sleeping posture


  • As we sleep
  • How to determine the correct posture?
  • Like sleeping men and women?

Psychology as a science is exploring how to define the nature of human gait, gestures, manner of speaking and color of clothing. But all of the above it is possible to control. Reject the bright colors in the wardrobe.

Change gait, rehearse it, follow the gestures. Only in a dream we can not control themselves. Poses sleep can tell a lot about what the nature of man, his mood, mental state at the moment, and even the relationship with the second half - so much you can learn from dreams and sleep most of his characteristic postures in bed.

As we sleep

  • Pose "embryo"

Sleep lying on its side. Bend the knees pulled up to the sleeping man's chest. As a rule, it shifted to the edge of the bed and turns away from the wall face. Sometimes it is clamped between the legs of the blanket or pillow. This person feels insecure and vulnerable. As a rule, it is led by people who are in need of care and a stronger partner. It happens that in this position to sleep a man whose extensive background checks on the job or re-certification.

  • "Prostrate" posture

Sleeping on your stomach stretches. Hands curled above his head. Legs stretched out, feet slightly apart. Often sleeping in the middle of the bed. The main thing is the difference between the nature of a man - he is very punctual and does not like being late for others. It is required, demanding to detail, careful and precise. Such people are not afraid to set goals, act strictly according to plan. And if some obstacles stood in the way, they will make every effort to achieve the desired. We can say that the nature of such a person simply indomitable.

  • "Royal" posture

A man sleeps on his back, face up. Legs and arms stretched along the body, slightly spread out, relaxed. Sleep can lie both in the center of the bed, and diagonally. This posture says about self-confidence, sense of security, leadership and strength of personality.

  • "Hemi"

This is the most common posture. Sleep is located on the side and slightly bent legs to the stomach. Arms and legs are relaxed. Man sleeping on one side of the bed or close to the edge. What is the nature of sleep in this position? Such people are balanced, adequate, have "common sense." Confidence in yourself and your own abilities allow bravely took the blows. They do not seek the protection of the society and are themselves able, if necessary, to help the needy.

No less eloquent and individual parts of the body. Take, for example, legs:

  • If a man in a dream trying to embrace both feet bed, or he has a habit of poking both feet (or one) under the mattress, which means that sleep resists changes in life and quite conservative.
  • If a person hangs feet from the end or edge of the bed, it is, on the contrary, shows a complete rejection of the accepted norms.
  • Passive, weak-willed and unable to pull himself together, people usually sleep with crossed ankles.
  • If both legs are arranged exactly one above the other: the knees, hips and ankles of both legs asleep touching each other - then the man allegedly inclined to comfort, avoids conflicts and tries to meet the expectations of others.

Position of hands in a dream, too, can give a person's character. If sleep is a habit for something to hold on in the dream, it says that people prilipchiv, dependent on others and not independent. When a person sleeps on his back, and put his head on his hands - we can say that an intelligent person to make a living in mental work. People who sleep on their backs and arms while fully pulled up, vain, weak-willed and passive in life.

 Sleep posture and character

How to determine the correct posture?

Many are concerned about what posture to take for true "talking" about what a human character. After all, it is no secret that during the night the man repeatedly changes the position of the body. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the main item in his sleep only two or three. The remaining provisions of the man takes in his sleep temporarily, to lie down comfortably. This so-called "intermediate posture." A primary is one in which a person spends the most time. Very often a person sees himself not as he really is. For example, a woman trying to develop leadership qualities, and before you go to sleep, take a royal pose. But in the dream changes the position of the body, depending on their true character and temperament.

It happens that during the life of a person changes leading sleep posture. It depends on the circumstances in the life of the people and events that develop around. That, to a large head of a lifetime is sleeping on his back, confident in themselves, their abilities and their future. But the company is closed, and a person has to look for a new job. Often found the work is less prestigious and low-paid. As a result, the former head of sleeping posture varies. He unconsciously seeking support from others. Royal posture is not so comfortable for him. The man himself does not notice that just can not sleep on his back, and although I could not imagine a different posture. Can he go back to the old position in his sleep? Yes of course. As soon as his life begins to change and give a person the former confidence.

Frequently changing posture during sleep at resorts, vacation. For example, a woman accountant previously slept in a fetal position, as the work was in constant dependence on the authorities, tax and forwarding agents who are not brought in time tax bills. But the sea has changed its position. Head is no longer talked to her sternly. And the tax proved to be far from the resort. And around - only the sea, the sun, the beach. The girl began to sleep on his stomach. She was free from the circumstances. But there are opposite examples. When people feel comfortable at home and on vacation in a rented apartment and not happy with his lot and caused discomfort (hard mattresses, drunken neighbors, the sun burned the back).

 sleeping posture

Like sleeping men and women?

Equally important is the determination of the value of what posture sleep dominated by the two spouses. People can talk about any number of good relations in the family, but one look at the sleeping couple is enough to get an objective picture of what is happening.

  1. "Embrace facing each other." It is the emotional posture, talking about the strong attachment of partners to each other. Couple lying face to each other, hugged and huddled bodies. At the same legs as the partners can be straightened and twisted (it speaks of sexual interest in each other and a willingness to fight for their own happiness). Very often in that position sleeping lovers and honeymooners, which overwhelm the senses. If the pair keeps this position for a long time, then we can talk about the strong relationship and trust. When you embrace, facing each other head partners are often at different levels. Whose head is located above the head of the family and is a leading pair.
  2. "Embrace the back." The sexiest pose sleep partners. Here are both asleep located on one side, huddled together, with a little stretching or bending your knees. One partner who is behind usually embraces satellite arms. The degree of emotional attachment, you can estimate the distance between the sleeping couple. What it is, the stronger and more trusting relationships. Lead in a pair is the one who covers his back in a dream partner. Typically, this is a man who all his posture says about wanting to take care of the partner. If during sleep with any party observed a very close embrace, is to talk about feelings of possessiveness and jealous character of the one who embraces. It happens that the "master" lightly touches the partner hand or foot. This gesture is due to confidence in the "slave."
  3. It is quite another thing, if a couple is sleeping on one side, but the partners share a long distance. This shows the outstanding problems in the relationship. In this position often sleep those who fell out on the eve of a long lost common language with a partner. This face-to-partner sleeps one who is willing to tolerate and compromise. With his back turned aggrieved party.
  4. "Back to back". This posture may also indicate a long-term conflict between partners, especially if in a dream pair do not touch the body. Such a position of the bodies have long talks about the complete absence of the desire of the partners to achieve mutual understanding. Interest in each other, these people weakened and there is no sincerity in the relationship.
  5. If the partners are sleeping back to back, but at the same time touching the buttocks, this suggests that the pair consists of a bright extraordinary people who value relationships, but claim to independence
  6. Pose in a dream together, when someone is lying on his back, there are two main varieties. If a man sleeping in a "royal position" while hugging a woman, and she clung to him sideways, then this pair of main - man. A woman all his posture shows humility and recognition of its leader. This is the most harmonious posture during sleep. If a man lies on his back, and a woman - on the stomach, it is much more tied to the partner emotionally than he.

Finally I want to advise couples and those who are just going to link their fate with the favorite: sleep together. Even if you had a falling out. Joint sleep can bring you closer, while the beds even more distant.

 Poses sleep and a person's character

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