rosacea facial treatment

The desire to have a healthy and beautiful skin is quite natural. Various cosmetic means intended to support her beauty: to clean, refresh and nourish. But the negative impact on the appearance of your skin have not only natural factors, and various diseases.

Rosacea skin

Facial rosacea - redness is caused by the expansion of blood vessels that occurs as a result of circulatory disorders of the skin. With increased blood flow in the vessels is their extension, but the connective tissue puts pressure on them from the outside, causing the effect of "Trapped". Eventually, the elasticity of the blood vessels and connective tissue decreases. Subsequently, the vessels remain dilated and the face and become very noticeable.

Rosacea on the face is most often seen on the cheeks, nose and chin, rarely on the forehead; It goes through several stages, and creates a "pattern" on the face. As reactions can occur accompanying itching and inflammation.

Causes of rosacea skin

The cause of rosacea skin are weak vessels. It can be genetic characteristics of an organism or caused by hormonal changes. Bad habits (alcohol, overeating and smoking) can also cause the "red spots". The climate is among the influencing factors in the winter, coming in from the cold into a warm room, the vessels undergo a sudden change in temperature. Malfunctions of internal organs can influence the appearance of this disease.

Treatment: basic care

How to treat rosacea on his face, how to care for the skin and should be avoided? These issues are very important, since it requires great care. When red spots should immediately eliminate the aggressive care products, ie those that increase blood circulation: the friction creams, masks, film, alcohol-funds products with fruit acids. It is also not allowed to use cosmetic products containing menthol, honey, mint, eucalyptus, aloe, clove and various fragrances.

Watch out for the feeling to see the reaction of the skin. Cream should be applied to the tips of his fingers, the face with a towel after washing should not rub, just wet.
In the treatment of rosacea on the face it is forbidden to use different brushes, massagers, rough towels. Manual cleaning of the face while rosacea is also contraindicated.

Steam treatments, inhalation and sauna should be abolished. If a visit to a bath for you is of paramount importance, and to abandon the event you can not, in this case, cover the face with a damp towel and the temperature "guy" do the minimum. Minimize in your diet the following products: tomatoes, yogurt, sour cream, liver, various beans, chocolate and citrus fruits.

Rosacea on his face: what to take?

With red face should be fought. It is not sufficient simply to restrict your diet, do not take spicy food and do not overeat. Cosmetics against rosacea can also be quite effective. The main thing is to pick up the product properly.

To solve this problem created a special line of vehicles. If you can not find them in the store, try to trim products for sensitive skin. In the presence of probes, buy and taste: the drug can fit all, but not you.

Rosacea facial treatment which will require you to a comprehensive approach that is not just any procedures, and proper care. Do not neglect the advice of professionals, if you really want to get rid of this unpleasant "spot". What are the treatments we now consider.

  1. Electrocoagulation - the most affordable way to get rid of the red dots. The essence of the process is as follows: a special needle to the vessel supply an electric current, whereby the receptacle is destroyed. However, this method will leave a mark of the needle, and, moreover, would not be able to cover a large area of ​​skin.
  2. Rosacea on his face: laser treatment involves a complete facial cleansing from traces of the affected vessels. It's called laser hardening. The course consists of several procedures. A slight redness is a result of the laser treatment, it disappears rather quickly, and no other side no trace remains. When rosacea on the face treated with the laser, and require special care for the skin, which will contribute to its speedy recovery.  rosacea on the face photo
  3. Rosacea on the face of the photo is shown, it has been subjected to laser treatment. The result we see on the next picture. The vessels become invisible, the aesthetic appearance of the skin is significantly improved.

  4. Photorejuvenation - the most advanced technique in existence at the moment. Light energy activates the coagulation of blood vessels, resulting in the recent "disappear" completely.

Preventive recommendations that should be followed after the removal of rosacea on his face:

  • To protect against UV rays, use a sunscreen;
  • Spend deep cleansing peeling based on bromelain and papain (plant enzymes);
  • Before you drink a course of vitamins, consult your doctor;
  • It is useful to cold mud facial masks;
  • Toned vessels can be even when washing, alternating warm and cold water (hot water is contraindicated).

Face massage

Facial massage at rosacea requires a certain specificity. One of the recommended massages can be called Spanish modeling to the face and neck. During the procedure, there is a deep study of the central part of the muscle with a more active impact on the area of ​​low tone. It helps to strengthen the skin.

You can make the plastic and facial massage at rosacea. This procedure often involves the use of oils or creams. Strong, rhythmic, the pressing movement - a characteristic feature of this method. Apply it in cases where the patient's skin drained hanging observed swelling and puffiness.

Cosmetics against rosacea

Cosmetics against rosacea is also quite effective. But most importantly, to choose the means that will be useful for you.

Rosacea on the face treated with a variety of creams, soaps, enzyme peeling and so on. Many of the tools can be found in pharmacies, and professional lines offer beauticians specializing in this issue.

Additional funds should be allocated against rosacea micellar water, which is useful for cleansing the face.

Among such cosmetics against rosacea can be noted Purete Thermale by Vichy (micellar liquid makeup remover). The composition contains an extract of Gallic rose and thermal water. This product will not irritate and desiccate the skin.

The company offers excellent sredstvo- Bioderma Sensibio H2O (micellar water)

All the anti-rosacea should be gentle and allowed for daily use, as the face of make-up and other impurities need to clean daily.

The company offers Janssen enzyme peeling Refining Enzyme Peel. The tool is quite soft and suitable for sensitive skin.

How to get rid of rosacea and that you should always have on hand?

How to get rid of rosacea, the question is quite troublesome. But nothing is impossible. There are a number of recommendations regarding the daily care of damaged skin, which will help make the process less protracted recovery.

  1. Always have water handy spray and soothing cream for rosacea.
  2. During the day, use a soothing water. You can pick up thermal water or vegetable Hydrolat: herbal extracts and floral water (neroli, hamamelidaceae, neroli). Sprays do not face throughout the day without fear of ruin makeup. In the evening, clean the skin chosen means
  3. 2-3 times a week, use a soothing mask against rosacea or cream. These funds will help relieve irritation and redness, moreover, they moisturize the skin. Particular care should be monitored periodically procedures in the winter.

 rosacea on the face of traditional medicine
 Getting rid of rosacea, you can use a mask with almond oil from the "Hundred beauty recipes". The product is a budget, but good quality.

The company is a means of Decleor Harmonie Masque Tendresse Apaisante, which is a soothing mask against rosacea. You can also note the product from Avene and soothing mask Masque Anti-couperose, which is Genji.

Among creams against rosacea should mention Sensibio AR of Bioderma. It is recommended to be used with other manufacturer's products, which are intended for skin with rosacea.

The company Korff is line means C-Normalizer: Cleansing Milk (not containing alcohol) day and night cream for the face of rosacea, as well as masking a pencil.

Removal of rosacea on his face - it's not one day. You can pick up the money from those offered in retail locations, or to purchase a professional line.

From existing products really should look at the line Rosaliac, which was based on thermal water of La Roche-Posay. Removing the redness and collagen synthesis is due to Vitamin B3 and CG. The emulsion has a green tint that provides excellent camouflage rosacea redness. It can be used as a foundation.

Among the professional product line of funds allocated D-Red from the Holy Land. This soothing face mask during rosacea, emulsion day and night tonic (balm). Line Rose RS2 from the company Pevonia Botanica contains extracts of licorice and green tea.

Do not look for "the same" face cream from rosacea, if you are not sure about the specifics of your skin.
Important notice for owners of oily skin: apply the cream night instead of the usual means. It is known that during sleep, our skin work harder, because during the night have time to absorb all the necessary substance, and redness will go out.

Folk remedies against rosacea

What is rosacea on the face of the photos you have already appreciated. It's not a very pleasant sight. Get rid of it would be desirable, but to see a doctor and to resort to the hardware, not every treatment will be decided. But in this case, there is a way: folk remedies against rosacea.

  • Herbal face mask during rosacea. Take a daisy, flowers, horse chestnut, calendula, yarrow and potato starch in equal proportions, mix well until a homogeneous mass (slurry). Cut the gauze mask and apply it on the face, on top of the cheesecloth Apply a slurry. After 15 minutes, the mask should be removed and flushed face grass otvarom.Podgotovte advance decoction of herbs yarrow, calendula and chamomile. Dilute with 200 ml of water 1 teaspoon of tincture, and obtained a lotion, wipe the face.
  • Among the popular anti-rosacea can be called a tonic based on chamomile. 2 tablespoons of chamomile brew and add 0, 5 liters of water. Add the water and 2 crushed tablets Ascorutinum.
  • Rosacea on the face of traditional medicine to treat offers a compress of chamomile. 2 tablespoons chamomile infused for 20 minutes in boiling water. Making the 10-minute time compress.
  • Berry Mask. You can use raspberries, cranberries, strawberries and sea buckthorn. To puree, add 1 tsp. Of potato starch. The treatment lasts 15 minutes.
  • For rosacea on the face of traditional medicine and provides an inexpensive way: masks of raw potatoes. Enough effective procedure to get rid of the redness.
  • If frostbite that causes rosacea, should be done alternately hot and cold primochki.Goryachaya: nettle or rosemary broth boil for 5 minutes. Keeping the skin no more than 3 minutes.

    Cold: decoction of the flowers of horse chestnut bark or sage. Give boil for 20 minutes. Duration of procedure - 5 minutes.

    Alternating hot and cold lotions, the cycle is repeated 5-6 times. Last cold lotion does not apply to 5 and 10 minutes.

And this is just a small list of possible tools that will be useful in the case of rosacea on your face. But better to follow the diet and get exercise (yoga, pilates, walking and cycling), which will serve as an excellent prevention.

Be healthy and beautiful!

 Rosacea on the face: treatment of folk and cosmetic means

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