Hands Least of all are protected from the adverse effects of the environment. Therefore, to maintain youth, beauty, attractiveness and health is very important proper care for your hands in winter. Claus dry skin, frequent temperature changes the skin becomes rough and coarse. In the hands of cracks, peeling, redness. Furthermore, winter hand lacks vitamins, dehydrated skin, leading to premature aging. Weathered the cold, reddened hands look very unattractive. Hand care in the winter should be a special and especially careful.
Home care for your hands in winter begins with cleansing. Wash hands winter best with room temperature water, as hot water causes dryness and flaking, and cold water from the skin becomes hard and rough. Do not rub your hands strong, even if they are very dirty; better to use special cosmetics. Hide away, and it is better not to buy winter solid soaps (except for handmade soap with beneficial vitamins and herbal supplements), liquid soap on the skin much softer hand. Thoroughly wipe hands after contact with water.
Hand cream
Hand care in the winter involves the use of a nutrient and moisturizer. When choosing a hand cream in the winter, you should pay attention to its composition, and to know the features of some of its components. A good cream contains vitamins A, E, B5, beeswax, aloe vera, natural oils - cocoa, avocado, jojoba. They have a moisturizing and softening effect, bactericidal, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. For 35-40 minutes before going outdoors, apply on your hands nourishing cream and rub it thoroughly. Just before leaving, apply the cream again, it will cover the skin with a protective film and protect against frost. Choose a cream that is easily absorbed and leaves no unpleasant greasiness. After each hand washing is required to apply moisturizer. But before going to bed, you can apply a nourishing cream and fat more solid consistency.
2-3 times a week, pamper your hands with warm medicinal baths for hands. They provide stunning regenerative effect, soften, moisturize and nourish the skin.
Mix milk and a decoction of chamomile. The warm mixture lower your arms for a few minutes. Rinse with cool water. Chamomile promotes healing mikrotreschinok perfectly disinfects.
In a cup of olive or almond oil, add warm water and a little lemon juice. Hold hands for 10-15 minutes, then blot with a tissue. The skin smoothed, becomes soft and nails are less brittle.
A handful of flax seeds pour 2 cups hot water and cook until mushy state. Hold hand mixed for 15 minutes. This bath helps heal deep cracks on hands.
Rejuvenating bath for hands. In a glass of warm milk dissolve a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of olive oil. Hold hands lactic bath for 15 minutes. Blot dry with a towel and apply a nourishing cream.
If the skin on the hands is red, do contrast baths. Alternately discouraged in hot and then cold water - up to 10 times. Well, if it's a bath salt. After the procedure, lubricate your hands camphor ointment.
Scrub should be used 1-2 times a week. As a result, peeling the horny layer of the skin becomes thinner, and thus improving penetration of the active components of the cream. Apply scrub on your hands and rub in a circular massaging movements.
The rich cream, add a little sea salt, massage your hands for 2-3 minutes. Rinse the scrub with warm water.
Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of ground coffee. This scrub more gentle and well smoothes the skin. It can be used for the body, it gives the skin a beautiful aroma of coffee.
Grind in a coffee grinder sea salt and tangerine (you can and other citrus) crust. In the mixture, add 2-3 drops of essential oil of ylang-ylang and lemon.
Masks for hands
At least 2 times a week to do a mask for hands. In contrast to the daily care masks have a more profound therapeutic effect, helping women save hands in good shape. Before the procedure, 2-3 minutes, soak your hands in hot water - masks intensify. Imposing a mask on your hands, massage the skin very gently, taking care not to stretch it. Begin the massage with fingertips, then go directly to the fingers themselves, after - palm, massage done on the back of his hand.
Heat the vegetable oil and rub on hands. Wear cotton gloves and leave overnight. If the skin is not damaged, before oil can be wiped his hands half a lemon, is get rid of age spots.
Grate the raw potatoes, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask on for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Mix 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. All mix thoroughly and apply on the back of your hands for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and blot with a napkin.
Power Nail
Due to the lack of vitamins and minerals in the winter it suffers not only your skin but also nails. They become soft, brittle, dull. The cuticle dries and cracks. To deal with these problems will help nourishing oils. Mix 3 drops of eucalyptus oil, 5 drops of lavender oil and 10 ml of vegetable oil. Circular movements rub this mixture into the nail plate and cuticle several times a week. Contained in these oils, vitamins and minerals to soften cuticles and strengthen nails.
Home care does not always help to save the skin of hands, suffered from various negative factors. It became a popular salon treatment Paraffin. They nourish the skin, eliminates peeling, treat mikrotreschinki slow down the aging process and even prevent bone deformities. The difference between the state of the hands before and after the procedure visible to the naked eye. Paraffin is recommended held once every three to four weeks.
Your skin is cleaned conventional liquid soap, then massage with exfoliating scrub is performed. The next step - a hand massage. It relieves stress and increases blood circulation. Hands are lubricated with a special cream that will prevent the wax adhere to the skin. Then hands several times immersed in liquid paraffin and cellophane, top dressing gloves are worn. After 15 minutes, the film is removed and paraffin applied moisturizer. In just one session your skin becomes smooth, smooth and soft. This wonderful effect lasts more than a week.
A few tips
Home protection from frost - warm mittens or gloves. To go out, do not forget to put on or remove them unless absolutely necessary.
Wrong hand care in winter can give the age of even the most carefully watching a woman. Always wear rubber gloves whenever contact with water and household detergents!
Take your vitamins and minerals.
Drink at least two liters of water a day.
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You should not take seriously the notion that cold maintains the beauty. Frost and wind - a severe test for our skin. Constant temperature drops, the indoor air dry lead to overdrying and hence to the skin dehydration. The metabolism, nutrition skin loses its elasticity. Often, the skin becomes sluggish, unnaturally pale, there is irritation and peeling. Skin Care in winter should be particularly careful and gentle.
Skin cleansing
In no case do not wash with soap and water, it dries the skin, pulling moisture out of it. Replace soap gel for washing. Do not wash with water from the tap, especially hot. It causes vasodilation, causing the skin becomes flabby, listless, increasing its sensitivity to cold. In general, winter is better not to wash and clean the skin with special cosmetics. Dry skin - cosmetic cream or milk. Normal and combination skin - makeup remover that does not contain oil. If you have oily skin, consider yourself lucky, because it is much frost resistance than dry. But it needs to be cleaned more forgiving cosmetics - lotions, gels, tonics, and no alcohol.
Scrubs and peelings
In winter, under the influence of adverse factors, the skin becomes coarser, thicker particles can accumulate dead cells of the epidermis. Once or twice a week, use a mild exfoliating cream or scrub, specially selected for your skin type. If you have dry sensitive skin, scrubs and peels use extreme caution! You can use ready-made scrubs, or you can make your own.
Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of fine salt. Lightly spread the mixture in a circular motion on the face, massage a few minutes. After removing the scrub, apply to the skin nourishing cream. When used regularly, this skin exfoliation renew lighten age spots and freckles, skin becomes smooth and soft.
Take 1 tablespoon of ground almonds, milk powder, ground oats and a little olive oil. On a clean face, apply a small amount of the mixture and rub with light circular movements. This procedure will help get rid of peeling, cleanse the pores, starts the process of cell regeneration, prevents the appearance of pimples.
Moisturizing the skin
Proper skin care in winter will help avoid such troubles as peeling, excessive dryness, swelling, redness, appearance of small cracks, loss of elasticity. Our skin is 70% water. In cold weather, most of the time we spend in the heated rooms, so that our skin is too dry. Without moisturizers can not do. But there is one rule: any cosmetics containing water, applied to the skin 40-60 minutes before going outside. Otherwise, you risk frostbite cheeks, as a result, your skin will hurt, will start to peel off. It is better to use intensive moisturizer at night, when you no longer need to go out.
For skin care in winter choose a moisturizer with a denser texture than for summer. It is desirable that they comprised almond oil, aloe vera, azulene, walnut extract, D-panthenol. They moisturize, soothe, reduce redness. Apply the cream should be on the pre-cleansed face, remove the excess tissue.
In the heating season, the facial skin is literally dries and becomes rough. To prevent dry skin, you should increase the level of humidity inside the premises - purchase a humidifier. Several times a day, lightly sprinkle the face with boiled water from the sprinkler. Make-up is not corrupt, and the skin will get an extra helping of moisture.
Power Skin
In cold weather, the skin needs not only moisture, but also in the diet. Before going out for 30-40 minutes, apply on your face greasy nourishing cream. But do not apply it on the skin around the eyes - this delicate area requires special care. After 5 minutes, remove the excess cream cloth. Then apply foundation and powder. A good foundation has protective properties.
Protection from the sun during the winter months
Skin care in the winter assumes not only protect from frost, but also from the sun. Beauticians recommend to use a cream with a degree of protection of SPF-15. Apply it as the basis of a day cream or makeup. On sale is a moisturizing and nourishing agents, which include those already in SPF-filter.
Masks for capricious skin
For winter stay young and beautiful, do not be lazy, 1-2 times a week to do a hydrating mask. This applies particularly to those who have skin "capricious" and does not tolerate the cold wind and low temperature. The best time for cosmetic care - from 21 to 23 hours.
Heat the olive oil, sea buckthorn or refined sunflower oil. Dip it in a napkin and put on the face and neck. This mask will help to get rid of peeling and irritation of the skin, heal minor cracks.
1 tablespoon ground green tea mix with 3 tablespoons of yogurt. Apply the mask on clean face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Perfect for dry and sensitive skin.
2 tablespoons of flaxseed pour 2 cups of cold water, cook until mushy state. Hot mucous mass filter and still warm, apply on the face 20 minutes Rinse with warm water and apply face cream. Warm broth linen remove flaking and irritation. They can lubricate the lips.
Chapped Lips
Usually in the winter most affected lips. The skin on the lips is very sensitive to low temperatures, it is sensitive and thin. The lips crack and peel, losing its elasticity and shine. In winter, use more fatty lipstick, which include mink oil, jojoba oil, shea butter, avocado, vitamin E. But lip gloss is better not to use it. Every girl in the beautician has chapstick. It can be used as an independent cosmetic product and use as a base for decorative lipstick.
If the lips crack, a massage lips.
A soft toothbrush dipped cold boiled water, massage lips for 1 minute. Then apply them almond oil with one drop of lavender essential oil. Then massage your index finger, first the upper lip, then lower. This procedure will increase the blood circulation and give juiciness even withered lips.
Caring for the skin around the eyes
Take care of the skin around the eyes. She was very thin, delicate, there are few sebaceous glands, so demands the most careful attitude. Caring for the skin around the eyes in the winter involves the use of special cosmetics. Their main task - effectively reduces swelling, strengthens blood vessels, moisturize and nourish the skin, making it more elastic, slow the aging process. They should not be too fat, or can trigger swelling, redness, swelling, and even allergies.
Do not forget the winter to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Especially important for the maintenance of beauty vitamins A, C, E.Peyte mineral water, juices, teas rose hips and other herbs, to which you can add a spoonful of honey.
We wish you a beautiful and healthy through the winter. "Be brave, people. Summer is coming soon".