Very often young hostess who follow the figure and tend to a healthy diet, are wondering what can be steamed and how to make such tasty dishes. So - correctly using steam, you can cook almost any product: meat, fish, vegetables. Amazing taste have steam dumplings - they get a lot softer than those prepared in the conventional manner.
What is the effect we achieve if we prepare for a couple? First, we get healthy food, because food is cooked without fat, while retaining the natural taste. Secondly, if we are prepared for a couple, for example, meat or fish, these products remain very juicy. In conventional cooking juice goes into the broth, and meat or fish, losing their extractives become tasteless.
We will talk about the basic techniques that you need to know if we are ready for a couple. And also give some practical tips on how to cook for a couple without a double boiler. Knowing these details, you will be able to come up with their own recipes of dishes steam.
I must say that steaming under force even people with modest culinary knowledge. So for beginners housewives recipes of dishes will be a good start for further comprehension of the secrets of good cooking.
Outset that all the recipes below, can be used for cooking in modern double boiler or in an ordinary pot, into which is inserted into a so-called steam basket or the usual sieve. It is important that the product does not come into contact with water (in a double boiler is provided by default), the pan must be kept tightly closed, and the products are laid only after the water has started to boil. By following these simple rules, you learn how to cook for a couple.
Steam cod under the Dutch sauce
- 500 grams of fish
- salt, pepper, spices
For the sauce:
- 3 raw egg yolks
- 150 grams of butter
- 2 tablespoons cold water
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- salt pepper
Cooking method:
Prepared fish sprinkle with salt, pepper and spices that you prefer, sprinkle with lemon juice and put in the steamer. Cook for 7-10 minutes. This dish is perfect right steamed classic hollandaise sauce.
How to prepare the sauce:
In a bowl, mix the egg yolks, water, salt, pepper, put it all in the steam bath, and all the while whisking, add a small piece of butter. The next piece was added after the previous one is completely connect with the yolk mass. The result should be a thick and smooth buttery sauce. At the end, add lemon juice to taste and beat well again.
Hollandaise sauce is perfect for low-fat varieties of fish, steamed, as well as vegetables.
Vegetables cooked in a double boiler, very tasty and at the same time have a very attractive appearance. The fact that in conventional thermal treatment (cooking or grilling, is not important) they lose their color. When using a pair that does not happen. It looks wonderful assortment of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.
Assorted vegetables steamed
(served with fish and hollandaise sauce)
- 100 grams of carrot
- 100 grams of broccoli
- 100 grams of cauliflower
- 100 grams spinach
Cooking method:
Vegetable Wash, peel. Carrots cut, parse it into florets cabbage, spinach free from coarse stems. Lay the vegetables in a double boiler (except for spinach - put it in just a minute before the end of cooking) and cook for 5-7 minutes.
Share on platter vegetables, fish, steamed, and pour all the hollandaise sauce.
The above method can cook any fish. But there are other recipes for fish in the steamer, we also want to share with you. Obtained dishes very different in flavor.
Fish on a steam bath
- 500 grams of fish fillets
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- teaspoon grated ginger
- teaspoon curry
- salt pepper
- 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice
Cooking method:
Fish wash, dry, mix with ginger, soy sauce, curry, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Put everything in a bowl and put on a steam bath. Cooking with the lid tightly closed for 7-10 minutes. It turns out very tender fish in a spicy clear soup. Serve with crisp rice.
Steam chicken cutlets
- 500 grams of minced chicken
- 1 egg
- 150 grams of white bread
- a glass of milk
- 1 onion
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- salt, pepper, nutmeg
Cooking method:
Bread soaked in milk. Very finely chopped onion and olive oil spassirovat. Mix the minced meat with fried onions, pressed bread and eggs, add salt, pepper, nutmeg and whisk well all.
To cut the resulting mass into small meatballs and place in steamer. Cook for 7-10 minutes. For those who love the recipes diet meals can be encouraged to prepare for such a principle cutlets of pork, beef and fish.
Recipes of dishes cooked in a double boiler, which we bring to your attention, you can perceive as a base and building on them to come up with their diets. Bon Appetit!