causes of endometritis


  • What causes endometriosis
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus is called endometritis.

Discussion and clarification of the question of why there is endometritis after delivery, will always be relevant, because it is likely to get every woman who has given birth, it is also important to recognize the disease and the cure to the next pregnancy went well.

During the critical days of the uterine lining, due to the influence of hormones, changing its structure. Throughout the cycle, the uterus prepares to accept a fertilized egg. If fertilization has occurred, the functional layer of the uterus is torn away, and menstruation occurs. After giving birth occurs often inflammation of the uterus, resulting in the structure of the inner shell is broken and becomes inflamed, this is what leads to complications (the threat of pregnancy, infertility).

 Diagnosis of the disease
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What causes endometriosis

The cause of the disease is simple. The whole point of microbes that, getting into the uterus, causing its inflammation.

Methods of getting germs into the uterus:

  • directly from the vagina;
  • foci of chronic infections.

Postpartum endometritis may occur for several reasons:

  • infertility or abortion;
  • in cases of infectious diseases during the gestation of the child;
  • after cesarean section;
  • when prolonged labor;
  • in the case of neglecting personal hygiene;
  • after studies amnioscopy amniocentesis or other, in which the uterus is administered medical instruments;
  • in anhydrous period longer than 12 hours;
  • when polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy or childbirth repeated;
  • in the case of a troubled passage of the third stage of the process.
  • when weak labor, bleeding, and so on. d.

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Symptoms may appear as 2-3 hours, and 6-8 weeks after birth. Thus, endometritis can occur when a new mother is still in hospital, under medical supervision, as well as after, when my mother with a child at home. The earlier the disease manifested itself, the harder it passes.

Symptoms of endometriosis:

  • increasing the temperature up to 40-41 ° C;
  • malaise, and weakness;
  • frequent pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • copious (greenish or yellowish color, with an unpleasant smell);
  • uterine contractions is slow;
  • increase in the number of white blood cells.

 treatment of the disease

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Treatment and prevention

If the disease is manifested when the woman is still in the nursing home, it is transferred to a special unit, which sent young mothers with various complications arising after the birth. If a woman is already at home, require hospitalization in the gynecology department at the hospital.

Usually, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus breastfeeding is not interrupted, but there are times when it is still necessary to do, because the treatment may be given more than one antibiotic.

For prevention of endometriosis include:

  • timely treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • timely latch baby to the breast;
  • adherence to aseptic and antiseptic in the hospital.

In order not to be faced with this disease, the most important thing with accuracy to implement the recommendations of the doctor, only then you can be sure in their own health and in a peaceful postpartum.

 The causes of postpartum endometritis

 the causes of breast disease


  • Mastitis, breast
  • Various breast tumor

Breast cancer is the most important body for women. This is not only a sign of femininity and beauty, but also store food for the baby. Just for this reason it is extremely important to monitor the health of their breasts, and in the case of changes in time to seek professional help.

Today, there are many diseases associated with breast cancer. And all of them to a greater or lesser extent, are a danger to the general health of the woman or her whole life. To find out, let us consider briefly some of the most common diseases of the breast.

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Mastitis, breast

The most common disease - disease of the breast. Under this disease, doctors often combine a whole range of symptoms, some of which themselves can not explain. The main symptoms are small seals, appearing in the mammary glands. Sometimes nodules are small and do not bring discomfort. But in most cases they are the size of a pea, slightly mobile and bring tangible pain, even the touch.

Provoke the appearance of mastitis may be a number of diseases such as cysts, malfunctions of the hormonal system, injuries to the chest. Also, breast can occur, and after serious trauma, abortion or miscarriage.

Mastitis is another fairly well-known breast disease to date.

This disease is usually attributed to the island. Mastitis is characterized by swelling of the breast, which is accompanied by pain and a noticeable increase in temperature. Since mastitis in most cases, is a consequence of improper pumping of milk, cracked nipples, as well as the introduction of microbes in the chest through the open milk ducts in the breast child, the disease is also accompanied by stagnation of milk in the breast, which interferes with normal lactation.

Warn mastitis can be yourself, if you do not supercool the chest in time to express milk, wash the breast during lactation several times a day with warm soapy water and rub gently with a towel. But to treat mastitis on their own with the help of drugs is strictly forbidden. Firstly, it can harm the baby, and secondly, it is dangerous to women's health, as the infection may develop in the breast even more.

 breast tumor
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Various breast tumor

Very common breast diseases such as various types of tumors. Education can be benign (cysts) and malignant (cancer). Tumors are the most dangerous diseases, as often result in the need for surgery, and in cases even to cancer chemotherapy.

Cyst or cured with medication (in the early stages) or surgery (acute course of the disease). Cancer also is so unpredictable that we can not give an unambiguous answer to his treatment without consultation and mammalogy oncologist.

In time to identify the presence of tumors in the breast, you need to undergo an annual gynecological exam. And in areas with poor environmental conditions recommended mammograms, which detect breast cancer in the early stages and completely heal or stop.

Causes of tumors can be quite diverse: injuries and infectious diseases to the negative impact of the external environment and the presence of constant stress. In any case, the main thing - it's time to identify the disease and to apply the treatment.

 Characteristics of some breast disease

 types of hepatitis


  • Viral diseases HEPATITIS VIROSA
  • Viral hepatitis B and C

Viral hepatitis (HEPATITIS VIROSA) - an infectious disease causing damage and inflammation of the liver. The most common causative viruses - A, B, C.

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Different types of hepatitis have a similar clinical picture, but different sources of contamination, distribution, as well as the consequences of the disease. One of the symptoms of the disease is yellowing of the sclera eyes and skin, so the disease is sometimes called jaundice.

Hepatitis A is transmitted by fecal-household: raw water from contaminated sources, unwashed fruits and vegetables, contact with a person infected with hepatitis B, sharing a toilet and cooking utensils. Symptoms: malaise, weakness, nausea, vomiting, fever. After a few days the disease becomes latent phase and in the future are asymptomatic. The disease is widespread with the universal susceptibility, but the statistics of the disease greatly underestimated due to difficulties in diagnosis (disease often occurs in anicteric form).

Epidemics of hepatitis A occur, usually in groups of people united in one institution: a school, kindergarten, hospital. Severe damage to the liver cells, hepatitis A does not cause a qualitative and timely treatment comes a full recovery. Personal hygiene - the best prevention of hepatitis A, called "disease of dirty hands".

 viral hepatitis
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Viral hepatitis B and C

The disease is caused by a virus, the causative agent of type B is characterized by severe lesions of the liver cells. Because inflammatory cells are replaced by scar tissue, fibrosis begins to develop, which in turn leads to cirrhosis. The virus is transmitted sexually or through blood. Sexual transmission occurs through contact broken skin or mucous membranes of the body fluids of an infected person is a virus.

Infection via the blood can happen when using a common manicure tools, razors, needles, syringes. If you decide to get a tattoo or manicure, we must be sure that the master thoroughly disinfect all tools used. Possible infection with hepatitis B through blood transfusions. Domestic mode of transmission of the virus in the (common utensils, towels, kissing) is still possible, but if in the saliva of an infected person, an admixture of blood, in which case there is the risk of infection.

Hepatitis C, or "tender murderer" - the most insidious and serious form of viral hepatitis. Typically, the process of developing the disease goes unnoticed, and for many years a person may not even be aware that he was sick, yet dreaded virus does not manifest itself. The disease becomes apparent only at the time of occurrence of liver cancer or cirrhosis. Infection occurs through blood (approximately 2% of blood donors are carriers of the hepatitis C virus), through unprotected sex, sharing needles when using (a lot of patients with hepatitis among drug addicts). Infection can occur during a session of piercing, manicure or dentist.

In many cases, viral hepatitis prevention is better than cure. To prevent the disease is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, avoid contact with the blood of an infected person, sexual intercourse with untested partners should take place only with the use of a condom.

 Forms of viral hepatitis
