- The cause of stretch marks on the breasts
- Prevention of stretch marks on the chest
- Folk remedies to get rid of stretch marks on the breasts
- The treatment is to remove the stretch marks
You are much thinner? We had a baby and had just stopped to breastfeed? All of these joyful events (albeit different in significance) except happy smiles and little able to spoil the mood of one unpleasant fact - stretch marks. Especially sad when unpleasant stretch marks appear in the area of the chest - no elegant low-cut dresses will not dress or expose the once perfectly smooth mounds on display during intimate relations. Let stretch - this is not the end of the world, but each of us still want to have a soft, smooth skin in spite of all the circumstances. So, let's talk about how to get rid of stretch marks on his chest and find former beauty of the body.
The cause of stretch marks on the breasts
What are stretch marks? This flat atrophic scars on the body, which appeared due to the fact that sharply changed much and your body weight. Let's say you had a nice second breast size before pregnancy, after childbirth you proudly sported the fourth, rejoicing to adding such a pleasant volume. The skin on your breasts greatly stretched, the elastic fibers of the dermis could not stand such a "head" and exploded. As a consequence - stretch marks on his chest.
Around the same happens with the ladies, dramatically lose weight and to athletes, has ceased to swing pecs. The fact is that as long as you have a large body mass, skin is more elastic and stretch marks on his chest are practically invisible. But as soon as the mass decreases, the skin droops slightly unpleasant pink and white stripes just striking.
It's amazing, but even at the very young, nulliparous girls may appear on the chest stretch. In adolescence, breasts can grow quite quickly once a couple of sizes, and the skin can not withstand a sharp increase in volume and appear microfractures. Although the appearance of stretch marks quite strongly dependent on genetic predisposition. In some women, they do not appear until the end of life - and this despite the fact that those giving birth to a bunch of kids and regularly gaining weight, or take off. Others, in spite of all preventive measures at an early age get a bunch of stretch marks not only on the chest, but also in other parts of the body.
In general, the thinner skin of the girl, the greater her chance of getting stretch marks on the chest and other parts of the body. Therefore, women living in the North, who by nature is more dense skin structure likely to get stretch marks on the chest is much lower than that of yuzhanok. But even so, and others just need to take preventive measures to ensure that their breasts remained smooth, smooth and delicate as long as possible.
Prevention of stretch marks on the chest
If you do not talk about surgical methods to cure stretch marks on the breasts are not so simple. Rather, they can be disguised, making it virtually invisible, but to achieve this result can only be a regular skin care. So it is not surprising that the appearance of stretch marks prevention is better than later to face serious difficulties in their breeding. For you we have prepared the best methods of preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the breasts.
- The more elastic your skin is, the less chance for the appearance of stretch marks. So the first thing is to make every woman that wants to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on his chest - to exercise and maintain the tone of the skin. Carrying out exercises, do a special emphasis on the group of muscles that support the breasts, it will help you find not only beautiful, chest held high as long as possible, but also to protect against the appearance of stretch marks during a future pregnancy and subsequent breast-feeding a baby.
- Regular douche works wonders with the skin condition. The more you practice it, the less negative effects on the skin. And this applies not only stretch marks, but sagging skin and the appearance of early wrinkles. Start a shower with warm water, gradually increasing the temperature, and then gradually reduce the heat, cooling the body with cool water.
- Breast massage - a great prevention of stretch marks. Particularly useful in this regard, plastic massage Garcia, he can learn to do yourself any girl. The beauty of this massage is that it does not cause any pain, but to relax and get great pleasure from the delicate, soft-touch, you can easily. Massage Garcia can be done on the face, chest and other parts of the body. The net is full of information about its technology, if you wish, you can quickly learn the basic techniques.
- In order to maintain the water balance in the fibers of the dermis, you need to eat well and moisturize the skin. This will help you special cosmetics for breast lifting effect designed to preserve the beauty and elasticity of your skin. Use cream based on cocoa, grape seed, avocado, as well as funds from the collagen-elastin - they will help you achieve good results and maintain the health of the breast skin.
- It is very important to wear comfortable, well-supported form of bras. And we must remember that the bra should be comfortable and not pull the breast, or vice versa, does not fall from it. If you are pregnant, do not forget to buy special clothes, which will help your chest does not fall under the weight of increasing the weight and wear it during the period of lactation.
If stretch marks could not be avoided, then the sooner you start to get rid of them, the more chances you have to solve the problem once and for all. Up until pink stretch marks, can you home cope with unpleasant marks on the skin. If they have for many years and have got a white color, then remove them will be much harder.
Folk remedies to get rid of stretch marks on the breasts
Our generation - is not the first that has decided to deal with stretch marks on his chest and make your skin beautiful and attractive. We present our best popular recipes to get rid of stretch marks on his chest:
Seaweed Wrap
From fresh stretch marks on the chest helps eliminate fine seaweed wraps. For these purposes, it is best to buy in the drugstore spirullinu - a special kind of blue-green algae, rich in a variety of useful trace elements and vitamins. Take a warm bath to warm up the skin, then apply a paste of seaweed (add a little drinking water) in the problem areas. Wrap the chest film and Wrap yourself something warm, such as downy shawl. Then go to bed under a dense blanket and relax thirty or forty minutes. Due to the thermal effect of all nutrients spirulliny instantly penetrate into your skin. With regular use, this small stretch wrapping will disappear, and the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.
Contrast compresses to deal with stretch marks on the chest
For contrasting compresses you need two basin - one with hot water (about thirty eight degrees Celsius), the other with cool. The warm water is added a teaspoon of salt, and in the cold - the same amount of lemon juice. Dip a towel in hot water, wring out and put to the breast for thirty seconds. The same procedure should be followed with cool water, applying a poultice for one minute. Repeat the actions of five or six times per session.
To compress acted efficiently after it necessarily lubricate the skin of the breast a special lotion. It can be prepared as follows: two tablespoons of dried rosemary to boil water (four cups), cool and drain. Add broth four teaspoons of lemon juice, two teaspoons of salt and two teaspoons of alcohol.
If the ingredients of the previous lotion cause allergic reactions, try a different lotion: take one teaspoon dried dill and lime flowers, pour two cups of boiling water and infuse for two hours. Then cool and strain the infusion. Apply to the affected skin, wash off after the procedure is not necessary - let the skin obsohnet air. This lotion helps fight fine with stretch marks on the skin sagging.
Essential oil against stretch marks breasts
Essential oils are slowly but surely help to get rid of stretch marks. Deciding to use it is a means to deal with stretch marks on the chest, do not expect instant results: Fresh stretch marks disappear after four or five months old - at least a year. But the skin during treatment received enough food and becomes elastic and smooth. Do not forget that the use of essential oils in pure form for the removal of stretch marks is not recommended, as these funds are concentrated and can cause burns on the skin. The best thing to do with these oils, creams and lotions homemade, adding other beneficial ingredients.
Pay attention to the following essential oils, copes with the problems of stretch marks on the skin:
- Rose oil soothes the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, prevents the appearance of new stretch marks.
- Neroli helps to strengthen the skin, making it smooth, elastic and velvety.
- Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effect. It helps to slow down the aging process and regenerate skin cells.
- Ylang-ylang is suitable for all skin types, it moisturizes and smoothes the skin, making it more elastic, supple and soft.
- Tangerine essential oil helps to cope well with stretch marks, acne and scars. It has an antiseptic effect on the skin while toning it.
- Geranium oil has a wonderful rejuvenating and healing effect. It establishes normal functioning of metabolic processes in cells, tones and softens the skin.
There are so many different essential oils, and each of them has some benefits for the skin condition. You can mix them with a blue and white clay, yogurt, honey - any ingredients that do not cause you an allergic reaction. The main rule to compile such lotions - is to use no more than three to five drops of essential oil to ten milliliters of the chosen substrate.
Olive oil against stretch marks
Olive oil since ancient times treat the skin, helping it to cope not only with stretch marks, but with early aging and sagging. To prepare the lotion, you'll need a half cup of olive oil, ten drops of vitamin E and five drops of vitamin A. The resulting mixture add two teaspoons of fresh aloe juice. The lotion must be rubbed into the skin of the breast twice a day - morning and evening. Storing means is preferably in the refrigerator.
Scrub with salt and sugar from extensions
Prepare the following mixture: one cup of sugar and the same amount of salt taken a half cup of olive oil. In order to speed up the effect can be replaced by olive oil palm. Before showering Apply the scrub to stretch smooth, circular motions. After you wash away the mixture with skin, you should use bold moisturizer.
The treatment is to remove the stretch marks
You can deal with stretch marks folk remedies, but if you do not have any financial difficulties and you can not wait to get rid of stretch marks on his chest, then offer you a list of the most popular medical procedures to remove the stretch marks on the skin:
- Peeling - this is probably the most popular and the most harmless medical tool to combat stretch marks on his chest. What makes the process of peeling your skin? Burning the top layer of the epidermis, stimulating collagen production in the cells and recovery of new, healthy skin cells. There are two types of peeling: chemical (using different acids), and a laser. Both methods are quite painful, and they cost a lot of money. Despite the fact that peels help to remove stretch marks on his chest, they are not impossible to guarantee their reappearance after the restore procedure.
- Abdomenoplastika gives a more stable result, however, is much more dangerous procedure. Its essence lies in the fact that doctors surgically remove a part of the skin with stretch marks. The recovery process is quite complex, perhaps inflammation of damaged tissues and even the appearance of pustules. Despite this, still abdomenoplastika is the most effective way to remove stretch marks - nothing more productive is not yet invented.
- Mesotherapy - is a subcutaneous injection administered in the areas of skin affected by stretch marks. Injections of a mixture composed of collagen, amino acids, enzymes, and various vitamins, are not independently carried out, and in addition to the peeling procedure. But do not forget that the breast - is not a place on a woman's body, which allows for the beauty and lack of stretch marks carry out complex chemical experiments. This is especially significant for nulliparous women who want to bear a child, and nurse the mother's milk.
There is no doubt that the stretch marks on the breasts - a spectacle not particularly pleasant. However, this is not the end of the world - after all, far more important is how you treat to itself, and whether you like her body. Resorting to a rather dangerous surgical methods to get rid of stretch marks, a subcutaneous injection and peeling, remember the basic postulates: do no harm! After all, your physical health is much more important small white and pink stripes on the chest! After all, if we get rid of stretch marks and get a much more serious disease, whether such a result will bring us a lot of joy?
If we get rid of stretch marks for you - a vital necessity, it is better to use proven popular recipes do not contain a serious risk to your health. Perhaps it will take much more time, but you may well enter into the taste of home treatments for themselves and will soon be proud of perfectly flat, smooth, velvety skin flawless.