

  • Getting labor
  • How to reduce the pain?
  • The expulsion of the fetus
  • Placenta

Every expectant mother is looking forward to the birth of a small miracle. She is preparing to meet with the baby face-to-face as much as 9 months. However, many women pursuing fear of childbirth. It can be avoided in advance and get ready to find out everything. You should know how the birth, how to facilitate the fight, what to bring to the hospital.

It must be remembered that the birth - it is a unique process.

Every woman they are different. However, common elements, of course, there is.

Deliveries are divided into stages.

 onset of labor
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Getting labor

Everything happens gradually. During the 9th month of pregnancy the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth. The placenta begins to change hormones, rebuilt various physiological processes. All this leads to the start of labor. Approximately 1-7 days before the appearance of the fruit must move the mucus plug. It can go as often or all at once. It is brown or beige color, sometimes streaked with blood. The consistency is lumpy mucus. Sami delivery may begin as a discharge of water and once with contractions.

Discharge of amniotic fluid - the process is painless. This occurs when the fetal bladder bursts. It may break relatively far away from the cervix. In this case, the water are gradually. Or the bubble bursts near the cervix. Then, a continuous stream of water moving away. If this happens, you should immediately go to the hospital. The fact that after the discharge of water, the baby in the uterus no longer has the protection of the bacteria from the cervix and vagina. After breaking membranes woman must give birth not later than 12 hours.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the color and structure of the liquid. Ideally amniotic water must be clean and transparent, without any odor. If the fluid is green or black color, the child may be anoxia. The worst option - the amniotic fluid are mixed with blood. In this case, an urgent need to call an ambulance: there was a detachment of the placenta and the baby's life is threatened.

Contractions - a contraction of the muscles of the uterus. They lead to the disclosure of the cervix and expulsion of the fetus. Abbreviations are felt throughout the abdomen. In between, the muscles are relaxed. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the beginning of labor. Pain almost feel the break between contractions over half an hour. The duration of the first fights takes 5-10 seconds. Gradually, the intensity and duration of contraction increases, the intervals between them become smaller.

 expulsion of the fetus
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How to reduce the pain?

Over time, the pain increases. This is due to incipient opening of the cervix. Uterine ligaments tighten and shrink, the nerve endings at the same time compressed. So there is the pain of contractions. Sometimes the first discomfort appear in the lower back or abdomen. Many women say that on top of pain during labor are very similar to menstrual.

Contractions are as follows: starting from the top of the uterus muscles begin to shrink. Then the contraction of the muscles moves on to the lower abdomen. The intensity of the contractions gradually increases and reaches its peak, which takes approximately 2-3 seconds. Then the muscles relax, reducing pass, and pain at the time of retreat.

To ease the discomfort, the woman should take the most comfortable position: lie on your side, get on all fours, etc. However, to speed up the delivery process while there are forces better to walk.

When the battle begins, it is desirable to gentle movements to massage the lower abdomen. You can also warm up the lower back with his fists. Or hand to massage the spine from the tailbone to the neck. However, for such manipulation is required assistant.

Water - excellent analgesic during labor. It helps relieve the pain a warm shower or bath. However, not all maternity hospitals can provide women with such facilities. Usually, all confined to shower prior to transfer to the prenatal ward.

The important point is the breathing technique. The oxygen getting into the blood, partially neutralize substances that cause pain. The more air will get into the lungs, the easier it will be to the woman. When fights are often to breathe, breathe in through your nose and exhale through the mouth.

In between contractions, you need to try to relax and digging forces for the next wave. You also need to keep an eye on the clock intervals and intensity of uterine contractions. It is necessary to see how the fight goes. Disclosure of the cervix - the longest stage of labor and painful. It can last for nulliparous women to 10 hours or more. Gradually during labor increases to 1, 5 minutes, and the interval between them is reduced to 1 minute.

 the last stage of labor
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The expulsion of the fetus

The next stage of labor - it is the expulsion of the fetus. Under the influence of labor cervix must open up to 10 cm. Then the head of the fetus descends and goes to the pelvic floor. At this stage, added to the struggle attempts. They are the muscle contractions of the diaphragm and the press. Thanks to them, manage to increase intra-abdominal pressure, and the child can move forward through the birth canal. Attempts are different from contractions that a woman is able to manage them: restrain or vice versa strengthened. During this period it is important to listen to the doctor. It sees the whole process and knows when it is necessary to strengthen the attempts, in other words, to make an effort. If you act on your own, you can hurt yourself and your child.

When necessary, the doctor makes an incision of the perineum. Such an operation is called an episiotomy. It helps to avoid gaps in the birth canal. After the discharge of the placenta to the incision sutured. In this use local or general anesthesia, depending on the degree of tissue damage.

And after so many torments in the birth canal shows the baby's head. Several more attempts - and long-awaited miracle finally happens. When a child is born, it should scream: it is a natural reaction. Woman after the appearance of a baby into the world feels a great relief. The pain recedes. The child lay on his stomach to his mother. This happens first bodily contact "skin to skin". If there are no contraindications, baby put to the breast, and it drains precious few drops of colostrum. But that's not all. Childbirth is not yet over.

Kid and woman is still linked to each other one cord. It needs to be cut. This is a painless process because of pain receptors in the umbilical cord is not. Then the kid examines a neonatologist (a doctor for babies). The child weighed, measured, swaddled.

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The child has already been born, but weak contractions still there. They are required to separate the placenta from the wall of the uterus and expel it. A pair of light attempts - and the last born. This is the final stage of labor. It lasts from 5 to 30 minutes. Only now labors a woman over.

After childbirth the uterus will be cleaned approximately 1-2 months. This process is accompanied by spotting similar to monthly. If the blood is too abundant or cleansing period lasts for more than 2 months, you should seek medical advice.

Now you know how the birth. In order to feel confident and able to go through childbirth without complications, it is desirable to advance to meet with the doctors of the hospital and to prepare the necessary things. The woman will need:

  • documentation;
  • clean clothes;
  • robe and nightgown;
  • slippers;
  • personal hygiene items (toothbrush, soap, comb, shampoo, toilet paper, and so on. d.);
  • gaskets;
  • towel;
  • disposable diapers;
  • phone.

Usually in the hospital enabled photo and video. Wishes to make pictures of Chad immediately after birth can bring a camera or camcorder.

Here, perhaps, and all. If prepared in advance, a woman will feel good and comfortable hospital.

 Births at the hospital: how the baby comes?
