Massage Oil

Since ancient times, people have discovered a procedure such as massage. Even then they realized that massage treats the body and soul. Today reliably known, and other positive effects of massage - helps fight obesity, fatigue, calms and gives excellent state of health, it helps to produce endorphins.

To achieve a greater effect of the massage, use special cosmetics for massage. This will significantly speed up the penetration of nutrients, which are composed of a massage cosmetics, body tissue. Means for performing a massage very much, you can alternate and use them on their own. The task of professional cosmetics massage - to provide skin nourishment, care for her, and slide easily through the body.

Choosing cosmetic massage, consider your skin type. Ask the seller a consultant, he will tell you about the characteristics of a cosmetic cream for massage, as the rate of absorption into the skin, strength, ease of sliding.

For the massage can be used ointments, creams, oils, and gels. There are many simple ways to make massage oil, but a variety of finished cosmetic products so much that there is no need to do this.

There are several advantages of each of these agents. For example, massage cream perfectly softens the skin, nourish it, provide a comfortable sliding hands over the body, and thus increases the efficiency of the procedure. The biggest plus for massage creams - their balanced composition. It often includes a number of vitamins that are essential for skin care. This may be vitamins A, B, C, E and others, as well as extracts and extracts from various plants. For example, to combat obesity, often used the massage cream with caffeine and algae.

For high-quality massage is used as a special massage oil . Its main advantage - the naturalness, the lack of any kind of preservatives. They are absorbed into the skin better than creams and also provide a gentle glide. The result will be even better if you use massage a mixture of fat (basic) and essential oils. This creates the effect of aromatherapy, which is useful not only for your skin but for peace of mind.

Using massage oils

What could be better than a nice massage after a hard day's work. This is a great way to release tension in the muscles to relax and unwind. Apply and massage can also be for health purposes - as prevention of many diseases, and even as a way to treat certain diseases. For this purpose the therapist uses special warm-up, and anti-cellulite creams, gels, oils. In order to feel at ease and get rid of stress and tension, better used for light massage, essential oils.

Massage with oil has its pluses and minuses. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, this massage is perfect after a bath or shower. Essential components that are part of the aromatic oil have a positive effect on the brain, the nervous system. You will be able to achieve different results depending on the selected aromatherapy oils.

It is not necessary to pour out on the body of too much oil at once, because to do so would be very difficult to massage. Hands slide easily from the body and massage effect will be reduced to a minimum. Moreover, too large amount of oil on the body creates an unpleasant effect on body fat film. Otherwise, the massage oil is ideal for a relaxing massage.

Buy massage oil can be in virtually any cosmetic or specialty store. It can be used in pure form or create a special blend of different kinds of oils. Choose what kind of oil used to massage you can just rely on your tastes, in any case, it will not bring harm.

Mixture for massage includes a small amount of various essential oils and base oils. If you mix your own massage oil, be careful not to overdo it with the essential oils, which at high concentrations, may badly affect the state of your body: cause unwanted skin reactions (rash, redness), or trigger a headache. As a basic framework, you can use olive, almond and peach oil for massage. It serves as a good basis of avocado oil and grape seed oil massage. As the foundation is also used linseed oil for massage. Essential oils can be used in almost any. Some massage therapists use massage oil, but it is not very desirable. Although it nourishes your skin with vitamin E.

Be sure to check the properties of the chosen essential oil, since each of them has its own peculiarities. But there are some common to all the positive properties of essential oils.

If you are curious, what oil is suitable for massage, the answer is - absolutely any but reasonable doses. Absolutely all oils have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, a beneficial effect on emotions and mental health, have a cosmetic and dermatological properties. Almost all of the oil when used regularly remove the skin from the signs of injuries or burns. Many essential oils for massage possess analgesic effect, are erotic stimulants, well influence the state of the respiratory and circulatory. Essential oils for massage help cleanse the body of toxins and restore the activity of the body's immunity. Massage promotes rapid penetration of oil into the body, and hence the effect of it stronger.

If you frequently suffer from insomnia, you will quickly get tired and often sad, try to include in your massage oil lavender essential oil. In addition, it has a pleasant smell, it also has a calming effect, it helps to fight general weakness and neuroses. Indispensable to this oil to massage the feet.

A similar effect has also an essential oil laurel. Especially well this component affects the health of the female body. Olive oil massage can be an excellent basis for a massage or a mixture used independently, for dry skin. It is also ideal for home use if you decide to try to make a massage oil. To cope with insomnia and correct rhythm sleep perfect oil incense. It's also a very powerful anti-depressant. This component is better than many others suitable for head massage. Add 7-10 drops of essential oil of incense to 50 ml of base oil, mix well. A small amount of oil put on a slightly damp hair roots and massages, and then, the hair should be rinsed with warm water to remove any residual oil. This mixture removes hair loss, helps to get rid of dandruff and improves their elasticity.

If you are still in doubt, choose a massage oil, feel free to choose orange. It is perfect for a first massage. Massage with orange oil return skin firmness and elasticity, charge you with energy and vivacity for the whole day. Remarkable properties of essential oil of citrus: lemon and tangerine. These aromatic massage oils work best on your body. Each of them has antibacterial properties and is used as an antiseptic component. It helps with heart rhythm disturbances, has a tonic effect. Massage with lemon oil, will give you strength, will add energy and improve skin elasticity. It is also used as massage oil for belly to burn fat.

If you spend a massage for therapeutic purposes, such as pain in the muscles, massage the mixture can also add a little oil of bitter almonds .  This oil is ideally suited for back massage .  It has a narcotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect .  Do not overdo it with this tool! Almond Massage Oil contains hydrocyanic acid and its content is too high can cause intoxication .  Approximately the same properties has massage oil grape .  Analgesic and tonic effect also has the essential oil of peppermint .  It improves overall health and increases blood circulation .  Coconut oil massage has a nice relaxing experience and very well moisturizes the skin .  It can also serve as the basis for the oil mixture for massage .  Analgesic effect also has essential oil of geranium .  It has a pronounced odor of rose, so that a large number will cause unpleasant sensations .  Geranium great fights irritability and has a relaxing effect .

The exotic essential oils of ylang-ylang has a gentle, delicate aroma and is used as an aphrodisiac. It is believed that a massage with this oil not only relaxes your muscles, but also increase sexual desire. It helps normalize breathing and heart rate. This is the best oil for a relaxing massage.

 Massage Cream

Professional massage oils

Carefully choose how to massage oil. Be careful not to cause allergic reactions. Best massage oil on the market cosmetics Talasso Guam is perfectly suited for both home use and for professional massage. It is composed of natural ingredients, including algae are a major component of Guam. Also as part of the olive oil extract Andiroba oil, guarana and rice, which give the skin a smooth, silky and soft. Massage with this oil perfectly relaxes and relieves stress from tired muscles. During the massage, the oil nourishes and moisturizes your skin, stimulates the metabolism and improves circulation.

From the same manufacturer, you can try the oil for a relaxing massage with Dead Sea minerals. With it you can work on the problem areas of the skin, eliminating damage and pulling it. Massage with this oil is particularly pleasing that the oil has a nice subtle flavor. As a result, the session will complement your massage session soft aromatherapy.

Oil Thai massage Pleasure Massage Oil - can be used as self-massage tool, or as a base for the mixture. As part of the major components of this oil acts safflower oil, sweet almond and jojoba. Businesses often choose it for massages. This is the best oil for facial massage.

Every woman dreams of a quiet and easy childbirth. This can help in regular massage the perineum massage oil Weleda. This procedure will increase the blood circulation and increase the flexibility and extensibility of tissues. Massage Oil Weleda can be used from the 35th week of pregnancy. Its use will help reduce the risk of tearing or the need for incisions. Weleda massage oil, consisting entirely of natural ingredients.

Massage Oil Yves Rocher perfectly nourishes and cares for her. In its structure are arnica oil and other valuable components with softening and regenerating properties. Massage Oil Yves Rocher is designed to massage the hands, but you can use it for the body. Not bad also apply this oil to massage the abdomen, with the appearance of stretch marks.

If more than just oil massage you appreciate the effect of aromatherapy, then you might like Massage Oil Just. It is effective for skin care, providing medical and health benefits. This is one of the best oils for massage with health-improving effect. Good for dry skin, it becomes velvety and fresh, it increases its elasticity. It is successfully used as a massage oil for children.

Antiseptic and tonic properties has a popular oil for body massage Oleum Santali. It is used for nervous tension, insomnia. It has a positive impact both on women and on men. Which oil is best for a massage - you choose, based on personal preferences and individual characteristics.

Massage Cream

Choose a cream massage is right for you is easy. It is enough to trust your own taste, and to consult with the shop assistant. Besides various aromatic oils, massage creams can be used with numerous additional properties. It can be anti-cellulite, moisturizing creams warming. Modern cosmetic market offers a choice of many different creams for massage.

It has proven ESOBEL massage cream with anti-inflammatory action. It is a hypoallergenic cream that has shown good results in the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, trauma. It is used for anti-cellulite massage and general. As part of the funds is an extract of the mineralized mud, very useful for the overall condition of the body. It can be used as a painkiller for a massage.

Massage Cream from the company Amalgam Suite, a tonic effect, perfectly relax you after a hard day. It relieves pain from bruises, sports injuries and fatigue. It provides easy gliding over the body and does not cause difficulties during a massage. One of the key components of this cream is menthol and tea tree oil. They improve blood circulation and tones the skin and muscles, also nice to give a pleasant cooling effect.

Well proven cosmetics company ANNA PEGOVA. A lot of good reviews about it in the Internet network makes one believe in its quality. Releases Anna Pegova massage cream, which you can try for yourself. His anti-cellulite effect experienced many women and were satisfied.

Massage cream back "classic" (production Novosibirsk). It can be used for both personal and professional massage. Along with moisturizing and antiseptic effect on the time to protect your skin from damage. Due to the presence in the composition of aromatic oils, the cream has a pleasant smell and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin.

For pains in the joints or back, very effective cream for the back massage with extracts of ant alcohol. It warms up the muscles, improves circulation and is great for sports massage. Perfect for pain in the joints, or trauma, soothes pain and reduces swelling.

Many use baby cream for massage - it is bold enough to provide a good glide and good absorbed by the skin. In addition, it is extremely cheap and accessible to everyone.

Separately should be said about the cream for facial massage. It must be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the organism. In the markets and in beauty shops in your city, you will find plenty of massage cream, so list their names just does not make sense. Simply consult with a counselor at the store, it will help you to choose the desired cream. Many girls instead of oil to massage the face using ordinary wrinkle cream.

Not bad fit for a massage cream based on beeswax. Tentorium massage cream, as part of which has bee venom and propolis extracts. It is a multi-purpose cream that remarkable analgesic and improves skin condition. Tentorium massage cream that has proved to be enough, and as a remedy and as a cosmetic.

Creams, due to its oily bases, perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin, and in combination with a massage (often self-massage) they give doubled results. Massage cream should be soft texture should not spread . Of course, for effective facial massage, first of all, you need to know the technique of its implementation, and the cream will be a good addition to the procedure. It is designed to provide comfort and to achieve better results from the procedure.

 Oil and Cream for massage

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