loose skin on the abdomen


  • The causes of sagging skin on the abdomen
  • How to remove flabby stomach

All we are trying to postpone the extra penny for a rainy day. Someone saving money in the bank, someone keeps under his pillow, someone buys gold. Why are there people! Even our body loves fat reserves to reserve for unforeseen situations. And what about hunger? Or salary detained for an indefinite period? It was then that extra weight, gathered folds on the sides, and useful. But because the body thinks prudent.

And what about the woman? He continues to obediently to eat in the evening, accumulating an emergency supply? Or all the forces trying to get rid of it? We can not be responsible for all the beautiful half of humanity, but the majority of the female population accustomed to dieting, with obvious indifference passes shelves with chocolate in supermarkets and, seeing that the arrow on the scale indicates prohibitively much furiously pedaling the bike.

And most women struggle with excess weight ends desired weight loss. Again they fit into your favorite jeans, does not flinch from the testimony of its own weight and become accustomed to the porridge for breakfast. But every achievement has its own side effects. So have weight loss - it is loose skin on the abdomen. Against her usual diet does not help. And the cream against stretch marks avail absorbed into the skin, causing a woman to despair. Still would! Loved small folds instead of an elastic body? That's right, nobody.

But the tears do not have magical powers. So stop pulling your hair in despair, better let's learn how to get rid of flabby stomach. Believe me, it's not much more difficult than in the past month to lose five kilograms of excess weight. You managed to get rid of the seven? Then make skin elastic for you will not be difficult. Let's get started.

The causes of sagging skin on the abdomen

In order to treat a consequence, you must first understand the reason for what is happening. Laxity in the stomach (and not only) most often occurs after pregnancy and childbirth by women. The skin loses its elasticity, stretched and can not take its original shape after weight loss. As a result, on the abdomen of women formed the so-called "apron", and the skin itself is covered with small wrinkles impartial. Sound familiar? Then you probably know how unpleasant to look at yourself in the mirror and realize that short tops - a luxury, and separate swimsuit will only accentuate a disadvantage?

Get rid of excess sagging skin will help to care for the body. If you lose weight, do so gradually, so that the skin had time for weight loss. At the same time, keep in mind that the older a person is, the elasticity of the skin below, and even more so to be balanced diet. When pregnancy is not only to monitor their diet, and regularly lubricate the skin of the abdomen, legs and thighs with a special oil against stretch marks.

That it improves skin elasticity, which means that postpartum flabby stomach does not threaten you. Only the slender body and boundless maternal happiness. But even if your skin is not as perfect as you would like, do not worry. All can be corrected. Including rid of flabby stomach.

 loose skin on the abdomen

How to remove flabby stomach


Swimming - one of the most simple, effective and enjoyable way to restore skin elasticity. So stop mourn the lost beauty and run in the pool. Water, by the way, calming shattered nerves, which are sometimes so concerned with young mothers. Still would! Just yesterday it was possible to smoothly sleep until lunch hours shopping and if you want to stay in silence. Now, all the free time and private space occupied small-brained man.

Of course, you love him madly, and can not imagine life without the existence of his krovinochku. But to accept the changes in life can not at once. Hence, depression and tearfulness. And then there's the body presents unpleasant surprises in the form of stretch marks, sagging skin and excess weight. How can you not be upset! It is certainly understandable. But if you sit there and cry, the situation does not change. Restore the beauty of your body can only if you put some effort into it. Do you remember what you need to do? Flee from the pool and let your stomach again becomes smooth and elastic.

Hula Hup

If you are not able to go to the pool and the usual bathroom has no place to go for a swim, use the old proven tool - hula-hoop. Only the hoop should be simplified, and the so-called "beads". Yes, it is with those who last time ruthlessly left bruises on your waist. What do you want? Beauty requires sacrifice. In this case, the victim will be small, and they will have to endure for long. So, after putting the baby to sleep, do not fall asleep there, and begin to twist hula-hoop. Regularly and for half an hour at a time.

Masks for stomach

Tired of twisting the hoop? Want to calm the skin on the belly of the endless massage hula hoop? Nothing could be easier. Make a special mask for the stomach. Moreover, it will also help in the fight against sagging skin. The basis take white and blue clay, which includes properties in a unique regenerating effect, or more simply - the ability to return your skin elasticity. By the way, you can at the same time impose a mask on his face. Repeat once a week, and after a few months will be able to get rid of sagging in the abdominal area, and together with it and a bad mood. Just do not forget about the hula hoop. A clay mask with impaired skin can not cope.

Essential oils

After the mask with clay honestly struggling with sagging skin, it should be thoroughly washed. Make it better in a bath with essential oils. All who are now prepared to read that essential oils help to get rid of sagging skin, right. Assist. And it is very efficient. Therefore, if you see on store shelves orange, juniper essential oil or jojoba take without thinking. A couple of drops in a hot bath will help your stomach again become elastic.

By the way, if you replace a class with a hula-hoop traditional massage, the above-mentioned oils may be an excellent platform. Apply them before the massage, and the skin will always be on our toes. Of course, this requires that the essential oils are natural and massages - regular.

morning running

Before elastic skin in the abdomen can literally reach. Remember how you are addicted to childbirth jogging and your belly was flat and smooth. Of course, pregnancy is made in the skin its own adjustments, but believe that the issues of how to remove the flabby stomach, are concerned not only young mothers, but never a woman giving birth. And to keep the muscles in good shape before you help it run. So remember all of their good habits, get a mezzanine running shoes and crank Service in the early morning. It's time to come back in good shape.

 flabby stomach


If jogging does not bring the proper result, join a gym. Perhaps, your muscles need more substantial load, which will ensure regular fitness classes. If hiking in the gym for you a luxury, start domestic physical education classes. Do morning exercises, download the press, go up the stairs on foot.

Of course, if you live on the sixteenth floor, and in the hands of your stroller with the child, the last advice you need to listen carefully. But do not forget that the ladder - a great trainer. In a word - move, and your stomach will be in the form. And not only him. After long sessions legs become slimmer waist - thin, and the status of "young mother" will emphasize only the thin voice of your child.

Go to the bath

We are serious. And in this context, the wish is only positive, so do not rush to close the page and to be offended. The fact that the weekly trips to the bath helps women back into shape. Bring a sturdy birch broom, a thermos with herbal infusion and a good companion. Then hike to the bath will bring not only the elasticity of the skin, but also with what incomparable pleasure.

By the way, try to choose such steam, which has a swimming pool with cool water. In order to understand its purpose, it is necessary at least once steamed dive into the cold water surface. Pleasure is simply stunning! Try it for yourself and soon begin to send their girlfriends in the bath. But not in the heart, and with all my heart and just for health.

Stop eating

Yes, we are again about diets. And all because many postpartum women do not cease to have a lot. They habitually eat for two, overlooking the fact that the child is eating alone, and all the calories that enter the female body, dutifully deposited at the waist. Look at yourself in the mirror. What you see - your wrinkles on the sides, loose skin, and a double chin - this is not the result of recent births, but the consequence of your habit, and there is a lot at night. Therefore, the figure on the scales - it is entirely your fault. Nature here is not to blame.

Lock your fridge and stop load for future use. Sweet cheese guarantee you wait until the morning, and fried potatoes and did give my husband. Of course, your family loves you for who you are. But the extra weight in the list of favorites not included, believe me. And the man is easier to love a woman, not only for its rich inner world, but also for the beautiful figure. Especially because many people simply can not consider the merits of your thick layer of fat.

Radical solution: the surgeon's knife

We decided to write about this method of getting rid of sagging skin only to dissuade everyone to go under the knife. We are talking about plastic surgery. Of course this is a great temptation - get rid of the shortage at a time. But it seems at first glance. We will not write about all of the risks inherent in the plastic surgery. Let your doctor - a true professional, and he did everything perfectly. But remember, as you had to run around the laboratory to pass all necessary tests. Do not it be easier to spend those hours at the gym or a swimming pool?

And most importantly - it is the postoperative period. The constant nagging pain, which does not let you, day or night. And plus - scar. The obvious question is it you want? You could easily get rid of sagging skin less dramatic ways. Therefore, instead of trekking to the plastic surgeon to go to the bath in the swimming pool or fitness. Believe me, you is not so bad, and all of your weaknesses can be removed without the aid of a scalpel.

Well? We hope that you are committed and have already entered into a struggle with the loose skin of the abdomen? Just keep in mind that a run should not be a once a week, and hula-hoop, put in the corner, will bring exactly the same benefits as in the store and the hoop. We need regular exercise, massages, diets. And only then will you be able to smile again at his reflection in the mirror. Although you can do this now. After all, the habit of loving yourself, too, need to train. Start with a smile. And you will smile in response, not only your reflection, but the whole world.

 Loose skin on the abdomen: how to get rid

We strongly recommend to read: How to lose weight after giving birth and to remove belly fat
