nail care

"Being a sensible man and you can think about the beauty of nails"

(Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin")


  • Manicure
  • Baths and masks
  • Proper nail care

You agree that well-groomed hands not only adorn us, but raise our status in the eyes of others. What can I say, beautiful hand - the pride of every woman. And if given the nature of the shape of the hands and nails adjustment can not be, do something so that our well-groomed hands cause admiring glances in our power. However, modern technology allows to adjust even the most unpresentable nails. But this does not mean that the nail care should be confined to professional procedures. At home, make Beauty Nail also possible.

Believe that strengthen your nails, keep them healthy and make a good manicure at home is always possible. As they say, there is a will, there will be a possibility. While manicures and a whole range of necessary procedures, but they do not require any virtuoso skills and specific knowledge. Manicure consists of several stages: removing old paint, moving away cuticles, filing, deburring and painting nail polish. And an extra nail care is reduced to regular baths, compresses and masks. How to do a manicure and how to exercise proper care of the nails? Let's face it.


Manicure at home begin with, the old varnish removed with a cotton swab dipped in a solvent. Once the lacquer is completely removed from the nail, carefully wash their hands. The best example of such wash basins are supplemented with aromatic emollient oil. This may be lavender, bergamot, peach and other oils. Once this is completed hygienic procedure, hands carefully wiped, dried and begin to polish and nail them to form creation. To do this you need to polish nail file, nail file to create the form, nail clippers, and scissors blunt spatula. Emery is desirable to have the abrasive, non-metallic basis.

Nails should be given the same shape and length, removing the cuticle. For this cause the cuticle to the area a special tool, a little massage this area, and then gently push the cuticles back. If you carry out this procedure regularly, the cuticle is slowly growing and becoming less visible. The cuticle is removed using a blunt spatula or a special orange sticks. Cut cuticles should not be - it will accelerate its growth. With regular care for her as she will slowly grow and become less noticeable.

Once the cuticle is removed, nail clippers or scissors to cut the same length edges of the nails, giving them shape. The next stage of manicure - deburring, which is carried out using small scissors or clippers, nail polish and then sawing medium in size, moving it from the edge of the nail to the middle. Nail file is easy to hold. Carefully, smooth movements, trying to keep the shape of the nail, it is first treated sides. Then nail file is sent to the left and right in a semicircle, trying not to touch the top, the smooth surface of the nail and the skin on the fingertips. It is better to give your nails an oval shape, as it looks much more attractive and carefully than too pointed shape. After this procedure should be applied to the nails special gel, which strengthens the nails and make it flat and smooth.

After nail treatment is finished, rinse hands again, wipe them with a napkin, causing a nourishing cream and massage gently stroking the brush from the fingertips up to the forearm. In this manicure can be completed, and if desired, to the nails can be applied decorative paint. Under the colored lacquer need to lay the groundwork (clearcoat), which can also be considered a decorative coating, if protruding edge of the nail varnish make up more light.

After applying the clearcoat is applied colored lacquer, with which the bottle is shaken several times previously. Brush with the overlaying color polish each time dipped into the vial, gaining as much polish as enough for one stroke. To paint lay down evenly and smoothly brush, giving it the shape of a fan, are in the direction from the edge of the nail to the cuticle. Apply varnish, which should be quite liquid, little cautious at first strokes on the center of the nail, and then on his side. To nail was covered uniformly, the side portions of the nail are colored so that they slightly overlap the central smear. Thereafter, the varnish on the free edge of the tip carefully leveled, and then the nails applied the same way firming, an additional layer of lacquer. Now our manicure fully completed.

 nail care at home

Baths and masks

Treated nails always look delicious, however, provided that they are healthy and strong. If the nails are fragile, uneven, but at the same time also exfoliate, no paint will not hide their unpresentable form. Not only for loose nails manicure has not the most beneficial effect. Therefore, nail care at home should not be limited to only one manicure. Nails need to strengthen, nourish, moisturize, in general, to care for them according to the rules. We offer you a selection of recipes for masks, baths and compresses polish.

A fortifying salt bath

The systematic conduct of this procedure, and the need to make the bath at least once a week, after a month and a half of your nails will become much stronger. To prepare the brine bath dilute with a glass of warm boiled water one tablespoon of sea or ordinary table salt. Dip fingers into this solution and incubate for fifteen to twenty minutes. If the procedure is performed more often, the result you will see much faster.

Tray against brittle nails

To strengthen brittle nails will help tray with olive oil. For her, you need a little warm vegetable and a few drops of lemon juice. Pour into a bowl the oil, add the lemon juice. To enhance the effect it should be added to the bath and the oil solution of vitamin A. Another option recipe - vegetable oil mixed in equal amounts with natural apple cider vinegar. Making such baths can constantly be once or twice a week.

Herbal baths

Very useful for nails herbal baths, for the preparation of which use a mixture of dried herbs. One tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, cook on low heat for about three to five minutes, and then insist, filtered and kept in the hands of the infusion of about twenty minutes. The most useful herbs for nails are:

  • plantain,
  • coltsfoot,
  • nettle,
  • marshmallow root.

After taking bath rinse hands with warm water and smeared nourishing cream. If you do a manicure, then use the pre-steaming is not plain water and herbal decoction.

Iodine mask

One of the most popular and accessible means mask iodine. Conventional medical iodine, which is in every home medicine cabinet, it is necessary to grease the nail plate using, for example, ear stick. The procedure to do at night, causing iodine to clean, no oil cream fingernails. Per night iodine is completely absorbed and the nails will remain no trace.

The mask of oil and salt

Caring for nails with the help of a systematic oil-salt masks will make your nails shiny and smooth. To do this, warmed vegetable oil mixed with salt to the state of the liquid slurry. This gruel need to hold nails about fifteen minutes, and then wear cotton gloves. Oil-thick salt while to wash hands is not necessary. Three hours later, remove gloves and wash hands with soap and smeared nourishing cream.

Glycerin mask

This mask has a reducing effect and is suitable for weak and damaged nails. To prepare a tablespoon of glycerin mixed with a tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of corn or potato starch. The mask is applied to the hands and nails, wear cotton gloves and held for about an hour. Then remove the gloves and the mask wash off with warm water and soap and smeared his hands with a nourishing cream.

Try to make masks and baths for the nails. In a short time you will find that your nails become less brittle and soft, they are smoothed roughness and nail plate gained luster. However, this is only possible if you follow the rules for nail care, not only during hygienic and cosmetic procedures, but also in everyday life.

 nail care

Proper nail care

Stick to the basic rules of care Nails, and then your nails do not exfoliate and break. And only then can you get the maximum effect of masks and baths to achieve a flawless appearance of nails after a manicure.

  1. Eat foods that are useful for nails. Namely, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, cabbage, egg yolks, brewer's yeast, jelly.
  2. Bedtime necessarily lubricate the nails a special nourishing cream, rubbing it in the nail plate, and periungual bed.
  3. Let your nails a break from polish. Ideally, the need to remove varnish from nails before going to bed. If this is not carried out without a manicure at least the weekend.
  4. Do not use nail polish remover liquid containing acetone.
  5. All homework, requiring the use of detergents and cleaning products, are carried out only with gloves. Remember that when in contact with the ground nails injured. Therefore, caring for indoor or garden plants, also wear gloves.
  6. Take calcium with vitamin D.
  7. Not biting his nails! Avoid using nails as a scraper or tweezers.
  8. E buy cheap low-quality paints. So you save on health and beauty of their nails.
  9. Do not polish trays with baking soda.
  10. If possible, rub into the nail plate juice of sour grapes and fruit and wipe nails lemon peel.
  11. Manicure make sure, and at least once every two weeks.
  12. Never scrape with nails old varnish, and remove it only with a special liquid.
  13. Through hand massage, do not forget about your nails.
  14. Remember, manicure - is not only and not so much cosmetic as hygienic procedure. I do not varnished, but treated nails always look nice.

So, lovely ladies, as you already understood, nail care at home - it's not just a manicure. Remember that in addition to this mandatory hygiene nails utility recovers, strengthening and nourishing masks and baths. Try to take care of their nails during homework and take care of them. And in general, always remain beautiful and against all odds!

 Nail Care, Nail salon or at home

We recommend to check out: it is necessary for nail
