Possible pathology in the first weeks of pregnancy
Vitamins and trace elements required in the first month of pregnancy
Pregnancy test and by analysis of hCG
Medical care at an early stage of pregnancy, when it is needed?
Power, sex life and daily routine of the future mother
In the first month of pregnancy, a woman often has no idea that her body was the birth of a new life. No visible changes in well-being and appearance is not yet happening, so the main feature, which suggests the idea of the future mother about her family way, most often a delay in menstruation.
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Feelings of women in early pregnancy
However, contrary to popular opinion, the absence of menstruation - is not the only symptom of pregnancy. After conception, the female body starts to intensively prepare for the future motherhood and it is undergoing important changes. Many women simply do not pay attention to the suddenly appeared sleepy and tired all the time, writing off these signs of pregnancy on fatigue at work. During this period, future mothers slightly increase breast changes the consistency and quantity of cervical mucus, there is a metal taste in the mouth, there are frequent urination, resembling a manifestation of cystitis.
In the first weeks after conception women usually do not experience nausea, more often it arises from the second month of gestation. But in medical practice there are cases when pregnant women start to complain about attacks toxicosis after a few days after fertilization. Women can irritate the smells emanating from the kitchen while cooking, perfumes and fragrances, which earlier she liked.
To the listed attributes should be added frequent mood swings, moodiness and even a tendency to depression, caused by hormonal changes in the body. Symptoms may occur in various combinations. However, if a woman is young and in perfect health, symptoms of pregnancy in this period and it may not bother.
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The process of the origin of life
What happens in a woman's body during the first month of pregnancy? Immediately after fertilization sperm egg starts to move on the fallopian tube toward the uterus. The penetration of the ovum in the uterus occurs in about 7 days after conception. Then the placenta is formed, through which the child will receive from the mother's body oxygen and nutrients to all of its development. In parallel with the placenta and umbilical cord is formed begins the process of active development of the embryo. From that moment, the body's production of women chorionic gonadotropin - a hormone of pregnancy.
By the end of the second week is the formation of the three germ layers, which are the basis for the subsequent development of all organs, systems and tissues. From mid-chord sheet occurs, blood, lymph, blood vessels, muscles, cartilage, and gonads. From it begins the formation of the internal organs. The outer sheet of the embryo gives rise to the formation of the nervous system, skin, hair follicles and nail plates. From the inner germ layer form the respiratory and digestive systems. After about 21 days after conception, the baby begins development of the brain and spinal cord.
By the end of the first month of pregnancy the fetus is already tiny blood vessels and heart, which is making its first attempt to reduce, begin to develop limbs and eye sockets appear. With such a rapid process of development of the future man is very small, its dimensions do not exceed a grain of rice. On all sides it is surrounded by amniotic fluid. After some time, the fetus will turn into an embryo, then - in the fetus, and after 9 months of pregnancy Happy parents can finally see their long-awaited baby.
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Possible pathology in the first weeks of pregnancy
At the initial stage of pregnancy the embryo is very vulnerable, and any negligence on the part of the mother can lead to spontaneous abortion, or to the development of serious pathologies in children. Since women often still does not know about their situation, she continues to work hard, play sports and physical labor, irregular and unbalanced nutrition, a little rest and take care of your health.
But this is not recommended, because in this period is the formation of all organs and systems of the embryo, and factors such as intake of drugs, smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages may be poorly displayed on pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby.
In the first weeks after conception, a woman may be a pathology such as an ectopic pregnancy in which the fertilized egg does not develop in the uterus, and fallopian tube, cervix or ovaries. Ovum is under conditions which can not develop within 1-2 months, and this leads to the spontaneous rupture of the fallopian tubes, resulting in a woman, a strong internal bleeding.
The symptoms indicating the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy - the emergence of pain in the lower abdomen, poor spotting, dizziness. If a ruptured fallopian tube, a pregnant woman, a strong pain in the groin area, paleness, nausea and possible fainting. Any delay in treatment to the doctor may result in failure for a woman, the only option in this case is an urgent surgery.
Another pathology arising early in pregnancy may be a cyst, which sometimes forms on the surface of the corpus luteum and can amount to 8 cm. In most cases, it passes independently in the first half of pregnancy, but it sometimes happens gap cysts, causing bleeding . As in the previous case, the only treatment for this disease is surgery. Removing the corpus luteum cyst usually does not affect the course of pregnancy.
At the initial stage of pregnancy in women it is often a fear of the likelihood of miscarriage. Especially those experiencing the fairer sex, who have previously been cases of spontaneous abortion. The causes of miscarriage can be a lot of them are the most common:
damage to the walls of the fallopian tubes and the uterus as a result of previously produced abortions;
congenital abnormal development of the uterus;
severe stress;
lifting and moving heavy loads a pregnant woman;
intensive sports, dancing;
Jumping from a height, excessive shaking in transport;
some medications;
taking a hot bath;
sexual intercourse, if the previous pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.
Women who are at an early stage of pregnancy, you should immediately go to bed and call a doctor if she noticed a clear signs of miscarriage - the emergence of pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, accompanied by a bloody discharge (can be either heavy or barely noticeable ). Bed rest and timely medical help can save a woman from a miscarriage.
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Vitamins and trace elements required in the first month of pregnancy
It is good when a woman is planning a pregnancy in advance, because in this case it has increased the chances of successfully carry and give birth to a healthy baby. Balanced diet, moderate exercise, fresh air, giving up bad habits and positive emotions could not be better prepared her body for conception.
A woman is important in the planning period of pregnancy and after the offensive to take vitamins, most of which should be the vitamin B9 or folic acid.
It has beneficial effects on fetal development in the first months of pregnancy. Because folic acid deficiency in the mother's baby may be born with a nervous system defect, a cleft lip or cleft palate. Premature birth is also often result from a lack of vitamin B9 in pregnant women.
The rate of folic acid for the future mothers should be not less than 800 micrograms per day. If a woman already has children with birth defects, whereas a daily dose of vitamin it was increased to 4 mg. It is best to take folic acid in a multivitamin designed specifically for pregnant women, or tablets. Rich in vitamin B9 purged power - oranges, lemons, grapefruit, beans, asparagus, all green vegetables. But folic acid is poorly absorbed from foods, so it is better to accept as part of drugs.
Do not forget about vitamin E. woman in the early weeks of pregnancy, it is indispensable because it helps the body to produce normal levels of hormones necessary for gestation. For women in the first trimester of pregnancy, the daily dose of the "fertility vitamin" shall be not less than 1500 IU. The products contained in small amounts, so the expectant mother is required to use it as part of a single drug or a multivitamin.
Of all the most important minerals in early pregnancy is iodine. Its daily rate shall be no less than 150 micrograms. If a woman in the same position, living in areas with iodine deficiency, while a daily dose of this trace element has to be increased to 200 mg. Iodine is present in marine fish, eggs, milk, iodized salt. The required dosage of the trace element is present in all vitamin preparations for pregnant women.
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Pregnancy test and by analysis of hCG
If the first month of pregnancy is proceeding normally, then the woman can not rush to get registered to the obstetrician-gynecologist. Reliably determine their position for the future mom can via a pregnancy test purchased at a pharmacy. It detects the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of women. To test showed an accurate result, it is necessary to do after the delay of the menstrual cycle - when hormone levels will be high. The system is lowered into the tank with the urine of the morning: 1 strip, speaking on the tape after contact with the fluid indicates that a woman is not in a position, and 2 bars indicate pregnancy.
To determine the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin can be not only in the urine of pregnant women, but also in its blood. However, this study can only be done in the laboratory by passing the analysis of hCG. The study will determine not only the presence of the hormone in the blood of women, but also the level, so you can judge how normal pregnancy.
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Medical care at an early stage of pregnancy, when it is needed?
In some cases, a woman should see a doctor in the early weeks of pregnancy? Such reasons can be many:
early toxicosis;
bleeding from the vagina;
pain in the abdomen
Any other symptoms that cause concern pregnant.
Expectant mother should guard against colds and viral diseases as well as any illness could adversely affect the course of pregnancy and even trigger its spontaneous abortion. Many of the medications that people are used to treat a sore throat, a runny nose and cough in early pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, as they can cause abnormalities of fetal development. Before you begin treatment with any drugs or herbs, a woman should consult a doctor.
Much worse, if a viral infection or a cold is accompanied by a pregnant fever, as the high temperature may cause miscarriage or pregnancy fading. Difficult situation exacerbated by the fact that taking antipyretic medication during the first months of pregnancy is prohibited. In this case, the only way to reduce the temperature is excessive drinking (slabozavarennogo black tea with honey and lemon, teas made of raspberry and lime colors, herbal infusions). Throughout the period of the disease women should be under the supervision of a specialist.
Temperature Syndrome can appear not only on the background of the common cold and SARS, but also because of serious inflammatory processes in the body. A pregnant woman is by no means impossible to delay treatment, or wait until the temperature returned to normal on their own. Only after the expectant mother will hand over all the necessary tests, the doctor will be able to give her a proper diagnosis and to choose the most sustainable and adequate treatment, not adversely affect the development of the embryo.
As already stated above, the morning sickness is rarely seen in the first weeks after conception. But if severe nausea and vomiting, disturbed woman from the beginning of pregnancy, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor. In order to ease the symptoms of toxicosis, pregnancy should adhere to certain rules in the diet:
ensure that the necessary standards present diet of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is the rational nutrition promotes good digestion in the background of pregnancy;
in order to avoid dehydration, drink plenty of fresh juices, fruit drinks, fruit compotes, eat soups and broths. When nausea occurs against a background of abundant drinking, replace it with foods that contain large amounts of fluid (watermelons, melons, citrus fruits, all fruits and vegetables fresh);
not to take any medication during sickness;
only those products that do not cause disgust;
eat small, frequent meals, in moments of nausea refuse to eat;
try to sleep and rest as much as possible;
before you get out of bed in the morning, eat an apple, a handful of raisins or drink a cup of warm tea;
to protect themselves from anxiety and stress.
Women that are in the first month of pregnancy may disturb the discomfort in the abdomen, resembling menstrual pain. If the pain weak occur occasionally and are not accompanied by bleeding from the vagina, then she should not worry. But when the pain becomes severe, cramping, and discharges a contaminant of blood, then the pregnancy should immediately consult a gynecologist. These symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or a risk of miscarriage.
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Power, sex life and daily routine of the future mother
Expectant mother woman must take a responsible approach to the quality of the food. From the moment of conception in her diet should prevail only natural and wholesome food. At the initial stage of pregnancy a woman has no need to eat for two, the recommended average daily caloric norm - 2500 kcal.
The diet of future moms should prevail fresh fruits, vegetables, iodine and kalisodergaszczye products.
But from fat and synthetic foods, convenience foods, fast food, alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea woman is to give not only during the pregnancy, but at the time of breastfeeding.
Most of the fairer sex, learning about their interesting position, refuse sex for fear of harm that your baby. The views of experts on the intimate relationship at an early stage of pregnancy is completely at odds. Some gynecologists believe that sex during this time should be excluded because they can harm. But most doctors are confident that moderate sex for the first time after conception has the right to be, but for him to be approached with the utmost care and responsibility. Contraindications to intimacy with your partner is a bad state of health of women and the threat of miscarriage.
In spite of the pregnancy, the beautiful half of humanity continues to go to school or work and housekeeping, because until the decree is still far, and with domestic problems do not always have someone to help you. But the expectant mother should be remembered that it is now responsible not only for himself but also for the lives and health of your baby, so it is not necessary to process and tired.