Outdoor winter days are, and virtually all mothers, without exception, are trying to wrap up warmly in their crumbs scarves and warm hats, fearing all sorts of colds. Of course, you can go on their way and coddle their offspring. However, some parents prefer another way to protect your child from various diseases - lead him into the pool. This way you can largely improve the immune system of the child. After all, swimming pools for children are a great health-promoting agent.
In addition, the pools are good for children by the fact that their children can go to absolutely any age - from infants to teenagers crumbs. And for all the kids water treatments bring their favor - very young children, in contact with water, it is much easier to adapt to the world around them. Kids three - five years, largely reinforce the muscular system, and thus, improve your posture and reduce the risk of scoliosis and other spinal problems, and for life.
At what age to send their children to the pool?
Most often, parents are scratching their heads over the same question - at what age may best start to drive the child in a swimming pool. Basically, it all depends on the child's wishes if he is old enough to make their own decisions, or is your desire. It does not matter, you will begin to drive the child in a swimming pool in a year, two, three, five, fifteen years - will benefit from this in any way. And the children learning to swim in the pool is much safer than the sea or a lake.
Many mothers want to go swimming with her baby breast, but very afraid. That he is too small for that, and may be frightened of water. However, doctors - pediatricians say the opposite. There is a hypothesis that until about six months the child is residual memories of his fetal development. Therefore, any contact with water unintentionally causing the child pleasant association with mother's belly.
Therefore, access to the pool can be very tiny babies, who have not reached even a month old. The only condition that must be met - a complete healing of the umbilical wound - about two weeks after the baby's born, but in no case earlier.
The way will be the swimming pool, in many respects it depends on what city you live - or a small metropolis. As a rule, in the first case at the disposal of mother and baby will be given a pool, but it is unlikely there will be an instructor. But this has its charms - you and your baby will have complete freedom of action.
A large swimming pools, usually classes are held in small groups moms and kids, under the guidance of an experienced swimming instructor with experience working with the crumbs. As a rule, almost all mothers are surprised, watching her baby just a few sessions. His first exercise, of course, the crumb will make under the supervision and with the help of an instructor.
Soon, however, you simply - simply did not know the kid who starts a fun dive and swim. Also, you probably will tenderly watch your child communicates with the rest of the crumbs. Unbelievable but true - despite all the allegations that up to about 8 months of life, children are by nature completely asocial, even in the pool monthly toddler drawn to one another, trying in his own way to communicate among themselves. These swimming lessons bring the kiddies and their moms huge number of positive emotions.
However, the most positive emotions are not the only advantage enjoyed lessons in the pool for the youngest children. Pediatricians - neonatologists in one voice say that the newly born baby Regular water treatments greatly help to relax, and, therefore, get rid of postpartum stress that is experienced by all, without exception, children are the first six months of life.
In addition, exercises in the pool is a wonderful tool for hardening of the child. The kid is much less likely to suffer from various colds, much easier and less painfully adapting to climate change. For example, in order to recover the first joint vacation on the sea, you will not have to wait two - three years, and then drag with a whole medicine cabinet conceivable means of colds and viral diseases, and still end up spending most part of the holiday in the room, with a sick baby.
However, please note - to the swimming pool was good for the children's immunity, parents need to prepare for this. The average temperature of the amniotic fluid, like water in a bathtub for children, equal to about 37 degrees. But the children's pool - 28 - 29 degrees. Therefore it is necessary at home, in advance, to begin to teach the crumbs to the water of a lower temperature, a simple scheme - one day - minus one degree.
Besides being necessary to reduce the temperature of the water should also increase the residence time of the child in the bath. By the beginning of this time visiting the pool should be approximately 30 minutes. Carefully observe the reaction of the kid - it should feel comfortable enough. In the same case, if he starts to show certain signs of anxiety, you must slightly reduce the rate of hardening of the baby and his preparation for the swimming pool.
However, in fairness it should be mentioned that at the early session in the pool has its ardent opponents of child swimming. So, there is a version that the frequent visits to the pool often leads to the fact that the child often develop as the common cold, as otitis, due to the fact that water gets in them. And if the baby while bathing swallow the pool water is very high probability that he will start a strong stomach upset. As far as the allegations are true - hard to judge, so the mother should make their own decisions about how to be the pool on the first year of life, or still is not.
Children two years
Doctors - Pediatricians say that about two or three years - the best time to start classes in the pool if they have not been started earlier. Around this time period the child begins active development of the muscular system and posture. A lesson in the pool very efficiently remove an unnecessary burden on the spine.
In addition, swimming is very good strengthens the whole bone - muscular system, prevents the development of flatfoot. Yes, and general health of children who are engaged in swimming, nice pleases both parents and pediatricians. Well, of course, every mother greatly rejoice good appetite and sound sleep of his child, swimming pool.
However, please note - in case you would expect that two - three years pipsqueak become a champion in swimming, you coarsely wrong. In no case is unacceptable to treat the child's lessons in the pool as some obligations - water for the child of this age to be nothing more than a pleasant entertainment, but no more.
The frequency of sessions should not exceed two, maximum three times a week, and forced to teach a child to swim is also not worth it. Let the kid jumps, slides along the surface of the water, splashing and squirting - all his actions should bring only joy and pleasure, and above all to the child, not the parents.
Often parents for the first time bringing a child into the pool, reluctantly discover that their child is strong enough afraid of water. A similar pool games can be very quickly and almost completely relieve the child's fear of the water. And like children far better to drive than individual lessons, and group - in the company of children child can overcome their fear of water.
But even if your child is the most attentive instructor, you do not need to relax and distract from the child. For example, if you notice that your child appeared "goose" the skin or lips acquired cyanotic shade, reach for the child from the water as quickly as possible, in spite of his protests. It's obvious signs of hypothermia. If the child is too perevozbudilsya, tired or upset by something, it is also worth a stop swimming.
Young athlete
In that case, if you decide that your child will swim professionally, five years - just the perfect age to bring the child into the pool. It was at this age begin serious swimming clubs welcome young pupils. This is no accident - the baby strong enough, and the child is already quite able to understand what the coach needs from him.
However, please note - in this case the swimming pool will cease to be for your baby fun and entertainment. Moreover, it will turn into a real, serious work. The child will be attending the first pool three times a week, and then five. In addition, the diet had similar swimmers should be special - it should be developed in conjunction with a physician - nutritionist and trainer of the child.
Be sure to watch that in what mood the child is in the pool, but even more so back there. If you suspect that a child goes to swimming lessons are reluctant to try as quickly as possible to understand the cause of this phenomenon. If the child can not find a common language with the coach or the other children, it might make sense to think about changing the section.
In the same case, if it turns out that the child simply does not burn special desire to go swimming. Perhaps we should not make do it by force? After swimming, like any other sport, it has both positive and negative aspects:
Almost any kind of sport swimming is very effective breathing exercises, because the child has to breathe rhythmically, at the same time strong enough to overcome the resistance of water.
However, opponents of the voyage leads counterargument - in the indoor pool, where are all, without exception, children's training, albeit in small numbers, but still contains chlorine. And the evaporation of the child inhales it, which certainly is not very useful for the child's lungs.
- The general condition of the body of the child
Swimming is an excellent tool that strengthens the overall health of the child, his musculoskeletal system and cardio - vascular. Water greatly reduces the load on the spine and on the heart. Unfortunately, chronic rhinitis and otitis media - one of the most common diseases of the swimmers.
Other nuances
Those days when the only way of disinfecting water was chlorine, long - long gone. Current requirements are much more stringent than in the past. The pool for the children to be extremely pure drinking water. Therefore, in our day for the purification of water used ozonation.
But, frankly, sometimes full of ozone for water treatment is not enough. Therefore, the most ideal option would be the ozonation of water, followed by addition of a small amount of chlorine, which will not bring any harm to the health of the child.
Also avoid newfangled method of water purification using ultraviolet rays. The water in this process is subjected to UV radiation, allegedly for killing microorganisms. However, do not look for such a method because not all pathogens are killed. Many, on the other hand, thrive under artificial sun.
Also note that you need to take to the pool for children:
- Swimwear and cap. In the case when it comes to kids, you can leave this question unanswered. In the more advanced age of the child shall be a bathing suit. Make sure that it is quite convenient. Bathing cap is required for all children without exception.
- Slippers. If the child is already walking alone in the pool definitely needs washable slippers - without them you are unlikely to be allowed.
- Bath towel. Do not forget about such things as bath towel. It is not clear why, but it at least once forgets two out of three parents. A dry on their own - not too quickly, and just the kid can.
- Good mood. And, of course, going to meet the water, do not forget the house in a good mood! Swimming pool for children should be a source of not only health, but also the most positive emotions. And, as the Moidodyr - Eternal glory to the water!