The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of sorts - it's a pain. Whether so it is obligatory? When women describe their feelings during childbirth, they use the word "magic", "beautiful", "delicious", "scary", "stunning", "sick" and so on. D. The families are associated with a variety of experiences, especially in nulliparous, but no woman is obliged to suffer, giving a new life. The contractions (squeezing the abdominal and pelvic regions) and the feeling of stiffness of the perineum are only a small part of such feelings.
Here you will learn about the causes of pain and learn how to cope with the pain, if it appears. You agree that labor is not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, unreal. But the plan for generations under anesthesia because of fear of pain, then deprive yourself of the most beautiful, incomparable minutes.
Also mistakenly believe that discomfort during childbirth can be handled under controlled delivery. So-called controlled deliveries suggest that you can cope with the pain and manage the development of the birth. Many self-confident women, who are used to calculate in advance all the events of his life, could not believe it and, unfortunately, fail. Woman in labor should, first of all, to understand how to transfer control of your body, and even nature itself will tell you how to give birth. By understanding the processes occurring during delivery, you can better prepare for them, will be able to easily give freedom to his body, making labor more comfortable and effective.
The most effective - is to learn to relax your body that helps you better interpret the signals your body. Of course, even the most intensive preparations will not be able to completely eliminate the pain, but the more relaxed, the less pain.
What is pain?
Pain - is a particular alarm, warning us that the body is some kind of non-physiological process that requires certain measures. This is true for labor. During labor, the pain signals to the woman that you need to relax. When a woman is relaxed, feeling accompanying contractions indicate that birth are normal. If a woman in a state of relaxation in pain, it means that you want to change something. For example, back pain will cause a woman to change the position that not only reduces the discomfort, but also help the child to take a more comfortable position for the passage through the birth canal.
Women are always waiting for the pain during labor, including its mandatory, and often do not understand what it indicates. If the pain does not pay attention, you will lose the ability to make the necessary changes. The misconception that a woman necessarily experiencing pain during childbirth leads to two extremes: an immediate anesthesia or clenching of teeth. The latter occurs in case the benefit of the child the woman decided not to use drugs, but does not know what to do to naturally get rid of the pain.
Pain during labor, which can not be managed, not natural, but less pain, the more confusing.
Pain stimulates the production of hormones that inhibit labor. You do not have to suffer pain during childbirth. If the pain is properly understood and adequately react to it, it becomes an invaluable assistant in childbirth. Listen to her signals.
What are the causes of pain? Here are some of them:
- The reduced supply of oxygen to the muscles of the uterus (the pain is stronger, if the interval between contractions is brief and does not make up for the supply of oxygen in the muscles of the uterus).
- The stretching of the cervix (anti-aliasing and disclosure).
- Child pressure on nerve endings in and around the cervix and the vagina.
- Stretching the ligaments supporting the uterus, and the joints of the pelvis during labor and the omission of a child.
- Pressure on the bladder, ureter and rectum.
- Stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor.
- The fear and anxiety that cause excessive release of stress hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and others.) Spanning generations.
Perception of generic pain in women is very different. The pain may be aggravated by many factors: the duration of the prenatal period, fatigue, fear and anxiety, loneliness, lack of mobility or a full bladder. At the same time the perception of pain during labor can be reduced by the presence of people that support, vertical position, immersion and other measures.
Labor pain are influenced by your past experiences, cultural traditions, your ideas about childbirth. Knowing the cause of the pain is easier to deal with it.
Women who believe in the ability to give birth without pain medication, childbirth perceived as an opportunity to improve. They believe that the effort involved in childbirth, helps you quickly realize the role of the mother. An incredible feeling that a woman experiences during childbirth, are the peak of her sexuality, they can not miss. If labor goes unnoticed, a woman may underestimate their importance, do not feel fully the enormous changes that awaited her.
Psychology of Pain
Most likely, your emotional attitude toward pain will be a decisive factor in your ability to cope with her during childbirth.
The majority of women during childbirth comes a time when the technique of distraction and relaxation, even, it would seem, does not help. It then enters into force moral preparation. If the value of a woman is not only the time of the appearance of her child into the world, but also the associated emotions, a sense of struggle and victory, it will be able to find the strength (with a little help) to cope with the pain. If a woman does not consider important the birth process, then it is not necessary to deal with the pain. But that does not mean a woman is better prepared to leave than the other. They simply have different approaches. Both will be able to look back with satisfaction on her birth experience, because they themselves have made their choice, and got what we wanted.
If a woman gives birth, in accordance with their wishes, she is better able to cope with their maternal duties. The surgery is not the best start for both mother and child, as it is associated with fear and great pain. Your choice must provide you the best possible start.
Fear, tension, pain - a vicious circle
Young mothers, heard plenty of horror stories and watching the distorted grimace of suffering maternal face in the movies, of course are afraid, they are afraid of what they do not understand.
Experts watching giving birth, see how softens and opens the womb between contractions, but as soon as a woman in labor felt fear, neck tensed and closed. It creates a virtuous circle: the fear, stress and pain, childbirth become unbearable. Tearing one of the links in this chain, a woman can cope with pain during childbirth. The pain becomes less, if a woman knows how to work her body, knows how to relax, to begin to work with it, not against it, if it can overcome your fear.
English obstetrician, Dr. Grantley Dick-Read has proved that women do not have to suffer quite during childbirth, or be under the influence of painkillers.
Neuro-hormonal activity connects all your organs, including the uterus. Fear paralyzes this activity, the uterus worse supplied with blood and oxygen, and consequently, the cervix is not disclosed.
If you try to make an effort at the time when the cervix is not ready, then there is unbearable pain. The woman begins to feel fear before the next bout, tightens even more, the cervix is also stiffens and the pain intensified. In the end, the woman no longer cope with his body. Fear does not give the woman to give birth normally. Instead of trying to artificially weaken the womb and taking the medication, it is better to try to cope with stress and fear. Then there will be a relaxation of muscle tissue and the cervix is fully open under the influence of the sympathetic nervous system.
Fear violates the hormonal balance during childbirth. Genera tightened so as hormones, stopping labor, produced in a larger amount than the hormones that accelerate labor.
To better understand the physiology of fear, look at what happens during normal labor
. Disadvantaged due to fear of nerve endings inhibit the work of the lower part of the uterus muscles
. Typically, the upper and lower muscles of the uterus are working harmoniously, pushing the baby out
. Fear causes underlying muscles tense, rather than relax
. At this time, the upper muscles (less exposed to fear) will automatically tighten, and the child is pushed by overcoming the strong resistance of the uterus
. Remember that pain often signals that something is wrong and want to make changes
. Pain may also occur if the muscles do not work as usual
. Mothers feel this pain disorders than it is in reality, their fear grows and the cycle of fear, pain and stress is becoming more closely
. Coping with fear, not to develop normal fear in the pathological information can only
. Find out the cause of your fear, talk with experienced women
. Other experiences will help you visualize how your labor will occur
. Of course, no one can accurately predict the flow pattern is your birth, but the more you know about the birth, the less you fear
. Identify your fears and try to get rid of them, do not dwell on them
Try to surround yourself during pregnancy and childbirth by people who will not charge you fear. Believe in your strength and capabilities of your body. A woman has the knowledge, less afraid and it has more chances to successfully give birth.
It is not necessary to draw a rosy picture and birth, you will probably experience a whole range of new and exciting experiences and the pain can be one of them. But if you know about the causes of pain, it will treat it as a signal. Perhaps the most difficult births become a matter of your life, a new experience can overwhelm you with its power. Be sure that you will cope with them, will be able to curb them. Use your imagination, get something that will best help you when labor begins.
The natural painkillers - endorphins
Circulating in your body natural hormones, biological assistants, help relieve pain and relax in times of stress.
In the cerebral cortex produced compounds - endorphins, morphine-like substances that can suppress pain. They are produced by nerve cells and act on receptors, suppressing pain at the cellular level.
Carefully read the data on the effects of endorphins and try to create an environment in which your assistants can work with maximum efficiency.
- Endorphin concentration increased during labor (especially during the second stage of labor). It is particularly high immediately after birth, then gradually within two weeks after birth, bounces.
- During vaginal delivery the concentration of endorphin higher than for caesarean section. Least of all the endorphins produced in the case where a caesarean section do before they went into labor.
- Endorphin levels higher in those infants who were born with signs of oxygen starvation. The child also receives endorphins during childbirth.
- The level of endorphins increases during hard work, as is well known, there is no more hard work than childbirth.
- Endorphins stimulate the production of prolactin - a hormone that regulates the work of the mammary glands. Researchers believe that the combination of these two hormones explains the feeling of "miracle" during childbirth.
- Endorphins may cause drowsiness postpartum women. In addition, low levels of this hormone in women who do a caesarean section before labor begins, probably explains their problems arising with lactation. Endorphins depends on the emotional background. Stress and anxiety can lead to increased production of stress hormones (catecholamines), which inhibit the action of endorphins.
- Endorphins act in different ways on different women, as well as conventional drugs. Maybe that's why some women are more sensitive to pain than others. Unlike artificial painkillers that result from injection into the body without warning and may cause complications, endorphins are constantly helping you during childbirth.