- Cabin methods
- Shaving and plucking
- Wax and sugar waxing
- Cream for hair removal
Once, long ago, hair protects a person from the wind and cold. As time went. The man picked up a stone, and then made the first ax, and a little later - the first needle and learned to sew clothes, which was to protect it from the vagaries of the weather. Therefore, the vegetation on his body gradually began to thin out. Well, at least, so it stated in textbooks. Whatever it was, today too "hairy" not in vogue. Especially when it comes to women. Maybe, of course, someone also thinks that a mustache on the female face - it's juicy, but most are unlikely to appreciate a decoration.
As a rule, women are confronted with this problem seriously thinking about how to solve it. Today, it's much easier to do than 10-15 years ago. Modern cosmetology offers so many ways to remove hair from the upper lip - Laser hair removal, electrolysis, laser hair removal antennae - choose any. But those who do not want to waste time and money on trips to the beautician can do it yourself at home. However, let's order.
First you need to understand why all this is happening. There are several main reasons why facial hair in women occur:
- Heredity;
- The overabundance of male hormones in the body;
- Recent myocardial stress, shock;
- Long-term use of hormonal preparations;
- Increasing the amount of hair on the face and during pregnancy;
- Menopause.
And natural brunettes and women of the Eastern type falls much harder than blondes - the hair on their face more visible. In any case, before making depilation antennae, be sure to consult with your doctor. Perhaps the problem is not just cosmetic, and it's much more serious than you think. If health is all right - select "your" method.
Cabin methods
Get rid of unnecessary vegetation can be in the cabin. There are several ways. One of the most advanced laser hair removal is considered. It is - virtually painless. Tune in to that account will have to visit a beautician at least 6-7 times. In general, this method is very good. However, there is a drawback - the procedure is suitable, rather brunettes. When exposed to light hair, the laser gives a much smaller effect. And yet - ray burns, not only hair, but also the pigment. So if you have dark skin, then there is a danger that it will not only boring, but also bright spots.
Get rid of the annoying and antennae can be using electrolysis. It - one of the most effective methods to date. However, you must still find an experienced beautician. Otherwise, after electrolysis scars may remain, and burns. The procedure is based on the action of the weak discharge electric current, which gradually destroys the hair follicle. Process - a long, laborious and painful enough. Pleasure is - is not cheap. In addition, one session is insufficient. Aim for five to six treatments. Another method - photoepilation. This method is considered the least traumatic. Suitable for all hair colors. Photoepilation upper lip will also have to be repeated several times. Gradually, the hair follicles will be destroyed and you will get rid of this "nature's mistakes."
Recently it began to gain popularity is another quite original way to remove hair on the upper lip. However, he only exotic to Europeans - a resident of the eastern countries successfully used it for several centuries. The hair is removed using a special video from cotton thread. During the procedure, the antennae are wound on a roller and just pulled. It should be a procedure in salons inexpensive, and does not take much time. Typically, mild irritation that occurs immediately after a session is held for 10-15 minutes. Well, if all this - not for you, then try to deal with the problem at home. Option too few.
Shaving and plucking
Perhaps the easiest way to remove the mustache in the home - a shave. In the end - it is men doing the same! Advantages of this method - simplicity and accessibility. The huge minus - is that hair grows already after one or two days, and become even longer and thicker. Besides, after shaving, on the delicate skin of the face is almost inevitable irritation occurs. So, I think that this method is best left to the stronger sex - even if it will still be their prerogative.
No less famous, but more "feminine" way to combat excess vegetation on the upper lip, which can easily be used in the home, is considered plucking. It can also be easily used at home. The problem is the same - after plucking hairs accelerate its growth, becoming thicker and longer. Perhaps the best way to remove the mustache is for those women who are on the face of a small amount of "extra" hairs and are located too close to each other. The advantages of the method is the fact that the procedure will be carried out less frequently - about two to three times a week. And the irritation on her face after these manipulations do not usually arise.
Wax and sugar waxing
Another popular way to deal with hair on the upper lip - waxing. It is much better than the first two, because the hair is removed by the root, which significantly slows its subsequent growth. Besides, after the hairs become thinner and lighter. Conduct may be waxing in the salon and at home. If you use wax for the first time, you should consult with the sellers of cosmetic shops and buy special plates or tablets, as well as paper for hair removal and spatula.
Before you start waxing, clean the skin. Do not apply any creams or oils. Melt the wax in the microwave or in a water bath. He has to lie down on the paper evenly. Ready composition, apply a small patch of skin, cover paper, let it harden and remove, pulling sharply against the hair growth. After completion of the procedures necessary to put the person or nourishing moisturizer. Wipe clean skin lotion is not recommended. If on the face are small wounds and injuries, waxing should be postponed. Also, do not use this method if you have any moles or warts. As a result of waxing the hair does not grow back in about a month.
Sugar hair removal - this is probably one of the cheapest way to get rid of unwanted hair on the upper lip at home. Its value is equal to the cost of the sugar and lemon. Cook the pasta. To do this, take a small saucepan with a thick bottom and put it in her ten large spoons of sugar. Add a large spoonful of water and the juice of half a lemon. Melt the fire, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous slurry. Allow to cool a little sugar mass, so as not to burn the skin. Sticks or special spatula, apply the resulting mass in the problem areas of the face. When the sugar paste completely dry, remove it by hand. After epilation should wash your face with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
Both methods are very similar and have common drawbacks:
- Conduct waxing or sugar only after the hair is achieved at least 5 millimeters in length. So, any time you have to be like with a mustache.
- However, you are removing vegetation and skin cells, and this can cause quite severe irritation.
- And she and the other procedure is quite painful.
Cream for hair removal
Another method of dealing with hairs on the upper lip - a depilatory cream. It is easy to pick up any store cosmetics. The cream makes the hair removal procedure is absolutely painless. It is applied to problem areas for a few minutes. However, depilatory cream, a variety of reasons, is considered one of the most inefficient products. Firstly, the vegetation on the upper lip may become thicker and stiffer. Therefore, if nature endowed you thick and prominent antennae, then aggravate the situation by using the cream, do not. Secondly, cream often cause allergies and irritation. It is not recommended for those who have sensitive skin.
Thirdly, the result of such a procedure is very brief and hair growth is not reduced. However, today there are many special means for retarding hair growth. Under the influence of such drugs hair begins to thin and lighten, and then completely stop growing. As you can see, getting rid of excess vegetation is quite possible - it would wish. It only remains to choose the appropriate method and apply it in practice. After all, if a woman is something interferes be beautiful - it is sure to find out how to solve this problem. And let his mustache proudly worn by men.