a gift for a child 1 year


  • Features psyche "godovasika"
  • What a gift - the best?

On the eve of the birth of the baby to avoid the hassle unlikely. And, as a rule, most of the time is spent on gifts. And to be more precise - in their search and purchase. It is not surprising, because you can not know exactly what should be a gift for a child 1 year. And if an adult yet simple mistake and an unfortunate choice, the child spoil the holiday in any case impossible. So, what to give children and how to choose the best gift? This will be discussed in today's article.

Features psyche "godovasika"

In order to choose the right gift for the 1 year old, you must know and understand the features of his thinking and perceiving the world. Many parents say that the first day of birth is associated with so-called "crisis of one year." This is the time when the child gets to his feet, he begins to actively explore the world and meets with various obstacles and prohibitions by adults. He reacts negatively to them and learn to be more independent. Parents should take this into consideration when interacting with the child, as well as choosing the gifts for his first birthday.

In an age when the child turns 1 year old, he already has the ability to focus - albeit weakly expressed. It can watch with interest for something in a short time. But we must understand that the child's attention is unstable and easily switches, and its small volume allows you to do something one - a car ride or a song to listen to my mother's. Therefore, gifts for godovasika should not take everything at the same time overload the system and instantly switch attention.

Kid in 1 year is also able to remember some events, so playing those involving the process, it may be interesting. Most developed his motor memory, therefore easier to remember the steps. The child appears more adequate and objective representation of space, because it is actively exploring the surrounding things. Kid in 1 year is available colorless perception of contours, which is why it becomes interesting to look at the pictures in the books. It also promotes the development of a child's imagination, which is just beginning to emerge. Be sure to consider these features when choosing a gift for the little man!

 Baby Gift for 1 year

What a gift - the best?

Of course, the very young kids still do not realize what kind of a holiday - birthday. However, room decorations, festive cake, smiles and good adult fairy-tale atmosphere and, of course, gifts can not be overlooked even for the crumbs, no matter how old he is. He will realize that there is something good, and as far as possible take part in the general merriment. And this will be the culmination of positive emotions from the new stuff.

Choose a gift for your baby is 1 year old is not too difficult. For example, if your child is not still developing pad, it can be a great birthday present. And you can buy, but you can do with their hands - it's simple enough, and it got no worse than bought. The only negative - it's free time, which on the eve of the first day of preparation for the birth of a baby is very small, so take care of its manufacturing time.

In addition, almost all children, without exception, be happy for a long time and played with the designers of large blocks. The most important thing to check when buying - is that the package has been specified age group of the child for whom it is intended. These gifts are very useful for the development of the child - they develop logical thinking toddler and his fine motor skills.

In addition, a good gift for 1 year out of Swings, which will take the child for a long time, and on the development of the vestibular system will have the most positive impact. When choosing a swing, check the strength of all the joints of parts and fasteners - baby safety above all!

Do not forget about the soft toys, because they can become a true friend to your child at this age. The girl as a gift to 1 year old, you can choose a bright and elegant doll, and a boy - a teddy bear. Be sure to read the materials from which the toy is made: they must be environmentally friendly and free of harmful substances (bisphenol A, formaldehyde and others).

A separate point should mention cars and other vehicles, which are so fond of little boys roll in 1 year old. And the child, they need a variety of shapes and sizes: big - to go after her and slowly roll it in front of him, a little - to very quickly move from one point to another, a truck - to put into it all kinds of "critical loads" - details pyramids and designers. Surely you have noticed that the boys from early childhood interest in toy cars - so why not meet their interest?

By the way, children under 1 year are interested in very different vehicles, not just cars. A good gift for the baby - a railway with electric trains, welling circles on it. Only need to remember that you play it, will likely have with your child, because there is full of small details, as well as switches that can be used only by adults. But your baby will love it buzzing and lit train to go around his favorite toy.

Musical ability of children need to develop in childhood, and that you will be singing and playing songs gifts. For example, a music bag with slots for a variety of shapes. When an object, such as a square, enters the corresponding hole, it emits a certain sound, what causes a baby in an indescribable joy. Gradually the child will remember how the form of corresponding slots, and will cease to make mistakes in the game with a suitcase, which, incidentally, contributes to the development of visual-active thinking.

Ocean delight the kid in one year would cause such a gift, as a music phone. It looks like an ordinary, but a bright and large apparatus, except that when you press the buttons, he says the letter, color or calls voiced by the figures - this is its developing function. Some phones "are able to" sing songs and flashing light - it depends on the particular set of functions in the game. There are generally stunning interactive centers that combine the platform on wheels, singing songs, different sounds such as barking and meowing, sets rattles, and even some tactile "razvlekalki." Do not hesitate, this center will be able to take your baby for a long time.

Choosing gifts for the year-old baby - a serious matter. Treat him with full responsibility, but remember that even the best and brightest baby toys fun just playing with his loving parents, and he does not want to be alone. So get ready for that, giving his child a gift, you yourself will have to show him how to use it, and test it with new games.

 Gift for 1 year child, choose wisely!

We advise to check: what to give newborn

 Toys for children up to 3 years

The baby in the house is not only a joy, but also a great commotion in the family. You were glad the first words that he uttered, now you're glad it's first steps. From beginning we bought a rattle, then we bought what we catch the eye. But this is not correct, the child should be a certain number of toys. Why is that? - You ask.

The answer is very simple. The child does not play with all the toys, he chooses one that is more to their liking, and the rest just spreads throughout the room. To avoid this look at the child, what toys he no longer plays. And now you ask, what to buy toys, if he does not play with them? After all, I can turn on the TV children's channel and let the looks. But this is not correct. After all, every toy has its own meaning.

Let's start with rattles. She trotted, and she rattles, and a little child again trotted, because he can not understand why she rattles. And when he is crying, we try to give it a rattle. Then there are cars, guns, robots and so on. D. And for girls generally simple. Since the start of CPMP, then the dolls, but what comes after dolls jewelry and, of course, my mother's makeup. Fisher price toys suitable for both boys and girls. These fascinating, colorful toys will love each child.

But the child must also evolve. For this there are toys. This toy for thinking, creativity, imagination, and creativity. You can also add here the book for toddlers, age-appropriate your child.

Such exercises should be carried out at a certain time. If the child has no desire to do, it is better not to force. Try it after a time entice the child a game that will go smoothly in the occupation.

 Toys for children up to 3 years

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