a reflection of his hands, gently coo and strongly expressed its approval of what he saw. On my mother's strict "no" (for example, an attempt to cut off the tail tomboy pets) child answers, though not obedience, but a full understanding of what is happening. He likes to hit things with each other, sing songs of his own body and learn the hands (and sometimes tastes).
7-8 months: the first word
During this period parents often hear the first word baby. The child begins to become attached to his family and a little wary of strangers (sometimes expressed outcry when a stranger tries to pick him up). But the world does not frighten the baby. He continues to be interested in the contents of the apartment, moving, still on all fours, but in the category of "master-class". Walk the child is not trying, but it is without the support of a few seconds. And if you offer him something to lean on, the baby can stay a long time, and even tries to play with one hand. Reflection in the mirror more and more fascinating tomboy. Fiery love for himself turns into a gentle talk and kisses the mirror surface. Kid identifies the word "Mom" and "Dad" with people who proudly wear the title, and begins to enjoy their parish.
8-9 months: buy books
If your offspring is already more than 8 months, the first time to buy children's books with thick Page. It is now the child is not only appreciated them, but also be able to leaf through your own. Of course, the letters to learn a bit early, but if you read your child as much as possible, it will benefit the development of your child. At this age, the child likes clapping their hands, tear the paper. He can play two toys at the same time is well aware of what a great thing, and some small.
These children sit on their own, like to jump and walk, holding my mother's hand, perfectly unfold during its corporate crawl on all fours. But we do not hope that your baby will absorb only the good habits. Eight-children often put their fingers anywhere (we hope that you have put on the outlet protection?) And begin to fall out, if something went wrong in their scenario. But these kids are perfectly show the body can find a toy that is "hidden" in front of them and happy to follow the simple instructions (especially if you get a sincere praise for it).
9-10 months: top-top, stomping toddler
In more than 9 months, a baby begins to walk, both hands on the mother. Apparently, this gives the child of enthusiasm, because at the same time with the ability to walk the little tomboy produced a love for dance and imitate. Kid do not feed bread, let me show some animal or even a copy of someone from home. He loves to play with water and climb on the numerous boxes that tired mom forgot to close. But what you do not want 9-month-old baby, so it's sleep. Apparently, the young researcher does not want to spend a dream a second of precious time, realizing how much more interesting around.
Develop and children's fingers. Now the child can carry 2 items at once in one palm. By the way, it is already becoming clear who your child is - right-hander or left-hander. To find out, put any toy in front of the kid (in the middle) and see which hand he grabs her.
10-11 months: the development continues
The kid is already walking on their own, holding on to furniture. Rises and sets from any position, can lift off the floor small items grabbed his thumb and forefinger. He understands the word "no" (but this does not mean that the baby will always listen to you), and tries to express their desire not to cry, and logical explanation. For this company appears in the lexicon the word "give" and a couple of gestures in which mother should understand that it is necessary to her child. Tea drinking from a cup baby already own (but it's better to use "neprolivajka"). Games at this time the kids love to roll the ball on the floor (especially if playing with them some of the adults), and the play "Okay." Well, children's books, of course, put aside is not necessary. The more that children are beginning to recognize this or that tale and ask her to read it.
11-12 months: progress is being made
In the year of the baby is already sitting on their own, he goes with pleasure to build pyramids and other intricate designs out of blocks. The child shows autonomy and can refuse any food or, conversely, to ask his supplementary feeding. And he did not eat the usual children's porridge and wonderful bites solid food (this process must be carefully controlled so that the child does not choke). The child learns free adult friends, calls them by name. In the children's vocabulary already approximately 15 words (albeit vague) that it can quite easily be explained to parents. By the way, get away with impunity on the job will fail. If your withdrawal notice little child, you will certainly begin to cry, so show the wonders of ingenuity, and do not hurt the child's mind.
The list is endless. However, you must understand that the more you pay attention to your child, the better he will develop. Therefore, if a friend has a son recites poetry, and your own can not ask for bread and butter, the blame is not genes, and yourself. Replace the daily gatherings at the computer to play with the baby, and it certainly will give you a new word, achievement, or simply a joyful smile.
We advise to check: Child Development in 11 months