Error parents and children pocket money

Do you remember how old you were your first pocket money? Chances are, like most children - 9 - 10 years. But time does not stand still, and today's children grow up much earlier than their mothers and fathers at the time. The question of pocket money is by far the most discussed among parents and among child psychologists and educators. Hot debate about whether children need money, and at what age they should begin to give, do not cease almost never.

Of course, the financial education of the child is a very important stage in a child's development and its formation as a person. After all, psychologists have long noted by another interesting feature - are actively involved in the financial life of the family and the child into adulthood effectively manage money and, more importantly, know how to earn it. This is what will be discussed in this article. Subject articles - Error parents and children pocket money. Surely even experienced parents will be able to find in it something new and interesting.

Different sides of the same coin

So, the first question exciting all the parents, without exception - the age at which the child is to acquaint with the money? One side of educators and child psychologists advise begin to engage in the process of financial education of the child immediately after the child is first noticed and expressed interest in the money - it does not matter to the paper or to the coin. Typically, the first interest in money the child appears about four - five years old.

Do not dismiss a child - explain to him why you need the money, and where they come from in your wallet. If your child asks for money to buy candy, do not try to deny it, unless, of course, is not all the money in the house - in fact situations are very different. However, it goes without saying that the money is necessary to give the baby is not always when he asks.

And even more so in any case can not give the child money if he was crying and hysteria - so you give him to understand that screaming and tears he can achieve everything you want. Believe me, very soon, you will regret that in his time went on about the child as a cry would be his main argument.

It is much wiser to quietly but firmly tell the child that at the moment you can not buy him this or that thing. However, simply refuse is also not very good - better to explain to your child why you do not buy the desired right now. Tell your child, for example, that today you have no money, but as soon as they become available, you will be sure to buy your child exactly what he wants. And be sure to keep his promise - otherwise the child will no longer trust you and restore lost confidence is going to be very, very difficult.

By the way, a very important new step a new stage of development of the child psychologists believe that when a child instead of the word "want" pronounces the word "buy." This milestone is very important, and parents need to help your child to master concepts such as "price", "value", "surrender." The easiest way to do it, playing with the child in the "store" - in the game, and the child receives the first financial skills.

We have considered a single point of view of psychology. On the other hand, some child psychologists say that at such a young age the child still does not necessarily have an idea of ​​what money is. Moreover, there is a perception that money is completely deprive the child childhood.

Supporters of such education prefer not to give their children money almost right up until adolescence. However, this tactic is highly questionable behavior - will agree to such a child will be very difficult to adapt to the modern world, if it is 13 - 14 years of age did not keep money in their hands.

And besides, very high probability of occurrence of such difficult issues as child stealing. And the probability of this phenomenon is extremely high. As soon as your child grows, his needs will be in proportion to the increase. And including it will have need for money - he will see money from peers who can afford to buy something - anything: a pen, sweets, a magazine.

And it is quite natural that that child whose parents do not give money, will experience a feeling of envy and desire to have their own money. And the children - just being cruel, as a rule, such a child mercilessly teased and ridiculed. Agree, all these factors contribute substantially to the theft. But, as you know, almost all of the problems originate in childhood.

 pocket money a child

The first pocket money

So, you have decided that the pocket money for your child yet to be. But how to implement this idea into practice? After all, as we have seen, pocket money is an integral part of the financial education of any child. But education requires parents a lot of time, effort and, most importantly, understand the needs of the child and wisdom. Otherwise, you can only do harm to the child.

The first thing parents need to do is to understand what it is they will give your child pocket money. Ideally, the child should receive them in order to learn how to manage money, plan a budget to match income and expenses even before they enter into the adult independent life. And this is a very important skill, as long as the child is small, you will always be with him and be able to influence its budget somewhere correct it somewhere indicate the baby on his mistakes.

In addition, it is pocket money often teach a child what get what you want is not always possible - sometimes you have to wait and possibly give up something - it is not so desirable. This is the first children's stocks. As a rule, the child enough at least once in life to start collecting money for something that all hysterics that he could periodically roll parents, have come to naught.

However, in any case, do not force the child to save money on basic necessities - clothes, what - or food and stationery. Remember that all you have to buy a child, regardless of whether you give him pocket money or not. The child can collect the money only on what - something he liked very thing that is not a necessity.

And, of course, give your child pocket money a certain percentage confidence. Firstly, it will be no different from their peers, who, for the most part, also have pocket money. And, secondly, he will have a sense of what it is - a practical adult. And, as a rule, with this feeling of a child comes in and a sense of responsibility, which is also an important positive factor.

So, in what age it makes sense to give a child the first pocket money? Typically, about first class - when the child begins to attend school cafeteria. Despite the fact that virtually all schools organized meals for children and pay the parents, almost all kids buy something at the buffet - pastries, chocolates, juice. And on the way home about the different kiosks can often see flocks funny graders buying stickers and other stuff.

And if the question of when it is necessary to begin giving your child pocket money, more or less clearly, that's so, how much to give, is more complicated. As mentioned above, the level of prosperity in all families are totally different, so it's hard to name a specific amount. For example, someone can painlessly provision for their child a thousand a week, and someone a hundred rubles and hard enough.

However, child psychologists advise parents who are in fairly straitened circumstances, allocate the child at least a very small amount, but regularly. And let the money received from you child can not buy nothing at present, it is much more reasonable than not to give him any money at all. Otherwise, the child very soon a strong feeling that he, unlike his peers, deprived.

Your family has absolutely no problems with the money? It is simply wonderful! But in this situation, the question of determining the amount of money you need to come as well. Try to realistically assess the child's need for pocket money, ask your child's friends parents, as they give their children pocket money. It is not necessary to give much more - too much money for the child also fraught with various troubles.

First and foremost, these children receive a certain sense of superiority over other children. And with a large enough pocket money, a rare child will resist the temptation to show off their abilities in front of their peers. And, unfortunately, the children's friendship is not so difficult to buy - at least a semblance of friendship. And children who have a large amount of pocket money, often take advantage of this.

The process of becoming a child as a person in any case is a very complicated process that rarely runs smoothly and without incident. And having money child will experience a very strong temptation to try to solve all the problems, with the help of money.

You do not want your child from childhood grew up with a firm conviction that almost everything can be bought - a welcome thing, the location of the people around him, friendship, love, respect. Like a child will be very difficult to adapt to adult life, and even more so to get all the things to which he aspires - respect, social status and love, in the end. And even if he does succeed, and - it is unlikely he will get the moral satisfaction. That is why the pocket money a child should not be a way to achieve their any way.

 what to give your child pocket money

Pocket money or salary?

Another issue in which the views of parents and psychologists differ diametrically opposed. And it is the question of whether to give your child pocket money just like that, or else extradite them for good behavior, excellent performance, or household help. On the one hand, not very well when a bad evaluation, for example, in mathematics should not be a reason to refuse child pocket money. And the offense is unlikely to become such a cause.

But on the other hand, give your child pocket money, which they spend on cigarettes, or that categorically refuses to attend or refuses to help around the house, is not quite correct. You agree that everyone should always receive their just deserts. And even if that person is still a child - it was in the children's age, the child should begin to learn responsibility for their actions!

So what you need to do in this situation? It turns out that there is a third group of parents who have found a middle ground. By the way, child psychologists also believe its the best and right option. And the essence of this approach is very, very simple. The parents take for granted the fact that the child is absolutely a full-fledged member of the family. And accordingly, the child has the same right to family money like everyone else. Of course, within their age needs. And their children are aware of this.

However, once the children are full-fledged members of the family, parents rightfully can expect that child to the extent possible will take part in family life. And, of course, to help parents - wash the floors in the apartment or go to the store for bread. Thus, the child not only feels like a full member of the family, but also takes on a sense of responsibility for family life.

Although some parents refuse to help children in the household, justifying its refusal by the fact that the child has a huge load at school. And with each successive class of the load becomes higher and higher. But many children attend various tutoring, tutors, circles and sections. So what kind of help can we talk about in this situation?

On the one hand, parents are right - loaded with a child is clearly not up to the household chores. But on the other hand, and in adulthood in human load, no less, and household chores will always be an integral part. That is why since childhood is to teach the child the right to distribute the load. Believe me, help set the table or bring milk from the store under the force of absolutely every child, regardless of its load.

Another important point - always discuss with your child what he plans to spend his pocket money. No matter how reasonable it was not, the child is always a child. And the task of parents is not only to ensure the child's money, but also training to dispose of them.

For example, sit down with your child and together decide how much he can spend every little thing such as a notebook, key chains, stickers, how many - on a variety of sweets, and how many - delay for the purchase of what he had long wanted - for example, new mobile phone or roller skates.

Immediately discuss how much money and when you are ready to give to your child. For a child this stability is important, not less, than for you - stability in receiving salaries. Another issue that needs to discuss with the child - this is the homework that the child is ready to perform. Be sure to discuss these details - so you can avoid all the innuendo and insults on the part of the child.

Schoolchildren money it is advisable to give fractional parts - about once a week. But young people can already allocate immediately the amount that it is intended for a month. Be sure to teach the child to control the cost of money - Get a special notebook and explain to the illustrative example. Perhaps the first month is to help your child if he does not get away from you this help. But, in any case, do not do it by force, as the child can appreciate like your act as a distrust of him.

And do not be too closely and carefully monitor their child's spending - let it stay independent. Agree, it's not going to happen, and in particular trouble if once the child instead of the planned token buys a pack of gum or a candy bar. Well, what? Next month, he will eat one chocolate bar behind it. Even adults sometimes make reckless spending, and not to mention the children who gusts desires by nature much stronger.

Punishment ruble

Often, many parents prefer to punish the child for a particular offense is the material, taking pocket money. So, the child just washed the dishes for the species, leaving bits of food on it? Deprived of money! But simply explain to the child why the dish should be washed carefully. I got a deuce? He certainly fix it, regardless of whether you're depriving him of money or not.

You should not punish your child for what he has lost another tutorial or tore regular jeans - shoes - jacket. And if you suddenly arise to punish the child irresistible ruble - remember your childhood! Surely you were not absolutely perfect child? And finally I would like to add that, despite the advice of psychologists and teachers, only you can decide what to give your child pocket money, how much they give, and to give it at all. After all, no one knows your child better than you.

 Errors parents and children pocket money
