Without vaccinations to kindergarten? The question of whether a child is to go to kindergarten in the event that it does not have the necessary vaccinations, recently attracted more and more heated debate and discussions among parents and among teachers and children's doctors - pediatricians. Some believe that the presence of children in the children's collective, who are not vaccinated, endangers the health of other children, and therefore categorically unacceptable. And someone, in contrast, believes that such an approach is particularly pronounced discrimination, violates the rights of the child, and therefore simply unacceptable, regardless of whether there are contraindications to vaccination for children or parents just decide they do.
The purpose of this article is to highlight the problem from all sides, in order to obtain an objective assessment. Please note that the article is for informational purposes only and in no case can not serve as a recommendation. The question of whether to be or not be a vaccination, it's up to parents to pediatricians. The editors also do not give any moral - ethical evaluation of any of the parties, but merely acquaints the reader with the arguments of both.
The purpose of preventive vaccination
The fact that vaccination is not only useful but also vital for all children, with the exception of chronic diseases, a very long time was immutable axiom not only in Russia but also in Europe. Recently, however, there are more opponents like the forced vaccination of children. Many parents choose to vaccinate their crumbs of their own individual vaccination schedule, rather than by nationality. In fairness it should be noted that it is sufficiently stringent and completely ignores the health and development characteristics of each individual child.
In order to enable parents to decide whether their child immunizations, they should have at least a rough idea of what is vaccination and why it is needed, and then what after that there can be complications, and what side effects it has.
Most often, the parents refuse to conduct routine preventive vaccinations for fear of side effects, which may cause the vaccine. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the vaccine is the same pharmacological agent, as well as all other medicines. And it is quite natural that the vaccine can also cause side infections.
But we can not forget the fact that those drugs that have to be applied in the event that unvaccinated pipsqueak sick infectious diseases, such as diphtheria, can cause more serious side effects than the vaccine. The very course of the disease will lead to a much more dire consequences than a complication after vaccination.
First, let's deal with concepts such as vaccine side effects and complications. The vaccine is inherently biologically active pharmacological drug that causes changes in the immune system to the child to develop certain antibodies to a specific disease, and against which the vaccination. Accordingly, the chances of getting immunized child contagious when in contact with the source of infection is reduced to almost zero. Or, if infection does occur, the vaccinated child's disease is much easier than non-grafted.
Adverse reactions to the vaccine, doctors commonly referred to any negative reaction to the vaccine organism - whether a significant increase in temperature, redness or swelling of the injection site. As immunologists consider such side effects is nothing else but an adequate reaction of the immune system for the administration of a hostile infectious agent. The most common side effects are for physicians signal that the vaccine has brought the expected result and the process of developing immunity proceeds normally. For example, compaction and redness of the skin at the site of injection vaccines against hepatitis B indicates that the immune system actively produces the required antibody.
Complications after vaccination are of a different character. Complications are very different - for example, a significant increase in the temperature of the child - up to 40 degrees, pulmonary edema, severe allergic reaction. It goes without saying that in the event of such symptoms parents should as quickly as possible to bring the child to a medical facility or call the brigade "first aid".
The perpetrators of such complications after vaccination may be a variety of factors such as individual characteristics of each individual child, joining a secondary infection. Incidentally, secondary infection of the injection site, resulting in an suppuration soft tissues. In most cases, secondary infection is due to the fact that not observed sanitary - hygiene standards during vaccination.
In the case of the baby thermometer surpasses the figure 39, until the arrival of medical parents should give the child any child antipyretic. In the event that the vaccination series of specific drug appears more than 5% of complications, it is immediately removed and sent to a thorough pharmacological control.
However, fortunately, most of the vaccine for the baby turns into a slight deterioration of health baby, a slight increase in temperature, a slight swelling and redness at the injection site. In order to reduce the risk of side effects to the minimum possible, before vaccination the child should be subjected to a thorough medical examination. Vaccinate a child, it is desirable for individual vaccination schedule, which takes into account all the peculiarities of the health and development of the baby.
Also, parents should be aware that they can make your baby vaccinated paid. In kindergartens and clinics free vaccination against infections such as measles, polio, hepatitis B, tetanus, whooping cough and mumps, are produced by domestic vaccines. Unfortunately, the level of treatment of imported vaccines are much higher than domestic.
If parents can not make a final decision to vaccinate your child or not, a reasonable solution would be to consult a doctor - immunologist. He issues "vaccinated children for and against" the most competent. Of course, due to the shortage of doctors, they have a similar profile is not in everyone, especially the small cities. However, it is not necessary to save money - take your child to the nearest town, where the doctor - there immunologist. The doctor will appoint a study of the immune status of the child, on the basis of which get very accurate information about exactly how the body reacts the kid to a particular vaccine.
On the basis of this study, the doctor will make an individual vaccination schedule, based on the individual characteristics of your crumbs. Indeed, as a rule, complications and side effects to the vaccine or that result from the fact that the child has a higher sensitivity to, or other component of a particular vaccine. This means that the doctor will know exactly what kind of vaccination will benefit the child and which can cause complications.
Contraindications to vaccination
There are several cases where the child's vaccination is not just recommended and is strictly prohibited by doctors - pediatricians. Vaccination in these cases leads to serious complications. The following are contraindications to vaccination:
- Any worse the illness, be it trivial or bronchitis rhinitis.
- Anyone, even a slight rise in body temperature, regardless of what caused it to increase.
- Dysbacteriosis in an acute form.
- Critically low body weight or poor weight gain.
- Allergic reactions of any form of manifestation in the acute form.
- Any disease of the nervous system, including its physiological immaturity.
- Increased intracranial pressure of the baby.
- Upcoming radical changes in the life of crumbs - camping in the garden, a trip to a vacation or moving to a new residence.
- Hepatitis B vaccine is contraindicated in children who have had food poisoning in a span of two months before the vaccination.
- DPT vaccination is contra-in if the child at the time of vaccination have ulcers and wounds on the skin.
In addition to the above a number of acute health conditions crumbs, there are a number of other contraindications. Previously, the list of diseases, under which doctors preferred medical exemption from immunization, was quite impressive. Recently, however, doctors are less likely to use medical exemption from immunization.
The reason is quite simple - as practice shows, in most cases, lack of vaccination is much more dangerous for kids with chronic diseases, infection than unvaccinated children. Furthermore, in some cases, the cause for medotvoda becomes not itself a disease but outdated stereotypes, for example:
- Chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis, HIV, gastro - intestinal tract
For example, children suffering from respiratory diseases, measles is very difficult to carry children with liver disease - hepatitis, and kids suffering from leukemia blood - chicken pox. For these children the most common childhood disease can result in severe consequences for children's health. For example, vaccination against hepatitis B in the contra had earlier, and now is virtually all kids, without exception. Vaccination against diphtheria contraindications certainly has, but it was she who saved the lives of more than one child. Vaccination against measles will help preserve the health of the children, who suffer from lung diseases - bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Pharmacology is not in place - the level of purification of vaccines is constantly increasing. And modern vaccines is much better than, say, five years ago.
Practice shows that vaccination of children with certain features of health, their risk of complications is much higher than in perfectly healthy people. Exceptions are children vaccinated up to one year.
An allergic reaction to vaccines
Too many parents and doctors are afraid of vaccinations children who suffer from various kinds of allergies, whether atopic dermatitis or asthma also. They attribute this to the fact that these children often develop strong recurrence of the disease after vaccine administration. In some cases, these complications is, of course, are taking place. However, in most cases, their appearance can be prevented quite simple measure - just start giving your child antihistamines for about three days before the expected date of vaccination.
In addition, carefully making sure that the child is not exposed to possible allergens. Exclude from his diet all the foods that can cause a child's seizures allergic reaction - chicken, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and other semi-finished products. If your child has asthma, carefully making sure your child is not in contact with pollen, animals and household dust, which are also often the cause of allergic reactions.
Comprehensive administration of vaccines
Another issue that is causing a huge amount of heated debate - a comprehensive vaccination. Comprehensive vaccination doctors call simultaneous administration of several vaccines against various diseases. Many parents are afraid that such a procedure would have a significant burden on the immune system of the child. However, in reality, it is not. The human immune system consists of a myriad of cells. And when introduced into the body simultaneously several different vaccines activate different groups of cells. Thus, there will develop immunity to all the components of the vaccine, without causing any harm to the health of the crumbs.
It should be noted that a sufficiently small amount of vaccine can be combined in one syringe, so they often do in different places. The only exceptions are the factory complex vaccine. Also note that if the graft is not made in one day, the interval between them should be not less than three weeks. The only exception is vaccination against rabies and tetanus vaccine, since delay in this case threatens the health and lives of children.
Medical withdrawal of vaccination
It is also impossible to ignore another important question - who should provide a medical exemption from immunization? Most often, these outlets provide narrow specialists, who due to chronic illnesses is registered child - allergists, pulmonologists, neurologists. And pediatricians did not hesitate to sign the medical exemption. However, it makes more sense when the decision on a medical exemption from vaccination taken together pediatricians, narrow specialists and parents. They should make the childhood immunization schedule.
The law and vaccinations
As mentioned above, the decision of whether to vaccinate a child is entitled to receive only his family. From the point of view of the law, all children - both vaccinated and unvaccinated, have absolutely equal constitutional rights. These rights include the right to attend and kindergarten. However, this is only in theory, but in practice when trying to send their children to kindergarten parents have a huge number of complications and obstacles. And regardless of whether the child is not immunized for medical reasons or personal beliefs of the parents.
The following are the main problems you may encounter when applying to kindergarten your child if you decide not to vaccinate him:
- Your doctor - a pediatrician or the head clinic refuse to sign the medical record with the results of a medical examination required for kindergarten.
- The medical card without preventive vaccination does not take the head of kindergarten.
- Local Sanitary - Epidemiological Station prohibits head kindergartens accept children who have no preventive vaccinations.
- You get a coveted ticket to the kindergarten, but as soon as it was reported. What your child vaccinated, you hear that a place in kindergarten most incomprehensible and mysterious way end.
Why is there such a problem? Rather, it affects two factors - firstly, it is widely believed that those kids who for some reason did not pass the required compulsory vaccination course, are a source of danger for the rest of the kids. However, it is quite controversial opinion. So, if the risk of exposure to other children is so great that doctors fear outbreaks, what sense do vaccinations? Ask this question to the doctor or head - their reaction is quite ambiguous.
And the second reason why doctors so insist on a mandatory vaccination of all children - the so-called "vaccination coverage of the population." For the implementation of rules on vaccination physicians receive a premium. And, unfortunately, very often medical staff resorted to "dirty" methods, up to the banal blackmail "If you do not make your child immunized, a child in kindergarten will not fall." As a rule, heads of kindergartens are trying to maintain a good relationship with the clinic and therefore around the support vrachej pediatricians.
Problems in the clinic
However, any whatsoever reason doctors are not forced to act in this way, these actions are not only immoral. These actions also completely illegal. In order to defend their rights and the rights of the child, before going to a clinic for a medical report on the health status and health records that are required for kindergarten, prepare thoroughly.
Be sure to read articles 32 and 33 of the Law of the Russian Federation on health care. №2 article says that any medical intervention in the human body is permissible only with the consent of the patient. And if the patient is a minor, for all kinds of medical procedures, including vaccination, the consent of the parents or legal guardians.