as a child to improve memory


  • Seven reasons for poor memory
  • Exercises for development
  • Develops memory correctly

A smart, healthy and successful child knows the answer to any question adults - the dream of every loving mother. But what if the school your child learns one triple, and then to learn the quatrains, you go with him more than an hour? It is not necessary to raise panic and punish the student for his carelessness and blunders, it is necessary to develop his memory.

Seven reasons for poor memory

  • Extraneous stimuli

In fact, parents rarely think about the conditions in which their children are doing homework. Computer, Bright toy on the table, television - all this distraction and does not focus on what's important - lessons. Try to organize your child's work space: a minimum of things, a maximum of space.

  • The hunger or overeating

As soon as the student returns home, first feed him. By the way, the baby should not be forced to sit at the lessons immediately after a meal, as a tired and saturate the body needs to rest at least an hour. Also, do not starve the child hunger, even if the family observe a fast or you're trying to punish him, denying at the same lunch or dinner. After all, for the development and functioning of the brain essential nutrients, trace elements and vitamins, without which memory is in principle impossible to develop.

Do not forget to monitor school meals, and every day to ask the child what to feed him, how much he ate, whether he liked the dishes. In the future, you can either give money to the rolls, or make sandwiches, buy fruit, chocolate. Of course, the rations are not very useful, but it is naive to believe that the already matured eighth grader will buy the first, second and compote. Usually seniors are embarrassed to order a complete meal, and you're unlikely to be able to influence this situation.

Ration student should be as follows: for breakfast - porridge with vegetable salad for lunch - soup or soup for dinner - mashed potatoes or pasta with meat. After every two hours is recommended to give him yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, fruit and vegetables, to the stomach was constantly working, not eating itself.

  • Boring jobs

Even an adult is difficult to remember a boring, uninteresting information that can not be applied in practice. In the primary grades is recommended to carry out the lessons with the child, all should take place in a playful way. If you put him at the table and leave for themselves, then most likely, after twenty to thirty minutes should let the kid risuyuschim in a notebook.

  • Wrong approach

You shout at him that he rewrote the umpteenth time a rule that can not remember? Perhaps your child has a phenomenal memory and hearing you should have a time to read those unfortunate few lines that he learned everything by heart. But you rested forced to do something that will not help him, and angry at him.

The next time you try to experiment: ask to repeat after you, and tell him to read, not only to himself but also loud. By the way, it is very useful from birth to tell tales of the kid and set records with. In this way you develop the creative thinking that in the future it will come in handy. But turn on the TV to my child do well to do household chores, do not.

  • Not getting enough sleep

Poor, if the student is constantly in the evening sitting at the computer and go to bed later, ten or eleven hours. For the memory of adults and children is directly dependent on the state in which they are currently located. Remember how hard you work on Monday after a weekend of fun. The same thing happens with the organism kids.

If your baby is sleeping very anxious, constantly tossing and turning and can not sleep for a long time, you should see a specialist. The case can be increased anxiety, hyperactivity, such as occurs due to problems in school and at home. By the way, so do not eat before going to bed to read or watch horror, to find out a relationship with her husband (even infants).

  • Fatigue

Of course, well, when Children's Day is painted on the clock. In the morning - school lunch - training in the circle, in the evening - the lessons. However, such a regime can lead to fatigue student, especially if such a load directly to give an unprepared for this first-grader. Try to evenly distribute all, do not write it on the dancing and chess, and basketball.

Allow your child to choose what he would like most. Maximum - two or three sessions per week, no more. And it is desirable that they are on weekdays as on weekends child must necessarily rest.

  • The lack of diversity

Another point - it is the same type of jobs that will soon get bored. Do not make first make written and then oral tasks, try to dilute it all. Even if the student madly in love with mathematics, it is not interesting, it would be twenty or thirty minutes. It is therefore important to make small breaks and alternate implementation of lessons. But to grasp it all at once, too, is not necessary.

 how to improve the memory of the child

Exercises for development

In fact, the particular mode of how to improve the child's memory, not, as it all depends on the features and capabilities it is your baby. But if you are constantly engaged with students, to train him and together to perform specific exercises, further problems with remembering the rules and numbers will not. Conversely, if you let it go, even a child prodigy with the makings of a genius in two or three years will be the usual average in high school.

Auditory memory

  • Remember the words

On a sheet of paper, write a column ten completely unrelated words, but so that the child could not see them. For example, a house, a horse, wing, car, cat, work, shop, computer, bed plane. Read all about it slow and calm voice, so that he could remember, and ask them to repeat it. From the first time he could remember no more than five words.

Now advise him to mentally prepare myself suggestions or associate with all surrounding objects. In the first case it can come up with the story that the house had settled horse that squeezed wing machine. And so on in the same spirit. The second option a bit more complicated, but more efficient. So, he should dream a little: the cat is similar to the statue, which stands on the table, homework is not yet completed, and the store is visible from the window. This exercise will help to develop an associative memory, thinking and imagination of the child.

  • Remember the sounds

Ask your child to close his eyes and tap on the table, thus be a certain rhythm. Your child should repeat what he heard. The main thing that the so-called melody was simple and short. By the way, if he manages to reproduce the sounds of the first times, it means that he is not a bad hearing, and it can play music. If you wish, you can try to make noise in different objects (newspapers, books, balls, etc.), and the student will have the same procedure done the same manipulation.

Visual memory

  • We arrange toys

Put your child in front of ten items (let it be cars, if you do a little boy or a doll when my daughter). Give a moment the fact that the kid remember the location of each thing, and then ask him to leave the room. Change some things in some places, then ask the child to put everything as it was. As in the previous case, and teach him to associate things with the surroundings.

  • We are looking for differences

Remember how earlier in children's magazines you are looking for differences in the pictures? It develops not only memory but also logical thinking, attention to small details. Print out two photos, adding a computer with special programs several items. Show the first original to child remember that it is located in the picture, and then give him a modified version. If necessary, let the spy. And if at first he needs your tips, then in the future it will do fine without your help.

Tactile memory

The next step - the development of a tactile memory of which, unfortunately, in schools and in kindergartens and at home for some reason in our country forgotten. In fact, it helps to adapt to the world, to form the character and attitude towards others. After all, once we touch the hot pot, we begin to understand that the next time the dishes from the stove should be taken only with the help of potholders. The same thing happens with children who are seldom aware of why parents say no.

  • What is in the box

Cut out the fabric, different in texture, the two identical squares. Best of all, if they are made of fur, leather, silk, linen, that is completely different to the touch. First glue on the carton and label name, a second place in a box in which to make the slot for the hands. Ask your child to get a touch, for example, terry cloth and allow it to touch the sample. At first, the baby will be difficult to find the exact same piece without seeing it, but in the future, when you develop a tactile memory, it will cope with the task in a jiffy.

  • Buttons

Place box in different sized and shaped buttons then have their offspring get out, for example, one that is on the thin stalk or four instead of two holes. The kid at the same time should not pry, his task - to rely on their feelings.

Olfactory memory

Despite the fact that the olfactory memory of a schoolboy is not completely necessary, it should also develop in the primary grades, as it will come in handy in the future as an adult, and formed man. In addition, first-grader will be pleased to play such exciting games, which involves all the members of your family.

  • Whose smell

So, to put a child in the house all the bottles of perfume, and then asked to identify which of them belongs to you, and what - dad, grandparents and other relatives. The baby is not poured the contents, hold hands bubbles.

  • What vegetables and fruits

You have just returned home from the store where purchased food for a whole month? Well, it's time to play with your child! Ask him to close his eyes and let's turn to smell apples, oranges, cucumbers and other foods with a strong odor. In the future, you can move to a less fragrant cherries, apricots, cabbage and similar vegetables and fruits.

 how to improve a child's memory

Develops memory correctly

If the first school to develop memory and attention needs to be in a playful way, the kiddies are older it will simply not interested. That is why even an early age need to attract kids to the more serious and complex passions, which then they definitely come in handy. So, for example, be sure to teach kids to play chess and checkers. If no one in your family is not interested in this, turn the baby in a circle, where he will teach this.

Not bad, if three or four years, you begin to learn simple poems. They are best remembered, if they repeat when you return home together. Start with four lines, each time adding a new account, this measure is developing very, very quickly. In the first classes can begin to study Pushkin, Lermontov, in the older - Esenina. By the way, in Soviet schools often practiced study of blank verse, or even excerpts from books.

But most importantly do not forget that learning something new, you always have to repeat the old. Otherwise, unnecessary information is simply forgotten. But not even all adults can remember the random multiplication tables or generally learned in first grade.

The more your child knows at this point, the easier it is to learn the material in the future. But be careful not to overexert the brain student as too much information it will be difficult to accept. If you think that he has problems with memory, and attention is dispersed - be sure to check with the school teacher. After all, parents are not always aware of how children express themselves in unfamiliar surroundings. Perhaps obtained deuce - is not a sign of a bad memory, a baby ashamed to answer to the class. In this case, the problem will have to solve a completely different way.

 As your child to improve memory?
