Beautiful and healthy nails - an ornament of any woman. In addition, the nail color - it is a certain indicator of health status, as well as a certificate of good care of them. Sometimes, unfortunately, the nails may acquire an unpleasant yellow color, which is difficult to get rid of. Yellow nails look ugly and unhealthy, so the problem must be addressed immediately if it appears. First, remove the cause, and then proceed to the cosmetic whitening nails. There are several ways to whiten your nails: proven home remedies and professional cosmetics (eg, powders or nail polish whitening), which can be purchased at pharmacies and cosmetic stores.
If you are a lover of colored nail polish, it is likely that over time, your nails will become unpleasant yellowish hue. The fact that the nail varnish composition includes formaldehyde, which negatively affect the structure and condition of the nail plate.
The cause yellowing of nails
Nail Whitening - a cosmetic procedure, which helps to cope with yellowness, but not eliminate its cause. For nails turn yellow for a reason, the fact can be a number of reasons, and it is to eliminate them, and not the cosmetic defect.
The yellowish tint nails can be caused by a number of reasons. As the nail can be traced to the presence of harmful habits, health problems and ways to care for your nails.
Nails can change its color due to some health problems, such as liver disease or kidney disease. Determine the cause "by eye" is very difficult to establish the exact cause is necessary to analyze the blood. Yellow spots on the nails can also occur after long reception course of antibiotics (such as tetracycline).
Another reason for yellow nail - nail fungus. With his appearance, your nails immediately acquire yellow or brownish tint. This is because the fungus produces a coloring pigment, which fall under the fingernails, and remain there for long. Also shade nail fungal infection symptoms may be peeling nail or a specific odor. Do not try to diagnose and cure the fungus on their own, it is better to see a specialist. If the nails were yellow due to fungus, nail whitening lemon or peroxide does not give long-term results.
The most common reason for the appearance of yellow spots on the nails are smoking. In this case, the only way to eliminate the cause of yellow - quit smoking! Yes, and your body you for this "thank you" to say. If this is you can not afford, then you can think about is what you can whiten your nails, and to resort to bleaching agents.
Nails may turn yellow, if you're too fond of different nail polishes. Covering nail varnish, you make him feel the lack of oxygen, and because it is necessary for the normal state and colored nails. As a result, you get a yellow tinge nail and separation. The solution to this situation, there may be two. First - periodically polish nails special nail file for polishing, it will give your nails turn yellow. Second - just for a week or leave natural nails without covering them with colored varnish. Do this once a month, and prevent the appearance of yellow. Try to wear nail polish no longer than 4-5 days. After that, take a break for a day or two, this time fueled by essential oils and nails fat cream. Periodically make trays for whitening nourishing nails with herbs. Thus, you will not have to seek a solution to the problem of how to whiten the tips of the nails.
As a single cause can be identified, the so-called "yellow nail syndrome." It can manifest itself in older people, and sometimes in middle age. It may be associated with lung diseases or with impaired lymphatic system. Since the varnish is often caused by yellow nails before using it on your nails, apply a base substrate. So you can protect your nails from harmful effects of substances contained in the lacquer. The nails become healthier acquire the normal color and texture.
If you understand the cause and it was small, it can be used for whitening folk remedies. How to whiten your nails at home, read on.
Home remedies to whiten nails
If the yellowing of your nails is not related to the general state of the body, then you might want to learn a few ways to whiten your nails at home.
A little bit of help to lighten a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (4%), lemon juice, vinegar, lime juice. It is useful to wipe the nails cut raw potatoes. Perform these procedures should be regularly, every day. These home remedies are very good yellowish nails, for example, cut a small slice of lemon and rub it into your nails for five minutes. This procedure not only brightens nails, but also softens the cuticle and strengthens the nail itself. Lemon - it is the most effective way to whiten your nails at home, without resorting to the use of professional cosmetics. It is also the safest nail procedure. Unfortunately, one procedure will not give any results, in order to get that effect, rub lemon juice into the nails need at least a month on a regular basis, every day.
A very effective tool - a mixture of glycerin (1 part) and hydrogen peroxide (5 parts). Beautifully brightens nails salt bath. Take a few tablespoons of sea salt (it can be bought in any store cosmetics) and dissolve it in warm water. In this solution, if desired, you can add lemon juice and essential oils. Use a bleach bath for nails for 10-15 minutes a day. Within 3 weeks, you will see the first results - nails will be stronger and lighter acquire well-groomed appearance.
You can be prepared from the mixture of lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil. Such a mixture is necessary to wipe nails with a cotton sponge, after which they were carefully polished nail file. Very effective for bleaching nail various essential oils. Try a bath with jojoba oil, ylang-ylang. Stir a few drops of essential oil in warm water and dip your nails in a tub. The result is guaranteed. An excellent tool to combat bleaching trays are yellowish nail with chamomile. Take a couple of tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Lukewarm infusion apply on your nails with a cotton swab, or just drop your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.
To lighten the nails often used rose water. Take 40 ml of rose water, '10 glycerin and about 50 ml of peroxide. Very thoroughly mix the ingredients. Ready solution to lubricate the nails every day for a month. Be careful with this tool - because peroxide can cause skin irritation.
An excellent way of how quickly whiten nails, is also a solution of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda. The proportions are as follows: 1 tbsp peroxide 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir until the consistency of toothpaste (not in a metal bowl), and apply the mixture on your nails for 2-4 minutes. Be careful if you have wounds around the nail - it is better to use other means to whiten nails. For best results, try to clean your nails with a soft brush coated with a paste.
For clarification and strengthening of nails, is very useful light buffing with essential oils. This procedure is desirable to carry out no more than once a month, using only high quality polishing nail file. If there is no - it uses a small piece of suede. Oils can take any of what you no longer will have to taste (pine, patchouli, myrrh, lemon and tangerine oils).
Ironically, a good and proven tool for clarifying the nails are cosmetics for the care of dentures. Baths with such preparations will help to strengthen and lighten the nail plate. Use these trays for whitening the nail several times, until completely eliminate their yellow color.
It is also good to help cope with the problem of yellowing fingernails, a special pencil to whiten nails. To choose the right type of pencil can help you at the pharmacy. This tool is inexpensive, affordable, very easy to use, and most importantly, it has an excellent whitening effect.
Professional whitening agents
Bleach polish Nail Whitener, from the American company Orly designed specifically for the bleaching of the nail plate. This tool has a powder structure and is available in single bags. In its structure are useful tea tree oil. It cleans the fingernails of yellow spots, and it can be applied to natural and artificial nails. Applied as a means: the contents of the sachet should be dissolved in hot water when the bath has cooled a bit, immerse the hands hold them there for 10 minutes. After that you need to rinse your hands with clean water using a brush to remove the dirt. The procedure should be carried out regularly to get the result.
Another cosmetic company offers us Nubar - mask whitening polish Nail Clear. It eliminates unpleasant yellowness, prevent it, retain the original color of your nails. This mask is white, which is applied to the nails thick and remains so until dry. Only when the mask is transparent, you can remove its special cosmetic tissue. It is perfect for nail whitening at home.
Not cheap, but the quality of the means of mavala (Switzerland) - Mava-white. If you're wondering how to whiten yellowed nails as fast as possible, it means fit perfectly. It will help hide the kind of faded and yellowed nails. It can be used as the basic framework under the lacquer or as a standalone tool. At the core of this tool is a special pigment - titanium oxide. That it brightens nail without causing pigmentation of the nail plate. The tool is remarkable it is applied to the nail and strengthens it. This is the most simple and easy way to get rid of such problems as bleach toenails.
A good solution in the fight against yellowing nails is a whitening scrub Nail Brite. The structure of this tool includes natural lemon extract, special cleaner polish. For best results, you should use Nail Brite regularly for a few weeks, until the complete removal of yellow nails.
Bleach polish Seche (US) - Crystal Clear Base Coat is also great to help you cope with yellow nails. This basic coverage, which does not yellow, that many female clients tested. This is one of the cheapest options for getting rid of yellow nails. This nail polish, whitening the nail plate itself rather quickly and harmlessly.
If you manage to remove the yellowish nails, try to prevent its appearance again. To do this, use a high-quality cosmetics for strengthening and nail care. Thus, for example, nail polishes Nail Tek (USA) Hydration Therapy Color not contain formaldehyde, which appears yellow hue and nails. The company produces a wide variety of shades of nail polish, for every taste. Thus, you can prevent the appearance of yellow and nourish nails vitamins.
If you are faced with the problem of yellow nails, try to start the nail whitening at home more gentle home remedies, and only then if that does not work, proceed to the use of expensive cosmetics. In any case, it is easier to prevent a problem than get rid of it. Take your vitamins, eat food rich in calcium, try to smoke less. If the yellow color is caused by nail fungus or disease, consult a physician.