Cocoa butter is known to everyone as one of the ingredients so loved us chocolate bars, because it is the cocoa beans give the most bitter taste. But this is not its only advantage, this oil is widely used in cosmetics, but also used for home skin care.
The process for obtaining cocoa butter is much harder and longer than in the case with other oils. Seeds collected from the fruits are fermented cocoa tree or in other words - fermentation, so that they become dense brown color and the same chocolate flavor. Thereafter, all the seeds are cleaned, crushed and subjected to heat treatment, resulting in a cocoa nibs, which again ground to cocoa liquor. Well, the last means of pressing the oil is extracted.
In cosmetology used cocoa butter, which has passed a high quality cleaning and does not contain harmful chemical contaminants. This oil remains solid even at 25-27 ° C and is easily broken into pieces. It begins to melt at a temperature of 32-35 ° C, which is very convenient, because our skin temperature is around 36 ° C, and therefore, in contact with the oil once it starts to melt.
In his part of the cocoa butter contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, lauric, linoleic, stearic, palmitic and arachidic), which play a crucial role during the life of the skin: they moisturize, nourish and slow the aging of cells.

Effects of cocoa butter on the skin
Cocoa butter has a really valuable properties which are necessary dry skin and skin prone to peeling and premature aging. It is perfectly rejuvenates and hydrates and nourishes the cells, filling them with energy and restoring skin radiance, firmness and elasticity.
For normal skin cocoa butter is also useful. It will help soften and keep your skin in good shape, which is sure to become even more soft and smooth. Furthermore, this oil has a smoothing property that simply need to get rid of wrinkles.
Especially important application of cocoa butter in the winter, because the cold and the wind dried and injure the delicate skin of the face and lips. Due to the properties of the oil recovery process of damaged cells is accelerated.
In the summer of this oil will be the perfect companion for those who like a good suntan, but also help in the healing of small scars or signs of acne.
Another great feature that has cocoa butter - protection against toxins and other harmful substances penetrating into the skin cells. This is especially critical for people living in major cities.
It is worth noting that this oil is perfect for sensitive skin and skin around the eyes, because it penetrates deep into the skin, absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue and shine. The use of this oil gives a chic result, and most importantly does not cause inconvenience and hassle.
The use of cocoa butter at home
Optionally, apply to beauty salons to get a quality facial. Today the market offers a variety of cosmetic products for the skin, based on cocoa butter. However, you can use it in a separate cosmetic preparation in the home.
Cocoa butter is perfect instead of the usual nourishing cream for dry and weakened skin, as well as when the signs of aging and wrinkles. Suffice it to a small piece of butter applied to cleansed face. For the convenience of the application of the oil is to hold in their hands, so that it melted, or to apply a thick layer as a mask, not melting. The most convenient way to carry out this procedure before going to sleep at night because it is better absorbed by the skin nutrients. If you are the owner of a very dry and sensitive skin, the oil is quite suitable as an alternative to a day cream. Just do not forget a little wet face cloth before applying makeup.
For the skin around the eyes can also be used pure cocoa butter, it will not lead to swelling and redness. If you think that after the application is feeling greasy film on the eyelids, can use oil as a mixture with other oils (rose, almond, peach or sesame) at a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. It is also an excellent tool for strengthening the eyelashes and eyebrows, and treatment of cracks on the lips.

Hair Care with the help of oil
As you can see, the cocoa butter in cosmetics plays a very important role, but it is not the only area of its application. This is not only an excellent face cream, but also a good remedy for recovery and growth of hair, because it contains a lot of minerals and fats, which are able to quickly restore their hair strength and shine, as well as to give additional volume and elasticity.
Cocoa butter hair can be used as the massage of the scalp, and as masks. It can be combined with other oils, yogurt, egg yolk, etc. Options for preparing such a great variety of masks, and each in its own good. Apply the mixture on the roots of light rubbing movements, and then evenly distributed over the entire length to the tips of hair and hides polyethylene or a special hat for one hour. For best results, the head can be wrapped in several layers of cloth, so that the oil is better absorbed by the heat. Washed off the mask with warm (not hot!) Water. Suffice it to carry out such a procedure 2-3 times a week to notice a significant improvement in the quality of the hair.
All in your hands, it remains only to remember that in any case the main regularity and consistency, only the results will please you!