The development of a child under 12 weeks of pregnancy
The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester
The manifestations of toxicity
Power expectant mother
Becoming a registered obstetrician-gynecologist
Possible pathology in early pregnancy
Lifestyle pregnant
The first trimester of pregnancy decided to count the first day of the last menstrual period to 12 weeks gestation. This period is very difficult for a woman, because it is filled with new and not always pleasant for her feelings related to the well-being and changes in appearance. But at the same time, the early months of pregnancy - surprising, because in the female body is the emergence of a new life. Week after week, month after month, the next person will grow and develop in the womb, and 9 months after conception, it will alert the world about your appearance with a loud cry.
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The development of a child under 12 weeks of pregnancy
Pregnancy occurs after merging a female egg with the male sperm. The fertilized egg begins to wander through the fallopian tube, and only a week later (and in some cases even later) it reaches the uterus and firmly embedded in its walls. Since then, the placenta is formed and begins intensive development of the embryo.
By the end of 4 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is already in full swing formed the nervous, digestive and circulatory system, there is a chord, spinal cord and brain, gonads are formed, the beginnings of legs and arms. During this period in a woman's body produces intensely main pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, it is possible to determine through pregnancy test and blood test HCG.
By 6 weeks the embryo lays the kidneys and liver, small heart makes its first attempts to reduce. After 8 weeks of pregnancy the baby forming eye sockets, ears and gums. After a further 7 days, the child appears a tiny nose. The size of his head several times the value of the whole body.
At the end of the first trimester the baby is already formed all the organs in the future they will continue to evolve.
In this case the embryo, floating in the amniotic fluid, barely 6 cm in length.
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The main symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester
The main symptom, which marks a pregnancy - delay menstruation. After the due date, they have not come, women who are sexually active, you should get in a drugstore pregnancy test. All tests were run on the same principle: they determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. Study desirable to conduct only in the morning, when the highest concentration of the hormone. A woman should collect the urine in a clean container and lower back for 20 seconds. test strip. The final result will be known within 5 min. If the surface of the test strip tab 2, so the chance of pregnancy - 99%.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman begins to experience for yourself all the "charms" of his interesting position. Her breast are increased and become more sensitive to touch, her nipples stiffen and there are selection - so the nature prepares the mammary gland for the future of lactation.
Soon after conception in pregnant women there are complaints of frequent desires in a toilet in a little. With the development of the fetal uterus begins to press on the bladder which leads to frequent urination. The woman is left with no choice but to put up with this symptom, because he will accompany her entire period of waiting baby.
Increasing the amount of vaginal discharge - one more symptom characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy. Many of the fair sex may have noticed that the number of clear cervical secretions during the menstrual cycle is never the same. During ovulation, before the onset of menstruation, and during gestation baby their number increases dramatically, and themselves become the highlight of a viscous consistency.
Sometimes vaginal discharge in women in the state are so abundant that without the daily pads do not get. Normally allocation during the first trimester should be transparent or with a slight whitish tint. Blood in them can testify to the development of pathological pregnancy and requires immediate medical visits.
Allocation of white, green or yellow colors with an unpleasant odor, which is accompanied by itching in the crotch area, always indicate that the pregnancy is accompanied by a disease of the genital tract (from harmless yeast to diseases transmitted through unprotected sex). Tighten with his treatment of women can not be, because the disease can cause abnormalities in fetal development or infection, and sometimes even to the interruption of pregnancy. If the appearance or odor of vaginal discharge will cause concern expectant mother, then she should visit a gynecologist immediately. Most diseases of the sexual sphere are successfully treated at the background of carrying the baby.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, women are often concerned about symptoms such as drowsiness, weakness, headache and dizziness. Those who are prone to loss of consciousness, fetal development often causes fainting. Blame hormones under the influence of which is a reorganization of the body. In order to reduce the appearance of these signs of pregnancy, a woman should sleep for 10 hours at night and to arrange a full afternoon rest.
Removes the headache medications can not be, because the intake of drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy may negatively displayed on the developing fetus. If being a woman brings a lot of inconvenience, it is required to inform the doctor.
Most mothers constipation occur in the last trimester of pregnancy. However, if women do not eat, then the stool problems may begin to bother them in the first months of carrying a child, because the digestive system during this period begins to run in slow motion. Allow long-term constipation, pregnant women should not be - it will lead to intoxication and devastating effect on the developing fetus.
To make bowel movements regular, the expectant mother should abandon the cold food supply and make sure that her diet was dominated by foods rich in fiber. Most fiber found in fruits and vegetables. As a laxative, you can use the infusion of prunes (overnight soak a few dry fruits in boiling water, and in the morning resulting liquid to drink and eat the soaked prunes). Take laxatives only after consulting your doctor. Enema contraindicated in the first trimester - they can lead to increased uterine tone.
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The manifestations of toxicity
Toxicosis during pregnancy suffer 9 women out of 10. It is most commonly seen after 4 weeks after conception, but some of the most sensitive of the fairer sex, he might be in the past. The most unpleasant symptoms of toxicity are nausea and vomiting, which may be accompanied by diarrhea. In addition, a woman's culinary preferences are changing: it begins to pull on the sour, salty or spicy, and one only smell of favorite foods before future mother sickened. A pregnant smell is so acute that it becomes difficult to stay close to the perfumed person, it may be equally annoying, and the smell of sweat and the scent of toothpaste.
The most common manifestations of toxicity concerned a woman during the first trimester of pregnancy, and then they pass. Although there are times when he accompanied the entire period of pregnancy. Relieve a little nauseous, you can use slices of lemon or mint candy. But if symptoms of toxicity expressed in persistent vomiting, they can lead to dehydration, and this can not be tolerated during pregnancy. This morning sickness requires finding a hospital under the supervision of medical staff.
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Power expectant mother
Food in the first trimester of pregnancy must be complete and balanced. However, to achieve this difficult, because at this time the future mother is often a distaste for certain foods or eating in general. If under the influence of nausea a woman can not have the necessary food, then it must be limited to one meal, which her body is currently perceived. Where the manifestations of toxicity weak or non-existent, a woman should strive to use only healthy and vitamin-rich food that will ensure the normal development of her baby.
The diet of the pregnant woman must be present fruits (especially bananas, apples, pomegranates, grapes, citrus fruits, melons, and watermelons), fresh and steamed vegetables, milk and dairy products, seafood, sea fish, lean meat, beef liver, eggs, cereal. From drinks to be preferred slabozavarennogo green tea, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, fresh juices, bottled pure water without gas. During fetal development women should limit their intake of sweets, muffins, pasta, fatty and fried foods. The list of taboo for pregnant women - sweet drinks, potato chips, crackers, coffee, strong tea and alcohol. It is important to ensure that the daily diet in the first trimester does not exceed 2500-2800 kcal.
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Becoming a registered obstetrician-gynecologist
During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy should register with the antenatal clinic.
From that time to the birth of the occurrence of pregnancy and fetal development will observe an obstetrician-gynecologist and other specialists.
When you register at a woman will deliver a number of important analyzes, including:
general and biochemical blood tests;
blood tests for Rh factor, AIDS, hepatitis and syphilis;
Analysis of urine (it will be necessary to take on a regular basis to monitor the work of the kidneys);
smear on the flora of the vagina;
in some cases, prescribe additional tests for chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella, and other diseases.
At 10-12 weeks of fetal development future mother sent for the first ultrasound. The procedure is considered to be harmless, so do not avoid it. The study will show the duration of pregnancy, number of embryos and their status. Ultrasound technician can easily detect ectopic pregnancy and fetal fading, evaluate the activity of the ovaries, uterus and cervix. If the expectant mother complains of bloody vaginal discharge or pain in the lower abdomen, the survey will be able to show them to the cause.
In addition to analyzes and ultrasound expectant mother will have to visit a number of specialists (dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist, Laura) and do an electrocardiogram of the heart.
In the first trimester of pregnancy for normal fetal development obstetrician usually appoints woman preparations containing folic acid (vitamin B9) - It can be both a tablet and a vitamin complex. A sufficient amount of folic acid in the mother's body will prevent the development of the nervous system defects and malformations in the baby.
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Possible pathology in early pregnancy
Expectant mother need to listen to yourself and watch the highlight color of the genital organs, because in the first trimester of pregnancy is especially great chance of miscarriage. To this can cause a lot of factors, so women need to protect their health, not to recycle, avoid exciting situations as often as possible to relax. Sometimes it is enough to be shaken by public transport or sit in a hot tub to nurturing the baby ended badly.
The risk of spontaneous abortion is increased in women who in the past have had miscarriages. Abortion made by a woman before, can also cause miscarriage.
At the risk of miscarriage indicate the following symptoms:
constant nagging pain in the abdomen;
vaginal discharge mixed with blood;
general weakness.
When these signs women should stay in bed and call a doctor at home. If you do not observe the precautions, the chances of pregnancy to save almost does not remain.
A common pathology that can be found in the first trimester, a tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. When her fertilized egg develops outside the uterus, a foothold in the fallopian tube (at least - in the ovary or cervix). The signs of ectopic pregnancy are recurrent or persistent pain in the abdomen and brownish vaginal discharge. Approximately 4-6 week break happens fallopian tube, resulting in a woman going internal bleeding, carrying life-threatening.
The shock of suddenly arisen a sharp pain in the groin, brain fog, severe dizziness, nausea - all of these symptoms are accompanied by rupture of the fallopian tube. The sooner the surgery is performed and removed the bleeding, the greater the chances of a woman for a quick recovery.
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Lifestyle pregnant
Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the woman is desirable not to take any medicine, so she should avoid contact with sick virus and try not to catch a cold. Among categorically counter medications include antibiotics streptomycin and tetracycline group, aspirin, reserpine, chlorothiazide, indomethacin, antidepressants. Do not get involved multivitamins without consulting a doctor before this - they are not the best way overabundance displayed on the child. Though herbs and are considered harmless, but among them there are those who are undesirable pregnancy. These include senna, mother and stepmother, comfrey, magnolia, juniper, Stephanie. Uncontrolled medications can lead to miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus.
Future moms should try as much as possible to spend more time in the air, do not work overtime, and avoid stress. Gravity raise is also not recommended. At this time the belly of pregnant women is almost imperceptible, but the clothes have to be the best of the free, not to pull the waist and hips. Women in any stage of pregnancy is necessary to wear comfortable shoes on a small (4 cm), and stable heel.
Expecting addition to the family, the expectant mother must understand that pregnancy and child health largely depend on it. Balanced diet, avoiding harmful habits, proper rest, constant monitoring of vaginal discharge and timely recourse doctors allow women to give birth safely, and make a long-awaited baby.