Not far off the new school year. This means that for parents it was the hottest time - time to purchase items needed for school. And this list is not the last place is occupied by ordinary schoolbag. It would be easy - buy a schoolbag, good attention of parents a wide range of backpacks for every taste and color. However, in fact, buying a backpack is not such a simple matter. Not any nice backpack for a child. Today we will talk about how to choose a school satchel. School bags, briefcases - the most important purchase.
The first thing you need to do - is to decide what you want to buy - a bag with a shoulder strap, backpack, or a diplomat. Although orthopedists unanimously recommend it for children to acquire orthopedic school satchels.
Explained such recommendation is very simple. The baby is very long period of time is quite heavy portfolio. If the portfolio will be worn all the time baby on one shoulder, he quickly formed bad posture. Moreover, such a negative impact load on the spine of the child for a lifetime. Scoliosis - is one of the most innocuous disease, which is fraught with uneven load distribution.
But wearing a backpack removes the risk of such complications in the musculoskeletal system. When wearing a backpack of books weight is distributed evenly, so the load is uniform and does not lead to a violation of posture and other complications. And, besides, wearing a backpack hands-free child, that too is an important plus.
What to look for when choosing a backpack?
Most often, when choosing a school satchels parents pay attention to the brightness and beauty. Of course, these figures are important, but should not become decisive in choosing a school satchel. Particularly important right choice of school bags is for the youngest of students - for future first-graders.
When choosing a backpack is very important material from which this same pack is made. Most often used for the manufacture of a leather or synthetic fabrics. The fabric used for the manufacture of a school satchel, should possess the following qualities:
- The material should be easy to pack weighed as much as the books themselves.
- In addition, the material must be highly durable. Schoolbag for a year is not just serve the child and pillow, and a stool, and even football. In order to sustain such a load backpack must be made of very durable material. Especially strong are to be satchels school for boys.
- It is equally important that the material is impregnated with a special composition of soil and water repellent. This allows you to quickly and easily remove dirt from the backpack, without exposing it to wash.
- And the last thing you should pay special attention to this on frost tissues. If the fabric does not possess such properties, it is already at -1 tissue will harden and resemble iced crust. If the label backpack is not specified, whether the material is frost, pay attention to who is the country - the manufacturer. More often than not this sin producers from countries with warmer climates, which never negative temperature.
There are two types of sewing backpack: lined and unlined. It is preferable to buy a satchel with lining. And the liner should also be made of a material which can easily be cleaned and which dries rapidly. This will easily contain a portfolio of the student in order. Spilled drinks, breakfasts forgotten, potekshie handles - you never know what might be inside a school backpack?
Another very important requirement for school backpack is one small, seemingly quite insignificant feature. The rear inner wall of the backpack should be sealed. This is necessary to ensure that it fits snugly to the back of the child and supporting the child's spine. This pack brings back the risk of spinal curvature is almost zero. School backpack with orthopedic back - exactly what is necessary to a healthy baby. After all, curvature of the spine carries a much greater danger, Sanchez might seem at first glance. This constant pain, and health problems of internal organs, including cardio - vascular system. It is unlikely that someone from the parents wish their child is.
Also attention should be paid to the shoulder straps of the school backpacks. They are in many respects depends on how practical and convenient would schoolbag. The straps must be adjusted in length, as just six months your baby can pull the growth significantly. In addition, it is extremely frustrating when the strap under the weight of the load, start to cut into the shoulders of the baby. In order to avoid such a situation that gives the baby significant discomfort, when choosing a school backpack is necessary to pay attention to the width of the straps.
The optimum width of the straps should be about 5 centimeters. One of the straps shall be fitted with a special snap mechanism that facilitates dressing and taking off a backpack in those moments when you do not will be there to help him. School bags and backpacks should not cause difficulty in handling children, otherwise bag becomes simply unsuitable for children.
Allowable weight backpack for your child
Talking about how to choose the right bag for the child, not to mention the fact that the child has to wear every day quite a lot of weight, which is made up of various components, such as:
- Tutorials. Already in the first class of every day a child is forced to carry a sufficiently large number of textbooks.
- Notebooks and other stationery, which together are also not so light weight.
- Sports schools, intended to visit the physical education lessons.
- Indoor shoes. Nowadays, almost all modern school children insist on wearing a removable shoes.
- School bags for girls should have additional pockets. After all the girls without exception - big fashionista, and they are sure to appreciate the pocket for the mirror or a handkerchief.
That is why, as already mentioned above, the backpack should have as less weight. The maximum possible weight of school bags for a child of 7 years is not more than 700 grams. It is also important to know what is considered to be the maximum permissible load for children of different ages. Scientists have conducted various studies on the effect of wearing a heavy portfolio of health and well-being of the child. And the conclusion to which they came. Security is weight:
- For younger students, the first to fourth, this figure is 2 - 2, 5 kg.
- For middle-school students from the fifth to the eighth, the figure should not exceed 3 to 5 kg.
- And for high school students the weight can not exceed 5 kg.
However, this is a very average data. In order to calculate all considering the physiological characteristics of the individual child, doctors recommend orthopedic use the following formula. Deduct 10% of the weight of the child and take away 200 grams. This will be the maximum weight for the baby that will not cause him any harm.
However, not to say doctors, especially the Ministry of Education does not listen to them, and the weight of textbooks largely exceeds the recommended norm. Children's school bags are packed to capacity.
That is why it is so important to choose a really good portfolio, which evenly distribute the load on the child's body and reduce the likelihood of fatigue and development of various complications of support - motor system and muscular frame.
As mentioned above, today's children to wear to school, not only in shape, but also a change of shoes. Often parents put her in a school bag, but it should not do. Firstly, it will significantly increase the weight of the backpack, and secondly, can deform the rigid inner back. This, in turn, leads to an uneven load on the child's spine and development of scoliosis.
In addition, indoor shoes are often very much spoil not only the inner lining, but with notebooks and books. You should not be naive to hope that your child will be pre-wrap shoes in a plastic bag. That is why the shoe is more practical to buy a special rag bag. These bags are presented in a very wide range, and you will be able to choose the one that will come to your child's portfolio.
Often, the problem of excess in children's portfolios often schools are trying to solve in other ways. For example, the lockers in the locker rooms allow the children to leave the removable shoes at school, and not carry it with me every day. In some schools, there are so-called "practice of two sets of books." One set of books is in the office, where he studied the child, and the second set of baby home use. The most urgent this practice for the youngest schoolchildren - first-graders. The same is true for sports uniforms, supplies for the lessons of work and drawing. All of these things can be left in storage in dedicated areas in the school.
In addition to the foregoing, when buying school backpacks should consider several aspects that parents are very often neglected:
- Going shopping for a backpack, be sure to take with them a child. Let him take part in the selection of the backpack - in fact he will, at least a year to go with him. If your pipsqueak only going to become a schoolboy, a joint selection and purchase of backpack and other school supplies to help them feel their importance and involvement in school life. And if you bought a backpack for the older child, his participation is necessary, so you do not arise complaints about its appearance.
- The second aspect relates to the place of purchase. Sale of school bags - are not always the best solution. Try to avoid the purchase of school backpack in markets, places of natural trade, which often appear on the eve of the new academic year. You run the risk of purchase low-quality goods and schoolbag come into complete disrepair long before the school year ends. This is not the only place where you can buy a schoolbag for a very reasonable price. By the way, school backpacks are sold cheaply at the end of the school year. Take this fact to your note.
It is much more reasonable to buy school bags in large stores and specialized outlets, who value their reputation and will not sell low-quality goods.
- Buying schoolbag, do not be shy - ask the seller sanitary - epidemiological conclusion and a certificate for the chosen pack. All the good faith of the company - manufacturers supply their products with all the necessary documents that prove their quality.
Of course, you may have to spend a few days in the search for a suitable backpack. But note that school bags for first reviews call, of course, very different, but very similar one. High school bags - a quality school bags. It is not necessary to save money and time looking for - it all comes back to you later with the Trinity. Sooner or later you're bound to pick up the backpack, which will serve as your child's faith - the truth, and to take care of his health. And let your backpack will always be a diary with some fives.