Prevention of tooth decay in children is a very important task for all the parents, without exception. Tragically, in recent years the problem of tooth decay in children is very serious - he found even the youngest children, and have not reached the age of two. In fact, teeth, barely penetrate immediately begin to deteriorate.
And it is often the parents are to blame for the fact that the crumbs begin to develop caries. After all, parents should carefully monitor the condition of the teeth of children and teach them the basics of dental care. And in order to successfully cope with this task, parents should be aware of all the details concerning the childhood caries and its prevention.
Causes of dental caries
Caries - is exactly the same condition as the rest of the illness. And that means, and there is nowhere he would not - we need those or other triggers. And to know these reasons a must, because removing them, you will greatly reduce the risk of tooth decay:
- The presence of dental patients. In that case, if the mouth is at least one bad tooth, all the rest begin to deteriorate at an alarming rate. Therefore, the child should be regularly examined by a doctor - dentist, and in the presence of carious teeth to treat them immediately to protect adjacent.
- Plaque and stone. As surprising as it might not seem, but even in children is not something that plaque and tartar even - rather common phenomenon. And yet, and plaque, and even more so tartar are excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which eventually lead to the development of caries.
- Malnutrition and poor drinking water. As everyone knows, for healthy teeth are essential fluoride, calcium and vitamin D. However, many parents are completely forgotten about this important fact, buying a child a variety of sweets and useful products left without due attention. Be sure to review the diet of your child, discuss it with your doctor - a pediatrician.
- Violation of the enamel. In that case, if the child is using excessively hot or cold food, especially alternating between them is very high risk of injury microscopic tooth enamel. So do not let the baby drink, such as soup with cold milk. Unfortunately, a similar phenomenon occurs all the time. In addition, the enamel damage are often provoked by mechanical damage, for example, if a child chews nuts. It must also be avoided.
- Genetic predisposition. Often dentists say that most of caries develops in those children whose parents also have bad teeth. In this case to the attention of the parents of your child's teeth as they deteriorate faster.
- The general health of the child. In the event that the child's overall health is poor - frequent colds, allergies, chronic tonsillitis, neurological diseases, rickets. All these diseases are often provoke caries - the odds are rising about three times.
Strictly speaking, such diseases as caries, simply do not exist. There carious disease - a pathological condition of the whole organism, which makes itself felt, hitting tooth tissue. This is confirmed not only by observation of dentists, but a number of studies that clearly demonstrate that caries develops under the influence of many secondary factors.
The anatomical features of children's teeth
In children, an additional factor in provoking the development of caries are the anatomical features of the structure of the teeth. Milk teeth, especially the chewy, almost always have a special recess. And in these recesses easily accumulate plaque, which is sure to come into direct contact with bare dentin. Of course, this is the primary cause of tooth decay. On examination, the dentist, this feature is detected immediately.
In addition, in the first few years after milk teeth erupt, their enamel is very, very weak and fragile. Only about two years tooth enamel, due to the gradual saturation of minerals such as fluoride and calcium, and acquires a stronger strength. And during this time period the likelihood of tooth decay, especially in the presence of trigger factors, is very, very high.
In addition, virtually all children milk teeth erupt very crowded - there are practically no tooth gaps. Of course, in such a case it is very, very difficult to properly clean the teeth using a toothbrush. And the remnants of plaque start to provoke the development of caries.
In the same case, if a child has a mouth or another dental devices, for example, to align the dentition, the risk of developing dental caries is increasing rapidly. Even with healthy teeth, not all children are able to properly, carefully look after their teeth. And what can we say about such cases? Parents should closely monitor the dentifrice, in order to thoroughly remove plaque.
The process of tooth decay
At the very beginning of its development in the early stages, tooth decay occurs absolutely without any - any signs, and absolutely painless. Child on what does not complain, and the parents do not see any reason for going to the doctor - dentist. However, this harmlessness is very, very deceptive - if the disease does not begin to heal immediately after the start of its development, it will be fast enough progress. The child will begin to appear pain, sometimes so painful that the child can begin to cry inconsolably, stop to sleep at night.
The tooth may be destroyed to such an extent that it would take a very difficult treatment, and sometimes even removal. Agree, not very bright prospects, because even adults visits to the dentist does not relate to a number of diseases favorite. A child is often very difficult to persuade even open his mouth. It may be necessary to resort to dental treatment under general anesthesia.
Yes, and general health of the child can greatly worsen. And this is understandable - the teeth affected by caries, is a powerful source of chronic infection in the child's body. And because of these existing foci of infection in the child often develops a number of various diseases - diseases of ENT - organs, digestive tract, and many other diseases. Doctors - Pediatricians say that very often painful to hurt the children stopped after the mouth put in order by eliminating caries.
"Bottle" tooth decay
Speaking of caries, we can not ignore such a phenomenon that doctors - dentists has been called "bottle" tooth decay. Numerous studies by doctors - pediatricians and pediatric dentists, officially confirmed the fact that for too long feeding baby bottle - more than one year - often leads to the fact that the child very early caries develops. And tooth decay is very, very sharp. The appearance of the teeth of such children is very specific. The first to suffer from the upper front teeth - they are affected by caries. After that caries extend to the upper and lower molars and lower incisors often remain intact.
From the conversation of the doctor - dentist with parents usually turns total for all children detail - a child over one year of age were placed to sleep, after giving him a bottle with some - or carbohydrate-containing beverages, such as milk. The child falls asleep, and milk continues to be on the top Zubkov crumbs. But carbohydrates - this is an excellent breeding ground for pathogens, which provoke the development of caries.
And, in addition, the sleeping child in times reduced the intensity of salivation, which means that the drink for a long time will be in contact with the tooth enamel, which is an additional factor in provoking the development of caries. This is especially true of milk - both maternal and cow. They contain a large amount of lactose which provokes very rapidly decay, especially if milk hold in the oral cavity for a very long time.
In order to prevent the development of "bottle" tooth decay at such a young age, parents must regularly bring the child to the dentist for checkups. That is why doctors - pediatricians insist that the first routine inspection dentist produced per year, and then - every six months. These measures will help to detect caries at the very beginning of development, which will greatly facilitate its treatment.
Treatment of dental caries in children
Unfortunately, not always even the most carefully follow preventive measures can save the child from the development of caries. So, it should be as soon as possible to begin treatment of the teeth, to prevent its spread scale. But here it is very important to complete the treatment.
The first thing you need to do - is to sanitize the mouth of a child or, more simply, to cure all carious tooth surfaces. Parents should be very careful approach to the issue of choosing a dentist for your child. Not only that, the physician must be qualified to save all baby teeth, he must have at least a basic knowledge of child psychology.
This is to ensure that the doctor was able to establish emotional contact with his young patient. Otherwise, each visit to the doctor - dentist and dental treatment will become a real torture for all concerned - for the child to the doctor - dentist for parents. And it is from these very first dental visits depends on how the relationship will develop further with the child in such a difficult doctor.
The second step is to review the treatment of caries child's diet. Firstly, all the products that contain too many carbohydrates (usually candy), it is necessary to give the baby in limited quantities, making sure that the baby after eating at least rinse your mouth.
As mentioned above, a very negative effect on the condition of the teeth has an incorrect diet, which lacks calcium and fluoride. Of course, diet is necessary to review, but if the child is faced with caries, simple food do not succeed. Therefore, in this period, doctors - dentists recommend giving your child a special vitamin - mineral complexes, which contain large amounts of calcium and phosphorus.
Modern pharmacology offers parents a huge amount of a variety of drugs, but do not buy their own. And so it makes more sense to choose the most suitable for your child is a vitamin - mineral complex to help a doctor - a pediatrician or a doctor - dentist. Do not forget about vitamins C and D.
In severe cases, the doctor - dentist can prescribe fluoride intake child. These drugs and actually have a surprisingly positive effect on the condition of the tooth enamel. However, in any case, unacceptable independent use of this group of drugs - in young children may accumulation of excess fluoride in the body. Therefore, fluoride treatment is possible only under strict medical supervision.
To summarize, I would like once again to repeat the basics on which the prevention of dental caries in children:
- Regular visits to the pediatrician - a dentist. And the first visit should be one year old baby, then - every six months. This measure will allow observe caries at the earliest stages of its development.
- The general health of the child. Remember that the weak and sickly children with low immunity are much more likely to experience caries carious teeth.
- Careful dental hygiene. Remember that cleaning the teeth from plaque is one of the most important measures to prevent the development of caries. Parents often ask about when it comes time to start brushing your child's teeth? Doctors - Dentists argue that this should be done immediately after the child's first teeth erupt.
- Vitamin - mineral complexes, which have on tooth enamel strengthening influence.
Tragically, many parents often make the same very common mistake - do not drive the child to the dentist at all, of course, if the baby does not complain of pain. Such neglect of his, they explain that the baby teeth are still very soon will fall, and therefore useless to torment the child's dental treatment.
However, doctors - dentists warn parents - because of existing in the mouth of carious primary teeth entails the defeat and re-erupting permanent. This means that the child will catch dental problems on the rest of his life. But modern methods of prevention of dental caries in children with a very high degree of probability can avoid all these problems.