- Facial Treatments
- Body care
- Hair care
"In a certain kingdom, in some States, there lived a king, and he had three sons. Over the years, the king weak and decrepit. Then he sent his sons for rejuvenating apples ... "The theme of apples helps get rid of disease and old age, it can be traced in many Russian fairy tales. And as you know: "The Tale of a lie, so it hint." Let find the magic apples no one has, a feeling that apple cider vinegar is made from them.
About the medicinal properties of this substance was known in antiquity. For example, wounded soldiers bandage soaked in vinegar to wounds began to fester not. A woman in ancient Egypt used this wonderful tool, as long as possible to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of their skin.
In moderate amounts of apple cider vinegar is very useful to use inside. Even Cleopatra used it in order to maintain her beautiful figure. Also, due to its unique composition, it helps with various skin diseases. It goes great number of necessary man organic acids, vitamins and minerals.
- Beta-carotene
This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. With its help the body manage to neutralize free radical molecules, because of which healthy cells can develop into malignant.
- Boron
It is very useful for the whole organism. Especially for bone tissue.
- Calcium
The drawback of this element may cause the bones become fragile and brittle.
- Enzymes
These molecules are essential for normal digestion.
- Cellulose
Through tissue less digestible fats, and thus gain extra weight will be more difficult. Moreover, fiber reduces cholesterol and reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
- Iron
- Amino acids
They are necessary for proper brain function and affect the emotional state.
- Hydrochloric acid
This substance is necessary for digestion.
As you know, the "new - is well forgotten old." As it turns out, and with apple cider vinegar. Recently, it again began to actively use in cosmetic purposes. The acidity of this product is quite close to the acidity of the skin, so it is suitable for almost everyone. But vinegar is especially useful for those who have a problem or oily skin. The magical properties of this product, coupled with an attractive price, make apple cider vinegar is very popular with the ladies all over the world. Let's look at some very simple and at the same time, effective procedures that it is possible to do at home. But before that - a few tips:
- It should be remembered that, for cosmetic purposes is suitable only natural apple cider vinegar. Before buying a product, read the label - in should include only the vinegar and water. No flavorings and colorings!
- Owners sensitive skin should be treated to all the procedures very carefully. It is best to dilute the product a little stronger than indicated in the recipe. Before you apply apple cider vinegar to the entire face, be sure to check the reaction of the skin to which a small area. At the first sign of burning - rinse thoroughly with cool water.
- Never apply apple cider vinegar to the skin around the eyes.
Facial Treatments
The recipe is very simple. Every morning before applying makeup, dissolve one teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of cool water. Wipe the face of the resulting compositions. The acids contained in vinegar, smooth out wrinkles, strengthen blood circulation and destroy bacteria. We perform this procedure every day for a week. Then take a ten-day break. After this course can be repeated.
For this recipe you will need fresh carrot and apple cider vinegar. Wash the carrots and cook fresh juice. It should have about a half cup. Mix the juice with one tablespoon of vinegar. Pour into a clean bowl and place in refrigerator. Use the resulting tonic twice a day - morning and evening. Simply apply it to a cotton swab and wipe the face. Very soon you will notice that the fine lines become smoothed and the skin condition has improved significantly - she started as though lit from within.
This simple mask will help you get rid of facial wrinkles. For its preparation you need to buy propolis, apple cider vinegar, honey, eggs. Take five grams of propolis. Add three tablespoons of vinegar and a large mix thoroughly. Let sit for three days. Pour a spoonful of the resulting infusion into the prepared dish. Take one egg and separate the yolk from the protein. Add the yolks to the solution. Put to the same small spoonful of honey. Stir and gently apply to the face, except the eye area. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then apply the cream.
Take three big spoons of natural - no additives - yogurt and mix it with a small spoon of apple cider vinegar. Add a large spoonful of flour. Mix well and apply on face. Keep the mask is recommended to twenty minutes. Rinse with warm running water. Pat the skin with a paper towel and apply the cream.
This mask can help pull together the pores and reduce sebum secretion of oily skin. Before cooking it, make sure that you have a cucumber, eggs, olive oil and, of course, apple cider vinegar. Take a blender and put the egg white, half a cucumber, two large spoons of olive oil and one - apple cider vinegar. Mix and gently apply to the face, without touching the eye area. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool running water.
- The mask for dry and normal skin
In order to vinegar to help retain moisture the skin, the mask introduced ingredients provide active moisture. Mix in a prepared dish one large spoonful of apple cider vinegar, one big spoon of fat sour cream, one egg yolk and a small spoonful of honey. Apply on face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Dilute apple vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Take three strawberries and mash them. Pour the prepared solution and allow to stand for an hour. Prepare gauze. Soak it received infusion and put on the neck and face. Leave for one hour. Owners of oily, not sensitive skin can leave the mask on all night.
Body care
Enter the bath. Make sure that the temperature is not too high - no more than 37 - 40 degrees. Pour water in a glass of apple cider vinegar. Stir. Take a bath should not exceed 20 minutes. This procedure is beneficial for the skin - great tones and gives it a smooth and silky.
Such procedures are very useful for the skin and body well to help women cope with such problems as cellulite and stretch marks. However, it should not be abused - to carry out grinding should be no more than twice a week. Everything is done very simply. Take undiluted apple cider vinegar and apply it to a cotton swab. Carefully rub all the problem areas.
- Anti-cellulite body wraps
Dilute apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1. If desired, add the peppermint oil, lemon and rosemary. Apply the mixture on the problem areas and wrap with plastic wrap. Wear warm clothes and climb into bed. Soak for 30 - 60 minutes. Rinse all the warm water and apply moisturizer.
Prepare a mixture of massage. To do this, take any massage oil and mix it with apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1: 3. If massage oil at hand was not - you can use olive oil. Apply the product to the body and an active massage for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this procedure twice a day - in the morning and evening.
Hair care
Very useful and cider vinegar for hair and scalp. The use of this wonder drug will make your hair shiny and obedient, will help to remove plaque from the styling products to get rid of dandruff and helps strengthen hair.
This tool is perfect for any type of hair. Prepare it will not be difficult. Just mix 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar with three glasses of warm water. Wash your hair as usual with shampoo, and then rinse cooked conditioned. Rinse it is not necessary.
Break the eggs and separate the yolks. Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and castor oil. Mix thoroughly. Gently rub the mixture into your scalp. Put on plastic cap and shook his head with a towel. Keep the mask is recommended one hour. Wash off with shampoo. Repeat two times a week, for two months.
Dandruff - a very unpleasant thing. It is able to spoil the impression of any, even the most luxurious hair. Moreover, the emergence of this "villain" has nothing to do with the type of your hair. Escape from the "scourge" help all the same apple cider vinegar. Slightly warm the undiluted apple cider vinegar and apply it on the scalp. Top - a plastic bag. Tie head warm towel. Keep this mask should be one hour. But if you feel a strong burning sensation - rinse, no waiting. Carefully wash the head with shampoo.
As you can see, recipes with apple cider vinegar, there are many. He, when used correctly, it is very good for your skin and helps us women, preserve and maintain the beauty and youthfulness. So while the scientists are looking for rejuvenating apples, and breeders are trying to bring this wonderful sort of artificial means, we may well take advantage of what has already been tested by time. Try?