Fruit salad with whipped cream

The recipe fruit salad with cream

We offer you a recipe amazingly delicious fruit salad. This dessert is designed for exquisite taste gourmet, but also likely to appeal to both lovers of fruit and ice cream lovers. This salad will decorate and will complement any event, youth or children's holiday party. And what is most remarkable - the fruit salad with whipped cream and ice cream can be made at any time of year! So festive feast or celebration on the occasion of graduation - a good excuse to try a refreshing salad. Try?


  • Fresh fruit: apples, pears, kiwi, mango, bananas, grapes - depending on the season.
  • Citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruit.
  • Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes.
  • Canned fruits: pineapple, peach.
  • Berries for decoration: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cherry, pomegranate seeds /
  • Ice cream - 500 g
  • Whipping cream.
  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and so on.

Strictly speaking, all listed - this is just an example, and the possible composition of a fruit salad. And the ingredients can be combined, for example: 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 can of canned pineapple, a handful of raisins, a handful of dried apricots, a handful of walnuts. The main condition for compliance with the recipe - the presence of all three types of salad vegetables: fresh, canned and dried, as well as citrus fruits and nuts.


A particular difficulty in the preparation of this salad is not. But let us still closer look at this simple process. For a start will wash and dry fresh fruit. Apples and pears vynem rigid core and seeds, kiwi and mango peel, mango, remove the stones. Grapes take off with a brush. Banana cleaned. Again, I repeat: choose a fruit to your taste. You can completely restrict apple and banana, or grapes and pears.

So prepared fruit cut into cubes, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice. Citrus my, peeled and disassembled into slices. If possible, remove all the white fibers and sliced ​​into small pieces and add to the sliced ​​fruit. Dried fruits thoroughly washed several times changing the water. Incidentally, pre-soak them is not necessary. In preparing salad will be enough liquid to dried fruit became soft. Cut the dried fruit pieces in a bowl and spread to the rest of the fruit. Raisins put in a salad entirely.

Canned pineapple or peach syrup take out and recline in a colander to glass them with excess fluid. These ingredients are also cut into pieces and put in a bowl. There also put the chopped nuts and pomegranate seeds. Great ice cream cake cut into cubes and put them on top of the fruit. Mix salad and store it in the refrigerator.

Before serving Put the lettuce in a large salad bowl it and decorate with whipped cream and fresh berries or slices of whole berries. Another option - to submit this dessert portions. In this case, the salad should be expanded in kremanki advance and put into the refrigerator. Just before serving dessert to put on top of the salad cap of whipped cream and strawberries, cherries or cherry wood.

 fruit salad with cream


Try to combine hard and soft salad and fresh fruit. For example, an apple and a banana, kiwi and pears, grapes and mangoes. Canned fruits should also be sufficiently rigid and necessarily "pale." Because, for example, cherry compote dessert stain all unsightly bluish tint. But to decorate just need bright berries. Especially effective will look strawberries, and the very combination of strawberries and cream has long been a textbook. By the way, if you prefer to cook your own whipped cream, do not forget before whisking them cool.

Try to prepare the fruit salad with the addition of ice cream and whipped cream. You will love it!

 Fruit salad with whipped cream

We recommend that read: sauce for salad fruit

 fruit salad


  • Fruit Salad Elementary
  • Fruit salad with honey and oranges
  • Tropical Fruit Salad
  • Mint grapefruit variation
  • Fruit salad in French

What could be tastier and more pleasant refreshing fruit salad? You can have a bite of the summer at the dacha or replace high-calorie dessert, let alone for children fruit salad - is heavenly bliss! Especially good are the original fruit salads for breakfast - it's a great and invigorating start to the day. It is worth mentioning how many calories contains a breakfast - usually from two hundred to four hundred; and the benefits from it is invaluable. How many fruits in the world, there are so many options, how to make a fruit salad, and all of them are quite simple, and quite a pleasure to deliver.

Fruit Salad Elementary

It's very simple fruit salad that can be served by you as a breakfast and in the afternoon, and as a dessert. However, unlike other sugary foods, the benefits of this fruit salad is undeniable. The recipe includes basic fruits that exist in almost every refrigerator:

  • two bananas
  • two apples
  • three slices of pineapple
  • bunch of grapes
  • half cup of evaporated milk

Take bananas, apples, pineapple and cut them into small cubes. These cubes, add the grapes. Fill delicious salad condensed milk, mix well and put in the fridge - it should be done for better cooling. Despite the fact that the recipe of this salad is simple enough, you can give it an attractive, if you use extra decoration - for example, will cut the apple roses or try to decorate fruit lettuce (do not worry, this is a very "tasty" course!).

Fruit salad with honey and oranges

But what if you want to do something more interesting? In this case, you are interested in this spicy and incredibly tasty recipe Eastern dessert. Rose water, a part of it - is the essence of rose petals, dissolved in distilled water (pink water used for cosmetic purposes, is not suitable for salad). You can replace it with something else, but it was the scent of roses gives this recipe originality and spirit of the East. Calories - two hundred and fifty calories. To make this salad, you will need:

  • Four orange seedless
  • one grenade
  • two tablespoons of rose water
  • two tablespoons of honey
  • a handful of pistachios
  • a pinch of cinnamon

Clear from citrus peel and white pulp. Remove seeds, slice them thinly. Take a pre-cooked dish and place him oranges, sprinkled with their juice, remaining after tapping on the board. Take rose water and fill it with a citrus, add them honey and cinnamon. Beautiful design of this salad includes a sprinkling of fruits nuts and pomegranate seeds. It will not be superfluous decoration and fruit salad - mint; put it on top, and you can bring to the table.

Tropical Fruit Salad

How much do you think there are options for preparing a fruit salad for breakfast? This is one of them, and very tasty - a combination of strawberries and tropical fruits can not brighten your day! Cooking time - five to ten minutes. Calories - two hundred and ten calories. To prepare one serving of the delights you will need:

  • one orange
  • One kiwi
  • one banana
  • Four strawberries
  • spoon yogurt

Cut the oranges into cubes of about one centimeter. Kiwi and banana is better to cut circles - so the dish will look more beautiful and appetizing. Each strawberry cut into four parts. Put it all in a small bowl and pour yogurt. Little Mix yogurt with fruit.

Mint grapefruit variation

This salad is also called vitamin bomb, because fruits are included in it are very helpful and pineapple vooobsche is a natural calorie burner. This tasty recipe is an excellent option that can be eaten for breakfast. Cooking time - fifteen minutes. Calories - two hundred calories. So, to prepare fruit salad will need:

  • one large orange
  • one pink grapefruit
  • half pomegranate
  • Fifty grams of sugar
  • a few leaves of mint
  • vanilla

In advance, prepare a flat dish with boards in height about one centimeter. Cut the peel of citrus fruit with a thin knife and slice them crosswise thickness of about half a centimeter, put them on a dish in one. Boil sugar to taste, fifty milliliters of water, add the vanilla and cool. In order to offset the bitterness of the fruit, can take a little more sugar. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds oranges, pour them cooled down syrup and garnish with mint leaves. By the way, instead you can add vanilla syrup mint tea - it is very refreshing!

 fruit salad

Fruit salad in French

This recipe is an illustration of the fact that cooking often found very original and unusual combinations of foods. Salad Preparation time - thirty minutes. Calorie - three hundred and fifty calories. For four servings you will need:

  • two small sweet melon with yellow flesh
  • two hundred and fifty grams of a semi-dry wine
  • two tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • two tablespoons of brandy

Cut melon in half crosswise, taking from them the seeds and liquid pulp. Little circular groove cut out balls of melon flesh firm. Balls put in a bowl and pour the wine. Close the lid and about six hours in the fridge. Two halves of melon place for serving in the refrigerator.

With melon balls drain the juice of wine. Two tablespoons of wine mix with orange juice and brandy. Put balls of melon in half and pour the orange juice. Once again on the half hour put to infuse in the refrigerator, then serve. With salad freshly baked savory muffins.

What do you think, how much time you can eat fruit salads? Very, very long time, because they make it easy and simple: cut the fruit, stir and add the "sauce" (yogurt or syrup). So you yourself can become a creator of his own recipes: just come up with original artwork - and your fruit extravaganza is ready!

 Fruit salad: variations in vitamin

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