how to remove traces of acne after

Pimples on the face spoils the mood and make you feel uncomfortable. In addition, they are a sign of malnutrition or disorders of hormonal balance. After getting rid of them you have to think how to remove the traces of pimples after, shramiki and scars remaining on the site of recent inflammation. But do not despair. After all, there are many resources on the tracks after acne.

Traditional methods

  • Masks

First you need to say that doctors recommend to treat post-acne during the autumn-winter period. The fact that many of the procedures leading to a thinning of the skin, reducing protection and premature skin aging. In the spring of the body particularly lacking vitamins, and sensitive skin can be seriously affected.

For those looking for a simple way to remove traces of acne after, fit such a versatile option. Take honey and cinnamon in a 1: 1 ratio, mix and apply on face. Then wait 15-20 minutes and rinse.

One of the most effective solution to this problem is considered to be a healing mask of green clay. Required ingredients: clay and essential oil of rosemary. It should be half a tablespoon of clay diluted with water until creamy smooth. After this, add a few drops of the resulting substance rosemary essential oil. The mask is applied to those areas of the skin where there are scars and red marks after acne. Time of treatment - 10 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water and face smeared with a special cream or gel with moisturizing effect.

Another useful for such cases, the mask - of white clay and lemon juice. Clay diluted in water, as well as in the previous recipe. Only instead of essential oils need to add 20-25 grams of lemon juice. The mask is applied on the problem areas of the skin and lasts a quarter of an hour. After washing your face with warm water on him to apply the cream of traces after acne.

  • Essential oils

In the struggle with the hated postacne you help essential oils. For this fit tea tree oil, rosemary, lavender, avocado. If you wipe the face of such a dilute mixture several times a day, the residual scars and redness disappear quickly. But it is not recommended to overuse this tool because frequent use of essential oils can cause headaches and high blood pressure.

  • Decoctions and infusions

Versatile and inexpensive means of traces after acne - a broth of parsley. You only need to cool the broth is ready, pour it in cups and put in the freezer. The resulting ice has healing properties. Rubbing the face of such ice twice a day, you will not only get rid of the scar and marks on the skin, and rejuvenate it.

Alcohol tincture of Hypericum is also useful. Preparation: in a glass of alcohol pour two tablespoons of herbs, after which the glass is placed in a cool dark place and give it brew for 7-10 days. When the infusion is ready, they can be cleaned with damaged skin. The procedure is done twice a day.

medical treatment

 remedy for acne traces after

In the treatment of post-acne will help you some medication. Chief Assistant - Vitamin C should be taken internally or externally 1000 mg daily for 10 weeks. Good effect has lightening cream from traces of acne after the hydroquinone. He is considered an excellent bleaching agent, but doctors do not trust him too, because when you use often have side effects. To get rid of the stains used azelaic, citric, lactic, glycolic, salicylic acid.

Cosmetic care

  • Chemical peeling

To remove stains, acne Estheticians often advised to undergo a procedure such as chemical peels. This is a simple and economical way. Its essence lies in the use of acid, which removes the top layer of the damaged epidermis. First, toner is applied to the skin, and then - acid, glycolic often. The procedure should not exceed 2-3 minutes. Then the acid is neutralized with baking soda or washing out. To fix the result, it is possible to hold a second session in a couple of weeks, but not before.

  • Ultrasonic peeling

In this case, face cleaning is carried out using high-frequency sound vibrations. This procedure cleans pores, removes dead tissue cells and smoothes out wrinkles. You will forget about the red marks from acne. Moreover, this occurs simultaneously with the micro skin. Unlike other kinds of cleaning the face after the ultrasonic peeling is not observed strong reddening of the skin.

  • Vacuum cleaning

It is performed by a special device, which according to its functions like a vacuum cleaner. As a result of the long drawn out all the dirt and fat bars. The facial skin is cleaned, gets healthy color, as this procedure improves the microcirculation of the blood vessels. But there is a caveat: this tool helps only if the following bit of acne.

  • Laser cleaning

We can say that it is "heavy weapons" in the fight against post-acne. During the procedure the skin is cleansed of scars and stagnant spots that remain on the site of Acne Treatments. Laser cleaning will please not only the immediate results, but the final decision of the backlog. Because acne are usually no longer appear. It is the most modern and effective method, but quite expensive.
Remember that some of these methods of treatment may be contraindicated in vascular diseases or skin diseases. Before the start of treatment is recommended to consult a doctor.

 How to remove traces of acne after

We advise to check: acne scars

 porous skin of the face

  • Cleansing porous skin
  • Face masks

Vitamin masks of various horticultural crops: fragrant strawberries, juicy ripe strawberries are able in a short time to saturate the skin with vitamins. However, to achieve this goal we have some work to do by making their own hands beneficial natural cosmetic products that promote skin rejuvenation and health. The use of vitamin and nutrient masks useful for all skin types: normal, dry and combination. But the most relevant of these masks for those women who have a porous skin of the face.

After all, take care of the porous skin must be very carefully - otherwise a high probability of occurrence of acne, boils. As a result, the skin will look very untidy, and a woman - neuhozheno. A porous skin care - it is not easy. You should thoroughly clean it, moisturize, prevent the appearance of inflammatory processes. And the general rules of skin care is not always suitable for porous.

Cleansing porous skin

As mentioned above, porous skin care should be integrated. And the first thing need to start - is to cleanse. Kohl Since we started talking about the gifts of nature, and the means to choose the natural cleansing. They are often no worse industrial cosmetic funds. Instead of soap for a porous skin can be used most ordinary oatmeal. Moisten one tablespoon of oatmeal and spread evenly over the surface of the skin.

Then gently massage the skin, without exerting much pressure. Rinse with water. Finish - skin cleared. In the event that this is the usual care, after cleansing, apply a skin cream for your face. Well, several times a week need more care - application of special masks. These masks are very effective. However, their use requires adherence to certain rules:

  • To conduct this procedure should be only in the evening;
  • Prepare a face mask to deliver a pre-clean with a scrub.
  • It is also recommended at least a little steam the skin.

It was only after the preparatory phase, you can safely proceed to the application of a prepared mask on your face. Apply the mask should be in a certain direction - always from the middle of the chin to the ears, but on the wings of the nose to the middle of the forehead and temples. Then cover the face with gauze and soak for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the skin absorbs all the nutrients. To conduct such a procedure is recommended no more than twice a week, with some exceptions. Otherwise too intensive care can only hurt.

 Care porous skin

Face masks

We offer you recipes miracle vitamin masks, by which skin care is not only useful, but also pleasant.

  • Masks from currant

For this type of face mask is recommended as the red and white currant. Mash two of Art. spoon each type of currant, squeeze the juice and add 1 tbsp. spoon potato starch. The resulting mixture was put on the face, following all of the above rules. Currant mask perfectly tones oily skin and tightens pores.

  • Masks gooseberry

Mask gooseberry great for porous skin. This berry promotes cell renewal and has a moisturizing and stimulating effect. To prepare the mask, mix 50 grams of milk with the same amount of juice of gooseberry. Moisten the gauze for 15 minutes and apply it on the face, top cover with a damp towel. After the procedure, lightly wipe your face and apply a nourishing cream.

  • Mask of parsley

Good rub 1 tsp. Parsley, add 2 tsp. Of sour cream and 1 tsp. Of starch or oatmeal. Carefully move and apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with infusion of chamomile or cold water. The mask has a whitening effect, anti-inflammatory effect. In case you are suffering from boils, skin care must include this mask.

  • The mask of cherry

Crush 1-2 tbsp. spoon ripe cherries, the resulting slurry mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of starch. Apply the mask on the face with a thick layer. After 20-25 minutes rinse with cool or cold water, pat the skin with a towel. Do not make these masks more often than twice a week. Too intensive care, in this case does not lead to anything good - fruit acids are good only in limited quantities. Otherwise, a variety of skin lesions.

  • Mask of lettuce

For this type of skin is perfect mask of lettuce. Mix 1 tsp. Low fat cottage cheese with a few (2-3) hours. Tablespoons of juice from the leaves of lettuce and 1 tsp. Of honey (liquid). Let the mixture brew in a cool place for about three hours, then apply to your face, avoiding the eye area. Mask works very intensively, so do not leave it on the skin for longer than 15 minutes. Rinse it with cool water and allow the skin to dry naturally. This mask will soothe and saturate the skin with vitamins. Mask of lettuce is especially good for acne. Such care will very quickly even the most problematic skin in order. The mask should be done in a day, while the rate is 10 procedures. If necessary, after a month, you can repeat the course.

  • The mask of strawberries

Strawberry Mask won the love and popularity due to its effectiveness, simplicity and accessibility. To prepare the strawberry cream, mix 2 tablespoons. spoon mashed strawberries with good bone marrow, add 1 tsp. honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 hr. boat olive or vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of camphor alcohol. Apply the mask to your face, avoiding the eye area, leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Do not underestimate the exceptional properties of vegetable and berry masks that improve the complexion, strengthen, purify and enrich the skin with vitamins, and increase vitality. But remember that the visible result will only correct and systematic care. "The Raid" no result, you will not achieve.

 The porous skin of the face. Mask care

We recommend that read: narrow pores on the face
