Young mother constantly has cause for concern, and diarrhea in a newborn is one of the reasons for alarm. Therefore it is necessary to get acquainted with this issue in more detail.
The first days of life
In the first days of the baby, usually the chair has a greenish-black color, this original stool and is quite normal. During the week, the chair is normalized and becomes a yellow-orange color and the smell of him quite tolerable, fermented milk. Bad sign is green stools or diarrhea in infants. The reason may be a goiter. In this case, the smell becomes unpleasant and sharp. Although in the first months of little green particles and mucus in the stool - that's okay, because the gastrointestinal tract is just beginning to adapt to a variety of food that mom eats. Chair baby bottle-fed depends on the resulting mixture. Typically, it is less frequent and more dense than in infants.
The first solid foods and eating solid food
The first solid foods and eating solid food causes a change in the chair. Therefore, the color of the chair speaks not only about the health of the baby, but that kind of food he takes. Plant foods give a greenish tint, beets - a reddish hue, and carrots in a large number of colors in orange chair. Dark stool in infants may be, if the child uses a large amount of meat, or in the treatment of anemia receiving iron supplements.
Reasons for concern
Red-brown blotches cause for concern, it may be blood, in this case, better to consult a doctor.
Another reason why you need to see a doctor - it is a long bright light yellow or whitish stools. Correctly in this case, pass on the analysis of feces and determine the cause. This signal may be a violation of the intestine or liver child. Also diathesis in infants can cause problems with a chair.
The greenish color of the chair can be caused by taking antibiotics, so with them it is recommended to take probiotics. If the smell became sharp, it shows an excess of proteins. And the excess carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed, the chair will make the yellow-green. And if the infant diarrhea contains mucus, it indicates inflammation of the bowel. Therefore, always attentive mother will watch the baby chair and noticed the problem in time, be able to eliminate it in the shortest time.
Another problem - it's a baby's stool frequency. In this matter, there are no strict rules, all this is very individual. In the first months of a newborn may have a stool after every feeding, and by five months the frequency is reduced to three times a day. Introduction feeding leads to the fact that the chair can be once per day. You do not need to raise a panic if a child one day pokakal, constipation can be when passed more than 2 days.
Sometimes diarrhea in children can be for young mothers undue cause for concern
. Do not worry if the baby is a time not so pokakal. Besides controlling the appearance of the chair, pay attention to the general condition of the baby. If he behaves as usual, cheerful and hearty, then there is no cause for alarm. The most important thing is not the content of diapers and baby's health and vigor!
We recommend to check anemia in infants
Breast milk is the best food for the baby, but only if the mother eats properly. What should be the menu for a nursing mother to the infant did not have digestive problems and allergies?
Hazardous Products
Harmful products for moms is primarily chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks and strawberries. In the first month of a child's life can not eat bananas. Allergens are also seafood, all red fruits and vegetables, for the period of feeding should be discarded from the hot sauces and spices. Diet is easy, because it affects the health of your baby. If a family has a predisposition to allergic diseases, the diet must be followed carefully.
While the child is under six months old should be excluded foods increase flatulence. This bean, black bread, excessive consumption of grapes and green apples. Onion, garlic, asparagus and cauliflower can spoil the taste of the milk, and the baby refuses to eat. It is better to introduce them to the diet slowly, watching the reaction of the child and his appetite.
Products with a large number of dyes, which are harmless for adults, a baby can cause atopic dermatitis. It must be remembered that it is now on the menu depends on your child's health, so properly chosen diet will not spoil the shape during feeding and organize quality food baby.
It seems only yesterday that you and the baby was discharged from the hospital. But time is running out and after some few days, your baby will celebrate the glorious six months. 6 months - exactly the age when the first teeth begin to appear in children.
Yesterday you insanely happy with toothless smile of your crumbs, and now you look forward to when the first tooth will erupt, so virtually every day, looking into her mouth and asking for a smile. For parents, the appearance of the first tooth in a child - a real event. There is even a tradition when "clove" invited guests, and baby made in a day to give a silver spoon.
The appearance of the first teeth
The first teeth that appear in a child, called dairy. As mentioned earlier, the baby teeth begin to erupt in children 6-7 months. But it is that process of appearance of the first tooth a little late, and they begin to appear only 9-10 months, and sometimes to a year. As a rule, the first "born" appear lower incisors, and only then grow the upper teeth. Sometimes the order of appearance of teeth varies. However, parents should not be afraid, this is often the case.
Parents should watch guards as soon as the baby teeth begin to appear in children, the quantity - that is what should be in the limelight. Most importantly, to two or three years in the life of a baby in her mouth his glittering 20 milk teeth. After all, even the lack of a single tooth can affect the bite, or rather do it wrong. Each tooth has its own place, so if one of them is missing, the others begin to grow, to fill a vacant seat, thus breaking the balance.
Symptoms of teething
Not so simple and happy, as parents expect. In fact, teething - this is a very painful process for the baby. When the baby teething symptoms is not very comforting. It's in a bad mood, trouble sleeping, irritability, sore gums, discomfort when chewing. Sometimes the temperature can be increased, and there are signs of lung disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Desna, in the appearance of the tooth starts to swell up and blush, all this is accompanied by incessant itching. The kid always want something to chew and bite, to scratch gingiva.
How to help your child?
In such cases, usually using special teethers, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Usually prorezyvatel has a cooling effect. So before you give it to your child, you need to prorezyvatel cool in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to overdo it with cooling.
Also, you can use your finger to rub massage your baby's gums. This will help relieve the itching and soothe the baby for a while. Do not forget about the special gels designed to relieve pain and inflammation. Gels, as well as prorezyvateli have a cooling effect, thereby greatly reducing the pain and itching and allow the baby to sleep calmly.
Well, finally, the long-awaited all 20 primary teeth erupted. Your kid was "teeth". It would seem that you can enjoy the snow-white smile crumbs and wait for it to new victories. But the tale does not end, it has just begun. Now the most important thing - care emerged teeth, so that they can survive until the molars in its original form, so that no bacteria and microbes could harm the health of milk teeth of your crumbs. Be patient, because you have a long and treacherous struggle against the very "sweet" enemy small clove - sweets, candies and chocolates.
Good luck to you and the health of your baby!
We recommend that read: Wisdom teeth cut
Signs and symptoms of allergy
Causes and consequences of the disease
How to treat allergies?
Milk - a valuable and very important product in the diet of a small child. It contains many nutrients necessary for the growth and development of children: it is the fats, and proteins, and minerals, and various vitamins and carbohydrates. Therefore, many parents try as soon as possible to familiarize their child with this product. However, they do not take into account that fat cow's milk is not fit for children, who are still breastfed, while in the older children it affects beneficial. As is well known, a correct and balanced diet is in the first year of life affects the further development of the child and his health.
Qualified pediatricians recommend that your baby does not drink whole milk until he was twelve months. In some countries, this threshold is somewhat lower - 36 weeks. As for Germany, it is there, for example, doctors are opposed to cow's milk in the diet of a child up to two years. If the mother due to health or other problems can not feed their child on their own, it is best to use infant formula, adapted for kids of all ages. And then gradually introduced into the diet of specialized milk adapted to your liking, as well as to the characteristics of the body composition of babies. By the way, keep in mind that for the year-old child daily intake of cow's milk - no more than 200 grams. Thus it should not give as an independent product and in structure or mashed cereal.
Let us dwell on why the cow's milk is not good for children up to twelve months. Firstly, it includes a large number of minerals, which give rise to discomfort in the body of the baby. In particular, this adversely affects the urinary system - kidneys child overloaded by an average of 25%. Secondly, a cow, unlike breast milk contains more sodium and protein, known to cause a variety of allergic reactions. Therefore, according to experts, if you regularly, starting from birth, their child drink this product, it is likely that the allergy will be the constant companion of the child.
Signs and symptoms of allergy
Allergies to milk and its derivatives - a type of food intolerance, which is most common in infants and in most cases extends to two years. The main symptoms include loose stools, nausea and vomiting, bloating, cramps, nervousness and moodiness child immediately after feeding. May also exhibit other reactions: rash on the face and other parts of the body (diathesis), highlight a runny nose, watery eyes, shortness of breath. Besides, usually watery stool, sometimes with mucus, or liquid with a mixture of dark blood. Note, however, that the symptoms of this disease are not specific. These same features can be the result of other diseases, including infections. Therefore, first of all, the appearance of such conditions, it is necessary to turn to pediatrician.
Causes and consequences of the disease
Physicians have shown that food allergy is transferred on the genetic level. That is, if the child's parents observed intolerance to certain foods, then the baby is likely to be susceptible to this disease.
Usually, a milk allergy is seen in children from the first months of life are bottle-fed. In most cases, infants are sensitive to cow product, much less - on the chest, sheep and goat. Cow's milk is made up of proteins that are resistant to high temperatures, so that even conducting cooking of the product, you will not be able to reduce its allergenicity. The main culprit of the disease - casein, but sometimes provokes the disease lactose - milk sugar. However, a milk allergy and lactose deficiency - they are two completely different things. The latter is a result of the lack or low activity of the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Both anomalies have similar symptoms, so to correctly diagnose the disease can only specialist.
Allergies to milk can be caused by cow's product, which is used during pregnancy, as casein is able to enter the bloodstream of the fetus through the placenta. Also, the increased sensitivity is possible if the nursing mother eats food that provokes reactions (eg, shrimp, nuts or chocolate, and the like). In order to protect your child and prevent allergies, it is recommended to follow a strict diet. But in general, breast milk - the most hypoallergenic product, it is ideal for feeding children. Therefore, if there is intolerance of breastfeeding immediately translate crumbs on special mixtures impossible. Usually, you just adjust the diet of lactating mothers.
Many children are allergic to milk often takes two to four years old, without any consequences, but sometimes signs of the disease may persist until the end of life. Such people should always follow a certain diet. If you do not make adjustments in diet, there may be a variety of disorders in the body, both on the part of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. If parents continue to feed baby food allergen, in the future this may lead to developmental delays (mental and physical). Also, wrong diet can further aggravate allergies, which is fraught with the expansion of the list of non-portable products and the emergence of such reactions (eg, angioedema or anaphylaxis), whose consequences could be dire.
How to treat allergies?
Allergy - a disease that can be identified among the intestinal and infectious pathologies, so before you treat the child, it is necessary to make a diagnosis. In this case, the doctor examined the patient and eliminating lactose deficiency or other illness, appoint a special diet, which typically includes a complete ban on the use of foods containing protein casein. If the baby is fed breast milk, the mother should give up (or limit intake) from foods that cause a reaction of the child's body. If even after the measures taken to adjust the supply symptoms do not disappear, then the question of the transfer of the baby on the adapted formulas.
Note that allergies are often seen in children, which is very early (before six months) was transferred from breastfeeding to artificial or at all since birth fed "from a bottle." This is due to the fact that the majority of the mixture contains cow's milk, which causes such a reaction. In this case they should be replaced by a product based on hydrolysed proteins or soy. Normally, food for babies hypersensitive called hypoallergenic, as reported by the manufacturer on the package label. Pick up the mixture should be in stages, constantly watching the reaction of the child. If you have tried all the possible options, and the symptoms persist, it is likely the cause of ailments lies elsewhere. To find out what's the matter, consult your doctor.
In that case, if the baby is very sensitive to cow's milk, then after a six-month break, you can try again to enter into the diet mixture and products based on it and see how it responds to the child's body. Some pediatricians do not recommend doing this to one year.
Doctors found that the fermented milk food allergic to digest a lot easier, so it's best to give milk as such. Over time, your child can eat and other products, and then cease to comply with the restrictions and get rid of allergies. If signs of disease persist, the gentle power mode may take longer, sometimes for life.