Newborn baby - a little genius who conceals a world of unlimited possibilities. His fate and character entirely dependent on their parents. Mom and dad play the role of teachers, child inspire to new achievements, through education and training of certain "mold" of the future personality. Full realization of the potential baby is only possible with the right care and with appropriate education. Remember that the foundation of high intelligence and health is established from birth, because in the age of the most intensive small child's brain is formed. Therefore, the early development of children up to one year - a pledge that you will grow a superior man.
Why do we need to engage with your child?
Communication with adults, parents, and later with other people the impression that the baby takes in every day from the surrounding world, contribute to the development of his mind, as well as adaptation to the social environment. The earlier start to engage with your child, the easier it will be in the future, you and him. This is not a passing fad in the young geniuses, and the necessary crumbs help in the successful development of the surrounding reality.
Of great importance in the age of one year has to establish with the baby visual and voice contact, the early development of auditory perception and motor skills. That the child has learned to recognize the sounds correctly, since an early age begin to refer to it: kindly tell stories, sing lullabies. Today selling music CDs with folk and classical melodies, nature sounds, birds, arranged especially for the kids. With two or three months with the child play with the help of bright plastic toys and rattles. It is also a positive influence on the early development of children up to a year to assist developing mats, which can be purchased at specialty stores or in large hypermarkets.
The first and foremost benefit developing mats? They improve coordination, fine motor skills of fingers, and, of course, the baby's imagination and his idea of space. For example, developing mat chicco bright and attractive, it allows you to create not one but several spatial forms. This gives the child the opportunity to maintain interest in the toy - she's always so different!
According to experts, before the development of children has never been so important as today. The fact is that before the kids had to zip up jacket with buttons, tie shoelaces, so the problems with fine motor skills did not arise. However, modern clothes for children is equipped with zippers and shoes - Velcro. Such simplification, coupled with a constant busy parents who do not pay due attention to the child, led to the fact that the novice boys and girls grow up badly and slowly take possession of the letter, there is fatigue and, consequently, loss of interest in learning.
To this did not happen, you must promptly form certain skills in children. Earlier development of children - is the basis of a full education, which should start in the first place with a light massage feet and palms of the newborn. From the first days with the baby talk - so he will learn to pick up sounds, to understand human speech, that somehow will affect its development.
As children should be taught to move to develop their grasp reflex and motor skills. Include your child a pencil and show how to appear on paper line. Let's toys, rattles, soft blocks, of which the child would have to reach that cause his muscles to work and have a positive effect on physical and mental development. In about a year, and even a little earlier, offer crumbs to build a pyramid or purchase constructor. Be sure to praise for their achievements and encourage strokes and warm words. Another great help in raising a healthy child is still the same special mat.
Game developing mats are very popular with the children, because in order to start doing it, kids do not need any knowledge and skills. Child draw colorful toys pendant, useful and fun begins itself. Your child will understand in all toys and suspension itself, without the help of mom and dad - this is his first independent knowledge. And that is why it is so important to know and be sure that develops mat is completely safe and is designed to meet all the needs of the little man.
Several rules for parents
In the first weeks of life of the children look at the objects have not yet focused, so their movements are uncoordinated. At first, the baby will try to grab toys, lying on his stomach, and the main task of the parents - to teach him to control his hands. To do this, you must do special exercises with which you should familiarize the pediatrician. To the child's development was held as follows, remember a few rules:
Teach yourself and your baby to the daily exercise (preferably two or three times a day).
The child shall enjoy the process and enjoy - only in this case, the charge will be successful. Therefore, experts recommend not to engage in the bed, and use it for educational mats. It's a great toy that will be indispensable for a fun and comfortable pastime your baby. With this interesting design conceived the baby learns the world and develops both physical and mental abilities.
This toy is designed for children from 3 to 6 months, but develops mat like kiddies and older. As long as the baby is not able to sit, he fit the classic version of the mat with arches and fun toys, colorful and eye-catching.
Items that you give up your child to be different in terms of that one had to miss the palm, and the other - to hold one finger.
Make sure that everything is in sight and reach of crumbs necessarily be clean, because children tend to pull their "prey" in the mouth.
Try to provide a variety of baby toys in shape, which in time will help him learn how to disclose the palm, rotating brush, as well as grouping fingers, holding objects.
Not every parent can afford to regularly buy new crumbs rattles, blocks, plastic animals, because they are quite expensive. In this case, there is an alternative - the same educational mats. This is not just a set of toys collected in one place - it is a fascinating fairy-tale world with their adventures and residents, and thus the protagonist of this magical country is your baby. While a baby is busy developing the mat, my mother could have time to prepare a meal or a little to get out of the apartment. This is also a significant advantage of this useful toys. Such a mat - it is not only the wonderful world of the child, but also help to parents: the baby is playing for fun, you can do household chores or just relax.
From the moment that the baby has learned to sit, a rug can be transformed. And now to the child, "a children's park." This modification is designed to stimulate crawling, as well as the first self-conscious research. Well, with this, the mat is used as the active center of the game, with which you can create a variety of gaming space in several planes.
To the early development of thinking and speech in the crumbs to be successful, it is important to train motor skills. This can be done with the help of toys - mosaics, puzzles - they are well improve coordination and help to shape the perception of the shape of objects in children. If the child shows no interest in such pursuits, offer another option: "paint" his fingers on cereals (buckwheat, rice), sort vibrant buttons. However, make sure that the baby they do not "eat".
Painting stimulates tactile perception, develops creative thinking, and helps in the formation of color standards. Buy a special non-toxic paint for small children up to a year and work out with the child. Surely he would like to leave their fingerprints on the paper, giving rise to an unusual picture.
By about ten months the child should be aware of all the members of his family name, to be able to show on the main part of the face and body. It is also important to teach him to accept requests and prohibitions such as "give", "impossible", "bring". At first, the baby is likely to give you the subject which is in his hand, or is closest. Do not scold him, and try to expand the passive vocabulary crumbs, offering to remember the name of the things that he gives you. Remember that stimulates the development of thinking is good reading, so please book. Engage with the child since birth, pay attention, talk to him, in the future it will be easier to communicate with people and learning difficulties will not arise.