cleansing of blackheads


  • Is it possible to avoid the appearance of blackheads
  • Facial cleansing at home
  • Facial cleansing - manual and hardware

Every woman from time to time there are unpleasant black dots on the face. Get rid of them all does not help or expensive lotions, ointments or magic that every day advertised on TV. A person looks unattractive, dirty, and self-awareness is not pleasant. How to deal with this phenomenon? The answer is obvious - a constant component of proper care is cleansing of blackheads.

We will tell you which treatment is most appropriate person in each situation. The method of the procedure depends on skin type, lifestyle, and finally from economic opportunities. Someone can afford regular visits to expensive beauty specialists who use the most advanced techniques of facial skin care and expensive cosmetics. But, believe me, there are quite affordable way to bring a person in order, spending is more than modest money. And this, too, you will learn from this article.

Why do I get these notorious black spots? The reasons are many. This polluted air, and poor-quality brackish water, and poor diet. Change the environment in the near future is hardly possible, and leave the gassy and dusty metropolis is also not possible. What to do? We will seek opportunities for quality of cleansing the skin.

Women who do not make this particular problem, it will fit cleaners, which can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies. Now there is a large variety of different gels, adhesives, foams for washing. I must say that they are quite effective, and if you use them regularly, the result will not take long.

There is a category of so-called perfektsionistok that recognize only perfect result. They can not do without regular visits to the beauty salon.

 Cleaning the face of blackheads

Is it possible to avoid the appearance of blackheads

Every person on the face have sebaceous glands that produce oil, due to which the skin gets some protection. Sometimes they are clogged due to excess sebum, dead skin cells, dust particles. That is exactly what appear black spots or blackheads (as they are called scientifically). Of course, these terms do not look as bad as acne, however, the person also do not decorate.

Where did they come from and how can I prevent them?

  • Undoubtedly, it was the wrong skin care is the most common cause of blackheads. As much as we do not get tired during the day, but cleaning the skin from makeup before going to bed just have to! Note, even if you spent the whole day at home and there were no make-up, dust particles still made their way into our defenseless pores, and therefore daily facial cleansing is needed.
  • Hormonal failure in the body can also cause the appearance of black spots. It is known that hormones are responsible for the metabolism, and in its abuse skin condition generally worsens. Stress, diet, different diseases - all of which can cause the appearance of comedones.
  • Malnutrition also contributes to the appearance of skin problems. Too many fatty and sugary foods for the benefit of no one coming. Aggravate the problems and bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes, too much coffee. Settle your diet, make the necessary adjustments, give up addictions, and you will see the result on the face.
  • Incorrectly picked up cosmetics also causes considerable damage to our skin. A particularly strong influence on the appearance of black dots on a fat-based creams. If a cream is applied just before bedtime, the skin is simply not able to absorb it, the pores become clogged, broken skin respiration at the cellular level and, as a consequence, eventually appear comedones. If you have very dry skin and you need it in a rich cream, then apply them for a couple of hours before bedtime, and remove the remains of a napkin.

Tips outlined above can be an excellent guide for the prevention of the appearance of black dots. As you can see, nothing complicated, the basic things: a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, good cosmetics and correct its use - these are the whales, which keeps clean, healthy skin.

Facial cleansing at home

If you can not afford trips to beauty salons, cleaning can be done at home. To start cleanse the face with the means that you usually use. The next stage - a steam bath. In the water you can add a decoction of chamomile, which has anti-inflammatory action.

Steaming the face is not necessary to hold for too long, and people who have vessels too close to the upper layer of the epidermis, generally avoid such procedures. Currently, there are cosmetics that contribute to opening of pores.

If you are not afraid to do manual cleaning yourself, then thoroughly disinfected hands and face, can start the process (do not forget the sterile cloth). After the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the face again with a disinfectant solution.

If you have enlarged pores from time to time make special masks, which have the ability to smooth them, making less noticeable. It is also useful to do toning massage with ice cubes - such manipulation improves the tone of the skin. In order to effect the ice was more effective, better than plain water does not freeze, and the infusion of herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula.

An excellent choice of home skin care - application of special masks. You can buy them in stores and pharmacies, and can be made with their own hands. The advantage of such care - no risk of infection and scarring after extrusion.

  1. Using a gel or foam for washing create some foam. Add to it one teaspoon of fine salt and soda. Apply this mixture on your face and leave for 5 minutes. After some time, the skin starts to tingle and pinch - do not worry, because soda acts on the fat in your pores. After you wash away the mask with warm water, do not forget to lubricate the skin cream, narrows pores.
  2. For the lazy, we offer a simple, but very effective mask - kefir. To enhance the effect, you can add a little yogurt soda - clear skin guaranteed.
  3. And for dessert - just an incredible tool for getting rid of blackheads! In order to get rid of them offer their own hands to make a mask-film. To do this you will need one tablespoon of milk and gelatin. Mix the ingredients and place in microwave for 10 seconds and should have a jelly. Once the mass has cooled, apply it with a cotton swab on the problem areas. Wait for the complete drying of the mask, and then remove it from the face. The effect of the mask stunning - after the first use you will see results!

 home cleansing of blackheads

Facial cleansing - manual and hardware

What to do if you get rid of blackheads at home could not or you do not like the result? In this situation, it makes sense to seek help from professionals. The lounge offers a range of treatments in the first place - the cleaning of the face. Cleaning can be performed manually, it is possible - by means of the apparatus.

Manual cleaning abroad, for example, generally do not, and we have, it is still popular, and even expensive salons, stuffed with the most modern equipment, continue to practice this is quite an unpleasant and painful procedure. The process is as follows: face thoroughly steamed and fingers wrapped sterile wipes, squeeze everything acne and black points.

The face looks like after the procedure is not the best, but after applying soothing masks swelling and redness disappear quickly. Skin looks perfectly clean, it breathes, and it is certainly a nice effect. However, there is in this form of purification and negative. The most unpleasant - is infected. This is quite possible, if not the cosmetician is a true professional, and in the cabin to the sanitary regulations are somehow. In short, if you are a supporter of such procedures, the careful approach to the selection of accessories and a specialist who will work with you.

Hardware cleaning is not so traumatic. Currently, the salons offer the so-called vacuum massage: using a special tube under a certain pressure from the pores of the subcutaneous fat is sucked out. Of course, this procedure is not as painful as manual cleaning.

However, this method has its drawbacks. Sometimes comedones sit too deep in the skin, and the unit is unable to remove them. In such cases, release the two: either to leave things as they are, or to resort to manual intervention. Experienced cosmetologists often combine two types of cleaning - manual and mechanical.

The cabin can also offer cleaning with ultrasound. It is very effective and even enjoyable way to cleanse your face. The face looks like after it fresh and radiant, especially if the end of the procedure is applied to a good mask corresponding to your skin type.

There are no problems that can not be managed. Learning about how to deal with black dots, you are one step closer to the ideal. And even to get rid of comedones forever impossible, observing the rules of prevention and using a variety of means to deal with a problem, you permanently forget about unpleasant spots on the face.

 How to be beautiful: face cleansing of blackheads

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