scaly skin on the face


  • Causes of skin peeling
  • Homemade facial

Almost every one of us in life there are times when the skin on the face tightens and hate begin to flake. Itching, redness, dry skin - all these troubles is almost impossible to disguise. In such hard skin gently apply cosmetics - tonal means literally roll and "crack" on the scales scaly skin, giving the appearance of a slovenly, unkempt appearance. Moreover, oily skin is also able to peel off and bring his hostess a lot of hassle. There are many ways to deal with this scourge, but first let's try to find out: where all is taken peeling of the skin on the face and how to prevent it?

Causes of skin peeling

All causes flaking of the skin can be attributed to two types - external and internal. Let's try to examine the reasons why our skin so often scaly, itchy and gets a painful look.

External causes

External causes - these are the factors that affect our body "outside". For example, direct sunlight or severe frost in the winter it is able to cause skin dryness and flaking, cause redness. Do not forget to use special cosmetics for skin care, to reduce the negative impact of climate factors to a minimum.

And by the way, about cosmetics. Quite often, women do serious harm to the health of the skin, just not knowing how to properly use decorative cosmetics. Someone does not follow the simple hygiene requirements and cleanses the skin, while others enjoyed overdue or unsuitable for their skin type products. Sometimes it is enough to change the line of care products for skin, scaly skin found that healthy, well-groomed appearance.

In order to prevent peeling of the skin on the face due to improper use of cosmetics, let us remember the basic principles of facial care:

  • First of all, do not forget to regularly clean the skin from cosmetics and dust particles, do so at any time of the year, winter and summer. Remember as a child we repeated that cleanliness - the guarantee of health? So why not apply this rule with respect to our skin?
  • If you are used to wash with an ordinary soap, try to replace it with a special cleansing foam - so your skin will be less shrink and peel off. Particularly relevant this advice for those who have dry skin and sensitive by nature. Modern foam cleanser perfectly cared for skin - moisturize and nourish it, making the skin smooth and silky.
  • After washing it is not necessary to wipe the face of a rough towel - so you can injure sensitive skin. Use a soft cloth or, do not rub your face - just lightly pat him.
  • For a deep cleaning, use of lotions and tonics, they will help to remove dirt from the deepest pores of your skin.
  • As much as you may get tired, never go to bed with makeup on his face. Daily cleansing of the facial skin should be mandatory ritual of your life.
  • In no case do not use cosmetics containing alcohol - they are very dry skin, causing itching and flaking. Buy natural cosmetics from trusted manufacturers.

Do not forget that we live in an age of technological progress, where poor environment - the eternal companion of our time. Polluted air, bad water, the effect of ultraviolet rays in the summer and severe frosts in winter - all these factors have a very negative impact on our overall health, and peeling skin confirmation. And if the opportunity to move the village and breathing fresh air is not at all, it really provide themselves with quality water can each. What if scaly skin on the face? Wash clean, filtered water. Believe me, you will very soon feel the difference: a skin condition rapidly improved.

Internal reasons

Much more difficult to other causes - internal, because here all the trouble with the skin is directly related to the state of your body. It may be the disease, hormonal disorders or simply a lack of vitamins. Here, too, no matter how hard you try to bring order in the face with makeup, serious effect is difficult to achieve: the itching and flaking will appear again and again. In this case, taken seriously their health and begin to struggle with the problem of the "inside".

If the peeling of the skin caused by the usual lack of vitamins in the body (especially acute this problem arises in the winter), then why not fill them naturally? Just eat the necessary food:

  • Vitamin A - egg yolk, liver, butter, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, parsley, spinach.
  • Vitamin B - fresh fish, dairy products, black-grain breads, brown rice, green apples, cabbage, cantaloupe.
  • Vitamin E - nuts, seeds, broccoli, cucumbers, potatoes, radishes.
  • Vitamin F - vegetable oils, fish, corn, black currant crops.

Regularly eating these products in sufficient quantities, you will be able to quickly restore the normal condition of the skin - redness, itching and flaking thing of the past. Replenish nutrients are vitamin complexes and special, you can find them in any drugstore. In order to choose the most suitable for you, consult your physician.

Another internal cause, causing peeling of the skin may be a lack of fluid in the body. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the individual flakes and cracks if your body is insufficient moisture for normal body functioning. Try to avoid dehydration and drink at least one and a half to two liters of fluid a day (avoid sweet and highly carbonated beverages - a serious enemy of health of your skin).

 peeling of the skin on the face

Homemade facial

As we know, the skin peels off due to the formation of dead cells on the surface. To clean the top layer of dead skin particles, it is necessary to use soft scrubs. You can buy such a tool in the shop, and you can do it yourself. The most affordable and are easy to prepare coffee and cucumber scrubs, they can make the house any hostess:

  • Coffee Scrub

The coffee grounds left after drinking coffee, add a few drops of any essential oil. Apply the mixture on your face and massage for five - ten minutes. Remains scrub rinse with warm water.

  • Cucumber Scrub

One cucumber grate, add the two tablespoons of crushed Hercules flakes. Infuse the mixture for an hour. Then apply the skin with light circular movements. Makes the procedure about five - ten minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

Do not overuse scrubs, it is not necessary to put them on a daily basis. Twice a week, before going to bed - this is enough to prevent the peeling of the skin. After the scrub, apply a nourishing mask on the face, it will soothe and moisturize irritated skin. It is especially important to use such a mask in the winter when the skin is not enough nutrients and vitamins. In any cosmetic shop, you can buy a ready-made mask, and there are several popular recipes, time-tested:

  • Carrot Mask

One carrot, grated on a fine grater, mix with one tablespoon of ground oatmeal or cereal Herculean. The mass obtained is added to one tablespoon of warm milk and applied to the face. Leave mask for twenty minutes, then rinsed.

  • Banana Mask

The pulp of a ripe banana ground to produce a slurry was added to a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply gruel on face for fifteen - twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Once the mask is washed off, put on a slightly damp skin nourishing cream. You can enhance the effect of soft scrubs and masks, if you alternate their use with massage treatments. Believe me, do massage at home is quite easy - just carefully examine the face massage lines.

  • Honey massage

A tablespoon of honey mixed with a tablespoon of water. After cleansing facial massage this mixture for five minutes. Then remove the remains of the honey mixture with warm water, wet towel and apply moisturizer.

  • Oat massage

Boil one tablespoon of oatmeal with milk, add a teaspoon of olive oil, honey and one egg yolk. The resulting mixture is applied evenly with a thin layer on the face and massage in circular motions do. The mixture was kept on the face for fifteen minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

If you have dry, problem skin, it is a great tool in the fight against peeling is olive oil. Daily with a cotton swab soaked in olive oil, rub the problem areas of skin. A few minutes later, when the bulk of the oil is absorbed, remove the remnants of dry swab.

What to do if the skin on his face peeling, itching and cracks in spite of all the procedures? Of course, consult your doctor immediately. Most likely, the causes of peeling in the disease. After a long and persistent peeling of the skin, sometimes accompanied by itching, it may be the cause of the disease - eczema, psoriasis or seborrhea. Professional help to quickly determine the cause of peeling skin and advise effective ways and means to address this problem.

In any case, do not forget the daily care for the skin, moisturize and nourish it. When such care your skin will always be smooth, shiny and healthy.

 Peel off the skin on the face: what to do?

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